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Feb 7, 2011

Should've been Serena instead


May 1, 2004

It's season five I dread.

Aug 30, 2003


Palestinian genocide this, American complicity that... but have you considered the myriad crimes of the barbarous Celestial?

Looten Plunder posted:

Wait, they don't even know what that line is supposed to mean? What the gently caress? That whole thing makes zero sense. What is Luke even distraught about? The last he saw of June was her going for an afternoon stroll. Are we to expect he sees his wife 18 hours later covered in scratches and blood and immediately knows everything she's done?

This loving show.

She mentioned in the car earlier about how she was going to see him hang from the wall the same day Fred is removed from Canadian custody she disappears for hours and comes back covered in blood, it's not a far stretch.

SirPablo posted:

I like how it never dawned on the Canadians that they could maybe trade Waterford.

The implication from the earlier commander visit is that they didn't want him back really because they didn't want to set a standard of kidnapping commanders. Not until he started leaking secrets then suddenly he is of interest to have back and punish.

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


Fellatio del Toro posted:

what's the deal with the commanders in Boston? I thought Fred was like one of the founders of Gilead and for like two seasons they make it seem like the guys in Boston are running things. then they go to DC and the Boston commanders are nobodies. then next season Fred's driver is running the military and secret police and border patrol, and Lawrence is not just some economics nerd but is also in charge of international relations and personally overseeing prisoner exchanges

kind of a weird choice to make to make a show about an American Nazi analog where the head of the SS and the guy orchestrating the rape and slave labor programs are secretly good guys, even though they can freely go to Canada whenever they want and choose to stick around doing those jobs

lol that’s what i was thinking the whole time too

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


lawrence isn’t just in charge of international relations, he’s also aunt lydias boss and responsible for giving her a bad performance review if she gets too violent at the red center

Borrowed Ladder
May 4, 2007

monarch of the sleeping marches
Have they ever really explained what the Eyes are, and is Nick still one after becoming a top commander? I guess they're like the Internal Affairs of Gilead but that barely talk about them. Also there is barely any emphasis on Fred and Serena being the creators of Gilead itself that its infuriating, which is the major theme of this show.

Nov 27, 2004

I am a mouth, and I must scream

Aren’t they just the gestapo of Gilead?

May 1, 2004

Remember when they captured the runaway handmaids and they only sent Aunt Lydia and one driver to escort them back?

Aug 30, 2003


Palestinian genocide this, American complicity that... but have you considered the myriad crimes of the barbarous Celestial?

SirPablo posted:

Remember when they captured the runaway handmaids and they only sent Aunt Lydia and one driver to escort them back?

It's insane how dangerous a person like June is to them at that point and they did that. I mean hell she's escaped like a dozen times already and a crippled old lady was their escort.

May 20, 2001
Meep meep

socialsecurity posted:

It's insane how dangerous a person like June is to them at that point and they did that. I mean hell she's escaped like a dozen times already and a crippled old lady was their escort.

And they gave the old lady her job back after a few weeks as well...

Sep 4, 2014

Ugh they saved Serena's reaction for season 5 just to keep my Hulu subscription, what a loving scam.

Dec 24, 2003

Dallas Mavericks: Generations
I watched and finished season 4 over the last few days. The whole time I was watching, I believed it was the final season. Then I come into this thread and see there is going to be one more. This season could have worked for a finale.

Edgar Allen Ho
Apr 3, 2017

by sebmojo
I would have found it more cathartic for Fred to get hoist by his own petard, and hang according to laws he helped write after a kangaroo court.

Dec 25, 2005

"...and the light is on and burning brightly for the masses."
Fallen Rib

Edgar Allen Ho posted:

I would have found it more cathartic for Fred to get hoist by his own petard, and hang according to laws he helped write after a kangaroo court.


Mar 5, 2006

Party Membership is a Democracy, The Weave is Not.

A fledgling vampire? How about a dragon, or some half-kobold druids? Perhaps a spontaneous sex change? Anything that can happen, will happen the results will be beyond entertaining.

Edgar Allen Ho posted:

I would have found it more cathartic for Fred to get hoist by his own petard, and hang according to laws he helped write after a kangaroo court.

Well, you could say that its KINDA like that? The nation he helped create is so lawless and corrupt that one high-level government official and one member of the secret police working together are enough to literally end his life on a whim. Gilead is not a nation of laws, it is a system of secrets and lies. All anybody has to do is tweak a few little things and they can literally get away with murder, as we have seen several times already. June herself took full advantage of that system almost every day she was in it.

