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Dave Syndrome
Jan 11, 2007
Look, Bernard. Bernard, look. Look. Bernard. Bernard. Look. Bernard. Bernard. Bernard! Bernard. Bernard. Look, Bernard! Bernard. Bernard! Bernard! Look! Bernard! Bernard. Bernard! Bernard, look! Look! Look, Bernard! Bernard! Bernard, look! Look! Bern

Alan G posted:

One of the characters in Preturnia looked to be Zodak/Zodac or similar in design too

That's because the Wun-Darr toy wears a repainted version of Zodac's armor.

So far my favorite easter egg was Evil-Lyn's staff. Her toy has a long staff with a globe on top, while in the Filmation series the staff was really short, more like a mace. In this series the staff started out as the long toy version until Teela cuts it in half, effectively turning it into the short Filmation version. Literally deep cuts.

Second favorite (and slightly more obvious) easter egg: Skeletor's comment "Smells like pine" about Moss Man. Which, of course, the original toy did as well.


May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Wait, are you saying that the Moss Man toy actually smelled like pine!?

Just watched the 1st episode, seems pretty good so far, I like how it FINALLY explains why Castle Greyskull is so drat important!

Mar 31, 2007
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

Dave Syndrome posted:

That's because the Wun-Darr toy wears a repainted version of Zodac's armor.

So far my favorite easter egg was Evil-Lyn's staff. Her toy has a long staff with a globe on top, while in the Filmation series the staff was really short, more like a mace. In this series the staff started out as the long toy version until Teela cuts it in half, effectively turning it into the short Filmation version. Literally deep cuts.

Second favorite (and slightly more obvious) easter egg: Skeletor's comment "Smells like pine" about Moss Man. Which, of course, the original toy did as well.

On a similar note, at one point Man-at-Arms takes a club-arm thing off one of the tech-cultists and it looks exactly like the weapon the original figure came with.

Aug 27, 2011

So is clownfish TV just blowing it all out of proportion? I'm surprised they got so mad, I saw the first few episodes and I could totally recognize the goofy vehicles that were originally toys from 35 years ago.

Aug 8, 2006

Corpse runner

Thank you for sparing me the heartbreak and disappointment of waiting for this through the series.

Oct 5, 2010

Ironslave posted:

Thank you for sparing me the heartbreak and disappointment of waiting for this through the series.

It’s a pity as I’m pretty sure Hamill could have pulled it off too.

Panfilo posted:

So is clownfish TV just blowing it all out of proportion? I'm surprised they got so mad, I saw the first few episodes and I could totally recognize the goofy vehicles that were originally toys from 35 years ago.

Are you really surprised given some of the reactions to SPoP? Based on what little we’ve seen the same fans will likely throw a shitfit over the CGI series too.

But yeah, in my opinion Revelation was much better than I expected/feared it was going to be based in the initial spoilers. Too bad we have to wait until sometime next year before we get the second half.

Larryb fucked around with this message at 05:51 on Jul 24, 2021

Apr 1, 2004

by vyelkin
I just finished the episodes and I came in not expecting much and was really, really impressed. It brings a lot to the table and mostly succeeds. There is a lot of character development and fleshing out of various things. I am quite interested in seeing more of how certain characters ended up how they did.

I can’t wait for part 2. Shame it will be a year away.

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
So is there a dedicated thread to discuss MoTU or are we just doing that here?

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Well that was quite fun, I enjoyed it a lot and am looking forward to Part 2 whenever it drops. It struck a lot of the same tonal notes as She-Ra did, even the same dumb humour. lol that chuds got mad over the toy show, they’re loving idiots.

Also Orko dying was a massive gut punch, but it’s okay because they’ve clearly set it up that he’s coming back as Oracle from ‘02 He-Man in Part 2.

Sep 11, 2001

We go play orbital catch around the curvature of the earth, son.

Panfilo posted:

So is clownfish TV just blowing it all out of proportion? I'm surprised they got so mad, I saw the first few episodes and I could totally recognize the goofy vehicles that were originally toys from 35 years ago.

Clownfish TV is a antiwoke clickbait channel. Channels like that have opinions on media that tend to be very pedestrian and reactionary, because they're trying to pander to a particular narrative about media, to the tonedeaf exclusion of anything of value in a work they're raging about. People of that mentality are also ~extremely online~ and in spite of being vocal enough to reviewbomb and downvote, don't really matter in the scheme of things as they are only a very small number of the people who will actually watch the show. Most regular people (and kids) are going to watch the show and enjoy it on its own terms.

