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Sep 26, 2006

I watched through the Masters of the Universe: Revelation: Celebration commentary tracks Kevin Smith did with the writers, and I'll just post the notes I made on each episode as I was listening/watching about the most interesting things they said. Or at least, the bits I thought people in this thread might care about :

Masters of the Universe: Revelation: Celebration posted:

Episode 1 (N/A)

  • Allen Oppenheimer voices Skeletor right at the end of episode 1, even if you can only barely hear it. Just after Teela walks out of the castle at the end of the episode you can see some people celebrating, and someone shouts "He-Man finally killed Skeletor!". That's Allen Oppenheimer, doing his best Skeletor. He can't really do the voice anymore because it's too much strain, but he did his best effort for one line.

Episode 2 (Diya Mishra)

  • This is Diya's first ever solo writing credit, which is pretty cool.
  • Stinkor shouts "SNOOOOOCCCHHH!" as he's crashing into the produce cart at the start of the episode.
  • There's more "Motherboard"/techno-cult stuff in the second half of the season and they'd like to explore it more in the second season if it gets made because it really caught Rob David's attention and imagination. Diya, the one who came up with the idea of a techno-cult/Motherboard, wants to do more body horror through Motherboard if they can get more seasons.
  • There was supposed to be a fight between Teela and one of her subordinates in the old show, Ilena, in the second episode, just before Andra and Teela enter Castle Greyskull, but it had to be cut for time because the first episode ran long and some parts had to be inserted at the start of the second episode. Kevin's daughter, Harley, would have voiced Ilena, who would be stationed at Castle Greyskull by King Randor with a few other guards so that there was someone protecting Castle Greyskull. As is, it just looks like it's been left unprotected, which Kevin knows seems odd, but for the sake of time, that was the best thing to cut so it is what it is.
  • The flashback in episode two is where it would originally have started. Which seems weird, because the stuff with Teela and Andra at the start just seems like it'd be odd coming right on the heels of Teela storming out at the end of episode one.

Episode 3 (Marc Bernardin)

  • They wanted every episode to open with a flashback, or at least include one, to both include He-Man in some fashion in each episode as well as to highlight the tone of the original show for comparison's sake.
  • The goal with Orko was to make him so good that people would get Orko tattoos, because they knew Orko was a character a lot of people hated in the original show.
  • Marc, Kevin etc. envisioned Duncan (Man-at-Arms) as old Batman; maybe past his prime but still able to kick rear end, even without the suit.
  • Duncan appearing during the Merman fight is to pay off the fact Teela wouldn't hug her father when they were leaving, and only shook hands with him. Which, I suppose makes sense, and makes the scene a bit better, but I think that pay off is way too quick in that case and it'd be better to happen at/after they return to Greyskull in episode 5. As an action scene I still feel like the other character could or should have done more too, rather than it basically all being Duncan, cool as he is during that scene.
  • One thing I hadn't really noticed is that just when they're about to enter Subternia, Evilyn goes to follow, leaving the head of the Havoc Staff behind on the skeleton lock, pauses, looks back to it, takes a few steps to walk into Subternia, stops again and then turns and goes back to it; signaling her increasing distance from Skeletor, but inability to quite leave him behind despite her own recognition that she's in a fairly toxic relationship with him. Which, if she had left it there would have changed the mid-season break a lot.

Episode 4 (Tim Sheridan)

  • They think this is the first time Scare-Glow has appeared on screen (though they're not sure). He definitely never appeared in the Filmation show because the show had been cancelled by the time he had been created for the toys, but he may have appeared in the 2002 show.
  • Tim wrote all Scare-Glow's lines in the script using a mix of upper and lower case letters akin to the Mad Hatter in The Long Halloween (which he'd just finished writing the animated adaptation of apparently) as a way to show how he envisioned Scare-Glow talking in the script.
  • Another line I hadn't really parsed going through is that when Scare-Glow first appears Teela goes "Skeletor?" and Scare-Glow says "No, but I remember that name". An old fan theory has Skeletor and Scare-Glow as one person, so Tim wanted to gesture towards that even if he wasn't going to be able to confirm it.
  • Bear McCreary was a fan of the show as a kid, and was the one who decided to hire an orchestra for the soundtrack after reading the script, seeing the animatics etc. and realizing: "Oh, they're trying to treat this seriously, so I should too".