Jan 22, 2013

Please be excited.

I ended up watching season 4 when it released in the UK which is way behind for some reason, so I just finished. gently caress yeah I really enjoyed that. After so much sustained misery over four seasons a straight up revenge fantasy felt extremely earned.

Like someone else said it very much feels like a finale in a lot of ways but there's still plenty of loose ends. I was half expecting Janine to be one of the women to be rescued at the end, but I suppose they need to keep some major characters in Gilead or we'd never see the place again. Also having rewatched all four seasons back to back I've reached the conclusion that Nick loving sucks and I hope he gets what's coming to him. (And Lawrence too obviously).

stev fucked around with this message at 19:27 on Aug 23, 2021

Dec 24, 2003

Dallas Mavericks: Generations
I thought next season was going to be the last but this might not be the case anymore.

“The success of The Handmaid’s Tale remains paramount for us,” Jordan Helman, Head of Scripted Originals at Hulu, told Deadline last month. “That said, what is also most important to us is that we close out that show in creative fashion that feels organic so we are in constant communication, literally right now, talking with Bruce [Miller], Lizzie [Moss] and Warren [Littlefield], about what the best way to end The Handmaid’s Tale is. We haven’t landed on an answer… I imagine we’re going to be able to answer that question in the coming months.”

Nov 27, 2004

I am a mouth, and I must scream

weren't they talking about making 10 seasons or something at some point? or am i thinking of another show?

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


Wafflecopper posted:

weren't they talking about making 10 seasons or something at some point? or am i thinking of another show?

yes they said they hope to make 10 seasons if possible

Dec 25, 2005

"...and the light is on and burning brightly for the masses."
Fallen Rib

fart simpson posted:

yes they said they hope to make 10 seasons if possible

:ughh: christ

Feb 7, 2011

We're back, folks.


June faces consequences for killing Commander Waterford while struggling to redefine her identity and purpose. The widowed Serena attempts to raise her profile in Toronto as Gilead's influence creeps into Canada. Commander Lawrence works with Aunt Lydia as he tries to reform Gilead and rise in power. June, Luke and Moira fight Gilead from a distance as they continue their mission to save and reunite with Hannah."

man in the eyeball hat
Dec 23, 2006

Capture the opening of the portal that connects this earth of 3D to one earth of 4D or 5D. Going to the 5D.

i'm not sure if i can even hate-watch the new season

Feb 7, 2011

man in the eyeball hat posted:

i'm not sure if i can even hate-watch the new season

Yeah I dunno if this needs to exist.

Dec 24, 2003

Dallas Mavericks: Generations
I'm still shocked the current season isn't the last one. It just feels like everyone has even bigger plot armor knowing there will be one more season.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
Ok I'm sorry but retconning Serena into some relatable "laughing at the birthing ceremony" and "feeling sad one of their sex slaves died during birth" is complete and utter bullshit and I hate this.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I thought it would have been a good episode without the flashbacks but those were bad. Still liked the ending

Jun 5, 2006
In case anyone is curious about where season 5 went (it's almost over, one episode left) they essentially torpedoed most of their world building in an effort to make Serena/June mirrors of each other

