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Feb 13, 2012

He’s laughing at you bro. A 2 star is laughing at you haha


Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021
Love to have my subordinates draw negative media attention then imply I'm on their side.

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?

Jan 15, 2006

None more enlisted.

Oct 6, 2009

Handsome Ralph posted:

Not disagreeing with you per say, but based on the judges wording, I think he could have bonded himself out that same evening without issue. Had he not shown up, then he'd be in jail on a bench warrant without bond.

If I put you in a headlock and insist that you have the ability to get out without issue, you'd be cool with that?

gently caress the cops, my man. my 1 evening in jail sucked plenty, even though my family was indeed able to bail me out. Good thing I didn't have a sick wife to worry about

Dec 31, 2002


ComradePyro posted:

If I put you in a headlock and insist that you have the ability to get out without issue, you'd be cool with that?

To be clear, what would the noogie situation be in this scenario?

Mar 13, 2007


I admit that I have never had SEAL training so could someone please explain that grip?

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

Phanatic posted:

I admit that I have never had SEAL training so could someone please explain that grip?

Checking to see how hot the barrel is duh.

not caring here
Feb 22, 2012

blazemastah 2 dry 4 u
Maybe he's searching around for wherever he put his mag.

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

ComradePyro posted:

If I put you in a headlock and insist that you have the ability to get out without issue, you'd be cool with that?

gently caress the cops, my man. my 1 evening in jail sucked plenty, even though my family was indeed able to bail me out. Good thing I didn't have a sick wife to worry about

Jesus christ, I am not justifying the judge here. I am clarifying what happened as it wasn't entirely clear from the video. Clarification ≠ justification.

I have also nearly spent a night in jail because I did not have someone readily available to show up with bail money until the last minute. I do not wish that feeling of dread on anyone picked up for a nonviolent offense.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"
I'm focused more on the non-standardized lights on both rifles. One looks like a cheap Enforce that's trying to mimic a less-cheap Streamlight.

SEALs might gently caress up and often *be* fuckups, but one thing they (usually) don't gently caress up are weapon setups.

BIG HEADLINE fucked around with this message at 16:54 on Jun 5, 2024

Apr 28, 2010

It's from a training exercise with Jordan, so they might be allies. Going off how they are standing, how comfortable they look, and what not, they don't seem American. American SOF is often easy to spot because they stand certain ways, or demonstrate an unnatural level of ease with everything.

But just because they are SEALs don't mean poo poo. Eddie Gallagher posed with his personal rifle that had a backwards EOtech. He might prefer that light over others- I prefer that light over most Surefires.

Just because they are good at shooting people doesn't mean they make good choices.

Moon Slayer
Jun 19, 2007

Hyperlynx posted:

Yeah, whether his license should have been suspended or not, driving on it and calling in to court was pretty daft. It looks like he was driving his wife to the doctor, though.

:shrug: I can't say I blame him.

e: no, strike that. He was driving with a suspended license because he didn't know it was suspended. It wasn't meant to be. He was told the suspension was going to be lifted, and then they didn't do it.

The twists keep on twisting!

Sep 13, 2015

That's clearly not true, though. He certainly had a licence, that got suspended.

Moon Slayer
Jun 19, 2007

Nope, turns out "suspending a license" as a term also means suspending your ability to apply for a license, as well as right to drive in the state. He never had a license, never applied for one, and for a time he wouldn't have been allowed to anyway because of, apparently, unpaid child support.

Sep 13, 2015

This is very confusing

Sep 23, 2007

Don’t drive and zoom.

Dick Burglar
Mar 6, 2006

MarcusSA posted:

Don’t drive and zoom.

Apr 2, 2012

Banning him from getting a driver's license seems counterproductive if they want him to actually pay that child support.

Every job in this hell country requires it.

Jan 15, 2006

MRC48B posted:

Banning him from getting a driver's license seems counterproductive if they want him to actually pay that child support.

Every job in this hell country requires it.

The cruelty _____________.

May 30, 2011

We can dance if we want to,
we can leave Marle behind.
'Cause your fiends don't dance,
and if they don't dance,
they'll get a Robo Fist of mine.

MRC48B posted:

Banning him from getting a driver's license seems counterproductive if they want him to actually pay that child support.

Every job in this hell country requires it.

If you watch the whole hearing, Judge Simpson is very accepting of coming efforts to get him a license with a permit in the near future...after he deals with a 9 year old warrant in another county for the same thing.

Gorilla Radio
May 10, 2007
On behalf of the Serbs, we're very sorry for the Hillary Clinton sniper incident. Next time, we'll aim better.
I feel like the real idiots are anyone who wants to be a judge. Can't imagine all the stupid poo poo the deal with.

Judge: it says here you were driving without a license.
Defendant: well, yeah you all won't let me get a license.
J: why is that?
D: because I have a suspended license for DUI in X county.
J: *bangs head on bench like gavel*

Sep 23, 2007

MRC48B posted:

Banning him from getting a driver's license seems counterproductive if they want him to actually pay that child support.

Every job in this hell country requires it.

By the time you get your license suspended you are actively trying to dodge paying child support so :shrug:

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
So I think this belongs here.

Congressman Troy Nehls (R-TX-22) had his CIB rescinded last year because it was erroneously awarded (because he was a civil affairs officer at the time). Nehls has continued wearing a CIB lapel pin and insists that he is entitled to one because he was previously an 11B and therefore should have a CIB.

Except, y'know, in between being an 11B and receiving the CIB he became a civil affairs officer.

Still, dude is doubling down on this loudly and publicly and is therefore attracting further scrutiny.

For example, it turns out that the brigade S-1 who signed the orders for his CIB was on emergency leave at the time and didn't actually sign it.

