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Oct 5, 2010

I’m hoping the reboot has a kickass theme song like Warriors as well:

I think that might be the only theme in the franchise with actual lyrics as well (aside from I Have The Power that is).

Larryb fucked around with this message at 21:27 on Jul 28, 2021


nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Combat Pretzel posted:

Did he actually tweet this poo poo out explicitly, too? Because I'm wondering about all those tears that showed up on my Youtube feed about loving He-Man, and they keep coming. Main reason I'm perusing this thread to begin with. Is the peanut gallery ignoring specific context again?

The key shared factor about about all these YouTube crybabies who scream about this kind of poo poo is that they don't actually know how television and movie production actually works. Like to a comical degree. Especially when it comes to animation.

Also these people are generally just really stupid and ignorant. Normal people all unanimously really seem to like this show.

The Last Call
Sep 9, 2011

Rehabilitating sinner

Azubah posted:

Wasn't Lyn a clone of Teela or the Sorceress? Originally I mean.


Her father is quite the person himself.

Sep 26, 2006


moths posted:

This was after that scene, when literally nobody was attacking her castle because there was nothing there to steal and no armies left.

It was "oh what if the guy we just defeated uh wants to go check if there's anything left in Sorceress's basement."

What does that matter? Teela wanted him to go there because "what if the guy we just defeated wants to attack another magical bastion just like he's attacked other places with extant magic; which he has cause to do because he's literally a zealot about technology and is attacking any magic left to prove the superiority of technology"; and guess what? He did. When they arrive at Greyskull the same guy is attacking it with a big army, and had been doing so for some time according to Man-at-Arms. So the fear was completely reasonable, and having someone else there to help protect that magical bastion is not "babysitting". What is the actual difference between having Man-at-Arms there off screen for several episodes and having him there off screen for several episodes minus one scene where his presence felt awkward and after which he leaves for the same purpose anyway?

tsob fucked around with this message at 19:55 on Jul 28, 2021

Aug 25, 2004

I would also still appreciate some danger.

You've got the sequence of events very wrong.

E: Ih I think i see what you're saying, but while that might make real-world tactical sense it would be lovely writing.

Sep 26, 2006

On the other hand, I think inserting Man-at-Arms in that scene is lovely writing, and having him doing something off-screen that pays off later is simple foreshadowing.

Aug 25, 2004

I would also still appreciate some danger.

It effectively conveys something you disagree with. It's fine to acknowledge, but doesn't make it bad.

Sep 26, 2006


moths posted:

It effectively conveys something you disagree with. It's fine to acknowledge, but doesn't make it bad.

Of course it's fine to acknowledge if that's true, but as I said, I don't think it is because I don't think that scene effectively does the thing people have said it's there for and I don't think that scene adds anything of note. I think it's poo poo not because it's doing a thing I disagree with, but because it's doing a thing I don't think is necessary and doing it badly to boot.

Nov 3, 2004

My mother is a fish.

Azubah posted:

Wasn't Lyn a clone of Teela or the Sorceress? Originally I mean.

No but Teela and Lyn's action figures where made using the same mold. Effectively they where variants of the same action figure. They did the same thing with Merman and Stinkor.

side_burned fucked around with this message at 21:31 on Jul 28, 2021

Aug 25, 2004

I would also still appreciate some danger.

tsob posted:

Of course it's fine to acknowledge if that's true, but as I said, I don't think it is because I don't think that scene effectively does the thing people have said it's there for and I don't think that scene adds anything of note. I think it's poo poo not because it's doing a thing I disagree with, but because it's doing a thing I don't think is necessary and doing it badly to boot.

Oh ok.

Dec 8, 2006

by Fluffdaddy

nine-gear crow posted:

Also these people are generally just really stupid and ignorant. Normal people all unanimously really seem to like this show.

I disagree they know or have the capacity to understand it. They just are farming click bate youtube bucks/super chats

And it seems they have both the Show and KS to go after so everyday they can make videos rehashing the show or smith. The rage is an easy way to get engagement and be rewarded with money.

Lets say in the next 5 episodes all these rear end in a top hat get a teela they want, and the heman they want. They wills till bitch.

my loving youtube page is just loving TRASH NOW is there a way to tell youtube I dont wanna hear about loving heman

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Ups_rail posted:

I disagree they know or have the capacity to understand it. They just are farming click bate youtube bucks/super chats

And it seems they have both the Show and KS to go after so everyday they can make videos rehashing the show or smith. The rage is an easy way to get engagement and be rewarded with money.

Lets say in the next 5 episodes all these rear end in a top hat get a teela they want, and the heman they want. They wills till bitch.

my loving youtube page is just loving TRASH NOW is there a way to tell youtube I dont wanna hear about loving heman

There's a browser extension called BlockTube for Firefox and Chrome, and a similar one for Opera too. Install it and you can use the "..." menu that normally lets you report videos to either block individual videos or even whole channels from ever showing up anywhere on your browser again. Just search He-Man and use it to calibrate your block list. That's about the only effective way to do it on PC. Sadly nothing helps for mobile browsing though.

Luckily a lot of these same channels get mad over everything pop-culture related so I whacked all of them years ago when they started screaming about The Last Jedi and have never had to deal with them directly since.

Sep 26, 2006

You can just choose "Don't Recommend Channel" from the "..." menu beside a video on YouTube. At least on mobile. I believe the "Not interested" option on PC does the same thing. I had one video for Clownfish pop up a few days ago, clicked "Don't Recommend Channel" and haven't gotten anything since. I'm pretty sure I've selected it for other channels over the years and never seen any of them again either, so it seems pretty comprehensive from my experience with it.

Jul 15, 2017

nine-gear crow posted:

Luckily a lot of these same channels get mad over everything pop-culture related so I whacked all of them years ago when they started screaming about The Last Jedi and have never had to deal with them directly since.

That comes in handy since a lot of the outrage miners are calling it the worst betrayal SINCE Last Jedi.

There's also a small but spirited effort to talk about the 'controversy.'

Imagine trying to say 'because somebody called the Critical Drinker said it was bad!'

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Dawgstar posted:

That comes in handy since a lot of the outrage miners are calling it the worst betrayal SINCE Last Jedi.

There's also a small but spirited effort to talk about the 'controversy.'

Imagine trying to say 'because somebody called the Critical Drinker said it was bad!'

I would like to see a proper peer review of the Critical Drinker’s analytical process, for example what specifically is his exact blood alcohol content while he is expressing his critical thoughts on modern popular media? How can I trust the word of a man who posits to be a perpetual drunkard if it turns out he is filming all of his content stone-cold sober? Talk about a bait and switch.

Mar 27, 2004

Studying the art of terrorists
To keep you safe

Dawgstar posted:

That comes in handy since a lot of the outrage miners are calling it the worst betrayal SINCE Last Jedi.

There's also a small but spirited effort to talk about the 'controversy.'

Imagine trying to say 'because somebody called the Critical Drinker said it was bad!'

Don't sleep on reading this whole thread. It's short, but gold.

