They never really conclusively said, "he's not Vicki!" I felt, as much as the Michael question had been superseded by proof that Janet was taken.
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 00:53 |
No, the ending is pretty conclusive about it. Eleanor doesn't think there is any chance Michael is actually Vicki in a suit. That is a conclusion. No-one has to literally say "Yes, Michael is definitely Michael and not Vicki at all" for it to be conclusive, because that's be some pretty ham handed writing if they did.
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Mameluke posted:They never really conclusively said, "he's not Vicki!" I felt, as much as the Michael question had been superseded by proof that Janet was taken. This thread is astonishing Vietnamwees posted:Wait, so Michael couldn't unfold because all the residents would of seen it and put the experiment in danger, but how exactly? They already know that they're dead and in the good place, what does it matter if they see a giant fire squid? Uhhh because they're in heaven??? What would a giant deadly fire squid be doing in any reasonable version of heaven
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Regy Rusty posted:Uhhh because they're in heaven??? What would a giant deadly fire squid be doing in any reasonable version of heaven Any instance of heaven that doesn't include a 6,000 foot tall fire squid is no heaven I want to be associated with.
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howe_sam posted:Any instance of heaven that doesn't include a 6,000 foot tall fire squid is no heaven I want to be associated with. This is why you'll never go to there Good Place
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Regy Rusty posted:Uhhh because they're in heaven??? What would a giant deadly fire squid be doing in any reasonable version of heaven They've already done the Chaos scenario with a giant mascot and rampaging golf balls, not to mention the Derek dying thing. Weird poo poo happening is already the norm for this instance of the Good Place.
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Yeah, but none of the chaos has teeth, everywhere.
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He didn't want to take it off because he didn't want his friends to see his true cosmic horror form, and the episode was pretty conclusive about it not being Vicky. Have the mods been resetting people's memories in this thread to punish us?
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What if it is Michael in a Vicki suit in a Michael suit and he didn't want to take off two suits because Michael discovered that humans are really sweaty and he's embarrassed.
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I hope we do actually make it to the fireworks factory.
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Xelkelvos posted:This is why you'll never go to there Good Place He’s eaten way too much French bread for that to ever be an option.
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The whole thing raises interesting questions as Michael is pretty classically demonic under his suit, all fire and horrible smells and teeth, so would the Angels under their suits fit the classical biblical depictions of "wings that don't make practical sense and faces so beautiful it drives you to madness/wheels of fire with eyes and wings", and if so those are things that we have a cultural expectation for how they'd look, but the Judge is unique. The gently caress would her actual form be under the suit? There are no classical denizens of purgatory to base any guesses off of. I've always been fond of overthinking though.
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BioEnchanted posted:The whole thing raises interesting questions as Michael is pretty classically demonic under his suit, all fire and horrible smells and teeth, so would the Angels under their suits fit the classical biblical depictions of "wings that don't make practical sense and faces so beautiful it drives you to madness/wheels of fire with eyes and wings", and if so those are things that we have a cultural expectation for how they'd look, but the Judge is unique. The gently caress would her actual form be under the suit? There are no classical denizens of purgatory to base any guesses off of. A burrito
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BioEnchanted posted:The whole thing raises interesting questions as Michael is pretty classically demonic under his suit, all fire and horrible smells and teeth, so would the Angels under their suits fit the classical biblical depictions of "wings that don't make practical sense and faces so beautiful it drives you to madness/wheels of fire with eyes and wings", and if so those are things that we have a cultural expectation for how they'd look, but the Judge is unique. The gently caress would her actual form be under the suit? There are no classical denizens of purgatory to base any guesses off of. Anubis?
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This thread is the bad place.
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Jason's been pretty smart lately, who's wearing him as a suit?![]() I don't think I saw any of the twists coming - that it was Glenn, that Glenn would explode, that it was Bad Janet, and biggest of all, that we're four episodes in and the main plot is still on track (versus, say, last season's Jeremy Bearimy).
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We should discuss more important things, like figuring out which eight Game of Thrones characters are based on Tahani.
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If you have to ask which 8 Game of Thrones characters are based on Tahani, than you are obviously not ready to learn anymore about them ![]()
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Argue posted:We should discuss more important things, like figuring out which eight Game of Thrones characters are based on Tahani. Just to repeat, she was 11 when the book was released dammit! That's assuming she's the same age as her actor, anyway. Now they've captured bad Janet how do we still have a neighbourhood at all? That's my only question.
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I have a theory about Brent or whatever the Big rear end in a top hat's name is - the characters running the experiment are afraid of blowing it by upsetting him, so they ignore him, and Janet has no choice but to get him what he asks for because there is no "I can't get that for you" in the good place. However, Simone, Chidi and John have no such fears - as far as they are concerned, they are in the Good Place and this rear end in a top hat is dragging everyone's mood down by pissing everyone off. Eventually even John's gonna get sick of him. That will be his big wakeup call, Simone (most likely) calling him out because he's ruining her afterlife. Maybe even sucker punching him. And no one will be on his side.
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I thought they said in the first season that a neighborhood has to have a Janet to run? I guess they have a Janet now, but she could blow up the whole neighborhood if she felt like it before they marbelize her.
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itry posted:I thought they said in the first season that a neighborhood has to have a Janet to run? I guess they have a Janet now, but she could blow up the whole neighborhood if she felt like it before they marbelize her. Maybe there'll be a "Keep the neighborhood running while we save our Janet, and we won't tell Shawn that you failed him. As far as he's concerned you'll still be fooling us."
