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I said come in!
Jun 22, 2004

a new study bible! posted:

This show is so bad.

I was wondering if Season 4 was any better. Every single thing about season 3 was horrible, so I wasn't going to bother with season 4 unless there was a lot of praise for it in this thread. I really deep down wanted season 4 to be good though.


Jan 16, 2005

SirPablo posted:

carpet bomb her

Might've worked in this very episode if they hadn't had the dramatic rock-throwing payloads installed. A drive-by with a sack full of grenades would've been more lethal than that bombing run, lol one went off ten feet in front of her and she fell down.

Feb 9, 2008
Odd Person
I'm pretty sure June's plot armor can survive the Tsar Bomba at this point.

Drunk in Space
Dec 1, 2009

I said come in! posted:

I was wondering if Season 4 was any better. Every single thing about season 3 was horrible, so I wasn't going to bother with season 4 unless there was a lot of praise for it in this thread. I really deep down wanted season 4 to be good though.

The story is heading in a better direction overall, but unfortunately the show keeps stumbling along the way.

May 1, 2004

If June would just... Get hit by a car and die, then the show would focus on the politics (internal and geopolitical) it'd be way more interesting.

Jan 27, 2009
I am way more interested in how the world and Gilead actually functions economically and socially than I am about June's story. Also about history and what actually created the decline in birth rates.

Plus all the stories of others. I really liked the POV of the characters pre-Gilead showing their development and motivations. Also the shorts of June and her mom and so on showing how Gilead came to be. At least there was some Janine pathos toward the end. I hoped she would stay with the militia group to leave the thread open-ended instead of her going with June, which meant she was certainly going not do that and then die.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

SirPablo posted:

Why does Gilead even give a flying gently caress about June at this point? Why do they keep trying to "save" her? Just let her go, carpet bomb her, whatever. This stupid cat and mouse game is tiring and just results in everyone else dying and for what purpose?

The whole deal with Nick is just dumb and nonsensical.

Nov 8, 2009


Cranappleberry posted:

I am way more interested in how the world and Gilead actually functions economically and socially than I am about June's story. Also about history and what actually created the decline in birth rates.

Plus all the stories of others. I really liked the POV of the characters pre-Gilead showing their development and motivations. Also the shorts of June and her mom and so on showing how Gilead came to be. At least there was some Janine pathos toward the end. I hoped she would stay with the militia group to leave the thread open-ended instead of her going with June, which meant she was certainly going not do that and then die.

They shoulda done an anthology grumble grumble

May 1, 2004


mcmagic posted:

The whole deal with Nick is just dumb and nonsensical.

[face melting] I love her

Dec 25, 2005

"...and the light is on and burning brightly for the masses."
Fallen Rib
Shocking lack of attention to detail and continuity with the normal American flag in s4e03 when the American official is speaking with Luke.

I thought the flag with 48 hollow stars introduced early in the series was one of the coolest things in the show. Maybe the American government-in-exile's procurement order for sad flags fell through, but otherwise, disappointing from a show that pays so much attention to aesthetics.



DasNeonLicht fucked around with this message at 06:21 on May 17, 2021

Mar 5, 2006

Party Membership is a Democracy, The Weave is Not.

A fledgling vampire? How about a dragon, or some half-kobold druids? Perhaps a spontaneous sex change? Anything that can happen, will happen the results will be beyond entertaining.

Hello, this is sadflags customer service, where we design your sadflags to be as dramatic as humanly possible. For design issues, press 1. For delivery issues, press 2. For a better experience, our hold music is your previous country's national anthem in a minor key.

Feb 7, 2011

mcmagic posted:

The whole deal with Nick is just dumb and nonsensical.

I truly don't understand how the show wants us to feel about Nick. Are we rooting for this guy? Should we trust that his motivations are good even when he's the dictionary definition of that guy we all knew who listened to RATM and said he was, like, gonna bring the system down from the inside, maannnn and then sold out in the most typical and obvious way possible?

Early on I was thinking his existence might be a symbol of fake (male) feminist allyship and the idea that women should be wary of men that only want to help them when they want to smash, but this has gone on way too long for that. Like, we see Luke in most episodes now, why are we supposed to have anything but contempt for Nick?

May 1, 2004

So rooting for Nick is like wanting to see Paul Ryan succeed.

Dec 25, 2005

"...and the light is on and burning brightly for the masses."
Fallen Rib
dear god, things got so dumb in s4e03

"The Lieutenant" is a hilariously bad name for whatever that guy was. Lieutenant... to whom? Not intimidating or suited to the character at all.

Also, why the gently caress is June such a goddamn weenie? Like — piss and vinegar in one scene where it's clear she might be tortured for months on end and then she folds like a cheap suitcase before her daughter — who doesn't even recognize her! — and in the absence of any threat!

