SlipUp and Third, shut up you worms. You shall brawl for my pleasure. To confirm your entry into this glorious combat, each of you must select a weapon (you may interpret this as you see fit). Post a picture of your weapon, and then await further instructions. Chili fucked around with this message at 16:21 on Jan 16, 2019 |
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 02:55 |
sebmojo posted:Simply simon: a nugget of truth in every mouse I also thank you for the crit in general. I will take to heart: nobody gives a poo poo about a 15-year-old's self-inflicted daddy issues.
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sebmojo posted:I should be able to, but: Satan. Missed this earlier, but a line by line would be helpful.
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Screw it. It's been almost two months since November, I should be over having failed at a long-story contest already. Maybe failing at a short-story contest is just what I need to get past it. In, and I'd like a sentence assigned please.
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Simply Simon posted:I will not stand for the slander of my English skills; the word order mangling was a very deliberate choice on my end. I thank you for the advice, but you should have been way more cruel in putting down my hubris. Don't respond to crits even if it's to be all 'ohoho i guess u got me master pip, chortle chortle we'll see next time young whippersnapper'. It clogs up the thread and: noone cares. We can all write better than we just did, so, do it.
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DJ Dublell posted:Part of the Forest sebmojo fucked around with this message at 20:03 on Jan 16, 2019 |
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In with: "General Clap did not understand the way of the ancient warrior. However, the Shadow Wolves did." sebmojo posted:crit Also thanks for this!
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Simply Simon posted:I will not stand for the slander of my English skills; the word order mangling was a very deliberate choice on my end. I thank you for the advice, but you should have been way more cruel in putting down my hubris.
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Sham bam bamina! posted:Brawl me, twerp.
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Chili posted:SlipUp and Third, shut up you worms. Once my hanzo steel is drawn... it cannot rest until it has tasted blood... ![]()
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Okay here's the thing, Sebmojo. Brawl me. In your crit of SlipUp's story, you dissed bookisms that tell you to avoid using "said," insisting that the more boring word should always be used, yet you strongly insisted on following an even worse bookism about avoiding adverbs altogether, without giving us any reason to trust one bookism over another. Also here is a list of adverbs that you used in your crit. -deliberately -really -accordingly -exactly -roughly -importantly -needlessly -basically -completely -probably -unnecessarily
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onsetOutsider posted:Okay here's the thing, Sebmojo. Brawl me. Lol ok ![]()
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Brawls will continue until the inkthirst of the Dome is quenched.quote:Third 'Jerkface' EmperorToday at 3:57 PM
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Gods. Is this dank den usually so brawly?
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No it's quiet for weeks until one brawl gets blood in the water and sets off a whole clusterfuck.
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Sham bam bamina! posted:Brawl me, twerp. Simply Simon posted:Sure, let's loving do it! ![]() ![]() Your prompt is this quote: quote:What am I? What has my will done to make me that I am? Nothing. I have been floated into this thought, this hour, this connection of events, by secret currents of might and mind, and my ingenuity and willfulness have not thwarted, have not aided to an appreciable degree. You can each, additionally, optionally, request a dumb flashrule from me. But only a dumb one. Update: Simon gets the flashrule "hipster elves" and sham gets the flashrule "normcore dragons" Word count maximum: 1200 words Deadline: Wednesday, January 30th, by 11:59:59PM Pacific Standard Time Sitting Here fucked around with this message at 00:01 on Jan 17, 2019 |
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![]() I'll have a dumb rule.
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I don't know if it's a handicap or a helpful extra prompt for any of us, but I'll take a dumb rule as well to even the playing field!
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Anomalous Blowout posted:
As Antivehicular won and has to crit almost 60 stories by the end of this week, I’m extending this brawl deadline to 11:59 PST on 31st January. You have til the end of the month, which means if I get poo poo slop words I’ll be even more disappointed than usual.
