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Aug 18, 2003

CarlosTheDwarf posted:

In hindsight this show should have ended after the first season. The biggest problem is that it's just no longer funny.

This is quite a statement.


May 11, 2007

Pretty sure Brent managed to say both drat and bitch this episode. Seems a rather large unintentional oversight if I'm not mistaken.

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy
he said bench

Feb 15, 2012

Perfectly logical poster who uses the tools available to him to come to solid conclusions

I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s not funny anymore, but I would say the humor has dropped off enough that I haven’t been rewatched any episodes from this season. It seems burdened with getting from Point A to the new Point B as hastily as possible; with little time to breath and establish the new characters and situations in a way that would allow more laughs. The lack of time to get familiar with the new people/set-up, combined with the new guys also being far more caricatures than characters, just feeds a reliance on cheaper jokes IMHO.

As far as Brent goes; yeah, it seems against the show’s thesis for him not to have a redeeming feature that will eventually show up to be explored by the team. If it goes true to life I’m wondering if someone will notice he had a dog on Earth he treated with all the patience, kindness etc he doesn’t give people; because honestly I’ve know a few Brent-like folks that are complete dicks to humans but amazing to their labradoodle.

Anyway, just an idle though that will probably not happen, but it’ll be interesting to see what direction they do take.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

CarlosTheDwarf posted:

In hindsight this show should have ended after the first season. The biggest problem is that it's just no longer funny.

While I feel you're trolling it's definitely got a more American feel to these seasons. I feel loads of the references are just totally meaningless to me now.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
This season is the first where I’m not necessarily chomping at the bit for the next episode.

The show is still good, but this season is feeling weak so far.

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

Brent should've been played by Rob Riggle

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Mordiceius posted:

This season is the first where I’m not necessarily chomping at the bit for the next episode.

The show is still good, but this season is feeling weak so far.

It sorta feels like every episode is quite samey and I'm just waiting for a breakthrough, I dunno.

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen

CarlosTheDwarf posted:

In hindsight this show should have ended after the first season. The biggest problem is that it's just no longer funny.

This season has had some funny moments (Chidi summoning books will never not be amusing to me) but it's not AS funny as the previous 3 seasons.

Jan 15, 2019

Blind Idiot Dog

Taear posted:

It sorta feels like every episode is quite samey and I'm just waiting for a breakthrough, I dunno.

It's not doing the thing fans loved where the show went through one season worth of plot turns in one episode, presumably because the writing is focused on building up to the finale.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!

YaketySass posted:

It's not doing the thing fans loved where the show went through one season worth of plot turns in one episode, presumably because the writing is focused on building up to the finale.

While, while I understand, just makes this season feel incredibly slow. I love this show, but I feel like everything that has happened thus far could have been done in half the episodes.

Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

YaketySass posted:

It's not doing the thing fans loved where the show went through one season worth of plot turns in one episode, presumably because the writing is focused on building up to the finale.

The first season was a similar pace to this.

I'm enjoying it, but I think the problem is there are just too many characters to keep track of now, which means we can't properly explore them all in the way the earlier seasons did.

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know

Senor Tron posted:

The first season was a similar pace to this.

I'm enjoying it, but I think the problem is there are just too many characters to keep track of now, which means we can't properly explore them all in the way the earlier seasons did.

I think the jokes are on par, we are one episode removed from "touche". But, we aren't seeing any flashbacks to their time on earth, and I think that would go a long way to flesh out Simone's character, to maybe see how she could have at least been better rather than bad like Brent and John come across. It was the same thing with Chidi and to a lesser extent Tahani, you just didn't know what they did to end up in the bad place.

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018

I don’t know how to convince someone that the adventures of chip driver are very funny but they are and I could have watched a whole episode of them just reading incredulously from it

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018

My piece of poo poo half brother wrote a book about his exploits working on a cruise ship, it’s not an exaggerated gag, dumb gently caress type a people write and pay to have these kinds of books published every fuckin day. We still keep the copy he gave us to read at Christmas to remind us of why we all hate him. This may seem harsh but he was acquitted of manslaughter for locking a drunk woman off her psyche meds on a 30 story balcony and abusing her via text until she killed herself so it’s really not

Feb 18, 2004

You don't have to love me, but you will respect me.
I think this season has had some great jokes, but it has felt like a lot of setup, and I keep waiting for the real action to kick off.

That said, this quote from that article about Brent was interesting:

Mike Schur posted:

there was actually a line we cut from [Episode 6] where John (Brandon Scott Jones) goes up to Eleanor at some point after Brent has angrily stormed off out of his own book party and says, "Can I just ask you something? How did Brent get into the Good Place?" And Eleanor has an answer prepared because they've obviously learned by this point that people would be asking that question, and she says his company made a lot of medical supplies for hospitals. His company made tons of bedpans and syringe needles and stuff for hospitals. And that sort of worked for John. He was like, "OK yeah, I guess the way the system worked, if you provide a lot of medical services stuff to help people get healthier, then ohh all right." We ended up cutting that line just for time, but it was a question for us.

