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Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen

Zachack posted:

It's played in the sf bay area during baseball games, including on TV.

I think it's national. I hear it during Cubs radio broadcasts.


Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed

Edge & Christian posted:

It's a long-running (and long-loathed) radio jingle for a charity.

It's also a weird bundle of contradicting emotions (it's a charity! for sick kids! that might be a scam! or are the people saying it's a scam anti-semitic?) and the organization seems to have leaned into the "ha ha we're those people with the terrible jingle!" in the same way that George W. Bush leaned in on "ha ha, I mispronounce words sometimes, ignore anything else I've ever done" and through all of this it's still on NYC radio (presumably elsewhere?) multiple times an hour for at least twenty years now.

Here is a story about it.


Undead Hippo
Jun 2, 2013
I'm kind of annoyed that Linda turned out to be a demon. She seemed to be the character asking the most interesting question and a good counterpoint to Simone.

Simone- Doesn't engage because she doesn't think the situation is credible. Has internal motivation, but lacks external.
Linda- Doesn't engage because she is lacking the drive to change her own situation. Has external motivation, but lacks internal.

The two other jerks who are left seem like woefully uninteresting stock figures taking down some easy (if deserving) targets. I can't really engage with them as people and I'm not really interested in seeing them develop. Maybe I'll be eating my words by the end of the series, but I suspect what will end up happening is that events will push them into the sidelines as we keep the focus on the main cast.

Jul 25, 2011

Avoid breathing
radioactive dust.
College Slice
No complaints from me about the episode. Assuming Michael got switched it seems a bit lazy that Janet doesn't immediately notice, but she is verybusy and Linda's disguise was good enough to fool everyone before so :shrug:

Though I can't imagine what they can meaningfully do with it that doesn't end in "the Judge finds out and intervenes". I kind of expect the experiment will be over by the end of the next episode and there's some new storyline that jettisons the remaining newbies (except Simone).

Thanks for whoever mentioned the podcast, I'd forgotten about it since I wasn't interested in any of the between-season bonus episodes, better resubscribe.

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

Put this racist on ignore immediately!

Bobulus posted:

I wonder how they'll snap Simone out of her atheist funk? It could easily be Chidi throwing a variation of Pascal's Wager at her, or maybe it'll be more comedic, like Jason will introduce her to something so far outside her knowledge base that her glitching brain couldn't possibly have invented it.
While the Jason approach would be really funny, my money is on Chidi. She's decided she is a solipsist, meaning she is the only real thing in the universe. A lot of the standard arguments against solipsism revolve around interrogating the solipsist about why the world is the way it is, but none of those apply in an artificial paradise outside of our reality. I think Chidi's probably going to convince her that if this is the only world that now exists for her then she should accept this is her life now and make the best of her time there. If she wants to spend all day deriving philosophical & mathematical ideas from first principles, she can just do that and hey maybe she'll have some new ideas to share with the world if/when she wakes up.

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

Regy Rusty posted:


they're truly monsters

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:

Bobulus posted:

Switching Michael!!!

Edit: they mentioned the Michael Suit in both the webisodes and the recap. He was offscreen. That's absolutely not Michael.
how did i miss this

Bobulus posted:

Oh, geez, I'm slow on the uptake today. Linda's first request after waking up was to ask if there was a fitness center in the Good Place. Of course That One Demon wanted to go to the gym...
how did i miss this

Jun 20, 2003

I also love that apparently the Bad Place peeps went “poo poo, how do you mess with someone like Jason” and just decided screw it, throw in a demon.

Jun 10, 2006


Maxwell Lord posted:

Lasagne Come Out Tomorrow

I tried to work this out for far too long before I thought of saying it out loud.

Apr 22, 2008

here come the planes
bet your bottom dollar

Aug 1, 2002

"Nothing a shitload of bleach won't fix"

flatluigi posted:

bet your bottom dollar

Bet your butter dollop

Jul 23, 2007

Vietnamwees posted:

If it were Vicki, then the Michael suit would have a limp.