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Sham bam bamina! posted:
normcore dragons Simply Simon posted:I don't know if it's a handicap or a helpful extra prompt for any of us, but I'll take a dumb rule as well to even the playing field! hipster elves
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Thunderdome Week 336 Crits (Part Two) ----- Pham Nuwen - “El Oso” I love the twist on being able to see the future in this - wondering whether El Oso’s sight is false, partly true and fulfilled by his posse, or completely true (and know it will be fulfilled by his posse) has me hooked. Turning your prompt into the surly El Oso was also neat! However, while you did well with your flash rule, there was very little from the bestiary description itself. Raul is barely more than a vessel for the observer - why exactly is he there? What help does he seek? And what does he think of El Oso’s predictions after the wrap-up of the carriage robbery? 7/10 flerp - “The World is a Rat” There’s a lot going on in this story, but none of it gets explored or truly tied in. The protagonist laments the breakup with Sammie initially, but by the end it’s an afterthought. Why exactly did they break up? (Was it the lip biting? Or something more?) The Dad all but thrown in, and what’s with the offhand mention of Mom? (And Dad wanting grandkids - it seems like the protagonist is a teenager, so it’s weird Dad would already be pressuring her about having children at her age.) And and and and and and and.... There were a lot of these, and I found it distracting, possibly due to their overuse in starting sentences. The transformation into a snake along with her desire to bite and taste blood and eat rats makes sense, but what of all that “eat the world” buildup? I was got excited thinking this would lead the story into being about the birth of something like a two-headed Jormungandr, but then it simply goes back to wanting to eat rats. You also have an aside about the protagonist being cold, forcing another element of your prompt in the story, then never mentioned again. There is something interesting here to be written, and to be read, if you can focus on fleshing out (and bringing together) the ideas in it. 5/10 theblunderbuss - “One Last Job” This story takes too long to get where it needs to go, then when it gets there it doesn’t do anything to make it stand out. They go to find a magic bird, hope it cures Sand, it doesn’t, the story ends. I think you had a whole world swirling around in your head and got stuck telling a chopped-down chapter of it here. Your prompt is not well-integrated (you start to insinuate the bird’s healing powers… then just state it as a fact). Your flash rule feels shoehorned in as a way to end the story rather than being an underlying element. “Good kid, Bari. Did what he was told.” This line not only sounds cliche but then immediately afterwards you have a (much too long) back-and-forth with Bari repeatedly refusing what to do! Overall, I don’t think this was good flash fiction, but I do believe it has promise for something more. I want to know about alchemist treasures worth steal and the exotic animal guards they employ. I want to know about the other magical creatures in the menagerie and world. I want to know why the Duke seeks the healing properties of the bird himself. I want this story to break free of a word limit. 5/10 Entenzahn - “A series of natural deaths” A fun use of the flash rule and prompt! However, I’ve read the story twice and am having trouble piecing it together, in part due to the time jumps, in part due to too little information. Cleft gets badgers sicced on him - got it. But then… Karl is the target? By whom? Is it Samsa, upset Karl lied to her about what the badgers would do to Cleft? (She is never shown to be bothered by this, however, even though she implied to have stolen liquor for their services.) Also, and this is trivial, for some reason the badgers creating “mole hills” bothered me, even though there’s likely nothing wrong with it. The officers seemed unnecessary as well, serving only to hint at a larger world and badger attacks that don’t have relevance to the scope of this story. However, I’d like to see a story that does take on that broader scope, further exploring the mercenary badgers and possibly witchcraft it contains. 7/10 Hawklad - “Goats in the Shell” Okay, easily my favorite title from this week’s batch stories even if it didn’t have goats getting the essence of their being uploaded into computers. Obviously there’s not a whole lot of story going on, mostly a well-written sci-fi action romp with horny goats, but you clearly had fun writing this - and I had fun reading it! 6/10 Lippincott - “Harnessed Loyalty” A nice, rounded-out story about a good boy. It’s a complete piece in its own right, yet overall I feel like it’s something I’d read in as a prologue chapter to a novel about this good boy and his new owner. What more could I want from this story? Mainly something to make it truly unique, to make it stand out from other dog/owner stories out there as it felt like standard fare material even if the quality of the work is high, which it is! Also using more of the bestiary details for your prompt, as this was bare minimum in that regard. It was a good read, and I wish I could think of more to add to this crit! 7/10 Mercedes - “Voice Thief” First and foremost, the characters in this are lacking. I don’t really care about any of them! Brad is the only one with any detail, and that is limited to his being attacked, then going out against the odds to save his wife. (He also reflects that being brave is against his nature, but this contradicts the only thing we’re given as readers about his nature.) Speaking of too little detail, the world itself is a shamble of random bits that never come together. Voidmart is never explained in the slightest (get rid of that silly “™”, yeesh), and the dangerous wolf world is never given any meat - never a solid reason to be concerned about characters going out into it. The Brad being voiceless and rock-pounding aren’t supported in any way, clearly forced in to meet the prompt (remove both of them from the story and the story effectively remains unchanged). Everything is over-described (e.g. the silence does not need to be yawning), with too many metaphors/similes being thrown in at every turn. Work on giving personality to your characters and a reason for the world to be scary and dangerous, then you’ll have a solid story on your hands. 5/10
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anatomi posted:Gods. Is this dank den usually so brawly? Quit flashing those pearly whites and get in here - brawl me!
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sebmojo posted:Lol ok Stand by for prompt
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Thanks for the crits, folks!
