Exodor posted:She's also doing some live events drat, the one in SF is already sold out.
# ? Aug 5, 2019 20:35 |
# ? Sep 20, 2024 22:24 |
Fluffy Bunnies posted:for military guys these guys all really suck rear end at fighting. Yeah, none of these guys were real soldiers. lol, Nick is like some sort of super famous war hero and the best he could get was being super upper echelon dude's personal spy and a job driving for a mid level ex-marketing exec. He couldn't even get promoted to commander or his own wife until he had leverage. Gilead doesn't give two shits about the people actually fighting for them.
# ? Aug 6, 2019 08:59 |
That's the most accurate part of the show, lol!
# ? Aug 6, 2019 15:49 |
Late on this but The martha at Jezebel's being the same person that June saved like six episodes ago got the biggest groan from me. Also June just being reckless yet again and having zero consequences. Other than that good episode.
# ? Aug 6, 2019 16:32 |
Calling it now, June is pregnant with Lawrence's child and she's gonna marry him
# ? Aug 7, 2019 10:55 |
# ? Aug 7, 2019 14:43 |
once june shot a man in gilead, just to watch him die
# ? Aug 7, 2019 16:19 |
Lum_ posted:once june shot a man in gilead, just to watch the camera
# ? Aug 7, 2019 16:29 |
yeah, what the gently caress was that
# ? Aug 7, 2019 16:29 |
Like, I guess that's how you cement me completely losing any and all sympathies for the main character. They're going for "it's a mercy killing! she wanted out! she was suffering!" and that would have worked if they hadn't known they were getting out soon. That Elinor was so excited to help the children. So many other things that they did in this chapter. Instead of using her death to galvanize the main characters and do it in her honor, all it's done is make June a psychopath. The blood of innocents must flow to sate her vengeance. Her hate is her only motivation as she rationalizes under a bunch of bullshit. E: If I never see her loving eyes again it will be too soon. I am so sick of that shot.
# ? Aug 7, 2019 18:20 |
I don't even get the motivation for June's decision to let her die. Why would she think Lawrence would still help her now that his wife is dead?
# ? Aug 7, 2019 18:38 |
Eleanor almost leaked the plans for the Great Kid Heist and I guess June was afraid she was a security risk. But I think the real reason is the writers wanted a Breaking Bad moment and, well, Walt letting Jane die from drug abuse was pretty dramatic, wasn't it?
# ? Aug 7, 2019 18:48 |
Pththya-lyi posted:Eleanor almost leaked the plans for the Great Kid Heist and I guess June was afraid she was a security risk. But I think the real reason is the writers wanted a Breaking Bad moment and, well, Walt letting Jane die from drug abuse was pretty dramatic, wasn't it? I understand what the writers were going for, but it feels really forced and dumb. And either though she was a liability, it really makes no sense that Lawrence would continue to go along with the plan now that the only person he cares about is dead. If they had to have a Breaking Bad moment... well, didn't June already (indirectly) kill some innocents this year?
# ? Aug 7, 2019 19:25 |
RIP Liz Lemon's new best friend
# ? Aug 7, 2019 21:49 |
Pththya-lyi posted:Eleanor almost leaked the plans for the Great Kid Heist and I guess June was afraid she was a security risk. But I think the real reason is the writers wanted a Breaking Bad moment and, well, Walt letting Jane die from drug abuse was pretty dramatic, wasn't it? I'm assuming "Breaking Bad moment" in the sense of "when we determine for certain that the protagonist has crossed the line and become an unrepentant murderer" because really, smiling while listening to the terrified screams as the rest of the house finds her dead? What possible conclusion are we supposed to draw from that sequence other than June has discovered that she likes having the power of life and death over people and lusts for more human misery. McSpanky fucked around with this message at 10:10 on Aug 8, 2019 |
# ? Aug 8, 2019 06:39 |
They even had to put in that dumb angry stare-face. I have more sympathy for the loving Waterfords than June at this point.
# ? Aug 8, 2019 16:08 |
Is Waterford in a jail or a 4 star hotel?
# ? Aug 8, 2019 16:24 |
June is a revolutionary and the Waterfords are fascist rapists. I'm not sure why people seem to be forgetting that.
# ? Aug 8, 2019 16:34 |
I mean the showrunners seem to be doing their best to portray June as increasingly unhinged, and the Waterfords and even Lawrence as nuanced, somewhat sympathy-inducing characters.
# ? Aug 8, 2019 16:39 |
The Waterfords' relationship is an interesting portrayal of how two utterly amoral, selfish people find themselves in a relationship. Nothing about either of them is sympathetic at any point, though.
# ? Aug 8, 2019 16:43 |
I didn't say they're sympathetic, I said the showrunners are trying their damnedest to make them seem sympathetic. There's a difference.
# ? Aug 8, 2019 16:52 |
Snow Cone Capone posted:I didn't say they're sympathetic, I said the showrunners are trying their damnedest to make them seem sympathetic. There's a difference. The showrunners seem to be pretty motivated to make the story fit the cast they would like to retain.
# ? Aug 8, 2019 18:04 |
Aww, Dudley Do-Right is sweet on fascist rapist Serena. That'll end gloriously for all involved. Okay, I know I'm watching a show, but oh my God, June, call off this mission. Even if Lawrence doesn't suspect June's malignant neglect, the last time he saw June and his wife interact was when June was about to throttle Eleanor for being a big blabbermouth. And the time before that was when he was, y'know, breaking his wife's heart with her. Plus, with Waterford and Winslow out of the picture, the path for Lawrence's return to power and influence is wide open. Emotionally and politically, he should have no incentive to see June's face ever again. The only way to ensure Lawrence is still on the team is for June to say "I killed Winslow, and if you blab I'll say you knew about it, or better still that we helped plan it." Which still puts the rescue plan in the hands of an unrepentant sexist with nothing to live for. Call it off, June.
