Someone summon's Shawn and Chidi and it turns out they were both stuffing the Committee into a cannon...Although I'm still holding out hope for a disgruntled good place postal worker who is trying to figure out how to get angry.
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# ? Feb 19, 2025 17:55 |
Shut up! Shut up! Hi! Shut up! I'm confident now.
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Going by the upcoming episode titles, I assume Patty is the first 'test' of the new system, and 'When You're Ready' is either referring to when Team Cockroach get to go to the real Good Place, or when they get to take their final assessment under the new framework
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I liked Shawn's line "There are still a few kinks to work in... work OUT sorry, force of habit..."
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Tag yourself, I'm Darcy running back and forth and flailing.
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It's hopeless trying to guess where they're going to go, but here are some thoughts I have thought since that episode: Most people will probably need a few tries, so does that make it weird that only your first life is actually on Earth and 'real'? Does everyone go through the process by themselves, or in groups? Because, not like soulmates are real, but would Chidi recommend a system that would mean he'd never have met Eleanor? Does the scoring system change? Is that still a fair way to count?
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I'm not sure there will be any more twists, there isn't that much time left so it might be just about setting up the new system and then resolving the character journeys. But of course I have never been right once about what will happen on this show, so I look forward to being proven wrong again! This is awesome
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So Mike Schur's big answer is that he's reinvented Hinduism and/or Buddhism?
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More like he just recreated the movie “Defending Your Life”
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Yes, I can't stop thinking about DYL
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My stab at the end twist is that all of this has, in actuality, been their test-- start to finish.
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I loved when Gen got to the last Bad janet and Marbleised her before she could do her last words gag - then the marble farts anyway and Gen's like "Wow. That's dedication to the bit.."
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It was a fine episode but really predictable, I guess I don't know where else they could have gone with it other than this system though! I still want to actually get to see the good place and all its 14th century people. I do feel a bit like they haven't really solved the issue that capitalism is why people go to hell because every single action has a billion bad consequences and there's plenty of good people being tortured forever because of that. Will they just....be in the good place now? Or do they have to be redeemed even though they're not even bad?
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They still haven't addressed why humans need to be contained/imprisoned for eternity. ![]() Free the humans! Turn the afterlife into a rehab program which prepares humans for release.
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I really do still love the show, but I also kind of wish it'd only been one season. That twist in season one was just perfect, and everything since has been trying to live up to it.
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It would also be nice if humans had the knowledge of the afterlife's rules while still alive and didn't have to guess.Medullah posted:I really do still love the show, but I also kind of wish it'd only been one season. That twist in season one was just perfect, and everything since has been trying to live up to it. I can see the logic, but the twist by itself is also an old cliché and it was the fact that we knew other seasons were coming and that the characters would have to deal with the fallout that actually made it interesting.
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Teddybear posted:My stab at the end twist is that all of this has, in actuality, been their test-- start to finish. Yes, this was my thought as well. The kind of twist that you can do with only a few episodes left that doesn’t invalidate what came before and doesn’t require much follow up after. Similarly, could be the Michael test scenario plenty of people have discussed before. Or Team Cockroach did this once before and came up with the concept, and then had to run back the tape from the beginning to prove to TPTB that it wasn’t just a fluke.
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Medullah posted:I really do still love the show, but I also kind of wish it'd only been one season. That twist in season one was just perfect, and everything since has been trying to live up to it. Yeah but the first few episodes of season 2 were astounding. And how could we exist without Jeremy Bearimy?
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The best joke in the whole episode was Disco Janet being marbelized into a mini disco ball.
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BigBallChunkyTime posted:The best joke in the whole episode was Disco Janet being marbelized into a mini disco ball. Does it count as a joke? If it had been anything else it would have been a bizzare choice.
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Definitely did not expect this comedy show by the guy behind Parks & Rec to finish by attempting to solve the most complex problems of human existence. I definitely feel like we've got one more twist coming our way that's going to redefine the whole series, but I'd prefer it to just go forward without "revealing" anything else. I just wanna see the ragtag group figure out a way to simply EXIST in the absurd reality the show has concocted.
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I wanna know what the playlist for Disco Janet's voice was before they settled on "Ring My Bell." (Like last season they were trying to play "Runaround" by Blues Traveler before settling on that Richard Marx song. Which I think I heard played every night for two years on my local radio station, was way worse for me than "1-800-KARS-4-KIDS")
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1-877-KARS-4-KIDS. Mine is 800-5-8-8-2-300EMPIIIIIRE Solice Kirsk fucked around with this message at 14:36 on Jan 12, 2020 |
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Solice Kirsk posted:1-877-KARS-4-KIDS. TODAY!
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Imagine having a structured settlement and needing cash urgently for new carpeting.
