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Oct 23, 2006


Holy poo poo, they did a Janet/Bad Janet switcheroo for the podcast intro before last episode :psyduck:


Dec 20, 2003

I rewound and watched 'touche' like five times.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

Jet Jaguar posted:

I didn't think they could top Derek drinking a martini made of a whole onion, garnished with an olive.

Then they gave him a champagne glass full of Scrabble tiles.

I preferred the rainbow sprinkles.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

SardonicTyrant posted:

Michael specifically mentions in the first episode that points are calculated based on how much good or bad you add to the universe. The problem is the world gets increasingly complicated so it's impossible for a person to truly know how much good or bad an action is.

Yea so if Tahani gives 1,000,000 to charity and that heals 40 people of malaria that gives you +300 points but then the one million was given for a bad reason so it deducts 300 points.
Like in theory you could have a bad reason to do something but that something still gives you net more points - like with Mindy - but that doesn't make up for all the other stuff that removes your points.

I don't expect we'll ever get an explanation for why the points work as they do or who came up with it though. I think that it makes sense that it's made for a society that existed a few thousand years ago and it doesn't apply to modern life though. I guess they're making fun of the US Government system with that one.

Jan 16, 2008
Before she mends must sicken worse
Wait, when did Michael give Tahani her after life memories back?

Dec 20, 2003

Taear posted:

Like in theory you could have a bad reason to do something but that something still gives you net more points - like with Mindy - but that doesn't make up for all the other stuff that removes your points.

Mindy didn't have a bad reason. She was high as a kite when she came up with it, but it was a genuine impulse to help.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

from reddit:

Click for huge

Dec 19, 2012

Oh god. Ultimate frisbee?

It really is the Bad Place

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

I honestly can't even get over how perfect MEJ's stance and expression are on that poster. He really looks like he's going to teach me a hip, fun way to sell homeowner's insurance

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

It took me at least three times to read exorcisms not exercises.

Dec 20, 2003

I gotta say, them just saying 'oh I gave Elenor and Tahani their full memories back' kinda felt really skipped-over. Like, we've never seen them with more than a single version of memories, even eleanor only got a few glimpses in season 3, and now they got the full three hundred years back offscreen? I was expecting that to be a big deal, them remembering themselves doing things over and over and over and assimilating all the versions. You'd think it'd have a huge effect on their behavior and who they are.

Assless Chaps
May 7, 2007

Clapping Larry

Jet Jaguar posted:

I didn't think they could top Derek drinking a martini made of a whole onion, garnished with an olive.

Then they gave him a champagne glass full of Scrabble tiles.

Not to be pedantic (OK, yes, to be pedantic), but that martini was made of a white Christmas tree ornament, not an onion. When he took a bite out of it, it shattered/crunched. The AV Club reviewer made the same mistake!

Jan 28, 2007

MikeJF posted:

I gotta say, them just saying 'oh I gave Elenor and Tahani their full memories back' kinda felt really skipped-over. Like, we've never seen them with more than a single version of memories, even eleanor only got a few glimpses in season 3, and now they got the full three hundred years back offscreen? I was expecting that to be a big deal, them remembering themselves doing things over and over and over and assimilating all the versions. You'd think it'd have a huge effect on their behavior and who they are.

My gut feeling is that that was thrown in there so Chidi can recover his memories in the finale without it slowing down the plot.

Sep 21, 2002

Are... are you quite sure you really want to say that?
Taco Defender

Assless Chaps posted:

Not to be pedantic (OK, yes, to be pedantic), but that martini was made of a white Christmas tree ornament, not an onion. When he took a bite out of it, it shattered/crunched. The AV Club reviewer made the same mistake!

Didn't he take a bite out of the glass itself, not the object in it?

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:

Assless Chaps posted:

Not to be pedantic (OK, yes, to be pedantic), but that martini was made of a white Christmas tree ornament, not an onion. When he took a bite out of it, it shattered/crunched. The AV Club reviewer made the same mistake!
I thought he was biting the martini glass

Dec 20, 2003

Next week, on the good place: they scale up the Demon Exploderer a hundred times and solve all their problems forever, human-style. :jihad:

MikeJF fucked around with this message at 18:17 on Oct 25, 2019

Jan 28, 2007

It occurs to me that the fact that Bad Janet was neither marbleized nor returned to the Bad Place means that she probably still has some role to play in the story. Some people speculated her hooking up with Derek last week, and that seems possible, but it might instead be a Good Janet / Bad Janet power showdown at some point. Which would rule.

pwn posted:

I thought he was biting the martini glass

I believe they mentioned on the podcast that your interpretation was correct.

MikeJF posted:

Next week, on the good place: they scale up the Demon Exploderer a hundred times and solve all their problems forever, human-style. :jihad:

Then again, now that Shawn knows that a demon-exploder is possible, he'll probably start mass-producing them...

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!

Bobulus posted:

It occurs to me that the fact that Bad Janet was neither marbleized nor returned to the Bad Place means that she probably still has some role to play in the story. Some people speculated her hooking up with Derek last week, and that seems possible, but it might instead be a Good Janet / Bad Janet power showdown at some point. Which would rule.

Letting Derek and Bad Janet link up would help remove Derek as an antagonist to Jason. So it makes sense.

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
Is "getting arrested to protest climate change" positive or negative Good Place points?