Moon Slayer
Jun 19, 2007

Didn't some admirals kill themselves in the '90s after it came out they'd been wearing ribbons they hadn't earned? I remember a "ripped from the headlines" episode of JAG about it.

Not that I'm advocating for suicide in this or any case, but he is a Freedom Caucus member ...

Jun 16, 2003

Moon Slayer posted:

Didn't some admirals kill themselves in the '90s after it came out they'd been wearing ribbons they hadn't earned? I remember a "ripped from the headlines" episode of JAG about it.

Not that I'm advocating for suicide in this or any case, but he is a Freedom Caucus member ...

That was Adm Boorda and the ribbons thing was just the straw that broke the camels back after the tailhook scandal. He may have been the last Admiral to know right from wrong.

Edit: I dont trust my father on a lot of things, what with him being a former NCIS agent and all around rear end in a top hat but he seemed to respect the man, which coming from him is rare and usually deserved.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
The Adm Boorda thing was that he had been told by the CNO that he was authorized V devices on two of his ribbons, wore them, was told years later "no, actually not," stopped wearing them, and then David Hackworth was going to "expose" him in Newsweek a year later.

Moon Slayer
Jun 19, 2007

Oh, drat, that actually really sucks, then.

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?
Did they authorize a CAB instead? Sounds like the smart play would have been to just switch

Feb 10, 2014

McNally posted:

So I think this belongs here.

Congressman Troy Nehls (R-TX-22) had his CIB rescinded last year because it was erroneously awarded (because he was a civil affairs officer at the time). Nehls has continued wearing a CIB lapel pin and insists that he is entitled to one because he was previously an 11B and therefore should have a CIB.

Except, y'know, in between being an 11B and receiving the CIB he became a civil affairs officer.

Still, dude is doubling down on this loudly and publicly and is therefore attracting further scrutiny.

For example, it turns out that the brigade S-1 who signed the orders for his CIB was on emergency leave at the time and didn't actually sign it.

CIB stuff is weird. I was on a staff with several officers who used to be 11b before getting commissioned and you'd think getting a CAB was a death sentence by the way the gnashed their teeth about not getting CIBs.

I was in one of our infantry divisions a while back and took my wife to one of their banquets. I have a CAB, but was surrounded by dudes with CIBs. My wife asked me why mine was different and I told her that they put the weapons you fought with in the wreath.

Nov 11, 2012

god damn it, you've got to be kind

this is true, CMB means they can use snakes as a weapon

Feb 10, 2014

I fought with snakes tied to a stick!

Jul 10, 2001
Psht, army needs weapons. Navy and Marines just need ribbons.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"
I met Adm. Boorda several times as he was kinda-sorta my father's superior's superior during his command tour.

He was a class act, and Hackworth just decided to make a sport of loving with him. As I recall, Hackworth also got tarred and feathered after Boorda's suicide for having made false claims about his own service.

You know, I hear if you go diving (even on vacation!) when you're in the Navy, you get to wear the SEAL Trident from that point forward, the same as you get to wear the Ranger device on your Army uniform because you shared proximity with them in a theater of war. "Doesn't compare," my rear end.

BIG HEADLINE fucked around with this message at 17:44 on Jun 13, 2024

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Hackworth always came across as a complete dickhead in that whole story. Entirely on brand for him to end up getting called out for similar poo poo and then play the "no you see, I'm different."

Always felt bad for Boorda, dude wasn't trying to do anything malicious, and then Hackworth decided to be a shithead about it.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

Handsome Ralph posted:

Hackworth always came across as a complete dickhead in that whole story. Entirely on brand for him to end up getting called out for similar poo poo and then play the "no you see, I'm different."

Always felt bad for Boorda, dude wasn't trying to do anything malicious, and then Hackworth decided to be a shithead about it.

Our family was tied into it a bit more closely since my father had a decent connection to Boorda, but the way it shook out, it felt like Hackworth had gotten marching orders from brass and bureaucracy to do a "hit piece."

I remember the interviews Hackworth gave *after* Boorda killed himself and the ire and vitriol just felt manufactured.

And while the "second medal" thing could've been a fuckup, I don't buy for one loving second that a full Colonel didn't realize he wasn't authorized to wear a Ranger insignia, having never even gone through the course.

What's really sad is that his aide blamed himself because the day of, he told him he was going to "go home for lunch" (Hackworth was apparently coming over at 2pm that day to interview Boorda) and told the aide he'd drive himself, which was against protocol for the CNO, but the aide let him do it.

Also, and I got this from my father, apparently in the weeks leading up to it, there'd been an incident on a sub while underway where a guy promoted to E-4 and his shipmates had planned to tack his crow on his arm and the CO forbade it because it'd effectively make the guy worthless until his arm healed.

Well, someone on the crew tacked on the crow anyway, so the XO nixed liberty for the entire crew until the guilty party came forward. The newly christened E-4 whose arm had been tacked was given a topside watch, which came with a loaded .45, and, feeling guilty that he'd gotten the whole boat smoked...smoked himself. Apparently that really hosed with Boorda's head and might've planted the seed.

BIG HEADLINE fucked around with this message at 21:49 on Jun 13, 2024

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

That, uh.... didn't that happen on one of our guy's subs?

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Scratch Monkey posted:

Did they authorize a CAB instead? Sounds like the smart play would have been to just switch

No, because he already had one lol

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
A+ military idiot, A+ explanation by reporter


Eason the Fifth
Apr 9, 2020
I thought I'd catch a little shut-eye during land nav in SOI and inadvertently rested against a tree that had a nest of those fuckers under the roots and got stung from my rear end to my neck probably two dozen times. I'm generally all about conservation and eco stuff, but when it comes to fire ants and related bugs, I'm from Buenos Aries

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