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Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Chokes McGee posted:

Petition to make Dot’s new heroine name The Dot

Will she be a legendary pink dot?


Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

There wasn't a B-Story or character I wasn't 100% delighted to spend time with in the entire series. That's an absolute rarity in any show or film, really.

scary ghost dog
Aug 5, 2007

caligulamprey posted:

There wasn't a B-Story or character I wasn't 100% delighted to spend time with in the entire series. That's an absolute rarity in any show or film, really.

its really surprising how wholesome it is, as well. not nearly as many betrayals as i expected

Kurr de la Cruz
May 21, 2007

Put the boots to him, medium style.

Hair Elf
haha holy poo poo I *just* got the joke with the hotel. this show owns

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

TychoCelchuuu posted:

His goggles fitting wrong is one of my favorite parts of the show. He's not supposed to look cool!

That and the left one still being cracked :3:

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

scary ghost dog posted:

its really surprising how wholesome it is, as well. not nearly as many betrayals as i expected

This show is so drat good at red herring plots that they just drop when they're supposed to climax. Like implying Tick being a figment of Arthur's imagination/paranoia when he's talking to Dot or Superian's moment of heroism when Arthur called out and he just shrugged and ignored him.

The best part of Arthur thinking Tick is a hallucination is that it implies literally everyone in The City saw a big blue guy in a tick suit wandering around and went :shrug:.

Your Gay Uncle
Feb 16, 2012

by Fluffdaddy
Just watched the 7th episode and I really love the continuity of Dot’s car being shot to poo poo from last seasons finale.

Jan 2, 2012

This space for Rent.

Your Gay Uncle posted:

Just watched the 7th episode and I really love the continuity of Dot’s car being shot to poo poo from last seasons finale.
Haha yes, I loved that too. I also liked how in that sequence (the tiniest of spoilers, basically not even a spoiler) the Tick and Arthur's antennae are sticking out the sunroof. That detail always makes me laugh.

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

TychoCelchuuu posted:

Haha yes, I loved that too. I also liked how in that sequence (the tiniest of spoilers, basically not even a spoiler) the Tick and Arthur's antennae are sticking out the sunroof. That detail always makes me laugh.

especially when Kevin gets out and they're supposed to be under cover so he can execute a Daring Plan. If Kevin wasn't enough on his own, the two sets of antennae poking out from the car roof is a dead giveaway.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

May 8, 2006
I think the low key physical comedy is the best part of the show, like Tick drinking straight from the coffee pot

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

I like how he poured Dot a cup, and then drank from the pot, and Dot's like "Yeah, I'm not drinking this."

Feb 25, 2013

All the nerdy Superman references in regard to Superian are killing me, particularly the "Can you read my mind" bit.

"I think you should take a long walk." "...On the ground?" - has to be a reference to this, right?

May 24, 2003

...perfect spiral, scientists are still figuring it out...

Maelstache posted:

All the nerdy Superman references in regard to Superian are killing me, particularly the "Can you read my mind" bit.

"I think you should take a long walk." "...On the ground?" - has to be a reference to this, right?

I certainly thought so.

I also enjoyed the 'Maybe I should gather up all the world's nuclear weapons and throw them into the sun' bit.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Maelstache posted:

All the nerdy Superman references in regard to Superian are killing me, particularly the "Can you read my mind" bit.

"I think you should take a long walk." "...On the ground?" - has to be a reference to this, right?

And here I was thinking it was Blowhole / Forrest Gump!

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

Unkempt posted:

I certainly thought so.

I also enjoyed the 'Maybe I should gather up all the world's nuclear weapons and throw them into the sun' bit.

I think this is basically Supierian in a nutshell.

Jun 14, 2007

Hard-nosed gentleman
In every iteration of the Tick it's the secondary superheroes I love the most. Bronze Star and Sage the Supernumerary are amazing.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
Holy poo poo, final episode spoiler

when the tentacles come out, they shout THRAKKAZOG

In conclusion, this incarnation of the Tick is perfect and I wish we could get a 24 episode season.