I do think it's hilarious though, that the same people who raged for years claiming that Rey in Star Wars & MCU Captain Marvel are Mary Sues are mad that Kevin Smith didn't make HMR into a Gary Stu vehicle. I think a lot of these people have lost all perspective.

Anyway, there's a lot of stuff in this first season that is layered, texutred, and interesting - setting up HUGE stakes that will pay off later. They also pulled off making He-man/Adam as more of an actual hero who means something, to the world and to the other characters, rather than just be a shallow boy scout. I was genuinely impressed.

Spacedad fucked around with this message at 10:54 on Jul 24, 2021

Dave Syndrome
Jan 11, 2007
Look, Bernard. Bernard, look. Look. Bernard. Bernard. Look. Bernard. Bernard. Bernard! Bernard. Bernard. Look, Bernard! Bernard. Bernard! Bernard! Look! Bernard! Bernard. Bernard! Bernard, look! Look! Look, Bernard! Bernard! Bernard, look! Look! Bern
LOL @ the discrepancy on rottentomatoes between the critics (94%) and the viewers (27%). The crybabies are really coming out in force, with such nuanced reviews as "Terrible, awful pile of crap I wish Kevin Smith would just gently caress off" and "Kevin Smith lied" a hundred times over.

Did I love all of it? Hell no. Randor and Teela's reactions to the "Revelation" seemed completely over the top and were obviously just there to get the plot going.
Teela was definitely too "strong" a character for my taste, inasmuch as she's never really told by anyone that she overreacted, and she seems to be validated in all her decisions. I have no problem having her be a powerful person (considering who her mother is), but Adam definitely showed more maturity and selflessness than her.
And I get that she's on a journey and her character will change, but right from the start she's not a very likable protagonist, and just a bit of better writing might have fixed that.

But there was enough in there to like. Orko and Evil-Lyn were genuinely enjoyable, the action scenes were great, and since I've actively been avoiding spoilers, I absolutely did not see the end coming. Looking forward to the next half.

EDIT: Oh, and "Zoar-monger" as an insult was painfully cringy.

Dave Syndrome fucked around with this message at 10:59 on Jul 24, 2021

Sep 11, 2001

We go play orbital catch around the curvature of the earth, son.
I think it's very much a taste thing.

They made an entire narrative emotional arc out of a question that kids have been asking since the original show, which is why doesn't Adam tell Teela he is He-man. So the first season is actually really clever narrative arc of the fallout and reconciliation from that question. A lot of the negative-review-bombing dorks raging about the show don't see just how deeply loving clever starting off the first half of the series that way is.

I was completely invested in Teela - they pulled off giving her weight to her character, and she carried the show. The best scene in the show by far was her being terrorized by and then facing down scare-glow. Scare-glow's voice actor was amazing and gave Teela's character something terrifying & meaningful to overcome.

This is a story that has weight, teeth and texture to it the same way that a campy but well-written young adult fantasy novel does. Which is a loving amazing feat, considering this is a show that came out of a corny toy infomercial.

Edit: Also anyone who doesn't see that the series is setting up Andra as becoming a new 'Champion of Grayskull' which will mean Teela is the new Man-At-Arms mentor/sidekick to her He-man should probably have their head examined. There's frequent talk of passing the torch to new champions in the show, and Andra seems to be showing qualities that will make her a good hero when she takes center stage later. The line with Skeletor going 'who are you?' in particular at the end, insulting this new face, seems like a moment of hubris on skeletor's part that is going to come back to rather satisfyingly bite him in the rear end. Anyway, we can look forward to the antiwoke manchildren raging again when that audience-telegraph gets revealed. :laugh:

Spacedad fucked around with this message at 11:29 on Jul 24, 2021

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Also imagine my shock that angry manchildren are repulsed by yet another narrative where the core thematic thread is "grow the gently caress up, get your poo poo together, and stop living in the past." :rolleyes:

It's like there's some sort of trend going on here...

Sep 11, 2001

We go play orbital catch around the curvature of the earth, son.

nine-gear crow posted:

Also imagine my shock that angry manchildren are repulsed by yet another narrative where the core thematic thread is "grow the gently caress up, get your poo poo together, and stop living in the past." :rolleyes:

It's like there's some sort of trend going on here...

My response to people like that is to tell them to log off and go see an opera or go to a museum or something.

As in, get some culture and perspective outside of navel-gazing at your nostalgia-media hoard.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Spacedad posted:

I think it's very much a taste thing.