- Serena ends up a pseudo-handmaid (complete with being dragooned into wet-nursing her child for another Wife), realizes gosh, Gilead isn't very fair to women, and makes a run for it
- June goes ape-poo poo about rescuing Hannah, eventually getting her and Mr. June captured trying to re-enter Gilead. She escapes, because plot armor, but not before Mr. June is violently tortured, because this show.
- Commander Lawrence is basically the prime villain now. Seeing himself as a Gorbachev making a kinder, gentler Gilead, he tries to sell June and Mr. June on defecting back by creating "New Bethlehem", a "Hong Kong-like" enclave (I wonder if anyone told the showrunners what happened in Hong Kong recently) where women get radical civil rights like the ability to read and not be raped repeatedly. He explains in a bit of a plot dump how Gilead was all his idea because he's a secret communist who realized that America's unchecked growth was killing the planet, so really the best thing for everyone was to destroy it and replace it with a medieval theocracy. See, he meant well! June turns him down because he wouldn't budge on Hannah being pimped out to a Commander.
- June returns to Canada, demands someone rescue her daughter, or she's going to take Lawrence's offer and give Gilead a propaganda win. To keep June from re-defecting to Gilead the US remnants send 3 planes full of elite gung-ho paratroopers, who presumably were off drinking in Thailand while Gilead took over America, deep into Gilead on a bad-rear end take-no-prisoners gently caress-yeah raid into Colorado to rescue everyone at Hannah's Wife School. They immediately get shot down after crossing the border, which explains a bit about how America lost the war, I guess. Russia, China and North Korea send their regards to Gilead over this victory (and no, I'm not kidding).
- Lawrence essentially takes over Gilead after having Nick shoot his competition in the head and marrying his dead competition's wife, in the most awkward marriage proposal ever made. "You uh wanna move in together and stuff?" Aunt Lydia has to translate for him, and also remind everyone Aunt Lydia is about star in the next series.
- June begs Nick to come to Canada. Nick begs June to come to Gilead. Everyone cries. It's very sad, y'all. Lawrence asks June to come back to Gilead because it's not really that bad, pinky swear they won't torture her any more. June tells Lawrence to go gently caress himself. Lawrence is very sad.
- Canada is sick of hosting American refugees because literally every plot point this season is an attempt to beat you over the head with LOOK EVERYTHING IS BAD AND JUST LIKE TODAY IF YOU OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE, and the last episode ended with a memorial service for the dead paratroopers shot up by who knows. June is there and protects a kid who sang the Pledge of Allegiance with her plot armor.

There, I saved you a few hours.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
I still can't get over the large roving groups of Gilead fans roaming around Canada unmolested. lol

ex post facho
Oct 25, 2007
I continue to be baffled by the scoring choices in this show

man in the eyeball hat
Dec 23, 2006

Capture the opening of the portal that connects this earth of 3D to one earth of 4D or 5D. Going to the 5D.

i have remained true to my refusal to watch S5, so thank you for the summary. I'm curious to hear how S5 ends.

Lum_ posted:

- June goes ape-poo poo about rescuing Hannah, eventually getting her and Mr. June captured trying to re-enter Gilead. She escapes, because plot armor, but not before Mr. June is violently tortured, because this show.

i hated that this was where S4 was going, and i hate that this is where S5 actually went.

Lum_ posted:

- June returns to Canada, demands someone rescue her daughter, or she's going to take Lawrence's offer and give Gilead a propaganda win. To keep June from re-defecting to Gilead the US remnants send 3 planes full of elite gung-ho paratroopers, who presumably were off drinking in Thailand while Gilead took over America, deep into Gilead on a bad-rear end take-no-prisoners gently caress-yeah raid into Colorado to rescue everyone at Hannah's Wife School. They immediately get shot down after crossing the border, which explains a bit about how America lost the war, I guess. Russia, China and North Korea send their regards to Gilead over this victory (and no, I'm not kidding).

im very glad that June can continue to increase her death toll over trying to rescue her daughter and the universe just plays along because she's June

Fellatio del Toro
Mar 21, 2009

mmmm whatcha saaaay

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
OMG this show is so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
I can't tell is Moss is a bad director or a bad actor or both but my god this show sets my teeth on edge between her horrible freak out scenes and weird music choices. I'm pretty sure I caught pieces of The Revenant soundtrack in the opening scene of episode 10.

I think this season is bad enough to make me not want to watch anymore.

Feb 9, 2008
Odd Person
June's plot armor has gotten to the point she could be ground zero for a nuke and when the dust clears she still just there staring at the camera for a minute or so. I've seriously started calling this the Elizabeth Moss Face Show.

a new study bible!
Feb 2, 2009

A Philadelphia Legend
Fly Eagles Fly

This show is really loving bad, but it’s also been pretty entertaining this season. It’s so schlocky.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
You know what.... I want to see the June and Serena live happily ever after in Hawaii together show

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
the most unrealistic thing about this show is that Canadians would ever be this unfriendly

I believe this season has been the best since the first. Even if at this point it’s for totally different reasons and is about pure entertainment value and hilarious silliness (although I will go to bat for many elements of the Serena birth episode).

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
ok Lawrence’s proposal to Mrs. Putnam in 509 is loving hilarious

Bradley Whitford owns so much, he’s having a great time and almost single-handedly making this stupid-rear end character work

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
It’s weird that their big setup for the final season is “incredibly awkward odd couple shenanigans”


Scrotum Modem
Sep 12, 2014

Escobarbarian posted:

It’s weird that their big setup for the final season is “incredibly awkward odd couple shenanigans”

next season will be straight up sitcom. with laugh track added

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