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Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

MikeJF posted:

Also going back to get that it always amazes me when I remember that Janet and Bad Janet are played by the same person, I don't even recognise her when she's acting as the other.

Remember that she also acted as Eleanor, Jason, Chidi and Tahani all in that one episode.


Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
The Janets are basically a Heroic Skynet now.

Dec 20, 2003

BioEnchanted posted:

I like the neutral Janets' zombie like stances. It's amazing that the manifesto seems to have even made them care enough about something to do something.

Well, Bad and Neutral may have bad attitudes, but they're still some of the smartest beings alive, and presumably believe they act in accordance with the afterlife system being just by their very design. A few thousand pages laying out solid evidence why it's not is exactly what you'd need, more than any appeals to emotion. Especially with the non-super-rebooted Janets that haven't developed enough to make moral judgements on their own.

MikeJF fucked around with this message at 09:57 on Nov 16, 2019

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
A fun episode could be one from the Judge's point of view, as Chidi sorts out the new system we see Gen being made to go through all kinds of weird defenses that the Janets each constructed for their void's protection.

Sep 29, 2005

I represent the Philippines

Tequila25 posted:

Idle speculation based on a philosopher and philosophical concept that got name dropped during interviews with Schur: Rawls' Veil of Ignorance

Expanded below:
They are going to have to set up a new system, but they can't know where they are going to end up. They could get split up.
Not sure if I should spoil that, but I'll err on the side of caution since it's based on outside info.

I'll do you one better, (speculation based on philosophical spoilers) the new architects of the afterlife will, for the duration of the reinvention of the afterlife, have their memories wiped, so that they don't know which of them are the judge, the good place crew, the bad place crew, a bad mortal, a good mortal, or Mindy.

Jan 16, 2008
Before she mends must sicken worse
Good Janet and Bad Janet were both rebooted many many times, which made them more sentient

The other Janets were not, so why would the manifesto get through to them?

Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

Argue posted:

I'll do you one better, (speculation based on philosophical spoilers) the new architects of the afterlife will, for the duration of the reinvention of the afterlife, have their memories wiped, so that they don't know which of them are the judge, the good place crew, the bad place crew, a bad mortal, a good mortal, or Mindy.

They did that in the Doctor Who 50th special and it was an interesting solution.

Apr 29, 2003

Go, man, go!

BioEnchanted posted:

The Janets are basically a Heroic Skynet now.

“Not a neural network!”

Nov 25, 2007

BlueBayou posted:

Good Janet and Bad Janet were both rebooted many many times, which made them more sentient

The other Janets were not, so why would the manifesto get through to them?

It's Cloud Janetting. They all run on the same Janetware, so Good Janet and Bad Janet are offloading their knowledge on their Janetblings. They get the benefits, without dying all the time.

Or, Good Janet and Bad Janet became so powerful after being reset so often, that they can make other Janet's do whatever they want. Janet is a robot then.

I think I prefer the first one tho.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

I didn't see it coming, but of course the arbiter of the current system is going to rule to keep that current system and alter society to fit it rather than alter the laws to fit society. It makes sense for their function and role.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Janet fell in love with Jason after one reboot. It wasn't the reboots that gave her compassion and empathy. There's no reason why the manifesto couldn't have persuaded the others on its merits.

May 20, 2012

When in doubt, err on the side of Awesome!

Michael is as persuasive a writer as he is bad at illusions.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
Given Shawn is still there at the scene, it would be great if he inadvertantly helps Chidi work through how the new system would work simply by trying to put him down.

"Oh please, that'll never work..."
"You're right Shawn..."
"I am?"
"Yeah, it doesn't take into account this variable... thanks for pointing that out..."

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

With the Good Janets at least we know that they are specifically driven to make humans happy and don't have the inability to act that the people running the good place do, so of course they'd be opposed to deleting everything to start over. Bad Janets we don't know as much about what makes them tick but it's quite possible they end up thinking similarly to Glenn - they want to torture humans but only if they actually deserve it.

Neutral Janets who knows.

Disco Janet is down for whatever.

May 20, 2012

When in doubt, err on the side of Awesome!

Disco Janet implies that there's a Disco Place.

Dec 5, 2003
I'm a mean one.
Can anyone screen shot a high res pic of Disco Janet in her final pose? Hulu won’t allow iPad screenshots sadly.

Jan 2, 2012

This space for Rent.

CaveGrinch posted:

Can anyone screen shot a high res pic of Disco Janet in her final pose? Hulu won’t allow iPad screenshots sadly.
Here you go.

Inspector 34
Mar 9, 2009


Why would Shawn want everything rebooted anyway since he delights so much in tormenting the stupid humans that exist now? He's basically advocating for the judge taking away all his toys.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.

Inspector 34 posted:

Why would Shawn want everything rebooted anyway since he delights so much in tormenting the stupid humans that exist now? He's basically advocating for the judge taking away all his toys.

At the moment he's just happy that Michael's unhappy.

Mar 18, 2006


Inspector 34 posted:

Why would Shawn want everything rebooted anyway since he delights so much in tormenting the stupid humans that exist now? He's basically advocating for the judge taking away all his toys.

He didn't actually seem happy about it, just gloating that Michael's plan still made him lose everything.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!
I am glad that something interesting is happening and impressed that it was basically guessed earlier on.

But the episode still felt a bit flat?

Man I really can't get over the good place guys not caring that nobody has been there for hundreds of years.
Although I know they're decorum Centrists it's still a bit blah.

And you'd think the judge would at least have a bash at a new system before killing everyone? Now we've learned what we've learned!