The bridge scene with Nick was the dumbest goddamn thing, and honestly, after everything that just happened, gently caress him forever.

Aunt Lydia is going to make a big deal about not killing June or the other escapee handmaids and then some meathead driver is just going to pop off and cap anyone he can just because they're running across a train crossing?. Also, how was that convoy so comically underprotected?

I honestly feel like I am being jerked around as far as this whole escape, capture, second chance; escape, capture, third chance cycle goes.

Lastly, is Aunt Lydia the only aunt around these days? I feel like it is not good dystopian practice to have a minder get so attached to her charges. Also, her performance record has got to be dogshit at this point.

DasNeonLicht fucked around with this message at 07:13 on May 17, 2021

Feb 7, 2011

You get to see some more Aunts in the episode after that I think, but it would be nice if they fleshed out that part of the world a bit.

May 1, 2004

Why did I watch that?

Jan 27, 2009
I noticed early on they do these super long shots of June crying and at first its emotional but as it drags on and on and on it just becomes maudlin. Five straight minutes of her banging on the window of a car.

Jun 5, 2006
to be fair though, Moira's speech to June was basically every viewer watching screaming at the TV screen.

It's also not the worst depiction of someone with serious PTSD.

Stalins Moustache
Dec 31, 2012

~~**I'm Italian!**~~
Actually an episode I finally really liked. This should have been the end of season 2 in my opinion, but finally we're getting the story moving forwards somewhat.

May 1, 2004


Stalins Moustache posted:

Actually an episode I finally really liked. This should have been the end of season 2 in my opinion, but finally we're getting the story moving forwards somewhat.

Interesting. I hated the episode, felt like it barely moved the story forward, and was mostly ugly crying. A full episode resulted in June stubbornly realizing she can't bum rush her way to her kid, Moira getting hurt for helping June (lol the entire the of the show), and Luke may or may not be an rear end in a top hat.

Can't wait for Season 9 when Janine leads the resistance from within and takes down Gilead, with June extremely pissy and jealous.

Stalins Moustache
Dec 31, 2012

~~**I'm Italian!**~~

SirPablo posted:

Interesting. I hated the episode, felt like it barely moved the story forward, and was mostly ugly crying. A full episode resulted in June stubbornly realizing she can't bum rush her way to her kid, Moira getting hurt for helping June (lol the entire the of the show), and Luke may or may not be an rear end in a top hat.

Can't wait for Season 9 when Janine leads the resistance from within and takes down Gilead, with June extremely pissy and jealous.

Emphasis on somewhat. Should have bolded that.
This should have happened long, long ago but I am glad to finally see Moira talking some sense into her because if she was to stay in Gilead, the cat and mouse chase that ends up in more tortune porn before she somehow magically manages to escape again would be the only plotline they would manage to continue. With this aspect of the story now gone, we're finally free to see more of how Gilead interacts with the outside world as both June and Canada-baby will now be political figures entirely rather than some Batman vigilante in Gilead.

EDIT: Janine's fate has been leaked. Huge spoilers below.
She's back at the red center teaching new Handmaids.

Stalins Moustache fucked around with this message at 14:35 on May 19, 2021

May 1, 2004


Stalins Moustache posted:

EDIT: Janine's fate has been leaked. Huge spoilers below.
She's back at the red center teaching new Handmaids.

lol wtf

Stalins Moustache
Dec 31, 2012

~~**I'm Italian!**~~

Friend sent me this link from a Brazillian fanpage.

Pictures of her fate.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
This episode was completely pointless. It told us nothing we didn’t already know and had no reason to exist. Pretty good to see June get bitched out for being a jackass, though.

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


Cranappleberry posted:

I am way more interested in how the world and Gilead actually functions economically and socially than I am about June's story. Also about history and what actually created the decline in birth rates.

Plus all the stories of others. I really liked the POV of the characters pre-Gilead showing their development and motivations. Also the shorts of June and her mom and so on showing how Gilead came to be. At least there was some Janine pathos toward the end. I hoped she would stay with the militia group to leave the thread open-ended instead of her going with June, which meant she was certainly going not do that and then die.

this would be a horrible direction to take the show in. you’d be one of seven people actually watching it at that point. who cares about gilead politics or whatever, they’re clearly just half assing all of that in service of whatever the plot needs right now at this moment

i mean, the show is already overstaying it’s welcome but they’ve locked themselves in to june’s story specifically

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


back at the end of season 3 my wife said they should have made this a dark comedy series where june escapes in the final episode of every season, then the first episode of the following season she’s magically back at the waterfords with no real explanation. woulda been a better show imo

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


socialsecurity posted:

I felt like they needed to show why/how Gilead hasn't taken Chicago beyond a dozen lovely dudes in a warehouse when they constantly talk up their military.

it doesn’t matter, the show just needs a place that acts as “the front lines” and none of the writers have given any more thought to it than that.

