Also a six month time skip.
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# ? Feb 16, 2025 19:06 |
muscles like this! posted:Also a six month time skip. So it's been eleven months of the year they had? I think? Or did I imagine it being five months before this?
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that sure sounded like an actual f-bomb
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Brent is just the worst.
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howe_sam posted:Brent is just the worst. too much of the episode has been not just directly addressing how much of a poo poo he is imo trying to have everyone be tactful about it is just dumb edit: good. flatluigi fucked around with this message at 01:20 on Nov 1, 2019 |
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Fork him up, Tahani!
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fork him up chidi
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The manifesto!!!!!!
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that was kind of a nothing episode but at least brent got punched in the face
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Happy Halloween, you fat dink jabronies.
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Jason is the best. "That's how I got my nickname, 'The Defendant.'"
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MadJackal posted:Happy Halloween, you fat dink jabronies. Oh, this reminds me: I was amazed that the show got "slam pig' past the censors. Even the straight version is amazingly vulgar.
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They got 'dammit' past The Good Place censors, right? Unless they replaced it and I didn't notice. Also there's some subtle constant downplaying of Tahani and I think we're meant to pick up on it. Potential wrench in the works. Anyway, I imagine the timeskip is to allow the time for Glenn and Vicky to regenerate. The Bad Place can't be idle for that long.
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I can't help but wonder if Michael left a note or something in the book he gave to Bad Janet.
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This experiment is so gonna fall apart when Simone realises they're in the Bad Place
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I expected that to happen this week, she was so close to the revelation.
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Rarity posted:This experiment is so gonna fall apart when Simone realises they're in the Bad Place They're in the Medium Place. ![]()
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Rarity posted:This experiment is so gonna fall apart when Simone realises they're in the Bad Place Ah but the realisation would be false this time. Loophole! I'm thinking more "The Good Place wouldn't have assholes like this, maybe this is more evidence that this is all in my head. My brain conjoured up someone who embodies all my frustrations with life as I die so I have someone to take it out on."
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I still think they made a major, major misstep with how they set up the experiment and wonder if they are going to address it. Especially with Brent: not only did they not give him any reason to think he shouldn't be there, they further played it up by implying to him he was one of the select few with the potential to go to Super Heaven. How is this guy at all supposed to think he needs to become a better person, except that the kind of people he wouldn't respect on earth are complaining to him? On the other hand, them mollycoddling Brent doesn't bother me as much because they are obviously on a strict timeline, although I generally agree it's going to go south fast once someone starts forcefully questioning why they have to deal with racism in actual heaven.
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Michael's spiel this episode about how humans aren't always good, but they can learn to be better than before, has me thinking that that's going to be the basis of whatever new system gets put in place in the afterlife in the finale. Basically the neighborhood(s) will be a purgatory-esque place where you have the opportunity to realize how you hosed up on Earth and work to change it. If you do, you get to the Good Place; if you're unwilling to change, then it's off to the penis-flatteners/vagina equivalent for you. I dunno what form that would take, since the show has been pretty clear that it's not "good" if you're doing good things solely for the reward. But there definitely seems to be a strong message on the show of "it's okay to make mistakes in life, as long as you recognize and work to correct those mistakes."
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Guy A. Person posted:I still think they made a major, major misstep with how they set up the experiment and wonder if they are going to address it. Especially with Brent: not only did they not give him any reason to think he shouldn't be there, they further played it up by implying to him he was one of the select few with the potential to go to Super Heaven. How is this guy at all supposed to think he needs to become a better person, except that the kind of people he wouldn't respect on earth are complaining to him? Part of me thinks that Brent should've learned that he was also a 'mistake', but he probably wouldn't have been able to deal with it gracefully enough to start taking lessons, he'd just have a huge tantrum in front of the whole neighborhood and think he knows better than heaven.
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The real trick is this - it's not his Good Place. He's there specifically for Chidi and Simone - a pet idiot that they can take out their frustrations on. Heaven is being able to beat up a racist for eternity. I mean, it's not like they can kill him.
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Brent tried to say that he invented the concept of s'mores, which I'm pretty sure have been around since BEFORE HE WAS BORN! Of course he would of freaked out at the concept thwtvhe isn't perfect.
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MikeJF posted:Part of me thinks that Brent should've learned that he was also a 'mistake', but he probably wouldn't have been able to deal with it gracefully enough to start taking lessons, he'd just have a huge tantrum in front of the whole neighborhood and think he knows better than heaven. I mean that's literally what they tried to do. But instead of freaking out and keeping it a secret/looking for help, he went right to them and told them he was the cause of the disasters. There's no way they could get him to think he was a mistake because he's to convinced of his own superiority in the first place, and having the architect tell him would give the whole game away.