That is a good explanation, I think it would have helped to leave it in. Without it, it feels like Brent's inherent shittiness is going to tip everyone off that this is not the real Good Place.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


swickles posted:

I think the jokes are on par, we are one episode removed from "touche". But, we aren't seeing any flashbacks to their time on earth, and I think that would go a long way to flesh out Simone's character, to maybe see how she could have at least been better rather than bad like Brent and John come across. It was the same thing with Chidi and to a lesser extent Tahani, you just didn't know what they did to end up in the bad place.

I think the problem with Simone is that she was written to be exactly what Chidi needs. They kind of write themselves into a corner without any worse qualities for her, but if I had to try I'd say that she displays extreme arrogance in refusing to believe that she's in the good place, or even just anywhere but inside her own head.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

Malcolm Turnbeug posted:

My piece of poo poo half brother wrote a book about his exploits working on a cruise ship, it’s not an exaggerated gag, dumb gently caress type a people write and pay to have these kinds of books published every fuckin day. We still keep the copy he gave us to read at Christmas to remind us of why we all hate him. This may seem harsh but he was acquitted of manslaughter for locking a drunk woman off her psyche meds on a 30 story balcony and abusing her via text until she killed herself so it’s really not

The good news is that, barring a change at the end of the series, he's going to the bad place. The bad news is that, barring a change at the end of the series, you are, too.

Sep 4, 2018


Taear posted:

Eternity is a LONG time to be tortured for even if you killed 6 million people tbh.

So here's something to wrinkle your brain. If you're Hitler, do you lose more points for the actual killing of 6 million people, do those lost points not count for you because you didn't personally do it or do you lose points because you prevented those people from the time to gain enough points? Or what if Hitler's actions caused a person's death who would have later ended up blowing up the planet. Does Hitler get points for that? Could Hitler get infinite points for killing a baby that would have grown up to use nuclear bombs to blow up the entire world? This is a very high freshmen dorm room conversation, but it's interesting to think about.

And also why the entire system is dumb.

Nov 7, 2012
I'd like to know if Hitler got points for killing Hitler.

MikeJF posted:

They've avoided addressing the big elephant in the room with Jason, which is a question of moral culpability for someone who's pretty clearly characterised as intellectually disabled. At this point it looks like they're just going to ignore it instead of ever getting to it.

Mike looked out of sorts and Jason had an oddly specific line:


Uh-oh. I know that look. He just snorted a bunch of printer toner. Mike, listen to me, you have nothing to worry about. You still have around 70% of your brain left

You think Jason's ever snorted printer toner? :smith:

1glitch0 posted:

So here's something to wrinkle your brain. If you're Hitler, do you lose more points for the actual killing of 6 million people, do those lost points not count for you because you didn't personally do it

aka, The Reverse-Nuremberg Defense.

"Don't blame me; I was just giving orders!"

Accretionist fucked around with this message at 04:08 on Nov 5, 2019

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

I don't really think it's too complicated:

Do a bad thing: negative points
Do a not bad thing with bad effects: negative points
Do a not bad thing with bad intentions: negative points

Do a good thing with good effects and good intentions: positive points

Everything else: zero points

This serves to highlight the problem with the system which is there are many ways to lose points and one way to gain them. This is compounded by the bad place pyramid scheme where doing a bad action will take points from that actor and all those that acted to enable that action and those that acted to enable those actions, ad infinitum.

Fake Edit: making a decision to not act is in itself an act that may influence points. Deciding to not pull over and help someone? Negative points. Yet another asymmetry, as deciding to not do a bad thing is not strictly a good thing, but is merely a not bad thing. Your rear end in a top hat boss asks you to sell some bullshit to the elderly and you decide not to out of spite? Negative points.

Actual Edit:
Killing a person is a bad thing, regardless of intent or effects. Someone does the killing, negative points; everyone in the command chain, negative points.

I suspect killing someone to save the world, even an imminent threat and not "killing baby Hitler" type actions, will garner negative points.

carticket fucked around with this message at 04:51 on Nov 5, 2019

May 20, 2012

When in doubt, err on the side of Awesome!

Mr. Powers posted:


Actual Edit:
Killing a person is a bad thing, regardless of intent or effects. Someone does the killing, negative points; everyone in the command chain, negative points.

I suspect killing someone to save the world, even an imminent threat and not "killing baby Hitler" type actions, will garner negative points.

Which leads to the times when not doing something is undeniably a good thing and should be worth lots of good points. Stanislav Petrov basically prevented nuclear war by ignoring a false alarm. That should have earned him enough good points to get into the good place, but instead was likely worth zero points because not acting with a positive result isn't worth points in the system as we understand it.