They made an entire narrative emotional arc out of a question that kids have been asking since the original show, which is why doesn't Adam tell Teela he is He-man. So the first season is actually really clever narrative arc of the fallout and reconciliation from that question. A lot of the negative-review-bombing dorks raging about the show don't see just how deeply loving clever starting off the first half of the series that way is.

I was completely invested in Teela - they pulled off giving her weight to her character, and she carried the show. The best scene in the show by far was her being terrorized by and then facing down scare-glow. Scare-glow's voice actor was amazing and gave Teela's character something terrifying & meaningful to overcome.

This is a story that has weight, teeth and texture to it the same way that a campy but well-written young adult fantasy novel does. Which is a loving amazing feat, considering this is a show that came out of a corny toy infomercial.

Edit: Also anyone who doesn't see that the series is setting up Andra as becoming a new 'Champion of Grayskull' which will mean Teela is the new Man-At-Arms mentor/sidekick to her He-man should probably have their head examined. There's frequent talk of passing the torch to new champions in the show, and Andra seems to be showing qualities that will make her a good hero when she takes center stage later. The line with Skeletor going 'who are you?' in particular at the end, insulting this new face, seems like a moment of hubris on skeletor's part that is going to come back to rather satisfyingly bite him in the rear end. Anyway, we can look forward to the antiwoke manchildren raging again when that audience-telegraph gets revealed. :laugh:

Yeah I can see that. Basically Andra is going to the new He-Man, Teela is going to be the new Man-At-Arms, and Orko is going to be the new Sorceress as Oracle. And Adam is going to be the new King Randor, only a much better ruler becaise gently caress King Randor.

Oh and Duncan and Sorceress get to loving retire because they're both hella old, let them rest already.

nine-gear crow fucked around with this message at 11:34 on Jul 24, 2021

Sep 26, 2006


Larryb posted:

2: Does Skeletor say “nya” at any point?

I wasn't that big a fan of the old show, and only saw bits and pieces of it as a kid so I'm not the biggest fan by any stretch, but did Skeletor in the old show actually say/go "nyaa" much? When you look on YouTube for Skeletor stuff, it's always the one clip of him doing it so it seems like it's just a thing that happened once and that fans are blowing out of proportion in import.

nine-gear crow posted:

Yeah I can see that. Basically Andra is going to the new He-Man, Teela is going to be the new Man-At-Arms, and Orko is going to be the new Sorceress as Oracle. And Adam is going to be the new King Randor, only a much better ruler becaise gently caress King Randor.

I would assume in that case that Evil-Lynn will be the new Skeletor, given her talk about having dreams and ambitions of her own. Which is disappointing, since, in considering it, having her become the new Sorceress would be great and a nice redemptive arc showing that even someone evil can become an icon of heroism. That aside, if it does end with Teela, Andra and Evil-Lynn becoming the new generation of Man-at-Arms, He-Man and Skeletor then Twitter whining will loving explode.

tsob fucked around with this message at 15:00 on Jul 24, 2021

Apr 26, 2008

Spacedad posted:

I think a lot of these people have lost all perspective.

There was never a perspective, they just want the lovely status quo from 40 years ago to continue.

Also most people talking about this I guarantee either weren't alive when the original series aired or hadn't thought about He-Man for years until they smelled something to bait chuds with.

Oct 5, 2010

Vietnamwees posted:

So is there a dedicated thread to discuss MoTU or are we just doing that here?

This seems to have become the general MoTU thread, yes

Also, did Adam’s mom know who he really was in the OG series as well or is that a detail Revelation added?

Larryb fucked around with this message at 15:02 on Jul 24, 2021

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost
Having not seen any spoilers but the trailer:

1) There was a surprising lack of He-Man
2) There was a surprising amount of girl power (and this was a good thing).

In all, I thought it worked pretty well. The side characters have always been a bit more interesting than He-Man, since most of his tension is focused on maintaining his secret identity, so moving the focus to them was probably the right idea. I especially like Evil-Lynn, so I was pretty bummed when she goes back to Skeletor's side at the end. Though I guess there's always a chance that the 2nd half of the season will have her go "wait, I've been in this toxic pattern before" and let her live up to the speech she gave Teela about living for her own goals instead of wasting her life helping Skeletor with his.

The heroic sacrifices were a bit much though.

Sep 11, 2001

We go play orbital catch around the curvature of the earth, son.

Szmitten posted:

There was never a perspective, they just want the lovely status quo from 40 years ago to continue.