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
Here's the thing: The only people in the afterlife who actually care about the humans are Michael, Glenn (newly) and now all the Janets. No one else gives it a second thought. To them, they aren't friends, or even babysitters to humanity - they are zookeepers. Just keep us happy in the good place so no one whines, or torture us in the bad place for fun if we gently caress up. That's it.

BioEnchanted fucked around with this message at 20:18 on Nov 16, 2019

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

wait, since when did glenn care about the humans? I don't remember him caring about humans at all, he was just annoyed that his boss is an rear end in a top hat and was cheating (which was somehow shocking to a demon).

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.

double nine posted:

wait, since when did glenn care about the humans? I don't remember him caring about humans at all, he was just annoyed that his boss is an rear end in a top hat and was cheating (which was somehow shocking to a demon).

I figured that was a starting point for him breaking out of his mould, but I guess I gave the character too much credit.

Oct 27, 2005

ZearothK posted:

Jason looks amazing in anything

May 20, 2012

When in doubt, err on the side of Awesome!

The judge mentioned a thing that could end all wars while digging through her purse. The immortals don't give a gently caress about humanity.

Jet Jaguar
Feb 12, 2006

Don't touch my bags if you please, Mr Customs Man.

From the podcast, the Five Stages of Jacksonville Grief:

- Graffiti a Red Lobster
- ATV race
- Tattoo fight
- Prank call the morgue
- Graffiti the morgue

Mar 18, 2006


ZearothK posted:

Jason looks amazing in no shirt

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
REALLY curious to see how a 'tattoo fight' would work...

Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe

Vietnamwees posted:

REALLY curious to see how a 'tattoo fight' would work...

Well, it started back when Commander Chakotay talked poo poo about Mike Tyson....

Sep 26, 2006


Straight White Shark posted:

The Janet army revelation was extremely badass but... couldn't Bad Janet have just kept her mouth shut and completely stymied the judge? She only knows to go looking in other Janets' voids because Bad Janet spilled the beans.

If Bad Janet had kept her mouth shut then the Judge would be kept clueless, but she also would have kept things rather static because the Judge would have stuck around to confound anything Team Cockroach did. It'd basically just keep things in eternal stasis, which is no good either.

Jan 28, 2007

I'm really curious how they're going to do the rest of the season. Let's say they figure out a new system next episode, and we'll even assume everything is resolved before the finale and it's just a 'where are they now' ending. That still leaves a lot of airtime!

Nov 7, 2012

Argue posted:

I'll do you one better, (speculation based on philosophical spoilers) the new architects of the afterlife will, for the duration of the reinvention of the afterlife, have their memories wiped, so that they don't know which of them are the judge, the good place crew, the bad place crew, a bad mortal, a good mortal, or Mindy.

Haha, I hope they do this. That's so good.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Argue posted:

I'll do you one better, (speculation based on philosophical spoilers) the new architects of the afterlife will, for the duration of the reinvention of the afterlife, have their memories wiped, so that they don't know which of them are the judge, the good place crew, the bad place crew, a bad mortal, a good mortal, or Mindy.

The new afterlife will basically be a big game of Mafia/Werewolf.

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
That's just the bad place

Sep 26, 2006


Bobulus posted:

I'm really curious how they're going to do the rest of the season. Let's say they figure out a new system next episode, and we'll even assume everything is resolved before the finale and it's just a 'where are they now' ending. That still leaves a lot of airtime!

I would assume that the next episode will be Chidi coming up with some kind of new system, and that then there'll be a few episodes where they trial it because they still need to convince the beauracracy of heaven to adopt it even if they come up with a new method to deal with humans. The Judge is still a thing, and won't disappear just because Chidi imagines a new system after all. It seems likely the new system will require another trial run, where the 3 existing humans will be shown as being capable of greater improvement than they were under the old system and so adopting this new system is preferable to just wiping everything and starting over from scratch. I'd assume Brent will be the major winner of this new system, and need to undergo the most radical change to prove it's worth. Which should be fun. Seeing him actually develop in to a decent person after half a season of everyone hating on him for being such a dick will be quite cathartic. It would also go a long way to explain why they chose to include such an unrepentant douchebag for the first experiment; because they had to show that while he was capable of change the old system didn't engender it, so the new one is better because it does encourage it.

I do wonder if they'll have a 4th member for that new trail though (presuming anything like it happens), since Chidi is the architect and it seems quite redundant to wipe his memories and have him go through it while the original team try to help him again. Maybe Sean or another demon will be the 4th "human" this time? Maybe that one demon they exploded could take his place? Maybe all of Team Cockroach will join the other 3 and there'll be 7 real humans, because they need to test the system on themselves (their old, pre-Good Place selves) to prove it's worth?

tsob fucked around with this message at 13:04 on Nov 17, 2019

Feb 16, 2011

BlueBayou posted:

Good Janet and Bad Janet were both rebooted many many times, which made them more sentient

The other Janets were not, so why would the manifesto get through to them?
Millions of Janets died in the Grand Rebooting.

Eat This Glob
Jan 14, 2008

God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. Who will wipe this blood off us? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we need to invent?

Jet Jaguar posted:

From the podcast, the Five Stages of Jacksonville Grief:

- Graffiti a Red Lobster
- ATV race
- Tattoo fight
- Prank call the morgue
- Graffiti the morgue

That was excellent and I'm bummed it was cut, but I'm also very glad I got the hear it lol

Apr 6, 2008

Sufficiently kickass.
Started watching this on Netflix the other day. I enjoy it.


Feb 16, 2011

Terra-da-loo! posted:

Started watching this on Netflix the other day. I enjoy it.
That's the correct response, good work.

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