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Apr 28, 2007

Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force, 1993-1952

DropsySufferer posted:

I want June lose touch completely go full psychopath and take Lydia’s place as aunt or grand aunt whatever. Now that would be a great ending.

She's definitely losing it, her arc over the cliff and down into madness is readily apparent this season. So next year we get psycho-June taking over the resistance. Expect things to get messy.


Jun 28, 2006

BattyKiara posted:

I want to see what Gilead does to the widow of the commander who died at Jezebels. How long will they leave her alone? No way Gilead will allow a single mum, no matter previous status. So children split up and adopted by new commanders? Widow becomes an Aunt? Or is placed with a family for safe keeping?

Probably similar to the dothraki. Commander's widows are placed in some kind of group home setting that meets their basic needs but quietly removes them from their prior social circles. "Honored" but out of the way.

Aug 7, 2006

Meh. I'm committed to watching this show to the end because my wife doesn't see it as seriously flawed the way I do, sadly. She's a big fan of the show and Im doomed to watch it till the bitter end.

The events of the last couple of episodes were good but the entire season leading up to that was pretty much a run around in circles plot tease.

At the end of S2 June stays in Gilead, with the ostensible reason she ain't gonna leave without Hannah. So presumably she's going to get herself involved in whatever rebellion is happening and do things to move that towards a reality, right?

After season 1 the only reasonable arc for the story is to either for the rebellion to be successful, to move in the direction of being successful, or at least a glimmer of hope to open up by the end of the show that it might, IMO. Otherwise if the plot is just endless rape and suffering and the bad guys winning and keeping their hold on things they could easily do that in one season or a long movie.

So the end of S2 is only reasonable if June staying in Gilead somehow moves the plot in that direction, or leads to her at least witnessing the events that move in that direction if not directly influencing them.

So what happens in like the first 9-10 episodes of S3? June makes no contacts with whatever organization exists aside from seeing part of it in the house she's living in. Rather than play a longer game and having an actual plan for getting her kid out or helping resistance, she takes incredibly long chances and risks the lives of Marthas and her own house mistress just to go get a glimpse of her kid, not even a plan to snatch and run with her or take anyone out. When her stupid plans lead to the death of people who helped her, she doesn't take a sliver of responsibility for her own role.

After successfully getting her second kid to Canada, with no leverage at all over the Waterfords she helps broker stupid meeting to see kid when Serena Joy has never given any indication of being a reliable or trustworthy ally, every face turn has always been followed by a heel turn right back into the embrace of creep husband and poo poo society. So of course that favor leads to her appearing in a series of propaganda videos promoting the Gilead position. If she took any responsibility for her actions she should have not appeared in the videos and taken whatever consequences followed because the situation was largely her fault for helping the Waterfords and trusting Serena Joy.

So, awesome that in the final episodes she suddenly kills the leader of the whole deal and then conceives of and leads the Doolittle Raid/Harper's Ferry of the rebellion but it would have been a bit more believable if it had shown her getting a little experience and position with the rebellion during the season and she had any inkling what she was doing instead of suddenly half assing the thing out of thin air and counting on her patreon Commander having enough juice in Gilead to make it happen.

Don't get me started on the hospital episode, nothing whatsoever about that made any sense, it felt like the show's attempt at some weird interlude like the fly in the meth lab episode of Breaking Bad.

They could have had a great season building June's experience and cred becoming a rebel. But instead they spun their wheels with stupid plots just to see a kid in school and the loathsome Waterford couple falling back in love with each other and being a big hit doing the Tango in DC society. Then the final events felt rushed like some kid writing their term paper overnight before it's due. "Oh something gotta happen this season here we go".

The best and most interesting part of the plot and season was Serena Joy playing the longer game and using her contact to set up her husband in the Canada situation.

Nov 8, 2009


BattyKiara posted:

Serena is an idiot. She should have contacted Luke and suggested a switch. Luke gets Hannah, if Serena gets Nicole. Would Luke have been willing to trade June's rape baby for his own daughter? Maybe. How would June react to such a choice?