The Last Call
Sep 9, 2011

Rehabilitating sinner
I find it quite amazing that people are thinking there is some lesbian nature between a mother and daughter.

If you know anything about He-Man Teela being the Sorceress daughter is rather common. In other words people are causing outrage for outrage sakes.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

The Last Call posted:

I find it quite amazing that people are thinking there is some lesbian nature between a mother and daughter.

If you know anything about He-Man Teela being the Sorceress daughter is rather common. In other words people are causing outrage for outrage sakes.

Also it's patently clear if you watch the show, this one I mean, that Teela is not at all fond the Sorceress and resents her for being yet another person who'd kept a fuckton of secrets from her her whole life and she probably won't react well if/when the other shoe drops and she finally learns Sorceress is her mother. Because she's like 20 years old now and her mom has seen her on like a daily basis and had all the time in the world to let her know and just kind of... didn't. That's why Duncan claps his mouth shut the first time he tries to tell her because he realizes "Oh, poo poo, this probably won't end well."

Also Teela has much stronger lesbian energy with Andra anyway :v:

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Andra is just sitting in the corner making all her little gadgets with no idea what sexual perversions the others have planned for her.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

Vietnamwees posted:

Andra is just sitting in the corner making all her little gadgets with no idea what sexual perversions the others have planned for her.

She's this show's Entrapta in that respect.

Oct 5, 2010

Andra seems like a good character, I hope she gets more to do in the second half of Revelation (or alternatively they include a version of her in the CGI series as well)

Johnny Lawrence
May 15, 2013
For what it's worth, before this new Ressurection series, the most cooler MOTU stories were on the packages of the MOTU Classics figurines. Someone from a He-Man forum made a "easy"-reading timeline. And yeah, it's some cool stuff about all the Masters of the universe, and how they managed to make something consistent with all the characters.

In the Beginning

Before the beginning of time the Gods of the multiverse convene in the Hall of Power to create the Five Dimensions – the Dimensions of Eternia, Despondos and Infinita, the Timeless Dimension of Trolla and the Nameless Dimension
After the completion of creation the Gods cast their aura - the Power of the Universe - across the universe as a great wave of raw creation power, giving rise to all forms of life and intelligence.
Before they leave the universe the Gods hide their magic in the form of a star – the Star Seed – deep within the core of a small planet at the center of the Dimension of Eternia – the planet Eternia
The immortal four-armed giant Procrustus is tasked to guard the Star Seed and the Gods’ Magic within Eternia’s core
Over millenia the Gods’ Magic slowly seeps out, blessing many wise Eternian wizards with the power and wisdom to control and tap into these great magic energies for both good and evil
The Overlords of Trolla on the other hand start to harness the Aura of the Gods also known as the Power of the Universe
The Overlords of Trolla use the Power of the Universe to become immortal and vow to maintain neutrality in all Five Dimensions
Sensing how dark the Dimension of Despondos is, the Overlords of Trolla use the Power of the Universe to create a being of formless light – Light Hope
The Overlords of Trolla send the being of light to Despondos to bring hope to those trapped there
The being of light settles on the Planet Etheria, turning the small planet into a lush paradise and protecting it with magic against an otherwise dark dimension
The Unnamed One tries to steal the Power of the Universe
The Overlords of Trolla therfore hide and contain the Power of the Universe inside of a great Sword, the Sword of He, after the Trollan word for Power.
Snake Men

The Arachna are a dominant race on Eternia
A hybrid of three cold-blooded alien races, the Snake Men are spliced together and bred by the Unnamed One to serve as loyal foot soldiers in his ever-growing army.
Sensing Eternia is the secret location where the Gods’ Magic is hidden, the Unnamed One raises an army of Snake Warriors to raid it - hoping to seize the magic for his revenge
The Unnamed One chooses the Viper Lord Hssss to lead several batallions of Snake Men from the Nameless Dimension to to Eternia
The Arachna are driven underground by the Snake Men
King Hssss rules Eternia for three centuries
The Horde Empire

The Horde Empire rises
The Cosmic Enforcers are founded
In every generation the Overlords of Trolla recruit a Cosmic Warrior to fight Evil and give him the Sword of He
The Cosmic Warriors are assigned a Trollan guide to watch over and advise them.
The Great Prophecy becomes known: One day Twin Warriors will defeat the Horde Empire and restore peace to the Universe.
Annilis Kur, the Horde Prime, rules the Horde Empire from Horde World
Horde Prime systematically wipes out many of the Cosmic Enforcers
Ro receives the Sword of He from the Overlords of Trolla to combat evil - he becomes the Cosmic Warrior He-Ro
He-Ro battles Hec-Tor Kur and Horde Prime
The Horde Empire kidnaps Grizzlor and erases his memories to make him serve loyally in their armies
The evil scientist Galen Nycroff from the Tri-Solar system is incarcerated in Prison Starr for scientific crimes against the galaxy
On Prion Starr Nycroff constructs a device which allows him to divide his body into pieces, with each part endowed with his own evil consciousness.
Nycroff escapes from Prison Starr to Horde World
On Horde World Nycroff realizes he can now mix and match parts in thousand different ways.
Now known as Modulok becomes chief technician for Hec-Tor Kur.
Catra is the disputed monarch of the Tri-Solar-System
Catra joins the Horde Empire. She is given a magical mask that allows her to transform into a panther
The Kribleen insectoid vampire from the Bluubux Galaxy, Mosquitor joins The Evil Horde
The Rebrunk Nurus from Phelibio IX, Mantenna joins the Evil Horde as spy and scout
Preternia - The Great Wars

300 years after the arrival of the Snake Men, D’Vann Grayskull is driven to rebel against the oppressive rule of the Snake Men when his brother is captured and eaten.
Grayskull is named king and rules along with his wise council, the Council of Elders
Zodac Zur becomes a member of the Council of Elders
The Ruler of Zalesia (the future Faceless One) becomes a member of the Council of Elders
Kar-Tor (the future Zodak) becomes an Enforcer for the Council of Elders
King Grayskull entrusts the Ruler of Zalesia to guard the Havoc Staff and the Ram Stone.
The Council of Elders uncovers that the Twin Warriors of the Great Prophecy will be born on Eternia.
He-Ro vs. The Horde.

During battle, He-Ro is infected with a mind wiping techno-organic virus and sent through a vortex to Eternia by Horde Prime.
He-Ro’s techno virus spreads across Eternia, infecting the planet and causing it to stand out in the universe as a planet mixed with both magic and technology
Knowing his ambition Horde Prime sends Hec-Tor Kur on a foolish quest to ensure He-Ro is defeated
Horde Commander Hec-Tor Kur travels to Eternia in search of He-Ro. He is accompanied by Horde Warriors like Grizzlor, Modulok and Catra
On Eternia Hec-Tor Kur takes the name Hordak
Hordak raises an army and challenges the Snake Men
Hordak drives the snake army into hibernation
With a magic spell Hordak calls Leech from the depths of the Lake of Gnarl
Hordak's Lead Witch mind wipes Leech. Leech joins the Horde
Eldor heals He-Ro in a mystical pool which absorbs the techno-organic virus.
He-Ro swears to help free Eternia from the Snake Men and Horde invaders.
The End of the Great Wars.

