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Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

BigBallChunkyTime posted:

We're gonna end on some nutso cliffhanger, aren't we?

I feel like it would be more surprising for this show if it didn't


Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

BigBallChunkyTime posted:

We're gonna end on some nutso cliffhanger, aren't we?

Well we're certainly not getting to any of the work on the new system this episode.

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

I didn't know a deep dive into Chidi's life was something we still needed, but drat it sure was

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Great episode

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

I was doing alright until the note.

The note got me.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

That was the closest I've ever come to caring as much about Chidi and Eleanor's relationship as the show does.

Jun 19, 2008

Quack Quack
Ahhhhh....that note.....I squeeee'd and then got all teary eyed....drat

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Even BABY Chidi got stomach aches!? Oh man...

I'm still uncomfortable with baby Chidi though.

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing
This episode is gonna make me cry, isn't it?

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Only if you suck...

You dont suck, do you?

Mar 25, 2006

:ssj:goku i won't do what u tell me:ssj:

I'm so glad Chidi was drinking an actual australian beer and not something like a fosters

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

It was a good episode. It was a fun episode. It was a touching episode. It was not an eventful episode.

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing
I made it out ok. The note was great.

E: and then I caught a few minutes of Will and Grace on broadcast TV. What a shock to the system that was.

boo_radley fucked around with this message at 05:36 on Nov 22, 2019

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.
He should have immediately kissed her :mad:


Jet Jaguar
Feb 12, 2006

Don't touch my bags if you please, Mr Customs Man.

Jason and Janet's impromptu wedding is always a delight, thanks to the show for bringing it back.

Also, "Remind me to tell you about Timothy Chalamet's bar mitzvah."

Oct 9, 2012

Jet Jaguar posted:

Jason and Janet's impromptu wedding is always a delight, thanks to the show for bringing it back.

Also, "Remind me to tell you about Timothy Chalamet's bar mitzvah."

"We're registered at me."

Feb 4, 2005

howe_sam posted:

That was the closest I've ever come to caring as much about Chidi and Eleanor's relationship as the show does.

Same, but man I loved Jason's advice speech.

Feb 3, 2011

DEA Sloth!
No Fast Movements!
Micheals finger snap just looks like he’s flipping me the bird.

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Was it just me or was Jason's cup spilling over look really big?

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
This is great but why is the courtroom suddenly empty of people and furniture?

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed
Confident Chidi is a little scary.

Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

The plot advancement to greatness ratio of that episode was off the chart. So good.

Fun fact, in the scene where Chidi gets handed a beer I was drinking the same Australian beer and did a double take.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Well goddam Chidi scruffs down real good I would let him crush me with his thighs any day:stwoon:

Jan 2, 2012

This space for Rent.

Senor Tron posted:

Fun fact, in the scene where Chidi gets handed a beer I was drinking the same Australian beer and did a double take.
When Chidi picked up his book I also did a double take, because I'm reading the sequel right now, and they look identical! I actually thought he picked up the same book until I went back and took the screenshot.

Mar 23, 2005

Duckling, darling.
I'm doing a master's right now and I have to say his advisor shouting 'shut up' 'shut up' 'shut up!!' and saying that he had a life before Chidi's paper got both a laugh and major feels from me. The clip needs to be uploaded to youtube faster so I can send it to my own advisor.

Sep 23, 2012

Does this look like the face of mercy, kupo?
Teared up at the note. gently caress.

Apr 29, 2003

Go, man, go!

Taear posted:

Banners are different for different people depending on what they think you'll like.
My She-Ra banner was hugely spoilery from day one, no idea why.

Ok, I've ask several real life friends about this. Did you get the spoilery image BEFORE you had seen the spoiler? I've seen other shows show spoilery stuff (Good Place, Umbrella Academy, Bojack Horseman) in their banners but only after I had watched them.

I'm curious if Netflix changes it up based on how much you have watched.

May 8, 2007

Say WHAT?! You KNOW that post is wack, homie!
What a great episode. I actually had to pause while watching young Chidi convincing his parents not to divorce because it felt so awkward, but I'm glad that they made it so that wasn't all that kept his parents together.