I want to see what Gilead does to the widow of the commander who died at Jezebels. How long will they leave her alone? No way Gilead will allow a single mum, no matter previous status. So children split up and adopted by new commanders? Widow becomes an Aunt? Or is placed with a family for safe keeping?

Serena's mom is a Widow. She lives in a fancy beach house and wears a mulberry dress instead of a blue one. She does tell Serena "there's no place in this world for you without Fred," which may mean that Widows may lose privileges they had as Wives.

A couple more notes:
1) Novel Offred observes that Widows go out wearing all black and veiling their faces, and they're becoming a less common sight. That may mean Widows are being remarried, or sent off to the Colonies.
2) Mrs. Winslow isn't an official Widow yet, since George is officially declared missing, not dead.

Aug 7, 2006

Pththya-lyi posted:

Serena's mom is a Widow. She lives in a fancy beach house and wears a mulberry dress instead of a blue one. She does tell Serena "there's no place in this world for you without Fred," which may mean that Widows may lose privileges they had as Wives.

A couple more notes:
1) Novel Offred observes that Widows go out wearing all black and veiling their faces, and they're becoming a less common sight. That may mean Widows are being remarried, or sent off to the Colonies.
2) Mrs. Winslow isn't an official Widow yet, since George is officially declared missing, not dead.

I can't recall if they mentioned Serena's mom being a widow on the show, but if so she certainly seems to enjoy a real high standard of living considering she offers nothing of real value in a patriarchal society like that. Unless the simple fact that older women who successfully bred children before the fertility crisis occupy a special esteemed place in the society somehow.

Jun 5, 2006
The Testaments, Margaret Atwood's 15-years-later sequel to Handmaid's Tale is due out next week and speculation is the series will jump to its seemingly much more interesting story line:

- June has only a few lines, but is the personification of the resistance to Gilead and Gilead's tried and failed to kill her several times (wonder if that's Atwood's commentary on June's never-ending plot armor)
- the main characters of the novel are Aunt Lydia and June's two daughters (Nicole in Canada and Hannah/Agnes in Gilead)

The Guardian's published an excerpt, which in true Grauniad fashion helpfully doesn't tell you the characters actually *are*

If the tv series *doesn't* do a time jump to this, not sure how it can continue otherwise, since most of the narrative conceits of the past couple seasons are shut down (June never leaves Gilead, Hannah grows up with her foster parents, Nicole isn't returned to Gilead). Again, preeeetty sure this is intentional on Atwood's part - she's taking back her baby.

Lum_ fucked around with this message at 19:29 on Sep 4, 2019

Feb 7, 2011

Lum_ posted:

If the tv series *doesn't* do a time jump to this, not sure how it can continue otherwise, since most of the narrative conceits of the past couple seasons are shut down (June never leaves Gilead, Hannah grows up with her foster parents, Nicole isn't returned to Gilead). Again, preeeetty sure this is intentional on Atwood's part - she's taking back her baby.

It may or may not connect with the existing show (it may end up on another network), but Testaments is already in development

Mr. Smile Face Hat
Sep 15, 2003

Praise be to China's Covid-Zero Policy

flashy_mcflash posted:

It may or may not connect with the existing show (it may end up on another network), but Testaments is already in development

"The Time article says Hulu and MGM will develop the new story for the screen."

Very interesting. I would think they'll keep the TV show reasonably compatible. Now without a time jump, Aunt Lydia will have plot armor, too.

Aug 22, 2000
I spelled 'network' wrong.

Wafflecopper posted:

Why would she have any idea how to shoot? Using firearms seems like a good way to get him to call for backup if you don't manage to kill him in the dark while he's behind the cover of his jeep firing an assault rifle at you

Earlier in the episode we saw her load the magazine and chamber a round, demonstrating she knew her way around a handgun fluidly. I can't remember any previous time she showed that knowledge and owning a gun doesn't jive with her pre-Gilead life either. I was shocked the Eye didn't call for backup immediately when the first rock was thrown. Speaking of rocks, as soon as they took them up in anger and defense, it reminded me of when they were forced to kill that one dude with them in a circle.

