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Jan 18, 2002

If you read the documents it's obviously a 2008 BMW M3


Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021

A.o.D. posted:


Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

At least Dave was just really lonely (no excuse though). This assjack was selling secrets for a loving BMW.

Jan 15, 2006

Jimmy Smuts posted:

At least Dave was just really lonely (no excuse though). This assjack was selling secrets for a loving BMW.

That's, at best, used BMW money these days. That's more like premium trim 4-cylinder mustang money.

Jun 4, 2011

shame on an IGA posted:

it's hilarious that for as much deserved poo poo as the catholic church's efforts to spread the faith get, the first time american baptists sent a missionary to China some guy decided they weren't going hard enough and started the taiping rebellion

catholics had a 1000 year head start but evangelicals are doing a speed run

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

Xenoborg posted:

With major airlines paying 200k/y or more and O4s making ~130k/y with all allowances it seems like the retention bonus only gets them in the same ballpark pay wise, before all the quality of life improvements.

This is why the take rate has never even approached what the Air Force needs it to be.

Icon Of Sin posted:

Yea the way the article sounded was $600k paid over a long time, enough to where it sounds like they’re trying to blind someone with dollar signs before they read the fine print.

Recruiters. Recruiters never change.

Yeah, it's a long-term contract you're signing if you want the full amount. The initial pilot contract plus this takes you to about 18-19 years, depending on how the timing works out in your career. Most of the people taking the deal were already planning on doing 20.

Mustang posted:

I don't know what motivates Air Force officers to get out, but Army officers are often motivated by awful work/life balance, frequent moves, and barely any control over the course of your career.

Life in the military just loving blows rear end and it's mostly self-inflicted.

Quality of life needs to improve to recruit/retain people. Doing cool guy poo poo isn't that cool when your life sucks.

This is definitely a factor, on top of money. Some platforms are constantly on the road, too. And the Air Force basically requires every officer to chase a command billet and check all those stupid boxes to avoid missing O-4 or O-5 if you happen to be in a rough selection year. I don't know what the limits are now, but a decade ago you had to apply for "continuation" if you were passed over for Lt Col, because you'd be discharged prior to 20.

Also I'm an idiot for not realizing this is the idiots thread and posting realtalk.

Godholio fucked around with this message at 19:18 on Mar 8, 2024

Jun 16, 2003

Godholio posted:

Also I'm an idiot for not realizing this is the idiots thread and posting realtalk.

We all wear the duncecap sometimes. Though not as much as the people who make pilots hate flying or grunts hate shooting.

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Steezo posted:

Though not as much as the people who make pilots hate flying or grunts hate shooting.

It took the better part of a decade for me to want to go hiking again after being an infantryman. I still hate shooting any firearm too (gun culture is probably part of this too, tbf).

Humbug Scoolbus
Apr 25, 2008

The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not tread. Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers, stern and wild ones, and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss.
Clapping Larry

Icon Of Sin posted:

It took the better part of a decade for me to want to go hiking again after being an infantryman. I still hate shooting any firearm too (gun culture is probably part of this too, tbf).

You still can't get me to go hiking or camping anymore, and this is close to 30 years after my ETS. Ten years as an 11B drained any desire to ever do that again from me.

Nov 15, 2011

Hail SS-18 Satan may he cleanse us with nuclear fire


I still enjoy all that poo poo, but that's probably both in part due to a lack of gently caress-gently caress games and my knees didn't explode like everyone else I know. Then again I miss the desert something fierce so I could just be an enormous idiot.

Feb 13, 2012


I agree. Defeated Confederate leaders were dealt with far too leniently.

Lemniscate Blue
Apr 21, 2006

Here we go again.

Platystemon posted:

I agree. Defeated Confederate leaders were dealt with far too leniently.

The J6ers' mistake was not being wealthy and powerful before their insurrection. They're not the CSA's generals and politicians. They're the expendable suckers troops that got slaughtered on the battlefield.

Would they prefer that outcome, do you think?

Dec 24, 2007

Platystemon posted:

I agree. Defeated Confederate leaders were dealt with far too leniently.

lmao it's a retired federal pig, who do you expect them to side with.

Moon Slayer
Jun 19, 2007

Every fascist thinks that when "their" side takes over they'll get to strut around in a cool uniform and make everyone who was ever mean to them pay, when in reality they'd still be losers but instead of being ignored they'd get sent to a labor camp after their neighbor informed on them for some minor reason.

Apr 2, 2012

Night of the Long Knives. They get liquidated like the rest of the brownshirts when their usefulness is over.

Sep 20, 2007
Taco Defender

Lemniscate Blue posted:

Would they prefer that outcome, do you think?

The person making that post? Probably.

Jun 16, 2003

Platystemon posted:

I agree. Defeated Confederate leaders were dealt with far too leniently.

Davis and Lee should have been publicly hanged. Forrest should've been burned at the stake for fort pillow.

Finish the reconstruction Joe.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Steezo posted:

Davis and Lee should have been publicly hanged. Forrest should've been burned at the stake for fort pillow.

Finish the reconstruction Joe.

Still reeling (although I shouldn't be surprised) that Shelby Foote chose to be buried close to Forrest. I mean, that's why he chose the plot.

Apr 28, 2007

Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force, 1993-1952

Steezo posted:

Davis and Lee should have been publicly hanged. Forrest should've been burned at the stake for fort pillow.

Yeah! Every officer who resigned their commission to sign up with the CSA committed literal, like in the Constitution, treason.

My "what if" is mass trials, convictions, death sentences, about three days to think about it, then commutation.

I'd also be okay without the last two things.