He-Ro joins forces with King Grayskull and together they defend the Free People of Eternia
He-Ro's and King Grayskull's combined might becomes a beacon of hope, bringing together the greatest warriors from across Preternia.
Moss-Man becomes an ally to King Grayskull
Sir Laser-Lot becomes one of King Grayskull's knights
Granamyr is the Ruler of Darksmoke
The Dragons of Darksmoke fight in many epic battles against King Grayskull and the Snake Men
The Great Black Wizard creates a magical half human/half dragon, Draego-Man
Draego-Man is shunned by Granamyr and allies himself with the Free People of Eternia
Snake Face is enchanted with the ability to turn his enemies into stone by the Great Black Wizard and quickly brought into Hssss' inner circle.
Tytus’ herd of dinosaurs begins developing strange techno parts
Tytus and other giants join King Grayskull in battle against the Snake Men and the Horde
Megator is recruited to lead Hordak's troops
The Truce of the Three Towers: All three sides in the war, the Free People, the Horde and the Snakemen, agree to a temporary truce in order to construct the Three Towers of Eternia (Central Tower, Grayskull Tower and Snake Tower)
Draego-Man becomes so disgusted with the humans because of the truce that he leaves civilization and lives as an outcast in the Caverns of Rakash
During the truce Tytus builds Grayskull Tower
The Ruler of Zalesia breaks the Elder's treaty with King Hssss not to produce any heirs by marrying and having a daughter - Evelyn
The Ruler of Zalesia becomes the Faceless One: He is stripped of his humanity and condemned to never leave Zalesia
Zalesia is destroyed by Serpos
The Faceless One asks He-Ro to use the power of Central Tower to send his daughter Evelyn into the future
The First Ultimate Battlegound.

Independently He-Man and Skeletor arrive back in Preternia after travelling back in time using the Central Tower
He-Man allies himself with King Grayskull and He-Ro
Hordak betrays King Hssss
Hordak attempts to defeat the snake men and at the same time break apart Eternia using the spell of separation in order to access the Magic of the Gods.
The spell of separation is thwarted but Procrustus is forced to literally hold the planet together remaining forever at the planet's core
He-Man turns the tide in the first Ultimate Battleground
Hordak defeats King Hiss momentarily
He-Ro heroically sacrifices himself to save King Grayskull's life and Hordak mortally wounds He-Ro
King Grayskull chops off Hordak's right arm in revenge
Upon his heroic death He-Ro bequeaths the Sword of He to Grayskull, a destined guardian of the sword, to ensureonly those with great strength, courage, wisdom, and compassion would wield the sword
Eldor casts a spell to sink the Three Towers into Subternia to protect their secrets
Megator dies during the First Ultimate Battle Ground, caught in the iron jaws of Central Tower when the Three Towers were enchanted to sink into Subternia
He-Ro's funeral is held
With the knowledge on how to defeat the Snake Men He-Man returns to his time
Hordak defeats King Hiss momentarily
To safeguard the power source of the Sword of He and protect the kingdom, King Grayskull orders a great fortress to be erected
With the help of Tytus and the giants Castle Grayskull is constructed from a single enchanted stone, which is sculpted into a giant skull
Towers and walls are later erected around the Skull Stone and the Elders protect Castle Grayskull through their magic
Fang Man and Skeletor arrive from the future using the Wheel of Infinity
Fang Man uses the Dragosaurs to try to stop Castle Grayskull from being built
He-Man thwarts Skeletor's plans to stop the construction of castle Grayskull
Skeletor abandons Fang Man in the past
Fang Man resides with his ancestors on Dragosaur Isle, waiting for the return of Skeletor
Towers and walls are erected around the Skull Stone and the magic of the Elders protects Castle Grayskull
King Grayskull's Death.

5,000 years before our time: King Grayskull banishes Hordak and his forces to Despondos
King Grayskull falls before Hordak’s magic, but with his last breath magically passes his essence into the Sword of He, ensuring that only his heirs can wield the “Power Sword” and tap into the Power of the Universe
King Grayskull becomes the Spirit of Grayskull. As a spirit he stays hidden inside Castle Grayskull
Hordak starts to wander through Despondos for several hundred years unable to return to Eternia
The Council of Elders strike a secret bargain with Overlords of Trolla: In return for keeping the Power Sword on Eternia, one member of the Elders has to join the Cosmic Enforcers
The Council of Elders splits the Power Sword in two and the Power of the Universe transcends into a great orb the Council hides deep within the abyss below Castle Grayskull
King Grayskull's devoted and loving widow is selected as protector of Castle Grayskull and becomes the first Sorceress
One of King He-Man's time agents arrives from the future
King He-Man's time agent brings Sir Laser-Lot to the future
Defeat of the Snake Men

Zodac retains his human form but leaves Eternia to fulfill the Elder’s bargain with the Overlords of Trolla and becomes a Cosmic Enforcer
Kar-Tor (Zodak) takes Zodac Zur’s place on the Council of Elders
Zodak helps lead the Council of Elder’s into battle against the Snake Men,
With the power of his staff Zodak and the Elders trap King Hiss and his Snakemen in the Void
Between Times.

Castle Grayskull fades from memory into legend, but still protects the hidden power of the Universe and the secrets of Eternia from evil
The Goddess of Eternia, the spirit guide of the Council of Elders, begins to train "He-Men" - secret heroic guardians who are tasked to keep the Power Sword separated
Vikor is chosen to protect the Power Sword and battles the remaining Snake Men
A group of renegade pirates, known as the Fighting Foe Men, take over the Valley of Gnarl and all the surrounding territories
The Fighting Foe Men build great machines like the Roton and Talon Fighter to terrorize the populace
Vikor defends the Valley of Gnarl from the Fighting Foe Men
The Fighting Foe men are eventually defeated by Vikor, and cast into a glacier magically frozen for over five thousand years
The Gar start to create their tech vest armor
After the Great Wars the Gar terrorize Eternia
The Gar Witch Shokoti is the most powerful sorceress of Eternia's dark hemisphere
Shokoti plans to cover the entire planet in darkness
Fearing her plan the Gar lure Shokoti into the sunlight and bury her with her beast companion in the House of Darkness.
Karak-Nul is cursed and banished to Infinita
The Star Merchants bring griffins to Eternia
The griffins break free and live in a wild colony deep in the Vine Jungle
The savage Beast Men of the Vine Jungle enslave the griffins
200 years before our time: The first Man-At-Arms
100 years before our time: Wun-dar rescues the Goddess of Eternia
The Goddess of Eternia tasks Wundar to protect both halves of the Power Sword.
50 years before Prince Adam is born: Lord Choloh is ruler of the Vine Jungle
In the gladiatorial arena of Lord Choloh Gygor defeats the arena champion Vykron and rips his body in half
Gygor claims not only the arena championship but also rulership over the Vine Jungle itself, forcing Lord Choloh to abdicate his throne
Sy-Klone is chosen as Protector of the Legacy Stones and Last Defender of Anwat Gar
Teela'na grows up in a small Eternian village
Teela'na helps defend her people from a Horde Scout ship
The Sorceress of that time chooses Teela'na to take up the Sorceress title and defend Castle Grayskull's secrets for the next generation
Scychor and his partner Kronis roam the galaxy as a mercenaries and professional thieves.
Kronis betrays Scychor and throws him from a Boa Jet while escaping from Horde Patrol Units.
Scychor is healed by rogue scientists by preserving his organs in a robotic chest and his brain in a cyborg skull and becomes Cy-Chop
Two Brothers.