Jan 27, 2009
I just want an episode with some flow charts

May 1, 2004


Cranappleberry posted:

I just want an episode with some flow charts

Gilead has a super powerful military. Also computers are basically no where to be found.

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer
I love that Gilead can basically commit was is surely a warcrime by announcing a ceasefire and then carpet bombing the front minutes beforehand but if an NGO snuggles one Gilead person they'll be outraged and never let any of them there again.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

Looten Plunder posted:

I love that Gilead can basically commit was is surely a warcrime by announcing a ceasefire and then carpet bombing the front minutes beforehand but if an NGO snuggles one Gilead person they'll be outraged and never let any of them there again.

Gilead seems about as worried about war crimes as Israel is.

Aug 30, 2003


Palestinian genocide this, American complicity that... but have you considered the myriad crimes of the barbarous Celestial?

mcmagic posted:

Gilead seems about as worried about war crimes as Israel is.

Yeah but they are doing it to white people so someone might care.

Oct 1, 2005

I will confess,
I love this cultured hell that tests my youth.

I just chalk that up to "Gilead has more nukes than every other nation combined" so they can and will get away with heinous crimes against humanity.

So like America already

Jan 27, 2009

fart simpson posted:

you’d be one of seven people actually watching it at that point.

yea. what else is new?

SirPablo posted:

Gilead has a super powerful military. Also computers are basically no where to be found.

yea how do they support it? Is it all battery and green energy/nuclear-based? Even the planes? Long distance transport of supplies is all by mag-lev trains somehow? how do they build and maintain all of this without supply lines and industry? Who are their engineers and other experts? Not letting women do this stuff is a huge brain drain already!

I have so many questions!

Vanderdeath posted:

I just chalk that up to "Gilead has more nukes than every other nation combined" so they can and will get away with heinous crimes against humanity.

Also, that was my impression. They are willing to use nuclear weapons at the drop of a hat and they have most of the young men brainwashed and on their side. Whereas older military/intelligence people would tend not to go with them and would stick with the US or form their own country.

They suspended the constitution using a terrorist false-flag but there are so many other details of the events surrounding that that I want to know. They could tell that story through other character flashbacks.

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


Looten Plunder posted:

I love that Gilead can basically commit was is surely a warcrime by announcing a ceasefire and then carpet bombing the front minutes beforehand but if an NGO snuggles one Gilead person they'll be outraged and never let any of them there again.

i don’t understand why gilead is 1. apparently willing to (nuclear? chemical?) bomb areas into toxic uninhabitable wasteland 2. sieging chicago and only chicago for multiple years, cutting off food and medicine 3. allowing canadian humanitarian missions to break the siege and deliver food and medicine to the enemies they’re trying to starve out

and why can’t they capture chicago from a warehouse full of scared militia men? how is this a multiple year mission?

fart simpson fucked around with this message at 08:32 on May 20, 2021

Jun 5, 2006
The fighting in Chicago was a throwaway line in Atwood's first book, that's why it's still there.

As for why Gilead would let NGOs ship aid to a besieged city, there was a scene in the previous episode briefly explaining that (Commander Bradley Whitford engineered it to try to get everyone to loosen the sanctions on Gilead which are crippling its economy).

The entire storyline makes no military sense whatsoever, there is no chance an insurgent force would somehow take control of America's nuclear arsenal unless there was so much betrayal in the military that it essentially switched sides (which would also make it a military coup, not a pitched nuclear-armed civil war). It's a story, the details require some significant suspension of disbelief.

Dec 25, 2005

"...and the light is on and burning brightly for the masses."
Fallen Rib
June repeatedly trying to turn around on the shores of Lake Michigan to go back to get the daughter that recoiled at the sight of her own mother from a theocratic garrison state and volunteering to get turned in like it ain't no thing when in fact it was incredibly easy to hide or disguise her from boat cops were breaking points for me. Maybe I'm a psycho or maybe it's because I've never been a mother but June's inability to judge what is realistic and compartmentalize and accept loss — especially in a world as cruel as Gilead and in moments where she is inches away from realizing hope — is truly wild and I find it deeply unrelatable and possibly even a sign of bad writing!

Feb 18, 2007
To be fair she literally has a concussion.

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


vseslav.botkin posted:

To be fair she literally has a concussion.

what’s your excuse?


Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
The idea that every coast guard troop in Gilead doesn't know what she looks like is LOL. She's like the foremost enemy of the state.

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