Episode 5 (Eric Carrasco)

  • While Kevin had a pretty solid outline of what he wanted for the other four episodes in place when first sending the writers their way to pen their scripts, the fifth episode was basically two lines summed up as "and then we get the sword". Presumably "and Adam appears to die as Skeletor returns to take the sword instead" was the gist of the other line. Everything else was basically Eric's invention and filling out of that idea.
  • Kevin did have some idea of what he wanted Orko's eulogy to be too, though Tim came up with Evilyn's "You were a fool" line, because Kevin had laid out that he wanted Adam and Teela to do something along the lines of "You were a..." each, and Evilyn's original line was much more traditionally sentimental.
  • The live action film was Eric's first exposure to MOTU, and he wanted to put in several nods to it. He's the one who put in the flying discs Adam and Teela use for instance, which is apparently a live action thing? No idea personally.
  • He was the one who decided to play up the "Pre" part of "Preternia" as prehistoric too, and went with a dinosaur hunt because it was prehistoric.
  • They didn't comfirm Robotto would come back to, but they certainly nudged up close to it in a *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* way. Which means that for all the deaths in the show's first 5 episodes (Moss-Man, He-Man, Skeletor, Orko and Robotto) Moss-Man is probably the only one that'll stick.

I think it was in the final episode that Kevin and (presumably) Eric were talking about how originally Randor's line to Adam at the start of episode one when he comments on Duncan and Teela was "That's parental pride Adam; maybe one day you'll experience it too". Which some other one of the writers said should be changed to "That's parental pride Adam; maybe I'll experience it one day too", to set up Randor's relationship to Adam and how he reacts to the revelation that Adam is He-Man along with things in the back half of the season better. Also, because it came up in the thread I kept an eye out for when someone seemed like they were trying to tell Teela about the Sorceress being her mother:

  • One: In episode two the Sorceress tells Teela that she had a destiny at Greyskull and is presumably about to talk about the fact she's her mother when asking Teela to get the two swords, but Teela interrupts her out of frustration/anger.
  • Two: In episode three Duncan tries to tell Teela something just before they leave, but Evilyn interrupts and refuses to give them time since they're already in a hurry and doesn't want drama to slow them down.
  • Three: In episode five Adam tries to tell Teela about something to do with magic when they're having a talk at the magical looking pond but Teela interrupts him, because she's still angry at him and I'd guess because she's reluctant to give Adam any opening to find out what's happening in Eternia that demands the Sword of Power since she still wants him to enjoy paradise even if she's upset with him.

So that's 3 times someone seemed like they were trying to tell her in 3 different episodes, and in both the episodes without someone trying to do so there is instead a hint at something going on. In the first episode the Sorceress pauses time as Skeletor exposes the magic orb so she can see Teela "one last time" and in episode four Teela appears to use magic to defeat Scare-Glow.

That all said, I re-watched episode 5 after watching the commentary tracks over the last few days and I still don't quite get why Adam chose his "lesser form" for Preternia. By Kevin's word it's to establish who Adam is, and narratively it also serves to highlight that Teela did always know Adam because she knew the real Adam, and He-Man was just a disguise he wore i.e. it's like Superman, which Kevin outright says quite frequently. What I don't get is why Adam sees that as the real or ideal version, or why he'd choose to be that over the much more physically capable but emotionally, mentally etc. identical He-Man. I get why Superman would choose to be Clark Kent, because Clark Kent is who he wants to be, because he thinks of himself as human and not an alien or protector, because he values the relationships he has as a human and so on. There's been nothing like that for Adam though. You can assume it all, and as an assumption it kind of makes sense on Earth; not so much in heaven though.