King Miro’s first son Keldor is born
King Miro’s second son Randor is born
Evelyn, the daughter of the Faceless One, arrives from the past and is raised by her father
Keldor saves a young dylinx cub from a hunter's pit in the Corridors of Lithos. He names the cub Panthor
Evilyn leaves the ruins of Zalesia and takes the name Evil-Lyn
Hordak discovers the power to project his spirit back to Eternia
The Great Unreast - The Count Marzo Uprisings.

Count Marzo creates the Shadow Beasts as a weapon
Marzo stages a series of strategic uprisings across the planet and challenges King Miro for his crown.
Originally a mercenary from the Dunes of Doom, Dekker switches sides during one of the early battles of the Great Unrest and fights with King Miro against Marzo's tyranny.
Due to his wisdom and courage Dekker is quickly apponted as Miro's Man-At-Arms, leading and training the royal soldiers.
Dekker takes Duncan under his wing
Duncan's older brother Malcolm serves under King Miro
Malcolm is wounded in battle and stricken with magical amnesia
A Pelezeean thief named Odiphus helps the Warlord Prahvus destroy the defensive weapons of a Pelezeean village
Odiphus is banished from his village
Malcolm settles in the Mystic Mountains in a mining settlement
Unable to defeat the King's army, Marzo uses his magical amulet to banish Miro to Despondos.
Randor and Keldor join together and defeat Marzo
The Elders trap Marzo in the form of a powerless, old man.
Marzo's follower Nepthu vows revenge and starts to search the Sands of Fire and Sands of Time for years
Keldor and Randor drive back the Shadow Beasts into the shadow of Mount Barathrum
Randor proclaims Keldor as the new King, but the people do not trust Keldor because of his Gar heritage
An unknown force manipulates the people so they demand the Queen Mother to rule instead of Keldor
Randor finds Keldor kneeling over the dead Queen Mother
The people demand that Keldor is brought to justice for the supposed murder of the Queen Mother
So save his life Randor banishes Keldor from the royal palace
Keldor swears that one day, he'll unite the planet under his rule
Keldor is drawn to the temple of Hordak
Hordak reveals himself to Keldor in spirit form in order to become his master and teach him the dark arts in exchange for his freedom from Despondos
Hordak directs Keldor to Zalesia to find the Havoc Staff and amplify his powers by tapping into the Star Seed
Keldor fights the Faceless One for the Havoc Staff
After visions of Keldor and Evil-Lyn having a child together, the Faceless One hands over the Havoc Staff to Keldor
Keldor betrays Hordak and destroys his temple
The Great Unrest - Keldor's Betrayal.

Keldor gathers an army to unite the planet under his rule
Evil-Lyn falls in love with Keldor and secretly marries him
Evil-Lyn gives birth to a son
During the start of the Great Unrest Keldor frees Kronis from an intergalactic prison to holster his ranks
Jitsu is broken out of Prison Starr by Keldor during the Great Unrest, and agrees to serve his cause
Randor is appointed Captain and leads Miro’s troops against Keldor’s growing Rebellion
Marlena Glenn completes her assignment with Project Photog
Captain Marlena Glenn pilots an experimental warp ship through a black hole and travels to the center of the universe
Captain Glenn crash lands on the planet Eternia, but is rescued by a young Captain Randor
Marlena falls in love with Randor and decides to stay on Eternia
Marlena and Randor marry.
Beast Man is banished from the Vine Jungle.
Beast Man joins the young alchemist Keldor during a skirmish in the Beserker Islands
Whiplash strikes a deal with Keldor and helps to lead his forces through Sub-Ternia in a raid against Randor's army.
Whiplash is banished from Sub-Ternia for betraying his people
Whiplash joins Keldor’s forces.
During one of the final battles of the Great Unrest Keldor recruits the inter-dimensional bounty hunter Scope to join his weakened forces.
After an accident Scope becomes Tri-Klops
Mer-Man’s kingdom is destroyed by a rival clan
Mer-Man is forced to serve Keldor
Orius is injured in the Battle of Avion
Duncan brings Orius to Castle Grayskull where he is healed by the Sorceress by replacing his neck with a construction made of microscopic nanites
Orius takes the code name Mekaneck
Keldor leads an assault against Eternos Palace
Randor mortally wounds Keldor in battle with his own acid
Keldor flees to the secret sanctuary of Hordak and swears allegiance to his former master once again for his life to be saved
Realizing Keldor has no intentions to free him, Hordak merges Keldor with the extra-dimensional being Demo-Man from Despondos
Keldor becomes Skeletor
The merging with Demo-Man drives Skeletor temporarily insane
Randor orders the Sorceress to erect a mystic wall to keep Keldor and his warriors magically bound to the Dark Hemisphere
For ending the Great Unrest, the Council of Elders agrees to set aside Eternian laws of kingship and gives Randor the crown, despite not being the first born
King Randor asks Duncan to become Man-At-Arms
Dekker moves to Orkas Island, passing his title and duties to Duncan
Man-At-Arms forms the Masters of the Universe
Man-At-Arms forms the Royal Guard and recruits the bravest warriors to guard the royal family.
At the end of the Great Unrest the Sorceress helps the remaining Elders to combine the orb containing the Power of the Universe with the Elders’ wisdom to tap into the God’s Magic hidden at the core of Eternia, creating a new unified force - the "Power of Grayskull"
Oo-Larr, the Jungle He-Man

Gygor, Lord of the Vine Jungle, leads an army of beast men in a series of raids against the long forgotten Castle Grayskull
Through the combined powers of the jungle He-Man Oo-Larr and The Goddess of Eternia Gygor is defeated and placed in a state of suspended animation.
Birth of the Twins.

