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Jet Jaguar
Feb 12, 2006

Don't touch my bags if you please, Mr Customs Man.

The AV Club asked Michael Schur which characters in Game of Thrones that were based on Tahani.

They also have a screenshot that has a restaurant in the background named "Ponzu Scheme." Can we also see the return of "A Little Bit Chowder Now"?


Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Jet Jaguar posted:

The AV Club asked Michael Schur which characters in Game of Thrones that were based on Tahani.

They also have a screenshot that has a restaurant in the background named "Ponzu Scheme." Can we also see the return of "A Little Bit Chowder Now"?

I know it's a dumb thing to complain about but she was loving 11 when the first book came out.
I think part of what made me dislike that last episode was Tahani being FULL ON with all her celebrity stuff when we've not had her doing it that badly for a while.

Mar 18, 2006


Jet Jaguar posted:

The AV Club asked Michael Schur which characters in Game of Thrones that were based on Tahani.

They also have a screenshot that has a restaurant in the background named "Ponzu Scheme." Can we also see the return of "A Little Bit Chowder Now"?

With sushi arranged in a pyramid, of course.

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing

Pinwiz11 posted:

That's my guess, either to cause commotion or he's legitimately switching sides.

Outside theory: it's Mindy St. Clair warning of an impending Derek-apocalpyse, having created a ton of incredibly dumb Derek-babies all on his own. This sort of fits in with everybody having a foil this season.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

boo_radley posted:

Outside theory: it's Mindy St. Clair warning of an impending Derek-apocalpyse, having created a ton of incredibly dumb Derek-babies all on his own. This sort of fits in with everybody having a foil this season.

The neighborhood is literally in Mindy's back yard and their base is her house.

Taear posted:

I know it's a dumb thing to complain about but she was loving 11 when the first book came out.

That isn't a contradiction. :colbert:

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Taear posted:

I know it's a dumb thing to complain about but she was loving 11 when the first book came out.
I think part of what made me dislike that last episode was Tahani being FULL ON with all her celebrity stuff when we've not had her doing it that badly for a while.

Ever heard of Alice in Wonderland? At least 5 characters are based on Alice or Alice combined with mathematical puzzles.

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing

Taear posted:

Uh who is Glenn, again?

Aug 2, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Taear posted:

I know it's a dumb thing to complain about but she was loving 11 when the first book came out.
I think part of what made me dislike that last episode was Tahani being FULL ON with all her celebrity stuff when we've not had her doing it that badly for a while.

That was the first book in A Song of Ice and Fire, it's totally reasonable to believe that D&D based half their tv show's cast on Tahani rather than some fat man books they didn't actually read

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018

I didn’t realise the novelisation was out yet

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

Jet Jaguar posted:

The AV Club asked Michael Schur which characters in Game of Thrones that were based on Tahani.

They also have a screenshot that has a restaurant in the background named "Ponzu Scheme." Can we also see the return of "A Little Bit Chowder Now"?

please, at this point Megan Amram has entire BOOKSHELVES of punny restaurant names in reserve, no need to reuse any

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Strawman posted:

Ever heard of Alice in Wonderland? At least 5 characters are based on Alice or Alice combined with mathematical puzzles.

Yea but Lewis Carol was a paedophile so it's not really a great comparison to draw.

You know, I still don't know who that is. Maybe if I'd rewatched he'd have stuck better?

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.

Taear posted:

You know, I still don't know who that is. Maybe if I'd rewatched he'd have stuck better?

He's kind of a loser even among demons, he was the one who was laughed at when he was worried that their picks for the experiment were cheating. Shawn has a personal dislike for him even beyond the usual bad place shenanigans.

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
I'm calling it now, the guy on the train railroad in the hood is Doug Forcett.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
The guy on the railroad is Donkey Doug

Apr 22, 2008

here come the planes

BioEnchanted posted:

He's kind of a loser even among demons, he was the one who was laughed at when he was worried that their picks for the experiment were cheating. Shawn has a personal dislike for him even beyond the usual bad place shenanigans.

He also had some interesting character beats in the webisodes they just put out that felt like they might be going somewhere with him

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.

flatluigi posted:

He also had some interesting character beats in the webisodes they just put out that felt like they might be going somewhere with him

That's what I was referring to. He's more of a team player, which is weird for a demon. Even willing to face Shawn's wrath trying to comfort him. He's developing... *shudder* ... good traits.

Feb 26, 2016


New Saint's Row with the Jacksonville cast when.

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

Put this racist on ignore immediately!

Bobulus posted:

You know what would be amazing? A Back to the Future 2 style episode where fake Michael has to run through the background of the first few episodes, hiding from real Michael and causing various chaos.
I think this is the only plausible way we get Fake Michael. It's probably the best explanation for the surreal Jason/peanut butter jar conversation, which was definitely more than just Jason being Jason.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
I'm curious how much of an adjustment things were for Michael when he first started his initial experiment - demons have been shown to hate positive stuff and thrive on negativity, but Michael and the initial crop of demon actors had to interact with the same businesses as the humans, so were they secretly getting rancid yoghurt while the humans were getting pleasant flavours, or did they just have to put up with ~800 iterations of stomaching overly nice things that they couldn't stand. The equivalent of Shawn's threats about making demons watch videos of Red Pandas or threatening to have a famous chef make them a perfect roast turkey.