Also most people talking about this I guarantee either weren't alive when the original series aired or hadn't thought about He-Man for years until they smelled something to bait chuds with.

Not even that. I don't think these people even know what they want.

If it was more like the original, it would have also been seen as 'too woke' and 'virtue signaling' too because...well. Just look:

If things were too edgy, they would have complained it is too edgy. If things set up surprisingly mature emotional stakes that don't give the easy fanservice answer, it's 'woke.'

What possible form could this have taken that wouldn't have resulted in some kind of backlash from these bozos.

The only thing I can think of is if they basically just made a really boring dungeon crawl with pretty animation, but no serious conflict or emotional stakes. Which could still potentially invite backlash for being too shallow.

That's the problem with the fandom menace mob - if you want to make meaningful work or a take that isn't just shallow fanservice specifically aimed at 'pleasing the fandom menace' types, there's not really any pleasing them. They want to feel like THEIR subset is being pandered to - even though their tastes are inherently contradictory to what they object to. (Also, remember that these are the same morons who even turned on Zack Snyder after he trashed them for being toxic philistine reactionaries.) Any work whose creators aren't going out of their way to court and pander to them and their antiwoke narrative specifically is going to invite their backlash no matter what it does.

That's why there's no pleasing them. They're going to rage no matter what - and the fandom menace clickbait youtubers who have built careers out of that outrage have a monetary incentive to be as negative as possible. That's also why their lovely opinions are irrelevant.

It just sucks that they are going to make a lot of negative noise on social media that is outsize to their actual very-niche size.

Spacedad fucked around with this message at 16:42 on Jul 24, 2021

The Last Call
Sep 9, 2011

Rehabilitating sinner
The part that fascinated me the most:

The show has always been a combination of fantasy and sci fi so what happens when the fantasy element begins to fail? Tri-Klops creating some crazy technology based religion made a lot of sense. I mean if one aspect of life fails and you got this other side to everything why wouldn't you lean into that as some sort of salvation or a way to keep going forward. I really want to know what was that stuff he had people drinking. Is there something else behind it all? I really wanted to know more.

Oct 5, 2010

From what I understand the miniseries as a whole isn’t really all that long so out of curiosity, is there a particular reason why they didn’t just dump the whole thing on us at once?

The Last Call
Sep 9, 2011

Rehabilitating sinner
It's one of those nutty things Netflix does.

And there's another Masters of the Universe show in the works, this is a stand alone project.

Oct 5, 2010

The Last Call posted:

It's one of those nutty things Netflix does.

And there's another Masters of the Universe show in the works, this is a stand alone project.

Yeah, from what I understand the other series will be a complete reboot ala SPoP that’ll be a more full fledged show while this is just a short little sequel aimed at the older fans. Which is why I find it odd they’re splitting it up into parts like this (I wonder if Revelation Part 2 and the CGI series will wind up overlapping in terms of release dates or if the latter will start first)

Speaking of, now that Revelation is out I wouldn’t be surprised if they started promoting the other show before too much longer.

The Last Call
Sep 9, 2011

Rehabilitating sinner

Larryb posted:

Yeah, from what I understand the other series will be a complete reboot ala SPoP that’ll be a more full fledged show while this is just a short little sequel aimed at the older fans. Which is why I find it odd they’re splitting it up into parts like this (I wonder if Revelation Part 2 and the CGI series will wind up overlapping in terms of release dates or if the latter will start first)

Speaking of, now that Revelation is out I wouldn’t be surprised if they started promoting the other show before too much longer.

A picture leaked the other day of the new show in the works, it appears to show the Sorceress. I can tell you now people will likely be livid due to the design judging from the reaction to this.

Sep 26, 2006

I can tell you that some section of the internet would be livid regardless of what the design was. A different section might be mad dependent on the specifics, but some section will find reason to be angry no matter what.

Oct 5, 2010

The Last Call posted:

A picture leaked the other day of the new show in the works, it appears to show the Sorceress. I can tell you now people will likely be livid due to the design judging from the reaction to this.

Yeah, and before that there were two toy leaks of He-Man and Skeletor presumably from the same series that also looked slightly redesigned.

Considering there are seriously people out there who hate SPoP solely because the characters “look different” there will absolutely be people who throw a shitfit over the new series as well (as has been mentioned, some of this fandom seems to carry around this weird idealized version of the show in their heads and anything that deviates from it will essentially be garbage to them. They’re never going to be happy so stop paying attention to them).