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I think the normal thing for what would come next is finishing setting up the new system, a trial run they help supervise, and then team cockroach gets put through it and gets into the good place. That's the conventional route, but I think it's pretty on par for them to bust out the twist of "All this convoluted mass rebooting was your go through the system, and now you've finally passed". Then again, there's no way that so much crazy stuff would be involved in every human's journey to self improvement. One way or another, despite all the good work they've done improving themselves and the afterlife system, they'll need to go through it to get in, and I fully expect that to be what the last few episodes are about, a fresh mindwipe and into the test they go. I'd get a kick out of seeing them pretty much coast through it and pass the test, and then for Michael to say something like "Yes, and it only took you 974 tries, that's the best anyone's done yet!"
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Solice Kirsk posted:Mine is 800-5-8-8-2-300EMPIIIIIRE I heard this first when I was about 9-10, and it’s stuck in my head ever since. Actually, without the 800 at the start.
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The_Doctor posted:I heard this first when I was about 9-10, and it’s stuck in my head ever since. Actually, without the 800 at the start. The 800 was important to me because I grew up in a 588 local code. I feel bad for whomever had 588-2300
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i imagine the good place people will become the antagonists for the last couple of episodes, coupled with some hilarity as shawn indulges in old habits.
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Mr. Powers posted:The 800 was important to me because I grew up in a 588 local code. I feel bad for whomever had 588-2300 Right, I first heard it in the Chicago area, where they’re based.
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double nine posted:i imagine the good place people will become the antagonists for the last couple of episodes, coupled with some hilarity as shawn indulges in old habits. Yeah this seems likely. I could see the Good Place council loving this up completely unintentionally. Kinda hoping for the hilarity of a Shawn redemption through him somehow liking the new system once it's in place.
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I'm wondering if they get to the Good Place finally and it turns out to not be worth the hype.
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Bobbin Threadbare posted:I'm wondering if they get to the Good Place finally and it turns out to not be worth the hype. The real Good Place was the Frozen Yogurt shop all along!
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Klungar posted:Yes, this was my thought as well. The kind of twist that you can do with only a few episodes left that doesn’t invalidate what came before and doesn’t require much follow up after. Similarly, could be the Michael test scenario plenty of people have discussed before. I hope neither of those are true, because while they don't require much further setup or payoff, they're also not particularly interesting twists. I'd even go so far as to say they're bad twists, and take away from a lot of what the show has done, rather than adding to it. Now the over-riding concern of the past season or more of "we need to reform heaven" shrinks to "we're just passing a morality test". Which is much smaller stakes. Interesting stakes on their own merit, but not when you swap one for the other without much in the way of setup. It seems like something that would be a twist just for the sake of having a twist. NowonSA posted:One way or another, despite all the good work they've done improving themselves and the afterlife system, they'll need to go through it to get in, and I fully expect that to be what the last few episodes are about, a fresh mindwipe and into the test they go. I'd get a kick out of seeing them pretty much coast through it and pass the test, and then for Michael to say something like "Yes, and it only took you 974 tries, that's the best anyone's done yet!" What would be the point of them going through it though? They already have gone through the system they're endorsing. That's kind of the point. They're designing a system that institutes the kind of setup they inadvertently went through and that improved them, with the hope doing so improves others based on a small sample set. Putting them through it can't improve them more than they are, because they basically already are their best selves according to the show. Chidi has gotten over his self-confidence issues and inability to choose, Eleanor has gotten over her selfishness and trashiness, Tahani has become more empathetic and willing to compromise and help others and Jason was always a perfect angel. What would putting them through it again achieve? Putting the group we already met for most of this season through it a few times to see if they keep improving would be a great idea, especially the rear end in a top hat rich white dude (John?); there's no point putting Team Cockroach through it though, because the entire show up to this point has already been them going through it and we already know the result. The Judge even endorsed the fact Eleanor has improved enough to be worthy of going to the Good Place more than a season ago. What more could putting her through the new system really improve her? tsob fucked around with this message at 17:40 on Jan 12, 2020 |
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I like the idea of the good place people being the antagonists for the last bit. Fight against the neoliberals in charge of heaven.
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Solice Kirsk posted:Mine is 800-5-8-8-2-300EMPIIIIIRE I temporarily got this mixed up with 1-800-Hanson's and was having a heck of a time getting it to scan, but nope, now I remember it...and it's stuck in my head ![]()
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Yeah, I also like the idea of the last minute good place antagonists. I used to think there was some merit to the twist that this had all been their test, but there's been too many scenes with Shawn or Michael that wouldn't make any sense if that were the case. My pitch was that everything after they met the judge is the test, everything before that was real. Stupid theory time! This has been their good place all along. It was determined that people eventually get bored with paradise and this system of conflict and high stakes gives them constant excitement, self improvement and a feeling of accomplishment.
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I still have the Dalworth Carpet Cleaning jingle stuck in my head though I forgot the exact numbers (Were they just a DFW thing?)
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# ? Feb 19, 2025 17:55 |
I think going through the system is just something that'll need to be done, otherwise they're getting in on what amounts to a weird loophole. I dunno, even if they've clearly earned it I just don't see them getting that pass to the GP.
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