Randor's and Marlena's children Adam and Adora are born.
Light Hope predicts that both twins would wield a sword of power and use its force to end the threats of the Horde Empire and the Unnamed One forever
The Sorceress clones the Power Sword and enhances the cloned version with the Stone of Protection to allow both twins to wield a sword of power
Hordak and his ageless army find Etheria and claim the planet as their new throne world, deposing the local monarchs
Hordak learns of Adam and Adora
Hordak arranges for his pupil Skeletor to abduct Adam and Adora and free him from Despondos
20 years before our time: Skeletor uses his Battle-Armor to penetrate through the Mystic Wall
The Sorceress is secretly cloned by Skeletor.
Man-At-Arms prevents Adam from being taken by Skeletor
Adora however is stolen away
Skeletor opens a portal to Despondos
After three strikes with his mighty battle axe Oo-larr sends Skeletor back behind the Mystic Wall.
Hordak fails to return through the portal, but Adora is sent to Etheria in Despondos
Adora is raised by Hordak
With the help of Man-At-Arms, the Sorceress saves her magically cloned child
The cloned daughter of the Sorceress, Teela, is adopted by Man-At-Arms
With the help of Evil-Lyn, Skeletor gains control of the powerful spirit inside him, increasing his abilities ten-fold
After being cast aside by Skeletor, Evil-Lyn sends their infant son into the future
Before the Storm.

A young Prince Adam saves the tiger cub Cringer from a Parek-Narr attack
Kronis raises an army against Skeletor.
Skeletor defeats Kronis, breaks his jaw and arm and leaves him for dead.
Kronis is found and rebuilt by Tri-Klops and transformed into Trap Jaw
Clawful saves Beast Man's life from a Seclapoid attack and joins Skeletor's Evil Warriors
The wife of Geldor, the ruler of Foodar in the Dark Hemisphere, is killed in a dragon attack.
After the death of his wife Geldor becomes obsessed with finding a way to extend his life.
Geldor begins laying siege to other kingdoms in his ongoing search.
In an accident in the Photanium Mines of Phantos the master metal-worker Dalmus loses his right arm and parts of his face.
Desiring to become a super strong menace, Dalmus steals large amounts of Photanium from the mines, creates a new metal face and telescoping arm and becomes Strongarm.
After Strongarm’s thievery is discovered, Queen Elmora banishes him from her kingdom
Fang Man spends his youth in the Valley of Dragons
In Subternia Lord Dactus and the Speleans fight in a war against their former allies, the Caligars under Ceratus
Quest for the Power Sword.

Prince Adam is chosen to protect the two halves of the Power Sword
Prince Adam receives the techno vest
Duncan helps to construct an electronic version of the Power Sword
Prince Adam receives the electronic version of the Power Sword
Prince Adam starts his quest to combine the two halves of the Power Sword and is helped by Cringer
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

Prince Adam combines the two halves and uses the Full Power Sword to channel the Power of Grayskull to become HE-MAN
Cringer is transformed into Battle-Cat by the Power of Grayskull
Orko, a member of the Trollan magical elite, is assigned to watch over Adam
Perkaedo, the Master of Disguise, performs before King Randor and Queen Marlena at Prince Adam's 18th birthday
A magic potion, created by Skeletor, transforms Perkeado into a terrible monster
With the help of He-Man and the Sorceress Perkaedo is cured and becomes Man-E-Faces
Eighteen years old, Duncan’s adoptive daughter Teela becomes Captain of the Guard
Savage Beastmen attack a small village near the vine jungle
To defend his village Krass dons his familiy's ancient mystical armor that magically absorbs raw force and becomes Ram Man.
Skeletor recruits Ram Man in a scheme to ram through the Jaw Bridge of Castle Grayskull
When Skeletor attacks He-Man, Ram Man switched sides and helps to save Castle Grayskull
Ram Man becomes a Master of the Universe
Man-At-Arms is turned to glass by an evil spell
Granamyr provides He-Man with healing magic, after he proved he had great mercy and wisdom
Adam learns to tap further into the Power of the Universe.
Adam creates his Battle Armor to fight Skeletor
Skeletor reforms his own Battle Armor
After a sky war initiated by Skeletor Buzz-Off allies himself with King Randor's Masters of the Universe.
Robot Model 9041 (Roboto) is built by Man-At-Arms.
Roboto receives an emotion chip.
Roboto upgrades himself and joins the Masters
Sy-Klone joins the Masters after the destruction of the Legacy Stones.
Sy-Klone upgrades his Armor to also include cosmic radar
The bounty hunters Tuvar and Badra are hired by Skeletor to track down He-Man
When Tuvar and Badra fail they are in retribution magically fused together in an unrepeatable spell by Skeletor and become Two Bad
Webstor is awoken from hibernation beneath Snake Mountain
Odiphus causes an accident in Tri-Klops' lab deep within Snake Mountain that infuses his body with a horrid stench
After demonstrating how his stench could be used as a weapon of warfare, Odiphus is recruited by Skeletor and becomes Stinkor
Chief Carnivus allies himself and the Qadians with King Randor's new Eternian Council
After a series of attacks by Skeletor and King Hssss, King Randor convinces Lord Dactus to put aside his differences with the Caligars and work together as members of his new Eternian Council
Karak-Nul is freed from Infinita by Skeletor and becomes Scareglow
The inventor Jey is merged with his creation the "Photog Emulator" and joins the Masters of the universe as "Photog"
Geldor kidnaps Torgul, Grand Vizier of Vaderia in order to locate the mythical Secret Liquid of Life.
Vaderia's heroic Prince Dakon seels the help of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe against Geldor.
He-Man confronts Geldor in his stronghold in Ogre Mountain and during the battle, the liquid of life is spilled and a great Life Tree rises up, apparently swallowing Geldor in the process.
Months later, Geldor returns, merged with the magic of the tree and now more powerful than ever.
Strongarm returns to Phantos to invade the photanium mines with Skeletor
He-Man frees Phantos' Queen Elmora from Skeletor’s influence and Strongarm is forced out of the kingdom once again
Skeletor recruits Fang Man after discovering his ability to control the fire-breathing dragons of Eternia
Draego-Man discovers Skeletor's plans to enslave his dragon kin to use them as weapons against the Royal Palace
Draego-Man joins Skeletor's Evil Warriors seeking revenge against all who betrayed him
Skeletor uses the Wheel of Infinity to go back in time with Fang Man to stop Castle Grayskull from being built
Defeated by He-Man, Skeletor abandons Fang Man in the past and returns to the present
The inventor Plundor comes to the utopian planet Draedus
Plundor uses his evil machines to ravage the Daedus and distill its life force
Skeletor erases He-Man's memory and sends him through the Crossroads of All Universes
He-Man comes to Daedus and helps return the life force back to Draedus and imprison Plundor before he returns to Eternia
The shapeshifting wizard Masque raises the Temple of Darkness from the Sands of Time and frees Shokoti
He-Man defeats Shokoti and the Sleeping Beast
Nephtu discovers the Temple of the Sun and the Sun Scarab and is transformed into a young wizard
He-Man destroys the Sun Scarab and defeats Nephtu
Whiplash fails to obtain the Ice Raider from Kind Randor
Skeletor recruits Icer and orders him to take over the northern weather station to create cold weather all over Eternia, while attempting to steal the Ice Raider himself
The shadowy mercenary-for-hire Batros conspires with Skeletor to steal all royal records and books from the Eternos Library but ultimately fails
Darid serves as palace guard under Teela
Ace test pilot and former palace guard Darid becomes known as Sky High and helps Duncan's team to upgrade the Wind Raider and Jet Sled for faster acceleration and smoother landings.
She-Ra, Princess of Power *.