Arson Daily
Aug 11, 2003

my initial pilot training class at a popular US airline was half military guys who were STOKED not to be in the military anymore. my training partner, a marine harrier pilot, did a tour in Afghanistan and iraq each and never flew an airplane in either deployment. anecdotal, sure but that seemed to be most told reason they all got out: not doing the thing they trained for and instead got hosed by the up or out system the military has.

Sep 13, 2015

I've heard one or two fighter pilots on The Afterburn Podcast mention that the air national guard screws pilots around less than the USAF, in terms of pilots getting to fly the stuff they want to fly, for longer.

Sep 14, 2007

King of Klatch
Yeah, that’s pretty true at my Guard F-16 base. There are plenty of DSG pilots who came over from active duty and just show up a couple times a month to fly fighter jets and then go back to their cushy airline jobs. Just flying and no worries about staff jobs taking them out of the cockpit. They’ll all probably retire as Majors, but they’re totally cool with that.

I can only think of one pilot on our base who came in off the street as a civilian. The vast majority hopped over to the guard after their 10 year AD commitment was over. It certainly helps that our ANG Viper base is down the street from an AD Viper base, so we have a good pipeline.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

May 30, 2011

We can dance if we want to,
we can leave Marle behind.
'Cause your fiends don't dance,
and if they don't dance,
they'll get a Robo Fist of mine.

I saw that on FB this morning and immediately thought of this thread.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

pkells posted:

Yeah, that’s pretty true at my Guard F-16 base. There are plenty of DSG pilots who came over from active duty and just show up a couple times a month to fly fighter jets and then go back to their cushy airline jobs. Just flying and no worries about staff jobs taking them out of the cockpit. They’ll all probably retire as Majors, but they’re totally cool with that.

I can only think of one pilot on our base who came in off the street as a civilian. The vast majority hopped over to the guard after their 10 year AD commitment was over. It certainly helps that our ANG Viper base is down the street from an AD Viper base, so we have a good pipeline.

The pressure to stick to the "command path" is virtually nonexistent, because command opportunities are virtually nonexistent. Unless things have changed, you can't even hit 20 as a major out of the active duty AF without getting approval (unless you have enlisted time). You get run out a couple of years shy.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

Godholio posted:

The pressure to stick to the "command path" is virtually nonexistent, because command opportunities are virtually nonexistent. Unless things have changed, you can't even hit 20 as a major out of the active duty AF without getting approval (unless you have enlisted time). You get run out a couple of years shy.
Jesus, the O side of the house sounds scary. On the E side, at least I know I'm pretty much guaranteed to retire at 20 soonish. It can't come soon enough, but its also absolutely more frightening than anything I've encountered because I've become institutionalized.

May 3, 2013
Right now, the way the USAF currently lies, your odds of making 20 as officer are good.

That could change, however.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Vahakyla posted:

Right now, the way the USAF currently lies, your odds of making 20 as officer are good.

That could change, however.

A buddy of mine from when I did AFROTC got out because he wasn't selected for major too many times.

The following year the selection rate for major was 100% lol

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

McNally posted:

A buddy of mine from when I did AFROTC got out because he wasn't selected for major too many times.

The following year the selection rate for major was 100% lol

My father did detailing during a stint at the Navy Annex from '85-'87 and told me a story about selection yesterday when I took him out for "enrichment."

Said he had a guy with a "Z" last name get passed over for promotion when he shouldn't have been based on his record, and he had to explain to them that the promotion boards sometimes went A to Z some years and Z to A others. Dude should've selected (I think it was for O-3 or O-4), but the lazy fuckers used up all the available slots before they got to his jacket.

Sep 3, 2003


Sounds like a poo poo way of doing things when up or out is also at play.

Feb 16, 2011

It IS the military :v:

Sep 3, 2003


Yeah but there's idiocy and then there's just plain mean.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

That straight up sounds like Army or Navy, yeesh.

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Fearless posted:

Yeah but there's idiocy and then there's just plain mean.

Good* news, they’re nearly one and the same in the army!


not caring here
Feb 22, 2012

blazemastah 2 dry 4 u
When I was still in they were bonkers for sending armor people to ranger school for some whatever reason. But it was a case of if you have a surname of around S or later, you were almost guaranteed to fail the pushup part of the initial PT test because they overbook the slots and have to cull the herd. Alphabetically, A to Z, every time.

Aug 3, 2012

I always appreciated having a last name close to the alphabet breakpoint to avoid the worst of if alphabetical/reverse alphabetical shenanigans in grade school. It was a shock but not a surprise to learn the military operated on similar guidelines.

Oct 23, 2009

10,363 snaps and not a playoff win to show for it

Guest2553 posted:

I always appreciated having a last name close to the alphabet breakpoint to avoid the worst of if alphabetical/reverse alphabetical shenanigans in grade school. It was a shock but not a surprise to learn the military operated on similar guidelines.

Having a name nearly at the end, it sucks so much.

When we got home from our guard deployment, at the ceremony they gave us all these stupid NG awards, flags, rings etc. You sat with your family and they called each of us alphabetically to get whatever and the moment you were off the stage you could leave and start your terminal end of tour leave.

It was almost 2 hours until I got called... there were only a handful behind me out of almost 200 hundred soldiers

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB
Yeah well my name is
gently caress you I’m almost always last.

Feb 16, 2011

My name is

Pretty much always last. Also on the obligatory 2 mile run bullshit (GO NAVY) :haw:


Oct 23, 2009

10,363 snaps and not a playoff win to show for it

Wibla posted:

My name is

Pretty much always last. Also on the obligatory 2 mile run bullshit (GO NAVY) :haw:


Always last

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