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Is it me or is this season, while still good, the weakest of all?
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After watching this episode I'm convinced that it's going to end with them getting rid of the points system and everyone who dies gets sent to a trial neighborhood where time spent there in addition to time spent on Earth will determine if you go to the good place or bad place by an "architect" like Eleanor. Next episode I really want Eleanor to pull Brent into her office and basically say "dude, you're not doing good here, we're sending you to the bad place" to see if that will get him to change.
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BigBallChunkyTime posted:Is it me or is this season, while still good, the weakest of all? Absolutely. I did like this episode more than the others I think but it's still kinda boring all in all.
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BigBallChunkyTime posted:Is it me or is this season, while still good, the weakest of all? I was honestly expecting them to just blow up the whole experiment thing and do something else by maybe the third episode. They're rolling with the premise as it stands which is kind of off for this show.
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BigBallChunkyTime posted:Is it me or is this season, while still good, the weakest of all? It's the last season of Battlestar Gallactica. It's fun to create writing challenges for yourself but eventually you write yourself into corners where things don't make much sense. Or maybe there's just not enough Chidi.
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Maybe when the experiment ends something big will happen. May be a calm before the storm situation.
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I feel like I’m noticing the show straining against its runtime more this season. Feels like they only have like 22 minutes to squeeze in 28 minutes worth of story and jokes. Earlier seasons they were only shoving 24 pounds of story into a 22 pound story-capacity bag.
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I think one minor moment was Brent hitting the golf balls. It suggests that there is a willingness to grow, it's just that he's unwilling to accept what he's done. I don't think it's going to come back, but it just reminds you how well crafted the show is. I think a big lesson here is that if you don't challenge anyone, you end up going nowhere. Brent wants people to adore him. And they were afraid of breaking Brent's tiny ego that it took an explosion.
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Cemetry Gator posted:I think a big lesson here is that if you don't challenge anyone, you end up going nowhere. Brent wants people to adore him. And they were afraid of breaking Brent's tiny ego that it took an explosion. Exactly. That's why Guy. A. Person is correct that Team Cockroach set up the experiment in a flawed manner. They told everyone that it was the Good Place, they belonged, they made it. They didn't challenge anyone the way Team Cockroach was challenged: Eleanor was challenged to overcome her selfish impulses, Chidi was challenged into making a decision, Jason was challenged to get some control of his impulses, Tahani was challenged with trying to connect to people on a personal level instead of as a way to feed her own ego.
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Brent is a charicature of a person but still, maybe team cockroach is going to learn that you can't win them all. He is destined straight for hell because he has no willingness to change.
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We don't know he has no willingness to change really. A willingness to do something generally needs to be paired with a reason to do so. Up to this point all signs point to him being rewarded for being exactly as he is, so what actual reason does he have?
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Azhais posted:We don't know he has no willingness to change really. A willingness to do something generally needs to be paired with a reason to do so. Up to this point all signs point to him being rewarded for being exactly as he is, so what actual reason does he have? Yeah the way he acted his entire life got him to where he believes to be literal heaven.
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Part if it is that Brent has never had his belief system challenged so has never had to re-evaluate or second think his way of life. Even a cursory challenge could result in a change in behavior.
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swickles posted:Part if it is that Brent has never had his belief system challenged so has never had to re-evaluate or second think his way of life. Even a cursory challenge could result in a change in behavior. Which is why it's a good thing that Simone gives him some pressure for that. The candidates have started to straighten each other by now. Chidi is also doing his best to shut up the gossip guy.(Was it Gary? I suck at names and he is sort of uninteresting.)
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Sloth Life posted:Brent is a charicature of a person but still, maybe team cockroach is going to learn that you can't win them all. He is destined straight for hell because he has no willingness to change. I think that he was out on the links hitting all those golf balls suggests that he has a willingness to change, but he has to get over himself. The way he behaved was a lot like a child. I wrote a book, reward me! He solved the mystery on page 10! Isn't he awesome! Though six feet under par is an amazing title. I want to hear more about Chip Driver.
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# ? Feb 16, 2025 19:06 |
Sloth Life posted:Brent is a charicature of a person but still, maybe team cockroach is going to learn that you can't win them all. He is destined straight for hell because he has no willingness to change. Now, for the first time in his existence he's actually in a situation where people aren't just agreeing with him, placating him, or letting him fail upwards. And like Trump, he's incapable of dealing with it. Ben Koldyke was on this week's podcast, and he talks about how his main influence on Brent was actually Brett Kavanaugh. Particularly the "I'm sorry everyone else is upset" factor, but I think Brent has more Trump than Kavanaugh.
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