Also, Esmeralda was hysterical

Sep 4, 2018


boo_radley posted:

I made it out ok. The note was great.

E: and then I caught a few minutes of Will and Grace on broadcast TV. What a shock to the system that was.

Funny you mention that. I was just thinking after watching the episode that it was just so eloquent and graceful and how is this the same basic genre as something like The Big Bang Theory which just looks like it was slapped together in an afternoon.

Reminded me of one of Dan Harmon's rants during Community where he was kinda just asked himself why they were trying so hard to analyze every story and joke when you can just have the nerd say Bazinga, be home by 4pm and get 20 million viewers.

Oasx posted:

Confident Chidi is a little scary.

For some reason it reminded me of when Neo comes back to life in the hallway and stands up. Even like the little stretching.

Also, all the actors are always great, but Chidi and Michael having that conversation before his reboot was next level.

Jun 10, 2006


Despite the current TV season going whole hog with the whole 'dead wife' motif, it took last nights episode of The Good Place to loving destroy me so thanks for that NBC. (I mean that in a good way, weirdly.)

Feb 18, 2004

You don't have to love me, but you will respect me.
I thought this week would be more like the last 10 minutes of the previous episode (crazy plot-heavy wackiness), and I was ready for that. But this was totally different, and I ended up loving it a lot. Seeing the full arc of Chidi and how he has grown was great, and an excellently crafted emotional beat.

I wish we had gotten some hints about what is next before the mid-season break, but that would be very non-GoodPlace, so I guess it isn't surprising.

Biggest laugh of the episode for me was "I never knew my parents went to counseling" "I know, kids are stupid."

Or the red boots.

Apr 15, 2005

I thought that was a great episode.

I wish that when they were doing the slideshow of his various "soulmates", it included the guy who always had to go to the gym. I just really wanted that callback.

Dec 18, 2005

Well well, mister fancy-pants, I hope you're wearing your matching sweater today, or you'll be cut down like the ugly tree you are.
The next time someone asks me for life advice I need to start by thoughtfully saying, "Here's the thing about stuff." It's such a perfectly Jason thing to say.

Sep 4, 2018


Ishamael posted:

I thought this week would be more like the last 10 minutes of the previous episode (crazy plot-heavy wackiness), and I was ready for that. But this was totally different, and I ended up loving it a lot. Seeing the full arc of Chidi and how he has grown was great, and an excellently crafted emotional beat.

I wish we had gotten some hints about what is next before the mid-season break, but that would be very non-GoodPlace, so I guess it isn't surprising.

Biggest laugh of the episode for me was "I never knew my parents went to counseling" "I know, kids are stupid."

Or the red boots.

That was a great line, but I loved the true guilt Michael feels for having tortured them. You can tell it haunts him.

Guy A. Person
May 23, 2003

Ishamael posted:

Biggest laugh of the episode for me was "I never knew my parents went to counseling" "I know, kids are stupid."

Or the red boots.

I love the extra little bit of torture Michael threw in at the very start of Chidi's time in the Bad Place -- "Chidi, come on in...or just stay out here if you're more comfortable" -- before cutting it short to move things along.

Dec 18, 2005

Well well, mister fancy-pants, I hope you're wearing your matching sweater today, or you'll be cut down like the ugly tree you are.
Also I know guessing at what the "new system" will be (or even if there will be one) is kinda pointless with how often this show swerves, but the focus on Eleanor and Chidi's relationship really makes me think that it's going to end up being based on love. You don't need to worry about every possible long-term consequence of your actions--if you put more love into the world than hatred during your lifetime, you get into the Good Place. It doesn't even need to be love for humans either, it can be animals, or nature, or whatever you like, as long as it's real love.

I can even see a future exchange with the accountant who spent all that time in the obelisk this season. Someone (probably Chidi) starts asking "but how can you possibly quantify love" and the accountant just gives him a look and says, "What? That's easy, we do it all the time up here. We got this."

Nov 25, 2007
What a great episode. Chidi's finest writing going from the big, overly complicated thing that drained the will to live from his advisor, to the short one page letter. What a cool symbol of his growth.


May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Zeeman posted:

Also, Esmeralda was hysterical

I still wanna see a scene of her tending to her crows & sleeping in a giant nest.

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