I liked the finale, like others have said, because finally something happened. I also think June should have been sent to the Colonies about 18 times by now too. Like, that scene with Aunt Lydia on the bridge - if AL suspects something and June isn't producing with her commander, why wouldn't AL immediately send her far away to break up the girls club? Not just across town but down to DC. We saw how cruel they are down there on the field trip, seems right in character for AL, notwithstanding the mouth stitches. She's done worse already.

Aug 7, 2006

Yeah if they thought June was a risk for kidnapping her kid it would make a lot more sense to move June or severely punish her rather than that Commander’s family.

Jun 5, 2006
Well, The Testaments is out now - not finished with it yet, but wow, if you have any interest in the series definitely pick it up. It continues the story far, far, far better than the series did.

About the only quibble I have so far is that it contradicts Aunt Lydia's origin story directly. The books' version is far better.

Sep 3, 2011

VY till I die
Grimey Drawer

Lum_ posted:

Well, The Testaments is out now - not finished with it yet, but wow, if you have any interest in the series definitely pick it up. It continues the story far, far, far better than the series did.

About the only quibble I have so far is that it contradicts Aunt Lydia's origin story directly. The books' version is far better.

Aunt Lydia's past on the show was pretty disappointing. I hope they build on it better in future seasons.

Dec 25, 2005

"...and the light is on and burning brightly for the masses."
Fallen Rib
sorry to necromance this dead thread, but I'm only just now catching up on S3 and Commander Waterford just got pranked arrested by the Canucks and I'm laughing my rear end off and I had to share with someone

the setup was so abrupt and unintentionally funny — "huh, I wonder where this guy is taking us. oh well, I suppose I'll just keep following him :v: "

edit: o poo poo, Serena gave him up :lol:

DasNeonLicht fucked around with this message at 17:21 on Feb 18, 2020

Jan 29, 2012


DasNeonLicht posted:

sorry to necromance this dead thread, but I'm only just now catching up on S3 and Commander Waterford just got pranked arrested by the Canucks and I'm laughing my rear end off and I had to share with someone

the setup was so abrupt and unintentionally funny — "huh, I wonder where this guy is taking us. oh well, I suppose I'll just keep following him :v: "

edit: o poo poo, Serena gave him up :lol:

It gets better. So much loving better. :allears:

Apr 28, 2007

Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force, 1993-1952

D34THROW posted:

It gets better. So much loving better. :allears:

S3 has some really satisfying moments.

Sep 3, 2011

VY till I die
Grimey Drawer
Looks like they cut a teaser for next season

Seems promising.

Apr 28, 2007

Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force, 1993-1952

Yeah, that looks right for where they left off.

Jun 5, 2006
Not much new footage (looks like Bradley Cooper's character got arrested, which isn't a huge shock) but Covid-19 did a number on the production for this series, that's probably all they had in the can when lockdown happened.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Bradley Cooper is in this show now?

Jan 16, 2005

Escobarbarian posted:

Bradley Cooper is in this show now?

No, he's talking about Sharlto Copley

Jun 5, 2006
Cooper, Whitford, they all run together in the great chain of Bradleys

May 13, 2009

Destruction comes inevitably :rip:

Hell Gem
I’m kind of relieved that season 4 isn’t coming out until next year, 2020 has been very emotionally draining.

Oct 29, 2012

Adam Taylor posted his score for season 3 on youtube.

a new study bible!
Feb 2, 2009

A Philadelphia Legend
Fly Eagles Fly

There are new episodes of this out, btw

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
401 drat June evil now, that ‘make me proud’ part was creepy as hell

e: drat this post called it

mllaneza posted:

She's definitely losing it, her arc over the cliff and down into madness is readily apparent this season. So next year we get psycho-June taking over the resistance. Expect things to get messy.