My mind immediately jumped to Vicki simply because of the 'boo yah' thing.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

In a show that's gotten renowned for its plot twists, the greatest twist of all would be to play it completely straight. I'm saying this is still the michael we've known :colbert:

Apr 7, 2009

It's electric. Boogie woogie woogie.
I may have missed it, but what was the tell that suggested the Michaels were switched?

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

volts5000 posted:

I may have missed it, but what was the tell that suggested the Michaels were switched?

Part of it is meta knowledge about story conventions - they've reminded us of the Michael bot twice. And then he goes offscreen onto the train and returns acting in a way that might be a bit off.

Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

volts5000 posted:

I may have missed it, but what was the tell that suggested the Michaels were switched?

They mentioned that they had a Michael suit both in the mini episodes about their plan for the Good Place and the "previously..." footage at the start of the episode. Then we saw that the Bad Place was willing to mess with the experiment by sending in people in disguise, shortly before Michael stepped out of camera onto an inter-dimensional train from the Bad Place. They clearly want us to think that Michael has been swapped.

Nov 25, 2007

double nine posted:

In a show that's gotten renowned for its plot twists, the greatest twist of all would be to play it completely straight. I'm saying this is still the michael we've known :colbert:

That's my guess as well. It's a double bluff.

Apr 29, 2003

Go, man, go!

Regy Rusty posted:

Part of it is meta knowledge about story conventions - they've reminded us of the Michael bot twice. And then he goes offscreen onto the train and returns acting in a way that might be a bit off.

Michael trying to do a human thing then getting sad about it not being noticed is a pretty Michael thing to do.

But yeah, something fishy about that scene.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.

GigaPeon posted:

Michael trying to do a human thing then getting sad about it not being noticed is a pretty Michael thing to do.

But yeah, something fishy about that scene.

I still love the adorable scene in the end-of-the-experiment bash in season 2 where they get Michael the "Honorary Human Giftbox" Just his excitement at these total garbage items is cute as hell. "Aww, a stressball with a dumb corporate logo on it... so I can find it every now and again, go to throw it away then go 'no... i'll use it.' Thank you all" :3:

Apr 29, 2003

Go, man, go!

BioEnchanted posted:

I still love the adorable scene in the end-of-the-experiment bash in season 2 where they get Michael the "Honorary Human Giftbox" Just his excitement at these total garbage items is cute as hell. "Aww, a stressball with a dumb corporate logo on it... so I can find it every now and again, go to throw it away then go 'no... i'll use it.' Thank you all" :3:

Smell ya later?

Dr Christmas
Apr 24, 2010

Berninating the one percent,
Berninating the Wall St.
Berninating all the people
In their high rise penthouses!
I'm slightly disappointed that the old lady was a demon and not a weird psycho with anger issues.

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester


I tried to work this out for far too long before I thought of saying it out loud.


I always thought that The Good Place had Sims vibes and Simone is going to do the thing where you don't give a poo poo at all and just dick around

Jun 10, 2006


“The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow”. Dorky and got a good groan out of me.

Dec 20, 2003

Bobulus posted:

Probably Janet wasn't switched? Hard to say. The episode implied Janet was running everything so much that it would break if she left.

That might be how it gets revealed: the neighborhood starts to come apart because she's been taken.

Mar 20, 2008

Said little bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to
These expensive
These is red bottoms
These is bloody shoes

Just as an FYI to anyone who wanted to watch The Selection but couldn't due to region blocks: NBC has put all six episodes up on YouTube.

Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

Staggy posted:

Just as an FYI to anyone who wanted to watch The Selection but couldn't due to region blocks: NBC has put all six episodes up on YouTube.

Confirmed, they work in Australia which is interesting considering even trailers put up by US networks usually get blocked.

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know

Senor Tron posted:

Confirmed, they work in Australia which is interesting considering even trailers put up by US networks usually get blocked.

Everything is bonzer!

Emerson Cod
Apr 14, 2004

by Pragmatica
Especially with Michael telling Bad Janet to give such a specific message, I think he was swapped out with the Bad Place doppelganger at some point in the last episode of Season 3. Possibly before showing Eleanor and Chidi that montage, which was nice but could be interpreted as torturing Eleanor. Same thing with his "breakdown" forcing her to take charge.