Spirit serves Adora during her time as Force Captain
Adam comes to Etheria in Despondos
Adora learns of her true heritage
Adam gives Adora the Cloned Sword of He - the Sword of Protection.
Adora channels the combined Power of the Universe and Wisdom of the Elders to transform into She-Ra
Through the Sword of Protection Spirit transforms into Swiftwind
Adora joins the Great Rebellion
As both She-Ra and Adora, she leads the Great Rebellion of Etheria against the Horde invaders
Catra becomes Force Captain
Sea Hawk works for the Horde transporting cargo
Adora convinces Sea Hawk to choose freedom over money and aid the rebellion.
Sea Hawk finds his long lost father, the legendary Captain Falcon, who bestows upon him an armament of mystical weapons to aid him against the Horde
Hordak abducts Jaxton and two other athletes and casts them into his experimentation matrix
Through grafting with cybernetic parts Jaxton is transformed into Snout-Spout
She-Ra frees the Star Sisters
Rise of the Snake Men.

The Snake Men descendent Kobra Khan breaks into the archives of Eternos Palace and learns King Hsss has been locked in the Void
In a ruse to free his King, Kobra Khan joins forces with Skeletor
Rattlor is the first of the Snake Men to escape their imprisonment in the Void
Rattlor works with Kobra Khan to liberate the entire serpent army
Kobra Khan and Evil-Lyn acquire Zodak's staff
Evil-Lyn and Kobra Kahn open the Snake Pit portal and free King Hiss and the Snake Men
Kobra Khan serves the Snake Men
The Snake Men attack Malcolm's home town
Malcom shatters his hand when helping the Masters of the Universe against the Snake Men
Duncan replaces Malcom's hand with a robotic strong arm.
Malcom joins the Masters of the Universe as "Fisto"
Jitsu is wounded by Fisto at the Battle for Gretori Bridge, and has his hand replaced by a golden robotic implant by Tri-Klops
The blacksmith Kleffton is fused with an enchanted suit of spiked armor and a mystic trident when he attempts to steal a sacred scroll from the high priests of Nordling
Kleffton is banished from his home and wanders into the Sands of Time as an outcast
Kleffton is recruited by Skeletor and becomes known as Spikor
Spikor serves Skeletor by creating new arms and armor for the Overlord of Evil
Man At-Arms creates Faker
Serpos is defeated
Before King Hssss' defeat the Sorceress is being wounded by his venom
The Sorceress arranges a mission with Teela to the Elder's training citadel in the Polar Ice Cap
The Sorceress reveals to Teela her true heritage
Teela trains with the Sorceress until the venom overtakes her
Randor seemingly "dies" but in reality is banished to Despondos by Skeletor
Tri-Klops salvages Faker
Skeletor orders the reprogramming of Faker
Skeletor uses Faker to convince the royal court that He-Man is not only a Gar, but also responsible for the King's apparent death.
The people of Eternia turn against He-Man
The Masters of the Universe become renegades and are driven underground to the caves of Tundoria
Skeletor takes over the throne and becomes King Skeletor
King Skeletor dismantles the Eternian Royal Guards
Lt. Spector of The Eternian Royal Guards is thrown into a time portal and flung into the future.
Skeletor creates a new magical armor by chaining an Eternian Dragon to the armor
The Snake Men return once more
Return of the Horde.

Evil-Lyn frees Hordak
Hordak and the Horde escape through a Lasergate to Eternia
Evil-Lyn frees Gygor to bolster Skeletor's forces against the Horde army.
Evil-Lyn casts a spell to turn Clawful into a keen warrior and strategist.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe return to the surface
Man-At-Arms and Mekaneck are exposed to the Serpent's Ring and turned into a Snake Man by King Hsss
Under King Hsss' evil spell Man-At-Arms uses his genius to create great and horrific machines of war for the Snake Men
Clamp Champ takes over the duty to recruit warriors for the Royal Guard and becomes the new Man-At-Arms.
Clamp Champ leads the Masters of the Universe all the way to the Second Ultimate Battleground
Lord Dactus, Chief Carnivus and Clamp Champ free Princess Vess from Skeletor’s clutches
With the help of Light Hope Adora follows Hordak through a Lasergate with several of her friends and allies, including Frosta and Glimmer
Adora joins forces with her brother and the renegade Masters of the Universe in the four-way fight against the Snake-Men, Skeletor, and Hordak.
She-Ra uses her sword to channel the Power of Grayskull to form new arms and armor in the midst of battle.
Snout Spout escapes the Horde and joins with the renegade Masters of the Universe
Hordak upgrades his armor with a Hurricane Blaster
Hordak challenges Skeletor
Kobra Khan manipulates Hssss into demoting Rattlor
Rattlor defects to the evil Horde army, where he is better known as the General
Hordak drives the Snake Men back into hibernation
Hordak conquers Snake Mountain
Hordak takes over Eternia
Before the Second Ultimate Battleground.

Teela returns to Castle Grayskull as its new guardian
Randor and Miro return from Despondos
The Three Towers rise
Megator's remains are discovered by King Hsss, who magically reanimates the body and turns Megator into a mindless zombie
Hordak hires Cy-Chop to bolster his forces against the Snake Men and Masters of the Universe
Hordak discovers, and frees, the Fighting Foe Men from their glacier prison, who join the Horde army in return for their freedom
In the Horde Empire Annilus Kur strives to enslave the Comet People
Anillus Kur unleashes a light storm from Horde World which drives a brigade of the Comet Warriors from their orbit and hurls them through space
Several Comet Warriors, including Rokkon and their leader Stonedar, arrive on Eternia.
The Comet Warriors ally themselves with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
Nephtu joins King Hsss and is again transformed into a powerful wizard
Using the combined power of the Central Tower and the newly created Cosmic Key the New Sorceress sends He-Man back to Preternia
Skeletor follows He-Man to Preternia
He-Man returns from Preternia wth a captured Skeletor, and the knowledge to defeat the snake-men - The spell of seperation
In exchange for his freedom Skeletor agrees to fight against Hordak, side-by-side with his former enemies - the now renegade Masters of the Universe.
The Second Ultimate Battleground.

