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Mar 5, 2004

Mr. Powers posted:

E: To apply to the show, Simone isn't a bad person if she does bad stuff and it's all in her head, regardless of whether or not the people in her head claim to be real. If it is not all in her head, then the theoretical actor whose head in which this all happens is not real and the imagined self is the actual real person.
No the points system punishes you for being a bad person if you're a dick to people accidentally too. Hell, I'd imagine "disregarded feelings of a person portrayed as real" still gets you classified as A Bad Person, even if you genuinely think they're not real and also you're right, because the points system is based on societal impact


Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

Whalley posted:

No the points system punishes you for being a bad person if you're a dick to people accidentally too. Hell, I'd imagine "disregarded feelings of a person portrayed as real" still gets you classified as A Bad Person, even if you genuinely think they're not real and also you're right, because the points system is based on societal impact

I didn't say you wouldn't get negative points. It just doesn't make you a bad person. People who aren't bad still go massively negative on points.

Feb 4, 2005

blue squares posted:

That's not fair. When I play Grand Theft Auto, the game tells me that those are real people with feelings, but I'm not being a bad person when I drive down a crowded sidewalk. She thought it was just a very realistic videogame

And the show sort of gets into this problem when they go to reboot Janet / Derek.

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
So am I the only goon that is still interested in finding out exactly HOW Simone died on Earth? Shawn made it sound like a real doozy of a story.

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing

Agronox posted:

And the show sort of gets into this problem when they go to reboot Janet / Derek.

I want to see the billion-reset version of Derek. Most specifically, what will be in his glass.

fake edit: after that many resets, perhaps he'll be clean shaven.

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
I don't know, man. If he isn't clean shaven by NOW, then perhaps Derek is just always supposed to be bearded.

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

boo_radley posted:

I want to see the billion-reset version of Derek

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

Vietnamwees posted:

So am I the only goon that is still interested in finding out exactly HOW Simone died on Earth? Shawn made it sound like a real doozy of a story.
I always took it as the Bad Place making her get into an "accident".

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Zedd posted:

I always took it as the Bad Place making her get into an "accident".

The Selection shorts make it clear this wasn't the case. Shawn only finds out about her death incidentally which sparks the whole idea to use people who will mess with them.

Dec 20, 2003

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Zedd posted:

I always took it as the Bad Place making her get into an "accident".

They don't need to, she'll always be dead by the time the Bad Place needs her because Jeremy Bearimy

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Rarity posted:

They don't need to, she'll always be dead by the time the Bad Place needs her because Jeremy Bearimy

The Selection also contradicts this as they consider sending someone only to be reminded that they're "still alive". :v:

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Regy Rusty posted:

The Selection also contradicts this as they consider sending someone only to be reminded that they're "still alive". :v:

Yeah but Jeremy Bearimy, innit

Feb 4, 2005

Disappointed to not see dangling wind chimes

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Here's my dumb guess on what is going to happen eventually:

The lesson from the Experiment is that different tactics are needed for different people to be motivated to do good. Simone and Journalist guy (can't be bothered to remember his name right now) were turned around by one good speech. Chidi required the fear and pressure of being caught. Brent required direct confrontation.

That leaves a role for the Demons to play in whatever new system gets set up. Sometimes people need a bit of subterfuge or trickery or punches to the face, and that's where you call the bad guys in. Similar to how some people respond better to negative reinforcement, and some to positive reinforcement.

Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

I am curious to know when Simone died, and how much of her memory was wiped.

Was she much older and is just appearing at her younger age, or did she die not long after we lost saw her, and has essentially lost the memory of the last year of her life?

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Senor Tron posted:

I am curious to know when Simone died, and how much of her memory was wiped.

Was she much older and is just appearing at her younger age, or did she die not long after we lost saw her, and has essentially lost the memory of the last year of her life?

I don't think they'll ever cover that.
Because the time stuff doesn't make sense and we have to ignore it.

Oct 7, 2008

✋😢Life's just better with Ominous Gloves🤗🧤

Cemetry Gator posted:

One thing about Simone is that she might not be bad. It's established that the points system is whack, so maybe she doesn't have a huge personality flaw beyond that of a normal person.

Remember, she's there because the bad place wanted to gently caress with Team Cockroach.
My thinking is that the four new human's total point score is the same as the original crew, but Simone is a saint and Brett is a boomer.

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
According to the preview description of the episode, the experiment ends tonight.

Apr 22, 2008

here come the planes

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
From what I read about the episode tonight, Chidi has a final ethical dilemma. Dollars to donuts that it will involve Simone and how she died on Earth.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Oh my god Simone figured it out

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
It did not work!

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:

Dec 8, 2007

that was ONE ACT

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Jesus how do they manage to upend everything so well so quickly?

e: I love Jason's reactions to Michael's magic.

Evil Mastermind fucked around with this message at 02:12 on Nov 8, 2019

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
They see what they see, man.

Also I like sparkly Janet.

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
About time they blew it up

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Okay, the dove really got me.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

Man, I agree with Jason about prevent defenses.

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
Requesting name change to "toilet full of broccoli."

Dec 19, 2012
The football analogies from Jason are on point

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

I have no idea how they're gonna fix this one

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
They come back to help tug them out with the car?

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

We're gonna have to wait till next week for the fallout...

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?



Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010


Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
Double laugh!

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

oh poo poo


Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:

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