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Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Agronox posted:

I agree but this most recent episode was pretty good and def best of the season.

Yea this episode was the best of series 4 by far but it's a low bar to clear.
It's not that it's bad or anything. It's just a bit flat.


Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe

team overhead smash posted:

My theory for what happens which i will spoiler because it's so good you'll realise I'm right straight away:

Simone didn't get enough points to go to the good place because she didn't buy into it at all so her motivation was tainted.

John didn't get enough points to go to the good place because the increase from not being a gossip was balanced out by leaving Brent to die in a hole.

Brent will initially not get enough good points to get into the good place because he's a racist jerk who hasn't changed, but the soul squad will argue he was literally a few seconds away from a fundamental change and they'll get to allow the experiment to continue for a minute or two more. It turns out he's about to say "I'm sorry you're so jealous of my success" or something equally ignorant and douchey and still doesn't get enough points to get into the good place.

Following those reveals will chart the course of the next episode with the tension ramping up and the John reveal being the "oh-no, everything's gone wrong, what can we do" moment and the squad will think they're forked even as it moves on to Chidi and it's revealed that he's got enough to go to the good place as he's basically the perfect human being seeing as he constantly risked eternal happiness by helping Jason in secret and overcame his old flaw of not doing anything by punching a racist idiot and then rescuing a racist idiot from a whole (even though he knew it'd cost him his relationship); because 3 losses and 1 win makes it 3:1 to the demons so soul squad's lost, right. Except really that makes no sense as Jen will point out in the last minute twist. Although the rest of the individual humans didn't succeed, that Chidi did revealed that humans do have the potential to improve and become better people. No-one's ever said they have to succeed with all of the humans or even a majority. The afterlife system is overturned, the Bad Place is abolished and Chidi has saved humanity from eternal torment; retroactively making the mind wipe decision the correct one and possibly giving him more good place points than anyone in history.

Everyone lives happily ever after.

I think you mean "hole".

Other than that egregiously homophonic mistake, though, this would be entertaining to watch.

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

In an ironic twist of fate there actually is a Best Place and Brent actually does get to go there. Brent will have grown just enough to magnanimously convince the Best Place to let everyone else stay in the Medium Place.

The Bad Place will be just as confused about it as everyone else.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

But where does Brett go?

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Mr. Powers posted:

But where does Brett go?

Hell most likely

Sep 26, 2006


RBA Starblade posted:

Hell most likely

Only the best Bad Place for Brent though; one with immaculately manicured golf courses. That he can never play on. And perfect secretaries. That aren't his. The penis flatteners will be spotlessly clean though, and the butthole spiders will all wear monocles and have degrees from Harvard.

Sep 23, 2012

Does this look like the face of mercy, kupo?
Are you kidding?
Brent is the secretary in his hell. And the caddy.

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

Regy Rusty posted:


1glitch0 posted:

Of course the experiment was going to end with the double laugh. I never saw it coming, tho.

that was excellent yes

Good episode, I feel like this season's back on track (by going off the rails).

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.
All the victims in the Bad Place are really Janet babies; the real bad people got memory erased and are the demons, torturing each other.

Robot Hobo
May 17, 2002
God makes an appearance in the final episode, turns out he's almost exactly like Brent. In fact, he seems identical in every way aside from a different colored polo shirt. Turns out all of human history was God's attempt to create the perfect golfing partner in His own image, and now that Brent exists, humanity can come to an end. Brent goes with God to the Best Place, which is a beautiful golf course of infinite size, to spend eternity golfing and talking about how hot stewardess uniforms used to be.

Everyone else disappears.

Somewhat Heroic
Oct 11, 2007

(Insert Mad Max related text)

curiousCat posted:

Are you kidding?
Brent is the secretary in his hell. And the caddy.

And his boss is a woman of color

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Robot Hobo posted:

God makes an appearance in the final episode, turns out he's almost exactly like Brent. In fact, he seems identical in every way aside from a different colored polo shirt. Turns out all of human history was God's attempt to create the perfect golfing partner in His own image, and now that Brent exists, humanity can come to an end. Brent goes with God to the Best Place, which is a beautiful golf course of infinite size, to spend eternity golfing and talking about how hot stewardess uniforms used to be.

Everyone else disappears.

Jan 28, 2009

GreyjoyBastard posted:

that was excellent yes

Good episode, I feel like this season's back on track (by going off the rails).

Bell was clearly having a blast being evil. She almost never gets to play the villain, unless you count Gossip Girl. Even her previous character for Schur was an bait-and-switch where you expected her to be awful, but she was basically just the rich version of Leslie.

Jul 19, 2013

I am the sexiest poster in the world!

team overhead smash posted:

My theory for what happens which i will spoiler because it's so good you'll realise I'm right straight away:

Simone didn't get enough points to go to the good place because she didn't buy into it at all so her motivation was tainted.

John didn't get enough points to go to the good place because the increase from not being a gossip was balanced out by leaving Brent to die in a hole.

Brent will initially not get enough good points to get into the good place because he's a racist jerk who hasn't changed, but the soul squad will argue he was literally a few seconds away from a fundamental change and they'll get to allow the experiment to continue for a minute or two more. It turns out he's about to say "I'm sorry you're so jealous of my success" or something equally ignorant and douchey and still doesn't get enough points to get into the good place.