# ? Aug 8, 2019 18:06 |
I’m still enjoying the show, but what June did was utterly, unambiguously evil. She Walter White’d Elinor and it felt cheap
# ? Aug 8, 2019 19:33 |
remigious posted:I’m still enjoying the show, but what June did was utterly, unambiguously evil. She Walter White’d Elinor and it felt cheap Eleanor was a huge liability for June's plan to save 52 kids. It was mentioned on the show that she couldn't get decent treatment. Do we know that she could have and would have been saved in Gilead? Maybe they would have performed some "thoughts and prayers" voodoo on her. This is the same bullshit line of thought as the constant "We're just as bad as The Saviors (TM) because we killed some of them in self-defense when they tried to kill us. Oh God, what has become of us????????"
# ? Aug 8, 2019 21:08 |
screamin and creamin posted:Eleanor was a huge liability for June's plan to save 52 kids. It was mentioned on the show that she couldn't get decent treatment. Do we know that she could have and would have been saved in Gilead? Maybe they would have performed some "thoughts and prayers" voodoo on her. Sorry but there's a multitude of different ways that problem could have been dealt with and "standing and watching as a mentally ill person ODs and dies" was probably the most hosed-up, short of June poisoning her herself.
# ? Aug 8, 2019 21:43 |
Unless June made sure the kids she's saving have a biological parent in Canada, they're all gonna end up back in Gilead anyway.
# ? Aug 9, 2019 00:34 |
June is a monster, birthed by Gilead and all it encompasses. She just doesn't realize it yet. And when she does she's gonna glare at the camera really drat hard. E: The only kid June cares about is Hannah. It's gonna be real obvious when the kids get stolen back or whatever and she's on the opposite side of the bank screaming for Hannah. Just that kid. All of her motivations are self-centered.
# ? Aug 9, 2019 04:42 |
And Lawrence obviously knows June let his wife die.
# ? Aug 9, 2019 05:30 |
Snow Cone Capone posted:Sorry but there's a multitude of different ways that problem could have been dealt with and "standing and watching as a mentally ill person ODs and dies" was probably the most hosed-up, short of June poisoning her herself. Okay, so how should she have dealt with it without jeopardizing everything. I was of course arguing in terms of that world, not ours.
# ? Aug 9, 2019 05:52 |
screamin and creamin posted:Okay, so how should she have dealt with it without jeopardizing everything. I was of course arguing in terms of that world, not ours. I mean, I think that after June flipped out on her, she would have gotten the point. She was unstable, but not completely gone. Lawrence could have had an additional word with her too. Like, I know it kind of reeks of "well if I was a writer I would have made her do this" and it wouldn't make for good TV, but a sit-down conversation between the 3 of them bottom-lining "this is extremely dangerous and the slightest mention will get us all executed" would have done the trick. Alternatively, Lawrence making an excuse to everyone that she's sick and can't see company; wouldn't be that tough since all the other wives seem to know that she's not well.
# ? Aug 9, 2019 06:41 |
I feel like they've jumped the shark... again.
# ? Aug 9, 2019 19:01 |
I feel like they wanted to have Lawrence betray June and worked backward from there. I don't think the sick lady spilling the beans was more likely than any 1 of 50 simultaneous kidnappings going awry.
# ? Aug 9, 2019 20:56 |
Snow Cone Capone posted:I mean, I think that after June flipped out on her, she would have gotten the point. She was unstable, but not completely gone. Lawrence could have had an additional word with her too. This reads as if you've never experienced what it is like to try and reason with an actual crazy person off their meds. If reasoning could do it she wouldn't have almost gave it away in the first place. I mean I am not trying to justify June's actions at all, but "they could have just reasoned with her" is incredibly naive.
# ? Aug 12, 2019 03:43 |
D-Pad posted:This reads as if you've never experienced what it is like to try and reason with an actual crazy person off their meds. If reasoning could do it she wouldn't have almost gave it away in the first place. I mean I am not trying to justify June's actions at all, but "they could have just reasoned with her" is incredibly naive. I appreciate the sentiment but "an actual crazy person off their meds"would lead me to assume that you, also, have no experience with mental illness, so let's go with the old standby about assuming things about strangers
# ? Aug 12, 2019 04:52 |
The episode even had Fred telling Lucas that Gilead has changed June and that Lucas might not recognize her when/if he sees her again. June has taken a huge shift towards having no regard for the lives of people who get in her way this season and it's probably going to get a lot worse and never get better.
# ? Aug 12, 2019 20:15 |
Nor should she. A revolution is not a dinner party.
# ? Aug 12, 2019 20:39 |
Halloween Jack posted:Nor should she. A revolution is not a dinner party. this is gonna turn into "sure the fascist rape state is bad, but also the violent revolution against the fascist rape state is bad" you know it, I know it, we can all pretend it ain't so, but it's so
# ? Aug 12, 2019 20:43 |
The resistance's best move is to find Hannah and get her to Canada so June will go the gently caress away. Ideally straight into lots and lots of therapy.
# ? Aug 12, 2019 20:44 |
# ? Sep 20, 2024 22:24 |
I'm beginning to dislike Elisabeth Moss so much in this I find myself retroactively disliking Peggy Olsen.
# ? Aug 12, 2019 21:51 |