The Heroic Warriors and Skeletor's Evil Warriors join forces fight against the combined forces of The Horde and The Snake Men.
Evil-Lyn and Gygor fight on the side of the Horde and the Snake Men.
Clawful leads a battalion of Skeleton Warriors for Skeletor during the Second Ultimate Battle Ground
The forces of King Randor, King Miro, the Speleans, Quadians, Beast Men, Kulataks, Caligars, Avionians and Andreenids as well as Zodak join in the battle, helping the Heroic Warriors.
Sky High leads a squadron of Blaster Hawks into battle combating the Horde Boa Jets and King Hsss' Snake Strike Squad
Evil-Lyn finds herself again allied with Skeletor.
The reanimated Megator dies, fighting Hordak and the Masters of the Universe in the Second Ultimate Battleground
The new Sorceress strips a defeated Evil-Lyn of her powers
Man-At-Arms is forced to battle against Clamp Champ
Man-At-Arms is mortally wounded
The New Sorceress casts a spell that momentarily restores Man-At-Arm's humanity
Man-At-Arms dies
Many other heroes fall, including Stratos
Zodac is assassinated
He-Man and the new Sorceress use a spell to call upon the Power of Grayskull and infuse life into the Spirit of Castle Grayskull
The Spirit of Castle Grayskull helps to turn the tide
He-Man uses his knowledge from Preternia to finally stop King Hssss once and for all - Orko casts the spell of seperation to defeat the Snake Men
King Hisss and the Snake Men die
Skeletor takes his ram staff back from King Hiss
Skeletor betrays the Heroic Warriors
Skeletor defeats Hordak but is injured in the process
Skeletor steals Hordaks power, and repairs himself with the Techno-Virus
Skeletor turns his ambition to overthrow the Horde Empire and heads into outer space
Several hundred griffins are commanded to attack Grayskull Tower to weaken the Master's defense perimeter
Photog helps to defeat several of Skeletor's warriors including Clawful and Whiplash
Moss Man helps the Masters of the Universe to win the Second Ultimate Battleground
Evelyn uses the Cosmic Key and the power of the Central Tower to travel into the future to find a new life with her long lost son
Eternia is at peace
Eternia after the Second Ultimate Battleground.

Hydron and Icarius arrive on Eternia through a Laser Gate shortly after the end of the Second Ultimate Battleground
Combining the Power of of Grayskull with the Energy of the Starship Eternia, Adam forsakes his alternate identity and becomes He-Man permanently
He-Man and She-Ra are called to the stars to fulfill their destiny, traveling to the Tri-Solar System to end the oppression of the Horde Empire
Hydron and Icarius recruit not only He-Man and She-Ra but several other members of the Masters of the Universe
After She-Ra left Eternia for the stars Glimmer returns to Etheria taking her rightful place helping to rule over the Kingdom of Brightmoon.
Jitsu takes over Snake Mountain, ruling it with an iron fist and evil begins to spread across the land once again
Strobo is chosen as Zodac's replacement, and is sent to Eternia by the Overlords of Trolla to investigate Zodac's assassination
Stobo takes up armor enhancements originally created by the scientists of Anwat Gar
Strobo forcefully maintains neutrality in He-man’s absence, fighting in many battles - both with, and sometimes against the remaining Heroic Warriors.
New Adventures **.

Skeletor forms a coalition of mutants and outcasts to conquer the Horde Empire and rule the universe
Slush Head is swayed to join Skeletor
Karatti willingly joins Skeletor after being promised power and wealth
He-Man joins the Galactic Protectors of the planet Primus.
He-Man and She-Ra - the prophesied Twin Warriors - are victorious and She-Ra defeats Horde Prime
Skeletor challenges He-Man to a final battle on the Jaw Bridge of the great Temple of Power on Trolla
He-Man defeats Skeletor and recovers the Vortex Key
He-Man uses the Vortex Key to finally return to Eternia
The New Adventures of He-Ro.

He-Man returns to Eternia, and finds King Randor dead, and Queen Marlena temporarily ruling the throne
Adam takes up his rightful place as his father's heir, and becomes King He-Man, ruling over all Eternia
King He-Man marries Teela
King He-Man and Queen Teela have a son named Dare
Lt. Spector arrives from the past.
Lt Spector is given a special suit reverse engineered from the Cosmic Key, and serves King He-Man and his Queen, as their agent throughout Eternia's history
He-Man sends one of his time agents back in time to bring Sir Laser-Lot from Preternia to the future
Sir Laser-Lot becomes King He-Man's new Man-At-Arms
Sir Laser-Lot trains the Royal Guard and King He-Man's son Dare in ancient battle techniques
Dare takes over his father's legacy, and becomes the "new" He-Ro, wielding the Sword of Power and defending Eternia
Loose Ends
Queen Marlena uses the Cosmic Key to return to Earth
Marlena discovers a great secret that links Earth and Eternia

*) Events on Etheria before She-Ra, Princess of Power:
In ancient times, an evil sorceress traps the Star Sisters in a shooting star
The Star Sisters crash-land on Etheria
Beatrix is born in the Kingdom of Mystacor
Beatrix is known as Light Spinner and serves as an apprentice to the great mage Norwyn
Hordak arrives on Etheria
In his factories on Etheria, Hordak mass produces countless robot enforcers, each dressed in armor similar to the foot soldiers of his home planet Horde World.
Hordak promises Light Spinner great power in exchange for her help in overthrowing Brightmoon and the surrounding kingdoms
Beatrix receives a magical gem that greatly enhances her powers but irreversibly changes her appearance and mental state
Beatrix betrays Norwyn and her fellow apprentice Castaspella by leading Horde Troopers to their hidden magic archives
In Horror Hall, Beatrix takes the name Shadow Weaver
Octavia works her way up the Horde ranks and eventually becomes a Horde Commander in Octopus Cove
Octavia starts serving Hordak in the Sea of Sigh and the Fright Zone.
The legendary Captain Falcon steals gold from the Horde to give to the poor
Castaspella becomes a leader in the Great Rebellion helping to defend the people of Etheria with her magic
Netossa learns of Hordak's oppression and vows to free Etheria and its people
Queen Mackenzie (Frosta, the Ice-Empress of Etheria) rules the kingdom of Snows
Bow joins the Great Rebellion

**) Events in the Tri-Solar system before the New Adventures: Slush Head serves time in Prison Starr on several occasions
18 years old, Icarius leaves the cloud city of Leviton on Planet Primus to join the Galactic Protectors
Icarius rises to the rank of Lieutenant
Captain Hydron and Lieutenant Icarius go on the quest to find the legendary Twin Warriors prophesied to defeat the Evil Horde Empire

Apr 19, 2018

Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.

Johnny Lawrence posted:

For what it's worth, before this new Ressurection series, the most cooler MOTU stories were on the packages of the MOTU Classics figurines. Someone from a He-Man forum made a "easy"-reading timeline. And yeah, it's some cool stuff about all the Masters of the universe, and how they managed to make something consistent with all the characters.

In the Beginning

This is pretty cool and extensive. Thanks for sharing it.

Oct 5, 2010

Kind of wish Catra’s ability to turn into a panther was kept for SPoP honestly.

The mascot character Kowl was also excised from the remake apart from a brief cameo as a plush doll in Glimmer’s room but I assume that was no big loss.

Jan 28, 2009
Cowl, Broom and Madam Razz all felt like they were vying for the space Orko had on He-Man, maybe a little for Cringer's spot too seeing as Swift-Wind couldn't talk in normal horse form. That wasn't so much needed on the new show.

Oct 5, 2010

They kept Razz at the very least though they changed her role a bit (a pity she didn’t keep the hat from the OG series though)

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Why would ANYONE want to have Cringer’s position on He-Man’s team!? Isn’t he just He-Man’s mighty steed that he rides into battle!?

