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Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Casimir Radon posted:

I might have gotten into tabletop RPGs but the only people I knew growing up who played them were unsavory dorks that I didn’t want to hang with.

It’s still mostly these people.

There’s a guy I try to avoid at my local nerd shop that’s former army (claims he got a medical discharge) that I’m fairly certain is in at least one incel community online. He referred to various Star Wars characters in one of the games I was playing as “diversity hires” (since they’re women :downs: ) and says poo poo in the discord like “I’m redpilled on [x unit]”.

He’s so gross that even the other nerds try to avoid him.


Oct 15, 2004

Icon Of Sin posted:

He’s so gross that even the other nerds try to avoid him.

If he's so gross that even other nerds try to avoid him how can he be most of the people?

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

CainFortea posted:

If he's so gross that even other nerds try to avoid him how can he be most of the people?

He’s the egregious one. There’s another I used to play games with that fell down the Q hole after I left town.

We still haven’t even gotten to the 40k players yet, but my brain did me a solid and doesn’t let those bubble up :orks:

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

Fearless posted:

Empire at War and Galactic Battlegrounds also allowed it as well. In fact, the former was oriented mainly on the Empire.

I still remember the Rebels in SWG bitching and moaning about how THEY didn't get something similar to the AT-ST as a faction reward.

AT-STs eventually got nerfed, but...when you join the plucky guerillas with plot armor, don't be pissed when the authoritarian galactic regime has better/nicer toys.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos
Related (link)
"We taught our Army unit's commander about DnD and started setting up a campaign. After a few schedule conflicts she realized she can just order us to show up lol"

Lemniscate Blue
Apr 21, 2006

Here we go again.
Here's something fun at the intersection of Star Wars, RPGs, and the military:

Jul 21, 2004


Icon Of Sin posted:

He’s the egregious one. There’s another I used to play games with that fell down the Q hole after I left town.

We still haven’t even gotten to the 40k players yet, but my brain did me a solid and doesn’t let those bubble up :orks:

Here's something interesting I just found out: they turned Team Yankee (mid-80s WW3 fiction, plausibly written by an ex-tanker, then pretty decent early PC videogame) into a miniatures wargame. I've just spent several hours reading all the 1d4chan entries on the units. It seems like the perfect nexus of Amerofascist "I'd have joined up but I'd have punched the drill sergeant" grognard, tankie Warsaw Pactaboo, and 40k powergamer.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Absurd Alhazred posted:

Related (link)
"We taught our Army unit's commander about DnD and started setting up a campaign. After a few schedule conflicts she realized she can just order us to show up lol"

Every DM dreams of this.

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?

GD_American posted:

Here's something interesting I just found out: they turned Team Yankee (mid-80s WW3 fiction, plausibly written by an ex-tanker, then pretty decent early PC videogame) into a miniatures wargame. I've just spent several hours reading all the 1d4chan entries on the units. It seems like the perfect nexus of Amerofascist "I'd have joined up but I'd have punched the drill sergeant" grognard, tankie Warsaw Pactaboo, and 40k powergamer.

Harold Coyle, right? I loved those books as a kid. Was the game any good?

Jul 21, 2004


Scratch Monkey posted:

Harold Coyle, right? I loved those books as a kid. Was the game any good?

The computer game was fantastic (for its time). Kinda too deep for me tactically at that age to be good at it, but I enjoyed it

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB
The miniature game is probably the same as Flames Of War which isn’t bad.

Aug 3, 2012

Mar 7, 2005
I � Unicode

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?

I've seen a lot of Russian stuff with a Z recognition mark. What's the significance?

May 30, 2011

We can dance if we want to,
we can leave Marle behind.
'Cause your fiends don't dance,
and if they don't dance,
they'll get a Robo Fist of mine.

Scratch Monkey posted:

I've seen a lot of Russian stuff with a Z recognition mark. What's the significance?

As I understand it, they're doing it for low tech IFF

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Russian equipment, Ukrainian equipment, is all made in Taiwan Ukraine!

Sep 23, 2007

Explosionface posted:

As I understand it, they're doing it for low tech IFF

It’s this and supposedly it’s where the equipment was staged prior to deployment.

There is a Z, P and O from what I’ve seen so far.

Mar 11, 2009

Scratch Monkey posted:

I've seen a lot of Russian stuff with a Z recognition mark. What's the significance?

Ukraine and Russia have lots of material in common, and some of their paint schemes are close. So the Z marking is supposed to indicate don't shoot, or shoot depending on the side.