Following those reveals will chart the course of the next episode with the tension ramping up and the John reveal being the "oh-no, everything's gone wrong, what can we do" moment and the squad will think they're forked even as it moves on to Chidi and it's revealed that he's got enough to go to the good place as he's basically the perfect human being seeing as he constantly risked eternal happiness by helping Jason in secret and overcame his old flaw of not doing anything by punching a racist idiot and then rescuing a racist idiot from a whole (even though he knew it'd cost him his relationship); because 3 losses and 1 win makes it 3:1 to the demons so soul squad's lost, right. Except really that makes no sense as Jen will point out in the last minute twist. Although the rest of the individual humans didn't succeed, that Chidi did revealed that humans do have the potential to improve and become better people. No-one's ever said they have to succeed with all of the humans or even a majority. The afterlife system is overturned, the Bad Place is abolished and Chidi has saved humanity from eternal torment; retroactively making the mind wipe decision the correct one and possibly giving him more good place points than anyone in history.

Everyone lives happily ever after.

If there was only one episode left in the season I'd be all about this theory, but plenty more to go still. Maybe this happens and then it's about fixing the Good Place, which it turns out has its own wild problems to be resolved? I think more likely it's just wild twists and turns from now right through to the end.

team overhead smash
Sep 2, 2006

Smashing your way into our hearts one skylight at a time

NowonSA posted:

If there was only one episode left in the season I'd be all about this theory, but plenty more to go still. Maybe this happens and then it's about fixing the Good Place, which it turns out has its own wild problems to be resolved? I think more likely it's just wild twists and turns from now right through to the end.

From the description to the final episode that I read I'm imagining everything major plotwise and the new status quo of the Good/Bad Places is going to play out next episode. The final episode will then be a Park and Recs style goodbye to all the characters that shows or indicates how they'll spend the rest of their afterlives (Which a quick wiki shows is what also seemed to happen for The Office US finale - Schur's other notable show).

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

team overhead smash posted:

From the description to the final episode that I read I'm imagining everything major plotwise and the new status quo of the Good/Bad Places is going to play out next episode. The final episode will then be a Park and Recs style goodbye to all the characters that shows or indicates how they'll spend the rest of their afterlives (Which a quick wiki shows is what also seemed to happen for The Office US finale - Schur's other notable show).

There's like another 6 episodes

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Yeah we're only halfway through the season

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018


Gaz-L posted:

Bell was clearly having a blast being evil. She almost never gets to play the villain, unless you count Gossip Girl. Even her previous character for Schur was an bait-and-switch where you expected her to be awful, but she was basically just the rich version of Leslie.

Did you ever see party down? That was the first role I remember seeing her in and she nails her character you’re meant to dislike. She’s not evil but she’s 100% the villain for her run. drat good show

team overhead smash
Sep 2, 2006

Smashing your way into our hearts one skylight at a time

Regy Rusty posted:

Yeah we're only halfway through the season

Well fork

pile of brown
Dec 31, 2004

Malcolm Turnbeug posted:

Did you ever see party down? That was the first role I remember seeing her in and she nails her character you’re meant to dislike. She’s not evil but she’s 100% the villain for her run. drat good show

She's only the villain because she's obviously better than all the protagonists.

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018


pile of brown posted:

She's only the villain because she's obviously better than all the protagonists.

Not at being an actor (or screenwriter), clearly the only worthwhile jobs in existence

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018

In fact thinking back I posit that the fact that she has no interest in show business beyond catering their parties immaculately makes her the greatest villain on the show including JK Simmons recurring role

pile of brown
Dec 31, 2004

Malcolm Turnbeug posted:

Not at being an actor (or screenwriter), clearly the only worthwhile jobs in existence

At the jobs that every character is doing

Nov 28, 2000

College Slice
What scene does the thread title come from?

Dec 8, 2007

Propaniac posted:

What scene does the thread title come from?
I think it’s from the ending of ED WOOD

Feb 18, 2004

You don't have to love me, but you will respect me.

Propaniac posted:

What scene does the thread title come from?

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

that is some serious eyebrow performance.

Mar 31, 2011

I take it you don't want my autograph, then.

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:
I just had a terrible thought.

Fred Armisen is a guest star on tonight’s episode of Superstore, because of course he is; Fred Armisen is sitcom cancer, every series I’ve watched in the past decade, he eventually shows up. His life’s mission is to appear on every show except the one with a band which he ostensibly leads.

He’s going to end up being God or some poo poo on The Good Place, isn’t he.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

What's up

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
Yes, and here’s a bottle of tequila.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Oh god it's the useless gang

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
"...and they don't sell bras at Home Depot what the hell are you wearing?"

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Okay I think that's workable

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
Ahahaha The Price is Right fail music

Dec 19, 2012
drat it Brent. You're just the worst.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

I really hope after that cliffhanger it just turns out Brent's final act of contrition just didn't count properly and he didn't actually get worse

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
Honestly if anyone got even a little better that proves their point right?

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

They Weekend at Bernie's Chidi.


Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
Wrestling, illegal drugs, and Jason Statham

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