Escobarbarian fucked around with this message at 23:18 on Apr 28, 2021

Into The Mild
Mar 4, 2003

Please someone tell me that something happens this season.

I cannot take another season of torture porn with nothing good happening.

Jul 1, 2004

Do I Krushchev?

I'd say the first 2 episodes are eventful

Dec 22, 2005

Normy posted:

I'd say the first 2 episodes are eventful

3rd episode start out: "Oh look she's captured with no consequences....again...." but ended up getting back on track with the first two.

So far its not bad.

Aug 30, 2003


Palestinian genocide this, American complicity that... but have you considered the myriad crimes of the barbarous Celestial?

Into The Mild posted:

Please someone tell me that something happens this season.

I cannot take another season of torture porn with nothing good happening.

It's still torture porn, but things happen and its much faster pace.

Jun 5, 2006

socialsecurity posted:

It's still torture porn, but things happen and its much faster pace.

episode 3 is literally all the torture porn you could ever want for the rest of your life. it's not good.
also apparently elizabeth moss directed it herself, perhaps this is her way of achieving Thetan 5 Clear or whatever
anyway, spoilered just in case but it's in the previews and the critics have literally been spoiling it to tell people that it's NOT ALL AS BAD AS EP 3 DEAR loving GOD
in mid season it looks like June FINALLY gets to Canada and testifies in the Big Fat Waterford Trial

almost as bad as the torture porn: june's husband being very :smith: as he realizes she gave him up for a life of madcap guerilla warfare

Apr 28, 2007

Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force, 1993-1952

I'm just through the first one. I like the slow pace for 95% of the episode. It had a moody, dreamy, almost supernatural feel to it, obviously reflecting June's fevered state. By the ending though, that promises bloodshed and tears in Gilead. I think that was one episode to catch up, get back into it, take a deep breath and...

Yeah, it's obviously gonna be messy from here on.

Mar 5, 2006

Party Membership is a Democracy, The Weave is Not.

A fledgling vampire? How about a dragon, or some half-kobold druids? Perhaps a spontaneous sex change? Anything that can happen, will happen the results will be beyond entertaining.

What even is this TV show now? Is June just going to live long enough to become the villain now or what?

Feb 7, 2011

Haven't watched E03 yet but I assume the endgame is all out war on Gilead. The epilogue of the book will likely be the last episode or scene.

Apr 17, 2001

It's basically impossible for me to believe that anyone is invested in June and Nick's relationship.

Halloween Jack
Sep 12, 2003

La morte non ha sesso
I mean I hope Nick goes out like William Francis Buckley, other than that I don't care.

Oct 1, 2005

I will confess,
I love this cultured hell that tests my youth.

Popero posted:

It's basically impossible for me to believe that anyone is invested in June and Nick's relationship.

I absolutely cannot stand Nick and actively want him to catch a bullet. Dude is still willingly working in a monstrous, oppressive regime and gets to enjoy snifters of brady by the fire while June is literally in a cage. His presence actively makes June's character worse imo.

Also loving RIP to the core Handmaid group. :smith:

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
It's happened at least like 5 times on this show that June gets captured and escapes because of like 1 guy guarding her lol.

Jun 5, 2006

flashy_mcflash posted:

Haven't watched E03 yet but I assume the endgame is all out war on Gilead. The epilogue of the book will likely be the last episode or scene.

They’ve said they are doing “The Testaments”, Margaret Atwood’s recent sequel to Handmaidens Tale which is FAR superior to the recent TV seasons. It takes place about 15 years later, makes key assumptions about the status of June and other major characters, and Aunt Lydia plays a key role who is very different from how the TV show portrayed her - instead of a ex schoolteacher who is a true believer, she’s an ex-family court judge who has far more complicated motives. How the TV show will handle that, no one knows badly

Feb 7, 2011

Watching E3 and it's extremely cool and good that the torture facility is very obviously my university campus.


Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Episode 4 was actually good! The plot is kinda moving forward.

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