Cemetry Gator
Apr 3, 2007

Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?

BigBallChunkyTime posted:

Is "getting arrested to protest climate change" positive or negative Good Place points?

According to the ideal system, or what's currently in place?

Because he required the use of plastic handcuffs, he took up someone's time with unpleasant work, and he required the use of paper.

If it were up to me, it'd be a lot of points.

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing
"you all stay and enjoy the full sized sandwiches" was a nice follow up by Tahani.

E: the fact that this show has no swag is a loving crime! Where's my"dead eyes, eat hearts, can't lose" poster ?

boo_radley fucked around with this message at 00:02 on Oct 26, 2019

Jet Jaguar
Feb 12, 2006

Don't touch my bags if you please, Mr Customs Man.

boo_radley posted:

"you all stay and enjoy the full sized sandwiches" was a nice follow up by Tahani.

E: the fact that this show has no swag is a loving crime! Where's my"dead eyes, eat hearts, can't lose" poster ?

I saw somebody walking around with a Jeremy Bearimy t-shirt a while back and I regret not asking where he got it.

Feb 4, 2005

There were some good jokes this ep but man it looked like poo poo. What’s with all the weird green screened shots and that wide shot with E&T?

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.

boo_radley posted:

"you all stay and enjoy the full sized sandwiches" was a nice follow up by Tahani.

E: the fact that this show has no swag is a loving crime! Where's my"dead eyes, eat hearts, can't lose" poster ?

She had some great lines in this episode, not just the "Please, I would never serve finger-sandwiches at a lakehouse." but also that great exchange (although misquoted by me :P): "I wouldn't know whether the salad fork goes next to the... whatever spoon..." "Actually the Whatever spoon is only used in very specific social situations..."

Sep 21, 2002

Are... are you quite sure you really want to say that?
Taco Defender
Something I hope the show addresses is what Simone's "fatal flaw" is. All the original four humans had at least one fatal flaw which got them sent to the Bad Place. What's Simone's? The experiment is supposed to show all four humans improving after their death, but for improvement to happen, they need to change their behaviors. Just "life is too complicated" is too nebulous a thing to qualify as a flaw in need of improvement.

Simone's flaw needs to be identified and Team Cockroach needs to help encouraging her to fix it.

Jan 15, 2003

Fun Shoe
Her fatal flaw is that she is too awesome.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:

withak posted:

Her fatal flaw is that she is too awesome.


Guy A. Person
May 23, 2003

It makes practical sense that if the point rules were so badly broken, there’d be a lot of good people who could just start piling up points once you removed the complications of life on earth. And if Simone was just selected to mess with Chidi then she wouldn’t necessarily have a fatal flaw. From a storytelling perspective that would be super boring tho.

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.

withak posted:

Her fatal flaw is that she is Australian.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
It seems that Simone's major flaw was a failure to admit when she's wrong, although Chidi has her thinking in a more positive way by "Just imagine that this was real, just in case you aren't right about it being a dream, and try to enjoy it." She probably still thinks that it's all neurone's misfiring in her head but she's being less awful about it and is just letting the "dream" play out.

Dec 20, 2003

CPColin posted:

Her fatal flaw is that she is Australian.

You know, accent doesn't bother me, an Australian, because I genuinely just hear it as a bad cockney or other English accent, it's so far from being Aussie. To me, she's English.

Mar 18, 2006


MikeJF posted:

You know, accent doesn't bother me, an Australian, because I genuinely just hear it as a bad cockney or other English accent, it's so far from being Aussie.

You're going down

down UNDAH

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know
She wasn't chosen because she has a fatal flaw, she was chosen to mess with Chidi who is the lynchpin of the whole operation.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.

swickles posted:

She wasn't chosen because she has a fatal flaw, she was chosen to mess with Chidi who is the lynchpin of the whole operation.

I like to think Shawn thought that, saw her behaviour when the experiment started like knocking over the cake and just went "Oh, cool. Hehehehehe..... I did not expect this but I love it..."

Bobbin Threadbare
Jan 2, 2009

I'm looking for a flock of urbanmechs.

swickles posted:

She wasn't chosen because she has a fatal flaw, she was chosen to mess with Chidi who is the lynchpin of the whole operation.

Also, the system is so broken right now that otherwise good people are stacking up in the bad place because they technically contribute to every worst aspect of modern society no matter what they do. Also, she isn't necessarily "approximately as bad" as the main four since we know Shawn cheated hard when selecting the four new subjects.

All that being said, she might still have some yet-unknown issue that will reveal itself over the coming episodes.

Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe

silvergoose posted:

You're going down...

(puts on sunglasses and looks off-camera)



Fixed that for ya.

Timeless Appeal
May 28, 2006

MikeJF posted:

You know, accent doesn't bother me, an Australian, because I genuinely just hear it as a bad cockney or other English accent, it's so far from being Aussie. To me, she's English.
There's a really good gag on Barry where Kirby Howell-Baptiste, who plays an aspiring actress, comments how she would never do an Australian accent.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Turns out Simone's fatal flaw is that she's a huge New Kids on the Block fan.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
She was otherwise doing very well, but she bought a NKOTB bodypillow and Shawn just exclaimed "GOT HER!"


Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe
Counterpoint: Humans are terrible. New Kids on the Block. Slavery. The prosecution rests.

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