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Taear posted:Just to repeat, she was 11 when the book was released dammit! That's assuming she's the same age as her actor, anyway. She's talking about the show. Which I think people explained to you already? Also I was reading fantasy akin to asoiaf at age 11, what is your point? silvergoose fucked around with this message at 12:18 on Oct 20, 2019 |
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Also, ADWD came out... holy poo poo, 8 years ago?!
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Taear posted:Just to repeat, she was 11 when the book was released dammit! That's assuming she's the same age as her actor, anyway. Half the Stark family were young kids in the first book, too, and it's been established that Tahani and her sister were child prodigies.
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itry posted:I thought they said in the first season that a neighborhood has to have a Janet to run? I guess they have a Janet now, but she could blow up the whole neighborhood if she felt like it before they marbelize her. I think blowing up the neighborhood would pretty much make the Bad Place lose. They've already cheated a great deal in the experiment. It'll probably be funnier if Bad Janet has to replace Good Janet and help keep the neighborhood running while being annoyed doing it. But it's pretty much impossible to guess where this show is going.
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I think everyone is overlooking the obvious, they are going to get Derek to run the neighborhood until they get Janet back.
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bull3964 posted:I think everyone is overlooking the obvious, they are going to get Derek to run the neighborhood until they get Janet back. Good call.
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bull3964 posted:I think everyone is overlooking the obvious, they are going to get Derek to run the neighborhood until they get Janet back. Very much so. His appearance last episode was basically Chekhov’s wind chimes.
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I miss chidi being part of the group dynamic. ![]() MikeJF fucked around with this message at 15:19 on Oct 20, 2019 |
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itry posted:I thought they said in the first season that a neighborhood has to have a Janet to run? I guess they have a Janet now, but she could blow up the whole neighborhood if she felt like it before they marbelize her. Well that would probably be counterproductive for the bad place too. No matter what happens the experiment is going to run its course. Blowing it up would make the judge reset it and punish the bad place. I already argued why our gang doesn't want that but the bad place probably doesn't either. Their goal is to make the experiment itself fail so everything they do that makes the judge change something has a chance of hurting their goal in a way they can't predict. Or maybe they just desperately want to avoid what she said she was gonna do to Shawn...
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The bad place could also subotage the experiments repeatedly and hope they give up? Janet didn't seem to care either way. But for bad Janets not caring is their whole thing.bull3964 posted:I think everyone is overlooking the obvious, they are going to get Derek to run the neighborhood until they get Janet back. ![]() itry fucked around with this message at 16:26 on Oct 20, 2019 |
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itry posted:
But he's better now!
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I'll reserve judgment until we see him making another Derek cocktailMikeJF posted:The Judge said anything else happens and Shaun is getting imprisoned. I forgot that somehow. itry fucked around with this message at 16:56 on Oct 20, 2019 |
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You know, looking back at the issue they were originally having (they couldn't prove that humans could improve because Team Cockroach hadn't had their scores tracked) it really would've made more sense to just send the roaches back around for iteration 803, since they aced the first 802. But then that wouldn't make good TV. When we see Michael's true form it better still be wearing a bow tie. itry posted:The bad place could also subotage the experiments repeatedly and hope they give up? Janet didn't seem to care either way. But for bad Janets not caring is their whole thing. The Judge said anything else happens and Shaun is getting imprisoned. Well, she said she'd strap him to a chair and make him watch puppy videos, I assume she meant at least until this is over. MikeJF fucked around with this message at 17:14 on Oct 20, 2019 |
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So this is why I have Hulu. I'm too lazy to read the thread, but the poorly drawn childhood horse looked like something straight from 2008 somethingawful. Are there any goons working on the show? (Yes, I know there are other groups with professional artists coloring in children's drawings, but I think SA was the first place I encountered it.) The_Doctor posted:
Lol! Derek Bored fucked around with this message at 18:13 on Oct 20, 2019 |
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BioEnchanted posted:The whole thing raises interesting questions as Michael is pretty classically demonic under his suit, all fire and horrible smells and teeth, so would the Angels under their suits fit the classical biblical depictions of "wings that don't make practical sense and faces so beautiful it drives you to madness/wheels of fire with eyes and wings", and if so those are things that we have a cultural expectation for how they'd look, but the Judge is unique. The gently caress would her actual form be under the suit? There are no classical denizens of purgatory to base any guesses off of. My go-to for for weird afterlife stuff is the Chinese celestial buraucracy. Wikipedia posted:ji ![]() So her true form could be what we see and the mustache and beard mentioned in East Asian mythology were just because humans are hella sexist and she knew she would have to waste time getting them to pay attention if they saw her as a female. Or they could go with red Buddha with bulging eyes. Or horse-face demon was only a guard while interning for its celestial Justice degree and is now the judge. Really, anything having to do with the afterlife allows for so many weird options. Sorry for the double post. Bored fucked around with this message at 18:35 on Oct 20, 2019 |
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MikeJF posted:I miss chidi being part of the group dynamic. I agree, William Jackson Harper played neurotic very well but he gave Chidi a real depth and warmth that I didn't realise until it wasn't there any more. He was such a good choice for the role. They all were, tbh. I know Jason Mantzoukas isn't everyone's cup of tea but he brings a real "Mork from Ork" energy that I find hysterical here
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Bored posted:So this is why I have Hulu. I'm too lazy to read the thread, but the poorly drawn childhood horse looked like something straight from 2008 somethingawful. Are there any goons working on the show? I had to laugh the other day when I watched Greener Grass, and behind D’Arcy’s character was a (slightly better) drawn horse. Also she was guest on The Teacher’s Lounge podcast the other week, and out of nowhere she just says ‘hey check this out!’ and sings their theme tune at them. She’s all kinds of great.
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 00:53 |
The_Doctor posted:Chekhov’s wind chimes. The Good Place Season 4 - Chekhov’s wind chimes.
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