The way it's approaching is interesting too - no one has ever hidden themselves in that way before, and everyone uses the train, so the Handcar is a neat visual. Slow, ancient, lumbering but consistent in pace, like a Railroad Zombie.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 23:51 |
The thing about Michael being an imposter basically boils down to the Michael suit. It was a key item in the last finale, it was raised again in the Bad Place mini episodes and they raised it up here in the first and second episode. Michael might very well be real but it'd be weird, especially for such a tight show, to keep talking about how the Bad Place has this item and then not doing anything with it.
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That little sob was heart wrenching. And my money is on Glenn being the railroad zombie. He's on the same path as Michael, who will be revealed as the true human subject of all the experiments. all if the humans will be revealed as angels. Janet will still be Janet, and Shawn will be revealed to be a Janet in a skin suit.
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I'm glad that Tahani finally got a decent episode. I guess the weird thing for me is that current Eleanor/Jason/Tahani don't feel like they've actually become good people. And yes, I know Jason felt bad about torturing Chidi, Tahani literally just helped someone and Eleanor is doing the huge burden of saving humanity, but they're doing things because they have to save humanity. They're helping the four humans because that's their goal. It hasn't quite clicked into the 'do good things just because it's the right thing to do' bit yet.
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Regy Rusty posted:I can't believe people are still on this. Oh, this is the Bad Place!
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Evil Mastermind posted:Thanks, ants. This is nice and all, but honestly, what is it that makes The Good Place such a good show? It's a difficult question because it's impossible to describe. One might ask the same about birds: what are birds? We just don't know.
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Kegslayer posted:The thing about Michael being an imposter basically boils down to the Michael suit. Look you can't talk about how this is such a tight show and then base a theory entirely on meta knowledge while ignoring all the stuff in the actual episodes that directly contradicts it. Rarity posted:Oh, this is the Bad Place!
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Mr. Powers posted:The cloaked figure approaching is Jacob, the entire series has taken place in purgatory. I can't remember if the season we're on is flash forwards, flash backs, flash sideways, or flash afterlife, but there's definitely two different time streams going on. I know you're making a Lost joke, but it's kind of funny because this season is literally taking place in Purgatory and the main characters are performing its purpose for the chosen four.
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I keep waffling back and forth but there's definitely something going on, there's a bunch of small stuff that's gonna be pretty disappointing if it's all misdirects.
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With the talks of us seeing Michael's non-human true form, I'm hoping they have the budget to really go weird with it. It's a demon, biblical angels were terrifying enough to behold, so i'm hoping if we do see Michael outside of a humanoid form it's like someone made him out of spare parts who didn't really know what they were doing. The divine/infernal beings don't need to be functional after all.
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Gimme some SMT poo poo. Arist fucked around with this message at 14:05 on Oct 11, 2019 |
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I hope you all are aware that, under the TV/IV constitution, whoever winds up losing the skin-suit argument will have to change their avatar to Michael saying "I acquit." The Michael in question can be either the demon or Michael Scott.
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CPColin posted:I hope you all are aware that, under the TV/IV constitution, whoever winds up losing the skin-suit argument will have to change their avatar to Michael saying "I acquit." The Michael in question can be either the demon or Michael Scott. What is this, the local?
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double post
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I'm really glad we got a Tahani-heavy episode.
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Arist posted:What is this, the local? Wait poo poo, I should have made a Mike's voice joke gently caress
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curiousCat posted:I'm really glad we got a Tahani-heavy episode. She did what 6 out of the 8 Game of Thrones characters based on her would do!
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Rarity posted:She did what 6 out of the 8 Game of Thrones characters based on her would do! I just can't see her being friends with GRRM. Gonna say it's dragging a little for me and I feel these three episodes have been very samey, I'm interested to see who it is on the railway car.
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Arist posted:What is this, the local? Writes a two thousand word essay about the ethics of a racist train.
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When is someone going to finally say "you know what? You've convinced me, I was wrong?" I feel like the danger with a show that had one really amazing twist is that everyone gets hooked on the twist, but they missed the execution. In the first season, finding out that they were in the bad place made perfect sense and it built on all the previous events. The story you watched was still the same, it's just that something more was added to it. A bad twist would undermine the events you watched, and just be a fake out just to be a fake out. There's too many scenes where Michael is genuine with Eleanor that him being an imposter requires you to come up with a reason why he would do the things he did. I think one of the themes of this episode is that goodness is something that you have to keep working towards. Eleanor is facing a new test, and she reverted to old behaviors. But she had changed - she realized what she was doing was wrong and why. I mean, we can try to construct twists, but haven't you learned anything from the first two episodes and Sylvia? This may all be fake, but it appears real. Shouldn't we act as if it is?