I also still don't like how or why Adam leaves Preternia. As He-Ro (I think it's him, at least) says: "You have to lay down the burden eventually". Adam just decides that he's sick of people dying though, so he'll leave heaven to protect his friends. Which kind of runs against the whole theme Greyskull and Moss-Man were establishing earlier that death isn't something we should fear. As an extreme you could even take it as Adam not trusting his friends to continue without him to aid them. I know that it'd just make the show what angry fans were fearing it'd be if Adam "stepped aside" and someone, quite possibly Teela took up the Sword of Power in his place, but honestly (a) who gives a poo poo and (b) it makes more sense to me that it go that way with the setup the show was going for. Andra taking up the sword, Teela becoming the new Sorceress (or new Man-At-Arms) etc. A passing of the torch/burden.

Alternatively, just don't loving kill people you intend to bring back without considering what it does to the thematics of the show, because it's kind of undercutting things a bit that you kill 5 characters during those early episodes and are all but confirming 4 of those 5 will be back to life within the season. If you're using death to establish "we're not in Kansas anymore kids; this is grown up town now", and Smith was, by his own words, because he sees Skeletor burning Moss-Man in episode one as the "turn" where it goes from the campy old show to his more adult version, then don't start resurrecting the characters you kill willy-nilly or you lose the stakes you took time to establish.

tsob fucked around with this message at 19:08 on Aug 5, 2021


Oct 5, 2010

Especially since the creators have already stated that nobody actually died in the first half (or at least Adam and Orko are still alive)

Sep 7, 2018

I tried to run away. To take the easy way out. I'll live through the suffering. When I die, I want to feel like I did my best.
Just saw this on the recommendation of a friend. Knowing very little about He-Man beforehand, other that it always seeming ultra-cringe, I can say this was a fantastic production. I don't really know anything about latter days Kevin Smith, but if this is the quality of work then call me impressed. The animation was one of the strongest pulls for me, as I haven't seen anything that pretty in years.

pulling hard for the long con lyn

Sep 26, 2006


Larryb posted:

Especially since the creators have already stated that nobody actually died in the first half (or at least Adam and Orko are still alive)

Well, not quite no-one. Moss-Man died, and is presumably going to stay in Preternia/Heaven. It's not a lot though, and everything else undercuts it. It won't say there's no tension in Adam being stabbed just after coming back from death, given that they did just establish that if he leaves Preternia he may never come back and will instead die as anyone else would but it'll be hard to take any further damage seriously or have any further stakes when they've already played the card twice and are obviously going to reverse it both times.

tsob fucked around with this message at 20:08 on Aug 5, 2021

Oct 5, 2010

Yeah, despite having little nostalgia for the series (I hated it as a kid) and aside from a few clips from the 80’s shows have only seen Revelation, SPoP, and He-Man 2002 (all of which I wound up liking for the most part), I was surprisingly able to follow along with this pretty well (and as mentioned the animation is gorgeous and they even managed to give Orko some depth).

Speaking of, do the original 80’s He-Man and She-Ra still hold up ok? I haven’t heard a lot of good things about New Adventures either aside from maybe Skeletor

Jul 15, 2017

Larryb posted:

Speaking of, do the original 80’s He-Man and She-Ra still hold up ok? I haven’t heard a lot of good things about New Adventures either aside from maybe Skeletor

Personally speaking while there's some camp appeal I honestly couldn't point to specific episodes I recall like I could with Transformers or G.I. Joe that made the series stand out from the animated advertisement the show was so if you go into it not expecting a whole lot you might enjoy yourself. And I hate how cynical that sounds. Although you might find yourself irritated when you realize things like they wouldn't let She-Ra brawl like He-Man did because Standards and Practices called that 'unfeminine' or whatever.

I remember being excited to see the original Thundercats when it hit Toonami waaaaay back when and realizing "oh, no, this isn't very good."

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"
The 80s He-Man and She-Ra were so hamstrung by purity watchdogging that the *new* episodes are way more controversial by comparison. Sure, the characters were more over the top and sexualized (hence some of the really weird initial resistance to the 'kid-looking' characters), but the only "relationship" that was ever hinted at in the original is that Adora and the *original* Sea Hawk kinda-sorta had a thing. And even when I was watching She-Ra when I was five, I noticed that it was strange that Bow was surrounded by all these extremely beautiful women *all the time* and never seemed to be interested in *any* of them.