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anatomi posted:Gods. Is this dank den usually so brawly? Bolt Lux posted:Quit flashing those pearly whites and get in here - brawl me! I jumped the gun because I was excited by all the brawls and put a prompt here. Do you accept the challenge, anatomi? If so toxx up and I've got one ready to go. Welcome to TD! Flesnolk fucked around with this message at 02:37 on Jan 17, 2019 |
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anatomi posted:Gods. Is this dank den usually so brawly? Right? Someone fight me. I dares ya.
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ThirdEmperor posted:Brawls will continue until the inkthirst of the Dome is quenched. A brawl needs to be declared in the thread to be official. So I ain't adding this to the roster until a challenge is thrown down here.
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![]() ![]() Because sebmojo is one of the most experienced and successful domers there is, and onset is literally brand new and possessed with more chutzpah than sense, I'm splitting this prompt up a bit to give each of you a fighting chance. SEBMOJO You may not use dialogue. I want you to take this song and use it as inspiration to paint me the most concrete picture you can of family drama and community politics in the face of coming turmoil. You can use all your writerly powers to play with this guideline as much as you like, but I want this community to feel like a real place really coming apart at the seams. To make it a bit harder for you: no onscreen violence. Implied is fine if you must. ONSETOUTSIDER Because you picked a fight with one of the biggest goons in the yard on your second week, you get to write about someone completely in over their head. This could run the gamut from fighting someone way out of their weight class to literally defying a hurricane while shirtless and waving an American flag, although if you straight up literally use the exact images/videos here you better have a heck of a fresh take on 'em. I want you to really dig into the head of someone who'd throw themselves into that sort of "I am completely overwhelmed and anyone thinking logically would run" situation and why the hell they'd do it. Determination, defiance, other things with D. BOTH OF YOU Must keep the story grounded and realistic. It's okay for it to not strictly be 2019 Earth, but no overt supernatural elements or the like. Neither of you are obligated to use your exact images/videos in their most literal sense, just take inspiration from them. Neither of you may use "how" adverbs; even one will be a DQ loss. Word count maximum: 1500 words Additional hellrules: *No explicitly apocalyptic stories; I'm just sick of 'em. So in sebmojo's case, the world can't literally end, be ending, be about to end, or have ended already - this specific community might or might not be hosed, but the rest of the world isn't doing horribly. * One additional rule per combatant available upon request Standard rules also apply. So no poetry, erotica, fanfic, quote tags, political screeds, bodily fluids, google docs, etc etc Deadline: Thursday, January 31st, by 11:59:59PM Pacific Standard Time; if this time doesn't work, and there's a good reason it doesn't, ask me for a one time extension Flesnolk fucked around with this message at 04:10 on Jan 17, 2019 |
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SOMEONE FIGHT THIS MANsteeltoedsneakers posted:Right? and then let's not have any new brawl challenges until the actual signups for this week pick up a bit more.
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steeltoedsneakers posted:Right? hello this week's prompt sucks ill fight u ![]()
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flerp posted:hello this week's prompt sucks ill fight u Yeah (I mean, it doesn't, I just didn't want to do it)! ![]()
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Sitting Here posted:SOMEONE FIGHT THIS MAN Yes MUM In and gimme a ridiculous opener
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flerp posted:hello this week's prompt sucks ill fight u steeltoedsneakers posted:Yeah (I mean, it doesn't, I just didn't want to do it)! ![]() ![]() I really want this to be a weekly prompt sometime so your prompts come from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows! I want you to explore, demonstrate, refute, wallow in, or otherwise engage with your assigned sorrow. Flerp's prompt: quote:flashover Sneakers' prompt: quote:hanker sore You can each, additionally, optionally, request a prohibitive flashrule from me. But only a prohibitive one. Words: Up to 1200 words of ineffable sorrow Deadline: Wednesday, January 30th, by 11:59:59 PST
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Chili posted:SlipUp and Third, shut up you worms. ![]()
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Anyone who has challenged anyone else to a brawl should also enter this week.
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quote:The Thunderduel, one 'domer against his sister. This is the animal show, the occasional naval battle. The off-schedule, off-kilter one-on-one informal contest. The glove of the Thunderduel may be thrown down at any time, for any reason or none at all. A judge can be chosen by the defender or may step up of his own accord. The judge will not be one of the Three for that week. Thunderduel's will last for as many rounds as the challenger offers, but always an odd number. Don't want my prompts going to waste, so I'm willing to pull out of the week's judge seat if AntiV wants. Will weigh whether my plate is too full to enter. Flesnolk fucked around with this message at 03:38 on Jan 17, 2019 |
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 02:55 |
I will judge this week, then. If our glorious bossjudge will have me. e: because I don't care about an archaic old rule created by the old testament thundergod
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