Based on what little we know I’m actually looking forward to the reboot personally (especially the promise of other characters getting time in the spotlight and nearly every entry in the franchise thus far getting a nod of some kind). The studio behind it seems to have a pretty good track record from what I’ve found as well.

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

Larryb posted:

(as has been mentioned, some of this fandom seems to carry around this weird idealized version of the show in their heads and anything that deviates from it will essentially be garbage to them. They’re never going to be happy so stop paying attention to them).

The original shows aired way before my time, but I dimly remember watching reruns on TV in the 1990s as a kid and then the 02 reboot in junior high. Before SPOP hit Netflix, I watched the trailers, so I got a whole bunch of recommendations from the algorithm for OG She-Ra and He-Man cartoons.

Holy cow.

idk how anyone could watch the newer shows and not find them a huge improvement over the originals. Cut rate animation, limited motion, obvious toy commercials, and paper thin characterization all around. Basically anything would be an improvement.

Not sure if it would be less embarrassing to be mad because you earnestly think the old shows were great works of art vs just being mad because you're a chud.

Oct 5, 2010

Yeah, the old shows had their fun moments but I was honestly never really a fan as a kid. Though despite that I still had almost no trouble at all following along with Revelation.

While the new shows aren’t perfect either I honestly prefer them over the originals from a story (and in a lot of cases, a character) perspective. Plus they’ve still got plenty of the goofy fun the originals were known for.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Larryb posted:

Yeah, the old shows had their fun moments but I was honestly never really a fan as a kid. Though despite that I still had almost no trouble at all following along with Revelation.

While the new shows aren’t perfect either I honestly prefer them over the originals from a story (and in a lot of cases, a character) perspective. Plus they’ve still got plenty of the goofy fun the originals were known for.

I loved the old shows when I was kid, but I was also 4 years old at the time so that doesn't really say much. As an adult most of my enjoyment of them has come from their low-budget jankiness; I've certainly never felt the need to praise them for their plot.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Arc Light posted:

Not sure if it would be less embarrassing to be mad because you earnestly think the old shows were great works of art vs just being mad because you're a chud.

I made the mistake of checking out r/television and the MotU subreddit and my god people are ripshit mad about this, and for the stupidest possible reasons. They are once again angry that that their toys betrayed them and told them it's time to grow up, oh and by the way, women exist.

Oh and they don't understand how storytelling works.

Aug 7, 2006


Larryb posted:

Also, did Adam’s mom know who he really was in the OG series as well or is that a detail Revelation added?

She did, this is something from the original series. It’s fairly blatant in one of her back story episodes about her being an Earth astronaut.

Teek fucked around with this message at 22:36 on Jul 24, 2021

Oct 19, 2009

Roëmænce is ælive!
Watched the show. Was totally whelmed.

Note that this means it exceeded my expectations because as a general rule I am not a fan of Kevin Smith.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Teek posted:

She did, this is something from the original series. It’s fairly blatant in one of her back story episodes about her being an Earth astronaut.

This is also the basis for the He-Man/She-Ra Christmas Special crossover. Just "Queen Marlena teaches Eternia about what Christmas is and Horde Prime gets freaked out by all the holiday joy and sends Skeletor and Hordak to ruin Christmas for everyone."

These shows were dumb.

nine-gear crow fucked around with this message at 22:39 on Jul 24, 2021

Oct 5, 2010

nine-gear crow posted:

I made the mistake of checking out r/television and the MotU subreddit and my god people are ripshit mad about this, and for the stupidest possible reasons. They are once again angry that that their toys betrayed them and told them it's time to grow up, oh and by the way, women exist.

Oh and they don't understand how storytelling works.

Hell, weren’t the 80’s shows also fairly progressive for the time in some ways?

For that matter how did the first reboot (the 2002 series) do in regards to giving the characters agency/depth?

Larryb fucked around with this message at 22:41 on Jul 24, 2021

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Larryb posted:

Hell, weren’t the 80’s shows also fairly progressive for the time in some ways?

For that matter how did the first reboot (the 2002 series) do in regards to giving the characters agency/depth?

Oh hell yes. Even on the 80s show, the actually competent and smart ones who weren't He-Man were Teela, Queen Marlena, Duncan, Sorceress, and Evil-Lyn, and guess who's in the winners circle in Revelation too? (along with Orko, finally)

If 02 He-Man came out today as-is, it would have been met with the same head-popping reaction. gently caress, they humanized SKELETOR in '02 He-Man. He actually has a reason for why he's evil and a backstory to explain it.