There's a documentary on Netflix about the original He-Man (and like 5% about She-Ra and 5% about New Adventures) series that goes out of circulation at the end of the month. It's worth a watch.

BIG HEADLINE fucked around with this message at 21:12 on Aug 5, 2021

Aug 25, 2004

I would also still appreciate some danger.

FWIW: GI Joe, Jem!, and The Real Ghostbusters have all held up astonishingly well. He-Man was always a bit of a clunker, I think it was aimed at a much younger audience.

Killer robot
Sep 6, 2010

I was having the most wonderful dream. I think you were in it!

moths posted:

FWIW: GI Joe, Jem!, and The Real Ghostbusters have all held up astonishingly well. He-Man was always a bit of a clunker, I think it was aimed at a much younger audience.

Even as a kid I knew that Transformers was far and away a better show than He-Man in writing and animation. I've rewatched Transformers more recently and it has some good stuff along with the mediocre; not surprised He-Man hasn't held up as well.

Android Blues
Nov 22, 2008

She-Ra's more consistently good than He-Man, but they're both extremely cheesy shows with hokey plots and often comical voice acting. I think they can be super fun, if you're willing to enjoy the campiness, but if you go into them with the mentality of like, expecting something on the storytelling level of modern serialised animation, you will leave disappointed.

Oct 5, 2010

Also I’m not sure what it is about it but 80’s Adora’s voice is kind of weird to me (not sure about the series itself but in the opening she sounds half asleep most of the time). Maybe it’s just me though

Nov 3, 2004

My mother is a fish.
That intresting that they got Allen Oppenheimer to attempt the OG Skelator voice. I can see how it would be hard for him to do now. If you want an Oppenheimer performance in his normal voice watch the Star Trek Next Generation episode Rightful Heir, the episode with the clone of Kahless. Oppenheimer plays Koroth the cleric who comes with the ploy of cloning Klingon Jessus.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

side_burned posted:

That intresting that they got Allen Oppenheimer to attempt the OG Skelator voice. I can see how it would be hard for him to do now. If you want an Oppenheimer performance in his normal voice watch the Star Trek Next Generation episode Rightful Heir, the episode with the clone of Kahless. Oppenheimer plays Koroth the cleric who comes with the ploy of cloning Klingon Jessus.

He also did the voice over work for Alistair Crane on Passions with his normal booming baritone voice before they cast an actual on-camera actor to play him and he had a blast basically playing Human Skeletor on probably the worst soap opera of all time.

The Last Call
Sep 9, 2011

Rehabilitating sinner
About Moss-Man in the new show:

The mans a plant, you know he's going to Groot himself into being again later as a little sprout.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

The Last Call posted:

About Moss-Man in the new show:

The mans a plant, you know he's going to Groot himself into being again later as a little sprout.

Yeah, going by what Kevin Smith and others involved in the show have been saying, this series seems like it's going to have a body count of exactly zero by the time it's finished, or maybe exactly one: Skeletor. But if they're talking about a second season already, then it's probably going to be zero.

Dec 20, 2003

Welp, series binged. Were the black writhing many-eyed blob that merged with Light Spinner to become Shadow Weaver and the black writhing many-eyed blob that was the true form of Horde Prime which She-Ra expelled meant to be the same type of being?

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

So I watched some of the commentary tracks and more of the Fatman Beyond podcast on the show and apparently Teela’s new haircut—the one that set the internet on fire—is actually a tribute to Chyler Leigh and the haircut she had for Supergirl. Apparently this was done by the character designers at Powerhouse and was a surprise to Kevin Smith when they unveiled the design.

The Last Call
Sep 9, 2011

Rehabilitating sinner
The new comic tie in is out and Skeletor has a hell of a origin, Keldor? Not here at all. It's entirely new.

