silvergoose posted:She's talking about the show. Which I think people explained to you already? The characters from the book are the ones the show are based on and it doesn't make sense. And if he's basing them on young Tahani that makes some of the scenes that Dany does in the first book proper loving creepy. It's just a strange thing for her to say unless they think there's only a show and no books. It's not about reading it, it's about Martin basing them on her and her hanging around with him when she was 11. She makes it sound like that's a really good thing and she's inspirational but being inspired by an 11 year old girl when you're a big fat weird man is very Alice in Wonderland and therefore creepy. I know it's just a throw away joke but they say it a bunch and it's creepy. Sloth Life posted:They all were, tbh. I know Jason Mantzoukas isn't everyone's cup of tea but he brings a real "Mork from Ork" energy that I find hysterical here I've said before I don't like him but if you cut him out of this episode altogether it would have been 100% the same.
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# ? Feb 19, 2025 09:19 |
Taear posted:I've said before I don't like him but if you cut him out of this episode altogether it would have been 100% the same. They were reminding you of him so next week when they need him to start being Janet he's fresh in your mind.
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MikeJF posted:They were reminding you of him so next week when they need him to start being Janet he's fresh in your mind. I feel like that's correct but I don't want it to be.
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Sloth Life posted:I agree, William Jackson Harper played neurotic very well but he gave Chidi a real depth and warmth that I didn't realise until it wasn't there any more. He was such a good choice for the role. Just the simple sincerity when he's drawing the ponies and explaining that he won't feel right until he's fixed things made me basically make the same face Kristen Bell made in the scene.
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Also something cool is that with every memory wipe they still retained some improvement, and every time it happened they started slightly better than they were. 1st Season Chidi would have stalled the Pictionary game for hours, either not being able to pick a subject or constantly restarting the drawing - now Chidi even back to his initial state is able to make these decisions with relative ease. It also showed way earlier in season 2 where he had to pick a soul mate, and MANAGED to, only for Michael to overrule him as part of the torture.
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MikeJF posted:They were reminding you of him so next week when they need him to start being Janet he's fresh in your mind. This is absolutely why he was there this week.
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Bored posted:So her true form could be what we see and the mustache and beard mentioned in East Asian mythology were just because humans are hella sexist and she knew she would have to waste time getting them to pay attention if they saw her as a female. I mean, that's kind of circular reasoning really. If female deities don't appear to people and make strong impressions, then no-one will change their mind on female deities (and women in general), so they'd have to disguise themselves to save time because no-one has forced ancient assholes to change their minds.
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Also remember it seemed as though the Judge didn't even know sexism was a thing on Earth: "Apparently I'm a black woman... and they don't like those down there..." She seemed genuinely surprised, unless she just never considered her own skin-suit.
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Tahani could have inspired characters from later books. Like Arianne Martell or Mya Stone
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Bored posted:So this is why I have Hulu. I'm too lazy to read the thread, but the poorly drawn childhood horse looked like something straight from 2008 somethingawful. Are there any goons working on the show? I have no idea, but on the podcast they say Mike Schur gave the writers sketch pads and asked them to draw a horse and picked the worse one, which was drawn by Josh Siegel (Glen).
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Bored posted:So this is why I have Hulu. I'm too lazy to read the thread, but the poorly drawn childhood horse looked like something straight from 2008 somethingawful. Are there any goons working on the show? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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1glitch0 posted:The Good Place Season 4 - Chekhov’s wind chimes.
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Taear posted:The characters from the book are the ones the show are based on and it doesn't make sense. And if he's basing them on young Tahani that makes some of the scenes that Dany does in the first book proper loving creepy. You know this is dumb, they said the joke once, also not every GoT character came about in the first book so you can stop pretending that's the only possibility for the purposes of these rants.
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socialsecurity posted:You know this is dumb, they said the joke once, also not every GoT character came about in the first book so you can stop pretending that's the only possibility for the purposes of these rants. She said it like 3 times! It was a big part of the episode. And yea it's something to talk about though? I said it was dumb before! Taear fucked around with this message at 22:04 on Oct 20, 2019 |
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Its just a dumb joke jfc get over it
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edit: nvm
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Tahani watched the show and identified with a whole bunch of characters so being self-centred she assumed they were based on her. She doesn't even know the books exist. There, solved it.
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Well, actually Janet brought it up, but technically it was Bad Janet, so she could have just been playing to Tahani's ego to rile her up.
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pwn posted:It immediately reminded me of a classic Al Jaffee piece from the January 1963 issue of MAD. Copyright Elon Musk age 5.
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Tequila25 posted:I have no idea, but on the podcast they say Mike Schur gave the writers sketch pads and asked them to draw a horse and picked the worse one, which was drawn by Josh Siegel (Glen). That scene killed me because several years ago the company I was working for was dying, management did several VERY misguided things to try and boost moral and one was having us all play that game together. Like with no warning. So I'm taken from my desk and thrown in front of all of my coworkers and given the word "camel" and then on a dry erase board I draw the worst camel that has ever been drawn in human history. I think I gave it 3 humps. And I just kept pointing at the humps. But with frantic hand pointing and frantic arrows drawn directed towards the humps. It was the Bad Place. Eventually someone guessed correctly so we could stop. Spoiler alert: the company went out of business and was sold. I'm so happy that poor camel thing I drew didn't have to come to life.