Hieronymous Alloy fucked around with this message at 03:44 on Apr 14, 2019

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

Did we ever find out what Bronze Star does exactly?

Jun 14, 2007

Hard-nosed gentleman

Davros1 posted:

Did we ever find out what Bronze Star does exactly?

His true superpower is that everyone loves him.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
I hope this guy is wrong but it makes sense, I feel like this season was barely advertised: (basically arguing that executive lineup changes at Amazon may explain lack of promotion for The Tick / possible upcoming cancellation)

Hieronymous Alloy fucked around with this message at 04:33 on Apr 14, 2019

scary ghost dog
Aug 5, 2007

Davros1 posted:

Did we ever find out what Bronze Star does exactly?

lol did he even talk

Jan 2, 2012

This space for Rent.

Hieronymous Alloy posted:

I hope this guy is wrong but it makes sense, I feel like this season was barely advertised
I heard something similar although for all I know it's from the same source so this isn't a confirmation and instead it's just repeating what you said. It would be a real shame if the show doesn't get renewed for a third season (especially given that they already renewed Hanna for a second season and by all accounts that show is a snoozefest). We need as much goofy, friendly, non-cynical superhero stuff as we can get these days!

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Hieronymous Alloy posted:

Holy poo poo, final episode spoiler

when the tentacles come out, they shout THRAKKAZOG

In conclusion, this incarnation of the Tick is perfect and I wish we could get a 24 episode season.

I thought he said Susan

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

TychoCelchuuu posted:

I heard something similar although for all I know it's from the same source so this isn't a confirmation and instead it's just repeating what you said. It would be a real shame if the show doesn't get renewed for a third season (especially given that they already renewed Hanna for a second season and by all accounts that show is a snoozefest). We need as much goofy, friendly, non-cynical superhero stuff as we can get these days!

Hannah was pretty good. It wasn't a snoozefest.

May 11, 2008

Hieronymous Alloy posted:

Holy poo poo, final episode spoiler

when the tentacles come out, they shout THRAKKAZOG

That's a funny way of spelling Sap Sucker Frog.

Vakal fucked around with this message at 05:17 on Apr 14, 2019

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Vakal posted:

That's a funny way of spelling Sap Sucker Frog.

Could've sworn it was "Four Yaks and a Dog." Weird.

killer crane
Dec 30, 2006


I expected too see some iteration of chairface chippendale, especially when they brought up human furniture, and that being only phase one of hobbes's plan.

I really hope the show survives enough to see the marvel hype machine die, and ride it into the ground. I feel like it was a bit of a missed opportunity that the show didn't seem to reference avengers at all, except in general, super team terms. It spent this season dunking on old superman movies, but nothing recent.

May 11, 2008
I liked this season more than the first since it seemed more focused overall.

In season one it just seemed like we were waiting around for The Terror to do something.

Dec 19, 2012
The Duke being decapitated and the human furniture thing also definitely hinted at the possibility at Chairface, but :shrug:

The Duke's thing being mad super science wouldn't mesh with Chairface's typical M.O. though so it's only surface hinting.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Vakal posted:

In season one it just seemed like we were waiting around for The Terror to do something.
And that something was my second favorite TV drum solo (Skillet being #1, natch).

scary ghost dog
Aug 5, 2007

Xelkelvos posted:

The Duke being decapitated and the human furniture thing also definitely hinted at the possibility at Chairface, but :shrug:

The Duke's thing being mad super science wouldn't mesh with Chairface's typical M.O. though so it's only surface hinting.

the duke wasnt chairface.....but maybe the guy he decapitated was

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
Found some neat stuff in Ben Edlund's twitter feed:


When it comes to a third season, Edlund is hopeful. “It’s a big show, so we need to prove ourselves in this season, in its response,” he said. “I think we got something going that people would like to see more of. So, I am cautiously optimistic that a response will be tendered that gives us a shot, you know?”

Sony produces “The Tick” for Amazon, which Edlund thinks is “the exact right place” for the show because “Amazon has sort of set itself out as the place that will do superhero fare, but it must have a sort of a commentary level” — something it shares with the upcoming new series “The Boys,” which will premiere on Amazon this summer.