*IF* true which Lyn even calls him out on Skeletor comes from a skull based race, yes they have necks. They look like him in other words. They were enslaved by a ram like race until Skeletor rose up and had them overthrown. He then found love and had a child. Yes they all looked like death as well. The ram people later killed them in front of Skeletor to break him. It's when a horde ship lands and Hordak and crew come out, promising the power to resurrect all he lost if he served. So he did. His race became Horde troopers. In time Hordak enabled him to resurrect one and only one to shut up his complaining about them. He chose his son. He left him in the hands of the Horde as he went out in the universe to train and learn more, in time he realized he would never have his wife again so planned to over throw Hordak. Again Lyn says it's all BS and Skeletor says it is but after she leaves he holds an amulet and tells his dead wife goodnight.

Aug 27, 2011


The Last Call posted:

The new comic tie in is out and Skeletor has a hell of a origin, Keldor? Not here at all. It's entirely new.

*IF* true which Lyn even calls him out on Skeletor comes from a skull based race, yes they have necks. They look like him in other words. They were enslaved by a ram like race until Skeletor rose up and had them overthrown. He then found love and had a child. Yes they all looked like death as well. The ram people later killed them in front of Skeletor to break him. It's when a horde ship lands and Hordak and crew come out, promising the power to resurrect all he lost if he served. So he did. His race became Horde troopers. In time Hordak enabled him to resurrect one and only one to shut up his complaining about them. He chose his son. He left him in the hands of the Horde as he went out in the universe to train and learn more, in time he realized he would never have his wife again so planned to over throw Hordak. Again Lyn says it's all BS and Skeletor says it is but after she leaves he holds an amulet and tells his dead wife goodnight.
Skeletor- Dad:"I know I come off as arrogant and cold, but I have the same urges as anyone else. These primal animal cravings persisted long after your mother's passing, and to this day I yearn for the next opportunity to take pleasure in the carnal union of flesh. Your dad doesn't just have sex, son. Your dad fucks"

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Panfilo posted:

Skeletor- Dad:"I know I come off as arrogant and cold, but I have the same urges as anyone else. These primal animal cravings persisted long after your mother's passing, and to this day I yearn for the next opportunity to take pleasure in the carnal union of flesh. Your dad doesn't just have sex, son. Your dad fucks"

And now the question becomes, whose voice did you read that in, Oppenheimer, Langella, or Hamill?

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

nine-gear crow posted:

And now the question becomes, whose voice did you read that in, Oppenheimer, Langella, or Hamill?


nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013



That's the thing, it takes on wildly different connotations with each voice.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"
I know Hamill says he did a different voice with Skeletor but all I heard was "throatier Joker."

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013


I know Hamill says he did a different voice with Skeletor but all I heard was "throatier Joker."

Yeah, but he's having a loving blast, so I don't really care if it is.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

nine-gear crow posted:

Yeah, but he's having a loving blast, so I don't really care if it is.

Oh, agreed, but I watched the OG Skeletor in my youth so I'm horrendously biased.

I do kinda hope Hamill's allowed to do "Emperor Joker" eventually. I've a feeling this experience as Skeletor would come in real handy for that.

Captain Oblivious
Oct 12, 2007

I'm not like other posters

nine-gear crow posted:

And now the question becomes, whose voice did you read that in, Oppenheimer, Langella, or Hamill?

Still Goofy I’m afraid

Sep 26, 2006


The Last Call posted:

The new comic tie in is out and Skeletor has a hell of a origin, Keldor? Not here at all. It's entirely new.

*IF* true which Lyn even calls him out on Skeletor comes from a skull based race, yes they have necks. They look like him in other words. They were enslaved by a ram like race until Skeletor rose up and had them overthrown. He then found love and had a child. Yes they all looked like death as well. The ram people later killed them in front of Skeletor to break him. It's when a horde ship lands and Hordak and crew come out, promising the power to resurrect all he lost if he served. So he did. His race became Horde troopers. In time Hordak enabled him to resurrect one and only one to shut up his complaining about them. He chose his son. He left him in the hands of the Horde as he went out in the universe to train and learn more, in time he realized he would never have his wife again so planned to over throw Hordak. Again Lyn says it's all BS and Skeletor says it is but after she leaves he holds an amulet and tells his dead wife goodnight.

