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Hobo on Fire
Dec 4, 2008

Gate has been described as what happens when another country portrays it's military the way American media like to portray the U.S. military. It's not an inaccurate description.

But yeah, the whole, "our most overtly sexualized character is a 900 year old demi-god, she only looks like a child" trope? Gate actually does that.


Humbug Scoolbus
Apr 25, 2008

The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not tread. Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers, stern and wild ones, and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss.
Clapping Larry
And apparently, it gets less obnoxious/nationalistic/creepy with each iteration. Light novel < Manga < Anime.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

Humbug Scoolbus posted:

And apparently, it gets less obnoxious/nationalistic/creepy with each iteration. Light novel < Manga < Anime.

Nah I feel like the anime version went overboard with the nationalism.

May 19, 2009

Proud member of the Pony-Brony Alliance for Obama as President
IIRC that anime had a line where the JSDF soldiers were appalled at the atrocities that were commonplace on the other side of the gate, like taking comfort women and slaughtering prisoners, and remarked something to the effect of “Imagine if We Japanese ever did something so heinous. We would be no better than… the Americans!” with a completely straight delivery :laffo:

Humbug Scoolbus
Apr 25, 2008

The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not tread. Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers, stern and wild ones, and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss.
Clapping Larry

CommieGIR posted:

Nah I feel like the anime version went overboard with the nationalism.

I've never seen the anime. I was going off of (clearly ) incorrect hearsay.

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?

Preechr posted:

IIRC that anime had a line where the JSDF soldiers were appalled at the atrocities that were commonplace on the other side of the gate, like taking comfort women and slaughtering prisoners, and remarked something to the effect of “Imagine if We Japanese ever did something so heinous. We would be no better than… the Americans!” with a completely straight delivery :laffo:


Nov 7, 2012

Humbug Scoolbus posted:

And apparently, it gets less obnoxious/nationalistic/creepy with each iteration. Light novel < Manga < Anime.

CommieGIR posted:

Nah I feel like the anime version went overboard with the nationalism.

yeah and the anime version is still more tame about it then the others.

Jun 16, 2003

pentyne posted:

yeah and the anime version is still more tame about it then the others.

There's at least 731 things wrong with the light novel...

Jan 15, 2006
I've got 731 problems and a revisionist dialogue ain't one.

Nov 7, 2012
The Gate JSDF anime series was apparently also partially financed by the actual JSDF, used in recruitment ads, and led to some measurable uptick in enlistment

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

pentyne posted:

The Gate JSDF anime series was apparently also partially financed by the actual JSDF, used in recruitment ads, and led to some measurable uptick in enlistment

And you can tell, its heavy handed.

Pick up chicks in another world, bring em back to Japan and have to crash at your ex-wife's apartment, then whine about missing Comiket the whole time while reminding everyone that you are JSDF

And in true military fashion - Get arrested at the end of the anime for bringing your otherworldly harem to Comiket by accident and causing an uproar. Ex wife witnesses your arrest. Also be the laziest man in the military while also the most effective.

CommieGIR fucked around with this message at 18:36 on Jul 15, 2024

Cartoon Man
Jan 31, 2004

Reset the clock again.

Moon Slayer
Jun 19, 2007

The "good news" for Russia I guess is that multiply examples of those models have probably been captured by various Ukrainian farmers so I doubt theres too much NATO doesn't already know.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
Now how will Russia win Turret Toss competition? Their secrets are exposed!

Nov 8, 2009

I love the potoo,
and the potoo loves you.

CommieGIR posted:

Now how will Russia win Turret Toss competition? Their secrets are exposed!

My brother in law is an aerospace engineer. He's told me that the unofficial motto of his company is "With enough thrust, anything will fly."

Wild T
Dec 15, 2008

The point I'm trying to make is that the only way to come out on top is to kick the Air Force in the nuts, beart it savagely with a weight and take a dump on it's face.
My son plays War Thunder. I need to ask him how the Bradleys in the game stand up against T90s.

(He will have jokes since his name is also Bradley.)

Jun 10, 2017
60 years out we will have tanks named for zoomer generals.

M20 Brantley main battle tank

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

EvenWorseOpinions posted:

M20 Brantleigh main battle tank


Jun 17, 2010

Smashed before noon

Wild T posted:

My son plays War Thunder. I need to ask him how the Bradleys in the game stand up against T90s.

(He will have jokes since his name is also Bradley.)

If he’s smart he doesn’t play that tier since it’s a fuckfest of drones, air strikes, and snipers.

That also makes him smarter than the Kremlin

Sep 13, 2005

I only have canyoneyes for you

EvenWorseOpinions posted:

60 years out we will have tanks named for zoomer generals.

M20 Brantley main battle tank

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?
Attack of the Mormon Baby Names

May 30, 2011

We can dance if we want to,
we can leave Marle behind.
'Cause your fiends don't dance,
and if they don't dance,
they'll get a Robo Fist of mine.

I saw a baby recently named either "Espin" or "Espn" on the local hospital billboard and immediately grew very, very sad.

History Comes Inside!
Nov 20, 2004

1978 ~ 2023
Raygun Steele is a loving awesome name

Sep 13, 2005

I only have canyoneyes for you
I worked in a resort in southern Utah and one of the families checked in with a kid named Talon Savage. Fits well with all these Fallout NPC names

History Comes Inside!
Nov 20, 2004

1978 ~ 2023
Tibbs Thomas has surely just filled the surname/forename poo poo in backwards though right


Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021
Tibothy "Tibbs" Thomas

Dec 24, 2007

History Comes Inside! posted:

Raygun Steele is a loving awesome name

Yeah I can't hate that one.

Wild T
Dec 15, 2008

The point I'm trying to make is that the only way to come out on top is to kick the Air Force in the nuts, beart it savagely with a weight and take a dump on it's face.
There's a big feud a-brewin' between them Sweat boys ever since McCoy ripped Cash's favorite magic underwear.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers


Moon Slayer
Jun 19, 2007

Bobson Dugnutt

Wait, sorry, wrong list.

Robert Facepalmer
Jan 10, 2019

Thick McRunfast!

gently caress, I did it wrong too...

Nov 13, 2011

Meatbrick Punch-Hard

Mar 13, 2007

Cash Sweats on everything around me.

Mar 4, 2007

Click here to join Lem Lee in the Hell Of Being Cut To Pieces
Nap Ghost

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

History Comes Inside! posted:

Tibbs Thomas has surely just filled the surname/forename poo poo in backwards though right


They call him Mr. Tibbs.

Oct 28, 2008

I hope you loving die, Harley Jarvis.

Jan 10, 2019

A safety-conscious little mouse!

Explosionface posted:

I saw a baby recently named either "Espin" or "Espn" on the local hospital billboard and immediately grew very, very sad.


Lemniscate Blue
Apr 21, 2006

Here we go again.

Like the doo-dah man
Once told me
"You got to play your hand."
The cards ain't worth a drat
If you don't lay 'em down.

shame on an IGA
Apr 8, 2005

Holden Gammon is destined to become prime minister of the UK


Sep 13, 2015

shame on an IGA posted:

Holden Gammon is destined to become prime minister of the UK

Or his folks are heavily invested in pork futures.

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