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My new theory is that the original humans are still being tested. Tahani moved the ball forward by genuinely connecting with that dude. Elenore did so by talking through her feelings. Jason did so by genuinely helping out to the best of his abilities.
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Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:My new theory is that the original humans are still being tested. Tahani moved the ball forward by genuinely connecting with that dude. Elenore did so by talking through her feelings. Jason did so by genuinely helping out to the best of his abilities. I have been thinking that the Bad Place plan isn’t to make them fail at helping new people as much as it’s making Team Cockroach backslide. This episode made me laugh out loud more than either of the previous two this season. I was anti-skinsuit until the hooded figure at the end, but now, I’m sure that SOMEONE got replaced. I don’t think it was Michael, but it could be Janet, as I agree she might be acting out of character. Comedy option would be Jason, who Molotoved the Bad Place before stealing the handcart. Evidence for Jason, there is no way he didn’t crack lying to Chidi for a week.
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It would be kind of impossible to replace Janet for the same reasons as Michael. Not just that, but being able to replicate Janet's powers for the neighbourhood would be impossible for anyone but another Janet, and we've already seen that Bad Janets are terrible at it. Sure, it could be they've stolen another Good Janet and somehow given her enough complexity via reboots to mimic the Cockroach Janet, but that's just bending over backwards for this twist. I'd say, just enjoy the ride. If a twist pops up, cool.
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It literally could not be Janet even more so than Michael because the neighborhood would've fallen apart. Y'all gonna drive me crazy
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$5 says it's Glenn, get in on this action now, doggs
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boo_radley posted:$5 says it's Glenn, get in on this action now, doggs Uh who is Glenn, again?
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I kind of want to see them get more creative when characters try to swear, like have them use phrases that never existed but the edited versions get the point across, like "Why don't you go shove a fork up your ash-hole?" No one ever uses gently caress like that, but with the way the good place/neighborhoods censor them, they could invent new ones.
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It's on me because I've been spoiled by the general audio quality of podcasts these days and spoiled for choice with other podcast backlogs, but that most recent(?) episode of the podcast with the phone-in guest was tough, I gave up after a few minutes. On the other hand, re-watching the episode, Jason's "not again!" at the exploding motorbike is still fantastic.
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My guess is that its Trevor. Adam Scott's character. Mainly because I think he's hilarious and I miss him.
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Re: Michael skin suit theory I do think Michael has been acting strange this season but I think maybe the reason for the previously on and showing the Michael skin suit was to remind us skin suits are a thing and Chris showing up in a skin suit fulfills that mention of the bit. Best line of the week? Gotta put a little sand in your clam if you want a pearl!
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Edit: my first double post! Thanks Awful App ![]()
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Cemetry Gator posted:When is someone going to finally say "you know what? You've convinced me, I was wrong?" This is why i really like the theory from a whole back that its Vicky in the Michael suit who commits to the role and ends up turning good. It means we can still have his impassioned speeches be genuine, and fits with the shows "fake it til you make it" morality
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boo_radley posted:$5 says it's Glenn, get in on this action now, doggs That's my guess, either to cause commotion or he's legitimately switching sides.
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That’s just what motorcycles do.
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BioEnchanted posted:I kind of want to see them get more creative when characters try to swear, like have them use phrases that never existed but the edited versions get the point across, like "Why don't you go shove a fork up your ash-hole?" No one ever uses gently caress like that, but with the way the good place/neighborhoods censor them, they could invent new ones. You're right in that no one would ever say "go shove a gently caress up your rear end in a top hat," unless they are a poorly written character for whom English is clearly a second language. But, I could easily see someone saying "go shove a fork up your rear end," because of all the things that can go up a butthole, I'd imagine that a fork would be one of the worst.
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I'm more considering the idea of Good Place/Neighbourhood inhabitants evolving their threats to fit what the censor will allow them to say.
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BioEnchanted posted:I'm more considering the idea of Good Place/Neighbourhood inhabitants evolving their threats to fit what the censor will allow them to say. Linguistic shift where everyone eventually starts using "fork" as profanity and the censors have to change it again.
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Ravenfood posted:Linguistic shift where everyone eventually starts using "fork" as profanity and the censors have to change it again. Legit heard people say heck and darn are bad words that kids shouldn't say.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 23:51 |
Honestly, I like that they went full Johnny Dangerously right from the start. That gag is funny in and of itself. Anyone remember this gem? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxmkiy9txBE
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