His line to Andra that no-one would ever have him as a man because he has a skull for a face is a bit weird if that's true.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

tsob posted:

His line to Andra that no-one would ever have him as a man because he has a skull for a face is a bit weird if that's true.

We'll have to wait to see how Part 2 plays out in regard to giving Skeletor any backstory or pathos, but right now I'm disinclined to believe that any of the comics count as canon towards the show and are anything more than just "here's some things that happen with these characters before the show starts".

Oct 5, 2010

New pics of toys from the upcoming CGI Reboot series have been released, including our first look at Man-At-Arms:

CG Adam still looks like Kristoff from Frozen to me but otherwise the redesigns so far don’t look too bad.

I can’t imagine it’ll be too much longer until we get a trailer (or at least a cast list) for this now

Larryb fucked around with this message at 17:48 on Aug 18, 2021

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Larryb posted:

New pics of toys from the upcoming CGI Reboot series have been released, including our first look at Man-At-Arms:

CG Adam still looks like Kristoff from Frozen to me but otherwise the redesigns so far don’t look too bad.

I can’t imagine it’ll be too much longer until we get a trailer (or at least a cast list) for this now

So Skeletor is Reaper from Overwatch and Man-At-Arms is just male Samus? :confused: They're definitely aiming to capture an audience of modern videogame playing kids, that's for sure.

E: Also it kinda looks like Man-At-Arms is the same age as or even younger than He-Man. Huh.

Aug 25, 2004

I would also still appreciate some danger.

I thought someone put googly eyes on Man at Arms' shoulder.

Oct 5, 2010

nine-gear crow posted:

So Skeletor is Reaper from Overwatch and Man-At-Arms is just male Samus? :confused: They're definitely aiming to capture an audience of modern videogame playing kids, that's for sure.

E: Also it kinda looks like Man-At-Arms is the same age as or even younger than He-Man. Huh.

From what little we see of his face I don’t see any facial hair at least

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

moths posted:

I thought someone put googly eyes on Man at Arms' shoulder.

I CAN'T UNSEE IT :byodood:

Darth Walrus
Feb 13, 2012

Larryb posted:

From what little we see of his face I don’t see any facial hair at least

I see a big scar and what looks like they're probably grey eyebrows. I'm guessing they're going for the other take on 'grizzled military veteran' - dude's probably bald as a cueball under that helmet.

Darth Walrus fucked around with this message at 06:03 on Aug 19, 2021

Oct 5, 2010

Darth Walrus posted:

I see a big scar and what looks like they're probably grey eyeballs. I'm guessing they're going for the other take on 'grizzled military veteran' - dude's probably bald as a cueball under that helmet.

Makes sense, from what little we know so far it seems like this series is going to be an SPoP style reboot that reimagines the characters and story (it also will apparently pay homage to every incarnation of the franchise in some fashion)

Oct 11, 2007

This guy seems legit.
Fun Shoe
Samus A-Man-At-Arms

Oct 5, 2010

And we have our first trailer for the reboot (which drops September 16):

According to someone on, the armored girl is supposedly a gender-flipped Ram Man.

It also seems like they might just be merging Teela and the Sorceress into one character and that’s who the yellow eyed girl is (alternatively, they’re leaning hard into the fact that the Sorceress is Teela’s mom and just making her a magic user in this series as well)

Also do we have a cast list for this yet? Some of the voices sound kind of familiar to me (I wanna say that’s Antony Del Rio as Man-At-Arms but I’m not sure).

And some more info regarding the series staff:

Larryb fucked around with this message at 16:10 on Aug 19, 2021

Mar 7, 2013

Is your refrigerator running?

Larryb posted:

And we have our first trailer for the reboot (which drops September 16):

According to someone on, the armored girl is supposedly a gender-flipped Ram Man.


Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

This is the only good thing about this trailer.


Dec 19, 2002

Entrapta fucking loves robots

Grimey Drawer
nope. I don't like that animation style.

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