Jan 28, 2007

Emerson Cod posted:

Especially with Michael telling Bad Janet to give such a specific message, I think he was swapped out with the Bad Place doppelganger at some point in the last episode of Season 3. Possibly before showing Eleanor and Chidi that montage, which was nice but could be interpreted as torturing Eleanor. Same thing with his "breakdown" forcing her to take charge.

No, that doesn't make sense.

- Right before the breakdown, Shaun specifically taunts Michael over the phone, and shows him the Michael suit. So that's definitely Michael when he has the breakdown.
- Shaun's season 4 "Sneak in Chris the Demon" plan was really easily found out and involved him sending his worst actor. Plus he didn't seem broken up at all when it got found out. It only makes sense that he rigged that up for an excuse to have a Bad Place train in the new neighborhood

I'm not leaving out the possibility of a fakeout, but if a switch happened, it's gotta have been last episode on the train.

Anyway, here's my guesses for the next several episodes:
- "Michael" will make several flubs that seem well-intentioned, but gently caress over the protagonists. Maybe he tries to peek at the neutral-place accountant's tallies and gets caught, for example.
- This next episode will be mostly about snapping Simone out of her delusion. Thinking further on this, so far they've tried to keep her isolated from the others, but maybe what will do the trick is forcing her to interact with them. I mean, she thinks all this is her brain doing great stuff for her and/or malfunctioning. Eleanor can't be mean to her without her realizing this isn't the Good Place in the long-run. But if she's forced to put up with two incredibly shallow and self-centered people? Why would her brain conjure them?
- This might actually be what helps Brent figure out that he shouldn't just keep doing what he's doing, too? I mean, if Simone gets so annoyed that she kicks his rear end, maybe it'll finally get through his thick skull? Probably not, but I can dare to dream.

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know
The only thing about that theory which gives me pause is that so far every attempt by a demon to act good or play another has been comically inept. So unless they get a historically good actor in the Bad Place and put him on their side, I don't see Michael being replaced as viable for more than an episode, which frankly is about as long as I would expect it to under this formula.

Dec 20, 2003

swickles posted:

The only thing about that theory which gives me pause is that so far every attempt by a demon to act good or play another has been comically inept.

I dunno, 318 of them did pretty well in season one. Although they may have stopped giving a poo poo in iteration two onwards.

I'd assume it's still Vicki in the suit: she was wearing it when Shaun showed it to us and she's a notable recurring who'd make sense to reintroduce like this.

MikeJF fucked around with this message at 16:13 on Oct 1, 2019

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

swickles posted:

The only thing about that theory which gives me pause is that so far every attempt by a demon to act good or play another has been comically inept. So unless they get a historically good actor in the Bad Place and put him on their side, I don't see Michael being replaced as viable for more than an episode, which frankly is about as long as I would expect it to under this formula.

Vicki was made for this role, are you kidding me??

Guy A. Person
May 23, 2003

Yeah Vicki specifically has an entire arc about wanting to be recognized for her acting ability

Dec 20, 2003

Guy A. Person posted:

Yeah Vicki specifically has an entire arc about wanting to be recognized for her acting ability

And wanting to run the neighbourhood and replace Michael.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
Derek is still my least favorite part of this show.

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy

Mordiceius posted:

Derek is still my least favorite part of this show.

how dare you, him holding the martini glass filled with gerkins last week loving killed me

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Mordiceius posted:

Derek is still my least favorite part of this show.

Jason Mantzoukas has consistently been my least favorite part of anything he's ever been in

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.
Jason Mantzoukas is like if Tom Bombadil were interesting.

Dec 19, 2012

Azhais posted:

Jason Mantzoukas has consistently been my least favorite part of anything he's ever been in

He's really good at being an extremely annoying character.

And Derek is probably the first character in The Good Place that's villainous but not actually a Demon or Demon-aligned.


Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!

Xelkelvos posted:

He's really good at being an extremely annoying character.

And Derek is probably the first character in The Good Place that's villainous but not actually a Demon or Demon-aligned.

His whole gimmick is “wow what a wacky weirdo” and it is boring and exhausting.

Derek sucks.

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