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Group morale sessions with active participation and no warning are in my opinion literal torture and should never ever be done to anyone unless yeah it's the bad place I guess.
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silvergoose posted:Group morale sessions with active participation and no warning are in my opinion literal torture and should never ever be done to anyone unless yeah it's the bad place I guess. I don't know if you're making fun or not, but everyone involved had deadlines that had to be met within hours and we couldn't go and do our work until we finished this stupid game, while also hearing rumors that payroll wasn't going to be covered for our checks, and I'm trying to draw a camel and get people to guess it so we can all try and go back to work. The Bad Place.
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1glitch0 posted:I don't know if you're making fun or not, but everyone involved had deadlines that had to be met within hours and we couldn't go and do our work until we finished this stupid game, while also hearing rumors that payroll wasn't going to be covered for our checks, and I'm trying to draw a camel and get people to guess it so we can all try and go back to work. The Bad Place. I'm not even remotely joking, a very close friend had something like this happen to her and she was kinda traumatized. gently caress this poo poo.
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silvergoose posted:I'm not even remotely joking, a very close friend had something like this happen to her and she was kinda traumatized. gently caress this poo poo. Gotcha, just wasn't sure. It's so bizarre and so unhelpful when companies do it. It really comes off like they're loving with you even though you know the top people in the building decided it would truly help.
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pwn posted:It immediately reminded me of a classic Al Jaffee piece from the January 1963 issue of MAD. Awesome!
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Nonbinary Janet is valid and canon
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Neon Noodle posted:Nonbinary Janet is valid and canon Not a Boolean.
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Neon Noodle posted:Nonbinary Janet is valid and canon Of course she's nonbinary, she's not a robot.
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Mameluke posted:They never really conclusively said, "he's not Vicki!" I felt, as much as the Michael question had been superseded by proof that Janet was taken. I acquit! Taear posted:The characters from the book are the ones the show are based on and it doesn't make sense. And if he's basing them on young Tahani that makes some of the scenes that Dany does in the first book proper loving creepy. Most non-goons don't give a gently caress about the books, it is a joke about the show. Also they will never be finished, so no one should have ever given a gently caress about the books. MokBa posted:Of course she's nonbinary, she's not a robot. Ha, nice. It's kinda cool how Michael has inadvertently made all these changes to the way this billions-years-old system works, so rapidly. His memory-wipe trick has now been picked up by the Bad Place, and he created the forced-reboot system for Janets that has advanced them further in the past few hundred years than they were in the billions before. (800+ generations for Janet, 9million for Bad Janet, compared to the 25 generations of Janet we hear about in S1). No matter what happens at the end, Michael has changed the game a lot already.
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On the other hand, it's a bit sad that Bad Janet got 9 million wipes, and is smarter and more capable but not actually different in any meaningful way. I suppose it shows how valuable the experience socializing and thinking about things was for Good Janet, to say she could advance so far in a few hundred reboots compared to Bad Janet.
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To be fair, she's drunk.
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SpiderLink posted:To be fair, she's drunk.
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I wonder if Derek will try to flirt with Bad Janet.
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tsob posted:I wonder if Derek will try to flirt with Bad Janet. Now you mention it, those two forking seems inevitable.
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I do think it'd be fun for Derek to get annoyed with and tired of Bad Janet, and for him to start Derek'ing her to relieve his frustration.
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I wonder if playing Good Janet for bad reasons will become a habit and eventually Bad Janet will be Neutral Janet. The experiment itself fails miserably but team cockroach win because Glenn and BJ are no longer actually evil.
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Sloth Life posted:I wonder if playing Good Janet for bad reasons will become a habit and eventually Bad Janet will be Neutral Janet. The experiment itself fails miserably but team cockroach win because Glenn and BJ are no longer actually evil. I really liked this theory. The experiment fails but bad people doing good deeds (even for the wrong reasons) inspires other people to keep trying and be better.
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Sloth Life posted:I wonder if playing Good Janet for bad reasons will become a habit and eventually Bad Janet will be Neutral Janet. The experiment itself fails miserably but team cockroach win because Glenn and BJ are no longer actually evil. I was planning to rewatch the previous episode but I vaguely remember (Bad) Janet -- while giving genuinely terrible advice to Tahani to beat up John -- also seemed to actually be concerned for her: "I don't like the way he talked to you" etc. I figured it was all part of the act, but I do agree that this kind of thing (the humans flipping at least Michael and Glenn if not Bad Janet) will play into things.
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tsob posted:I do think it'd be fun for Derek to get annoyed with and tired of Bad Janet, and for him to start Derek'ing her to relieve his frustration. Nah, they'll just stage a coup https://i.imgur.com/KDjEG8p.mp4
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# ? Feb 19, 2025 09:19 |
I don't feel like there's time for bad Janet to change really unless they do a lot with her in the next few episodes? I see her getting with annoying man though for sure
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