“I think we’re part of the house take on the whole thing,” he said. “As far as moving into the future, we just want a Season 3, and I think Amazon wants that, but they have to be satisfied by a set of analytics. The math of which I do not claim to understand.”

It helps that Season 1 was, according to Edlund, one of the best-received Amazon comedies, based on user ratings. “As I understand it, it was among the top five programs… basically, I know it did very well,” he said.

So what I'm hearing is, make sure you're reviewing and rating the show on Amazon itself.

Hieronymous Alloy fucked around with this message at 14:20 on Apr 14, 2019

Tuxedo Ted
Apr 24, 2007

JayMax posted:

In every iteration of the Tick it's the secondary superheroes I love the most. Bronze Star and Sage the Supernumerary are amazing.

Yeah, the weird rogue's gallery and weirder heroes roster is where its at in the Tick, and season 2 delivered.

Edgelord was amazing-er. I loved that he was never the punchline of any joke, just delightfully juvenile in the background. I cracked up when he busted out a pair of nunchucks when all the other mobsters pulled guns.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Tuxedo Ted posted:

Yeah, the weird rogue's gallery and weirder heroes roster is where its at in the Tick, and season 2 delivered.

Edgelord was amazing-er. I loved that he was never the punchline of any joke, just delightfully juvenile in the background. I cracked up when he busted out a pair of nunchucks when all the other mobsters pulled guns.

What we need is an appearance by Mighty Agrippa

Aug 1, 2014

it's in the mighty hands of steel
Fun Shoe

Hieronymous Alloy posted:

fuckin' Edgelord

He walks between the raindrops!

FINALLY got to watch this season. And it was great. So many good lines in this season. Small Bunyan and his Big Blue Ox... dance parties... "I gotta get self-centered...." "I have to touch you!" "He's dressed like a rest stop straingler!" Then there were the many visual gags, like seeing Tick get thrashed around like a rag doll, reminiscent of his fight with Evil Clone Tick on the animated series ("The Tick vs. The Uncommon Cold").

Few things will top that arm wrestling machine. I mean, c'mon, Tick actually says, "that is over the top!" My wife and I about died when he said that. (And if you don't get that reference, shame on you and go and watch every Sylvester Stallone movie until you do get it.)

I really hope we get a third season. I want to see some more of that monster in the black hole in T. Rathbone's chest. And I think really delving into Dot's character was a great move. She's turning into quite a badass, and she doesn't let her official, card-carrying superhero brother protect her. Even though he tries. She develops her own powers and isn't dependent on Overkill to protect her, either... even though he tries. And I love that she used her favor to undo the Tick's "no kill rule" favor.

When the next season of Venture Bros. comes out in 2024, I hope we get that crazy doctor saying, "Ever since The Tick, everybody wants-a the black hole heart!"

They did a good job making a believable world in which superheroes and supervillains are just a part of our everyday life. And, there was a good blend of drama in with the comedy. I had some good belly laughs, but the dramatic moments really landed well, too. That's not easy to do. Bravo!

I couldn't tell what the voice at the end was saying. I just went back to check it out again... are we 100% positive it wasn't, "LAXATIVE LOG?"

tarlibone fucked around with this message at 00:24 on Apr 18, 2019

scary ghost dog
Aug 5, 2007
drat you black hole heart.....

Tuxedo Ted
Apr 24, 2007

hihifellow posted:

Hahahahaha the rubber bands on lobstercles

Edit: I love Rathbone's exaggerated John Wayne walk

He has literal bowlegs like a cowboy.

Aug 1, 2014

it's in the mighty hands of steel
Fun Shoe
I think the big problem with this show, and all shows, is that when it's all released at once, it's hard to not binge-watch, and when you do that and the show is really good, you end up forgetting half of the stuff you really enjoyed because you can only take in so much at once. There's something to be said for doling out the episodes one-per-week.

Someone said something about the "hotel" joke... what joke was that?


Tuxedo Ted
Apr 24, 2007

Lint hunkered down at the Lei-Lo hotel after the Terror's mess.

Lei-Lo hotel.

Lay low hotel.

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