Nov 7, 2012
Railway Man is Trevor, returned from the boundless void with curious news.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

flatluigi posted:

He also had some interesting character beats in the webisodes they just put out that felt like they might be going somewhere with him

I really hope they don't use anything from those since most of us can't actually watch them.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.

Taear posted:

I really hope they don't use anything from those since most of us can't actually watch them.

They're on Youtube now.

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018


BioEnchanted posted:

They're on Youtube now.

Have you got a link bc they were restricted last time I checked and I can’t find anything searching, which presumably means they still are

E: just checked the good place YouTube and they’re viewable so presumably that was a dumb boner not unlocking them when they were uploaded and I’m just bad at searching

Also did that peanut butter jar convo seem weird? I might be imagining things and I know ‘Jason being dumb’ is just a gag but something about that really struck me as we were missing half the conversation. Jason being so dumb he thinks a picture of an owl with a mortarboard went to college is obviously and incontrovertibly funny to me but him just wholesale imaging a conversation about a peanut butter jar seems really sad and late stage dementia rather than lead paint brain damage (for tv purposes anyway)

Jezza of OZPOS fucked around with this message at 21:44 on Oct 13, 2019

Quebec Bagnet
Apr 28, 2009

mess with the honk
you get the bonk
Lipstick Apathy

Malcolm Turnbeug posted:

Also did that peanut butter jar convo seem weird? I might be imagining things and I know ‘Jason being dumb’ is just a gag but something about that really struck me as we were missing half the conversation. Jason being so dumb he thinks a picture of an owl with a mortarboard went to college is obviously and incontrovertibly funny to me but him just wholesale imaging a conversation about a peanut butter jar seems really sad and late stage dementia rather than lead paint brain damage (for tv purposes anyway)

I interpreted it as meaning that the only times that people on Earth asked him for help were to open jars. So he just assumed that that was the question and it took a bit for him to understand that Michael wanted a different kind of help.

Quebec Bagnet fucked around with this message at 23:22 on Oct 13, 2019

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018

That actually reads and makes a bunch of sense I may just have micheal double brain worms

thanks alot assbag
Feb 18, 2005


BioEnchanted posted:

He's kind of a loser even among demons, he was the one who was laughed at when he was worried that their picks for the experiment were cheating. Shawn has a personal dislike for him even beyond the usual bad place shenanigans.

Also way back in Season 1, he was the demon who told a weird-rear end story about his soup saved thousands (or more?) lives, and later when Tahani finds what her own score is, she was only second to last while Glenn was at the bottom.

It feels safe to say that there's an entire series worth of indication that he is not very well-liked among the demons.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
THis is an old video by now but I hadn't seen it yet and it's good so here:

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen

thanks alot assbag posted:

Also way back in Season 1, he was the demon who told a weird-rear end story about his soup saved thousands (or more?) lives, and later when Tahani finds what her own score is, she was only second to last while Glenn was at the bottom.

It feels safe to say that there's an entire series worth of indication that he is not very well-liked among the demons.

In one of the reboots he was Tahani's soulmate and was a "garbageman in Winnipeg" or something.

Dec 8, 2007

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed
Sunnyside, Mike Schur's new show has already been cancelled. The first episode wasn't quite as bad as the trailer indicated, but it was still pretty bad, surprisingly so given his track record.

Sloth Life
Nov 15, 2014

Built for comfort and speed!
Fallen Rib
They can't all be winners! He's batting well with Good Place and B99 imho

Dec 19, 2012

Oasx posted:

Sunnyside, Mike Schur's new show has already been cancelled. The first episode wasn't quite as bad as the trailer indicated, but it was still pretty bad, surprisingly so given his track record.

So it did about as well as Abby's Place

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:

Xelkelvos posted:

So it did about as well as Abby's Place
At least Abby’s got to finish on television. After tomorrow night’s episode, it’s being moved to the NBC app to finish out its 11-episode run. They’re currently in production of episode 9, so at least they’ll have a chance to wrap up whatever story they’ve got going on. Will and Grace is being moved up from their planned midseason premiere to fill that time slot next week.

Also, Sunnyside and Abby’s were just shows with Schur’s stamp as producer, right? Not mainline joints like B99 and TGP.

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know

pwn posted:

At least Abby’s got to finish on television. After tomorrow night’s episode, it’s being moved to the NBC app to finish out its 11-episode run. They’re currently in production of episode 9, so at least they’ll have a chance to wrap up whatever story they’ve got going on. Will and Grace is being moved up from their planned midseason premiere to fill that time slot next week.

Also, Sunnyside and Abby’s were just shows with Schur’s stamp as producer, right? Not mainline joints like B99 and TGP.

Yes and no. You could see a lot of Schurs handiwork in the pilot, I mean there was a monologue about the greatness of baseball.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!
While I don't think it's actually even on in the UK that's a loving fast cancellation decision, whoa.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo
Was that the Kal Penn show or something else?

Dec 19, 2012

Azhais posted:

Was that the Kal Penn show or something else?

Yeah. it was Kal penn

Cemetry Gator
Apr 3, 2007

Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?
I saw an episode and it was... unremarkable.

A lot of the jokes felt very lazy and it seemed to lack any spark. I'm not really sure what they were going for.

Emerson Cod
Apr 14, 2004

by Pragmatica
Having the main character with the last name Modi did not help it


Oct 29, 2012

she had tiny Italian boobs.
Well that's my story.

It looked bad and I didn't watch it.

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