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

Vietnamwees posted:

Why would ANYONE want to have Cringer’s position on He-Man’s team!? Isn’t he just He-Man’s mighty steed that he rides into battle!?

I do enjoy the fact that they kinda-sorta touched on the fact that Cringer, a *sentient being* is never given a choice as to whether he wants to become Battle Cat. They *clearly* have Flash Gordon-style rocket bikes in this show.

They covered it nicely in SPoP insofar as Swift Wind *stayed* Swift Wind, wings and all. And everyone knows Adora is She-Ra...when the sword *lets* her be She-Ra.

Oct 5, 2010

I forget, does SPoP ever really go into what Grayskull actually is in the context of that series (since that version is largely divorced from the He-Man side of things) or does it just keep the transformation call and not really bring much attention to it otherwise?

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
SPoP doesn't EVER mention GreySkull, Castle or otherwise. It's pretty far divorced from He-Man in that regard.

Aug 30, 2003


Palestinian genocide this, American complicity that... but have you considered the myriad crimes of the barbarous Celestial?

Vietnamwees posted:

SPoP doesn't EVER mention GreySkull, Castle or otherwise. It's pretty far divorced from He-Man in that regard.

Uh yeah it does, every episode is "For the Honor of GraySkull". Then later on there is this,Mara%20to%20open%20the%20portal.

GraySkull was the name of Mara's rebel unit as well.

Oct 5, 2010

socialsecurity posted:

Uh yeah it does, every episode is "For the Honor of GraySkull". Then later on there is this,Mara%20to%20open%20the%20portal.

GraySkull was the name of Mara's rebel unit as well.

That makes sense, though I’m not sure why the sword would be activated by the name of Mara’s rebel group since in this universe it was created by the First Ones.

May 20, 2004

Uncle Ben: Still Dead.
Presumably, an authorized wielder of the sword who has read the manual can go into the settings and change the activation phrase.

Oct 5, 2010

maltesh posted:

Presumably, an authorized wielder of the sword who has read the manual can go into the settings and change the activation phrase.

I forget, did Mara also say “For the honor of Grayskull” when she transformed into She-Ra in the past as well?

But otherwise yeah, her changing the activation code for the sword into something that honors the memory of her comrades would make sense considering what Mara ultimately chooses to do with that power.

Larryb fucked around with this message at 03:02 on Jul 31, 2021

Nov 3, 2004

My mother is a fish.
Finally watched Revaluation. Its good. The first episode nails the feeling of dumping out a toy chest and waging epic battels with your action figures. The voice cast is a murders row well cast fan favorites. Casting Sarah Michelle Gellar was deliberate and what Princesses of Power hit a feed back loop with magic school girl anime, Revelation hit a similar loop with chosen one narratives. Other thoughts, who ever was directing Tony Todd asked for Candy Man, cool, and I would like series about king Greyskull fighting a two front war against King Hiss and Horde Prime, Dennis Haysbert was really good and I liked the scenes with him.

edit: Frank Langella is still the best Skelator

side_burned fucked around with this message at 04:14 on Aug 1, 2021

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

side_burned posted:

Finally watched Revaluation. Its good. The first episode nails the feeling of dumping out a toy chest and waging epic battels with your action figures. The voice cast is a murders row well cast fan favorites. Casting Sarah Michelle Gellar was deliberate and what Princesses of Power hit a feed back loop with magic school girl anime, Revelation hit a similar loop with chosen one narratives. Other thoughts, who ever was directing Tony Todd asked for Candy Man, cool, and I would like series about king Greyskull fighting a two front war against King Hiss and Horde Prime, Dennis Haysbert was really good and I liked the scenes with him.

edit: Frank Langella is still the best Skelator

I really hope King Greyskull and the other heroes of Preternia show up again in Part 2. I need more Dennis Haysbert in my life.

Also maybe it's just me but it seems like in the intervening week since its release the majority of the white hot hatred for the show online has kind of burned itself out and given way to people who actually really like the show gushing about it. Which, if I'm not mistaken was basically what happened with She-Ra too, wasn't it?

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

nine-gear crow posted:

I really hope King Greyskull and the other heroes of Preternia show up again in Part 2. I need more Dennis Haysbert in my life.

Also maybe it's just me but it seems like in the intervening week since its release the majority of the white hot hatred for the show online has kind of burned itself out and given way to people who actually really like the show gushing about it. Which, if I'm not mistaken was basically what happened with She-Ra too, wasn't it?

It's a rare communal benefit of the Netflix release structure.

Jul 15, 2017

nine-gear crow posted:

Also maybe it's just me but it seems like in the intervening week since its release the majority of the white hot hatred for the show online has kind of burned itself out and given way to people who actually really like the show gushing about it. Which, if I'm not mistaken was basically what happened with She-Ra too, wasn't it?

Yeah, that small edit war on Wikipedia over MotU:R to talk about the "controversy" which included the amazing phrase 'establishment of feminism' is now over, it having been scrubbed and instead has reviews from places like the AV Club and Daily Beast and not, you know, the Quartering and the Critical Drinker. They also talk about the review-bombing. I'm sure we'll get more 'content' over it but it's mostly a Dennis Nedry "See, nobody cares" situation now.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
Today I saw that He-Man cartoon without a lot of nostalgia for the old stuff.
Things I liked: Some character designs, the animation, some musical scores.
The plot just felt incredible trite and had way to much pathos. Nothing I really liked there.
She-Ra was way better, since that one at least had something to say.


Sep 11, 2001

We go play orbital catch around the curvature of the earth, son.

Dawgstar posted:

That comes in handy since a lot of the outrage miners are calling it the worst betrayal SINCE Last Jedi.

There's also a small but spirited effort to talk about the 'controversy.'

Imagine trying to say 'because somebody called the Critical Drinker said it was bad!'

I like how the wikipedia editors are really merciless with emphasizing just how small and insignificant the creators and audience of rage-bait rumor mill youtube clickbait channels are.

They really are too - in spite of them flooding youtube with rage-bait vids attacking the series and Kevin Smith, most people enjoy the show. The people raging on youtube and in comments sections about this series are incredibly itty bitty.

Also, :lol:

Dawgstar posted:

Yeah, that small edit war on Wikipedia over MotU:R to talk about the "controversy" which included the amazing phrase 'establishment of feminism' is now over, it having been scrubbed and instead has reviews from places like the AV Club and Daily Beast and not, you know, the Quartering and the Critical Drinker. They also talk about the review-bombing. I'm sure we'll get more 'content' over it but it's mostly a Dennis Nedry "See, nobody cares" situation now.

Best-case scenario in part 2 of the series is there is nothing for the antiwoke ragebait youtubers to really go after with Prince Adam / He-man getting more screentime, so the fake ginned up 'controversy' just kinda peters off and gets forgotten.

But there will probably be some clever Kevin Smith twist that sends them into a frenzy.

Or they'll just make something up to be mad about. Who cares with these fuckin psychos.

Spacedad fucked around with this message at 17:38 on Aug 2, 2021

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