Mar 18, 2006


Arkhipov never gets the same credit, either.

May 20, 2012

When in doubt, err on the side of Awesome!

silvergoose posted:

Arkhipov never gets the same credit, either.

The fact that there have been multiple "we came this loving close to nuclear Armageddon and only a single level head prevented it" events might be the best evidence for why there should be a Bad Place.

Mar 18, 2006


8one6 posted:

The fact that there have been multiple "we came this loving close to nuclear Armageddon and only a single level head prevented it" events might be the best evidence for why there should be a Bad Place.

"a superior officer ordered nuclear Armageddon and a single level head disobeying orders prevented it" is the real kicker, of course.

Disobeying orders is negative points, presumably.

Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

silvergoose posted:

"a superior officer ordered nuclear Armageddon and a single level head disobeying orders prevented it" is the real kicker, of course.

Disobeying orders is negative points, presumably.

Apr 22, 2008

here come the planes

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
I just realised the Nacho thing shows just how far Eleanor has come - it's a direct parallel to the party in episode 1 where she took all the shrimp because she wanted it. Here she's about to deny herself nabbing the rest of the nachos until Chidi invites her to take them. She put his desires before her own, even if it sucked for a few seconds.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
Server broke

Cemetry Gator
Apr 3, 2007

Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?
One thing about Simone is that she might not be bad. It's established that the points system is whack, so maybe she doesn't have a huge personality flaw beyond that of a normal person.

Remember, she's there because the bad place wanted to gently caress with Team Cockroach.

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Cemetry Gator posted:

One thing about Simone is that she might not be bad. It's established that the points system is whack, so maybe she doesn't have a huge personality flaw beyond that of a normal person.

Remember, she's there because the bad place wanted to gently caress with Team Cockroach.

Before she died, the apocalypse happened and she became the most nightmarish warlord along the Fury Road

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

RBA Starblade posted:

Before she died, the apocalypse happened and she became the most nightmarish warlord along the Fury Road

Back then, she was already convinced that her brain was hallucinating those events. Therefore she had a complete disregard of human life.

Sloth Life
Nov 15, 2014

Built for comfort and speed!
Fallen Rib
Simone is proof that even good people, with no threat of consequence, become a bit lovely. She was repeatedly told the people around her were actual people and had feelings but she did not give a hint of a poo poo until Chidi put his finger in her food.

Ancillary Character
Jul 25, 2007
Going about life as if I were a third-tier ancillary character
The show will end with them deciding to do away with the afterlife altogether. Finite badness should not be rewarded with eternal punishment, nor should finite goodness be rewarded with eternal pleasure.

blue squares
Sep 28, 2007

Sloth Life posted:

Simone is proof that even good people, with no threat of consequence, become a bit lovely. She was repeatedly told the people around her were actual people and had feelings but she did not give a hint of a poo poo until Chidi put his finger in her food.

That's not fair. When I play Grand Theft Auto, the game tells me that those are real people with feelings, but I'm not being a bad person when I drive down a crowded sidewalk. She thought it was just a very realistic videogame

Sep 26, 2006


blue squares posted:

That's not fair. When I play Grand Theft Auto, the game tells me that those are real people with feelings, but I'm not being a bad person when I drive down a crowded sidewalk. She thought it was just a very realistic videogame

And that's not reasonable; there's a huge leap in verisimilitude between a video game and the afterlife. Plenty of people feel bad for mistreating characters in videogames that are very distinct from reality, with controllers and a 2D presence on a separate screen and resist or regret treating them badly; Simone was treating people she had no proof were not real as disposable and ignorable. That she decided they were not real based on circumstance doesn't make it a good thing.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

I would say that you playing GTA and mowing people down does not make you a bad person. If the game presents them as real, you aren't a bad person. If they are real, you aren't a bad person, because in the same context, that means the game character you is the bad person (and also real [and you are not real]).

E: To apply to the show, Simone isn't a bad person if she does bad stuff and it's all in her head, regardless of whether or not the people in her head claim to be real. If it is not all in her head, then the theoretical actor whose head in which this all happens is not real and the imagined self is the actual real person.

carticket fucked around with this message at 14:50 on Nov 6, 2019

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

On the other hand she's right, most of them AREN'T real people

Oct 3, 2006
If an extremely hot guy came out of my video game, told me to stop driving on the sidewalk, and flirtatiously touched my nose, I'd loving follow the rules of the road.


Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know

SpiderLink posted:

If an extremely hot guy came out of my video game, told me to stop driving on the sidewalk, and flirtatiously touched my nose, I'd loving follow the rules of the road.

That reminds me of a journalist who let his 8? (Less than 10 year old) play GTA4 and she followed all the traffic laws like stopping at red lights amd such.

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