E: wait, there was ANOTHER He-Man sequel/reboot before '02? Huh?

nine-gear crow fucked around with this message at 22:58 on Jul 24, 2021

Oct 5, 2010

Huh, I never saw New Adventures but always assumed it was a sequel. How does that one hold up?

nine-gear crow posted:

Oh hell yes. Even on the 80s show, the actually competent and smart ones who weren't He-Man were Teela, Queen Marlena, Duncan, Sorceress, and Evil-Lyn, and guess who's in the winners circle in Revelation too? (along with Orko, finally)

If 02 He-Man came out today as-is, it would have been met with the same head-popping reaction. gently caress, they humanized SKELETOR in '02 He-Man. He actually has a reason for why he's evil and a backstory to explain it.

Speaking of, why is it that the 02 show seems to get a pass from the fanbase despite changing almost as much as the more modern shows did (hell, Cringer doesn’t even talk in that one)?

Angry Lobster
May 16, 2011

Served with honor
and some clarified butter.
Haven't watched He-Man in many decades. Revelations is decent.

The animation and style is fine. I liked the character development of Orko and Evil-Lyn, of all things. Would be nice if Orko comes back in one way or another. Lyn is the Harley Quinn to Skeletor's Joker and I got really disappointed when she went back with Skeletor again at the end of episode five. Teela as a character didn't resonate much with me and honestly I can't put my finger on why.

I can understand if some people got annoyed because they just wanted it to be focused around He-Man and Skeletor and, for now, it has been going on a very different route. However a lot of the angry reviews I've seen in some places are just blowing it out of proportion and some people need to grow up.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Angry Lobster posted:

Haven't watched He-Man in many decades. Revelations is decent.

The animation and style is fine. I liked the character development of Orko and Evil-Lyn, of all things. Would be nice if Orko comes back in one way or another. Lyn is the Harley Quinn to Skeletor's Joker and I got really disappointed when she went back with Skeletor again at the end of episode five. Teela as a character didn't resonate much with me and honestly I can't put my finger on why.

I can understand if some people got annoyed because they just wanted it to be focused around He-Man and Skeletor and, for now, it has been going on a very different route. However a lot of the angry reviews I've seen in some places are just blowing it out of proportion and some people need to grow up.

Sarah Michelle Geller is kinda flat as Teela in a lot places where she needs to be more nuanced, also turning Teela into a street-level replacement He-Man and her turning out to be kind of bland also exposes the original underlying problem with He-Man too--he's boring as poo poo most of the time. That's what those flashbacks at the start of each episode help emphasize where He-Man does A Thing in the past, and then Teela also does The Same Thing in the present. Teela's fear sequence in Subternia really helps re-contextualize what He-Man actually is in this situation: a barrier between her and Adam that needs to be torn down for their relationship to survive. Also Orko's death is clearly telegraphed to let you know he's coming back, I'll bet on it. You can clearly see he teleported away with Scare Glow before the explosion, the question is where? *cough*trolla*cough* And they're clearly going to need an absurdly powerful magic user to beat Skeletor and maybe win Lyn back from the dark side for good too. This poo poo ain't done yet, just you wait.


Sep 11, 2001

We go play orbital catch around the curvature of the earth, son.
One of the show's main writers confirmed that Adam is not dead, just wounded, and will be coming back in the second half of the season. Kevin Smith also further confirmed that He-man will be back as well. So yeah, the show is just setting up really dire stakes.

Article with that info here:

The Last Call posted:

The part that fascinated me the most:

The show has always been a combination of fantasy and sci fi so what happens when the fantasy element begins to fail? Tri-Klops creating some crazy technology based religion made a lot of sense. I mean if one aspect of life fails and you got this other side to everything why wouldn't you lean into that as some sort of salvation or a way to keep going forward. I really want to know what was that stuff he had people drinking. Is there something else behind it all? I really wanted to know more.

I also liked that Roboto is the counterpoint to Tri-Klops's technocult. He really is a transhuman - a being created out of the neuropathways of his creators - but he's compassionate, caring, and accepting of others different from himself. I'm vaguely wondering if Tri-Klops or his ilk might wind up humbling himself to this Robot Jesus making a possible miraculous 'return' in season 2. But yeah, Roboto shows that even with magic failing, maybe the technology can still offer hope - and in fact, he offers hope when he fuses magic with technology....which uh, makes me wonder if the magic fused with him might make him really do a Robot Jesus.

Spacedad fucked around with this message at 23:43 on Jul 24, 2021

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