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?

MarcusSA posted:

It’s this and supposedly it’s where the equipment was staged prior to deployment.

There is a Z, P and O from what I’ve seen so far.

This is the info I was looking for, thanks

Jan 10, 2019

A safety-conscious little mouse!

Scratch Monkey posted:

I've seen a lot of Russian stuff with a Z recognition mark. What's the significance?

Stolen from S2 Underground:

Wasabi the J
Jan 23, 2008


I forgot my instrument before marching in a presidential inauguration I feel this man.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
Reminded me of this gem

Sep 13, 2005

I only have canyoneyes for you


Brute Squad
Dec 20, 2006

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human race

Come on down. get yourself an F-4 before it gets sent to the boneyard.

Jun 25, 2011

It didn't even look like they hit it!

Moon Slayer
Jun 19, 2007

Like many small American towns, mine had a veteran's memorial in the park featuring a piece of World War II gear. In my hometown's case it was a Sherman tank. No idea if it was a real one that had been decommissioned or just a statue, but the idea of an invading force rolling through town, seeing it sitting there in the park and freaking out has put a smile on my face the last couple days.

Sep 13, 2005

I only have canyoneyes for you

Moon Slayer posted:

Like many small American towns, mine had a veteran's memorial in the park featuring a piece of World War II gear. In my hometown's case it was a Sherman tank. No idea if it was a real one that had been decommissioned or just a statue, but the idea of an invading force rolling through town, seeing it sitting there in the park and freaking out has put a smile on my face the last couple days.

Superstitious paratroopers land in Central Park, throw down their weapons and flee from the brazen ghost of Teddy Roosevelt leading a charge with saber and pistol.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

In all honesty, we could make a completely separate Idiots Thread that's just full of videos/images of Russians in Ukraine, and it would be huge.
Like, man I thought the US military was bad, but holy poo poo the Russians take the cake. No wonder they rely on sheer numbers to accomplish their goals.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Jimmy Smuts posted:

In all honesty, we could make a completely separate Idiots Thread that's just full of videos/images of Russians in Ukraine, and it would be huge.
Like, man I thought the US military was bad, but holy poo poo the Russians take the cake. No wonder they rely on sheer numbers to accomplish their goals.

what's russian for idiot

Wrong Theory
Aug 27, 2005

Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code

Jimmy Smuts posted:

In all honesty, we could make a completely separate Idiots Thread that's just full of videos/images of Russians in Ukraine, and it would be huge.
Like, man I thought the US military was bad, but holy poo poo the Russians take the cake. No wonder they rely on sheer numbers to accomplish their goals.

Remember when weirdos online thought Russia had some super bad rear end military because they had tough guys looking tough in a commercial whereas the U.S. Army commercial had lesbians or something. Oh how wrong they were.

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

what's russian for idiot

This fruit is hanging entirely too low, I won’t :dadjoke: it.

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

what's russian for idiot


pronounced "idiot"

May 15, 2012

Jimmy Smuts posted:

No wonder they rely on sheer numbers to accomplish their goals.

And then they are only using 75 planes total for no conceivable reason

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Wrong Theory posted:

Remember when weirdos online thought Russia had some super bad rear end military because they had tough guys looking tough in a commercial whereas the U.S. Army commercial had lesbians or something. Oh how wrong they were.

no the marines punch lava dragons to become marines or something

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

no the marines punch lava dragons to become marines or something

The lava monster was why I went army. Can't take any chances.....

Sep 13, 2005

I only have canyoneyes for you
The Ukrainian civilian stealing the Russian BMP by hooking it up to a tractor and driving off is the best video to come out of this whole tragedy

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

canyoneer posted:

The Ukrainian civilian stealing the Russian BMP by hooking it up to a tractor and driving off is the best video to come out of this whole tragedy

I don't know, that woman hexing the entire Russian army with sunflower seeds is really high up there.

Aug 3, 2012

The toktok videos of how to operate captured equipment is also lit as af.

Apr 28, 2010

Some GIPer along time ago said something to the effect of 'America doesn't have the best military, just the least incompetent'.

I reflect on that a lot


Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

I straight up will never forget the video of the Ukrainian guy who stole an abandoned Russian T-72. The horn it had sounded so cute! It's like a '80s Toyota, why did Rusisa go with such a cute sound horn? Why not spend 0.1$ and make a mean sounding horn?

Jimmy Smuts fucked around with this message at 05:21 on Mar 3, 2022

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