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Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen

ashpanash posted:

Are they just going to...kill themselves?

I can't seem them doing that, it's not the kind of thing that would get past S&P.

Maybe they realize the suicide door is hosed up.and they modify it to sort of a reincarnation door,.where you can get born again on Earth, live your life (a different life), and then start the whole process over again with the improved afterlife waiting when you die?


Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

That would make it meaningless. It's bleak, yes, but hopeful at the same time, the idea of ending your infinity, your reality on your own terms. I love it if it's really where we're going with this.

Apr 9, 2008

I can see when you are lying.

Maybe. Honestly, I don't see what was so wrong with the memory erasure idea. If it's done at the person's request, it no longer is a means of torture. And just because something was used for torture doesn't mean it's always wrong. Cutting people is used as torture but it also is used in surgery.

Plus, for a show that makes a big deal about 'what we owe to each other,' it seems really weird for it to come down on the side of 'when you're done, other people don't matter.' Or at least, matter less. I mean, poo poo, I'd love to talk with Hyapatia too. What if someone gets to the good place and wants to talk with her but, sorry, she erased herself from the universe, and that person is gone now? All her knowledge and who she was, gone? Not so good place.

ashpanash fucked around with this message at 03:02 on Jan 24, 2020

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Anyway I'm gonna laugh if this series ends the same way as an anime I watched when I was like sixteen (Angel Beats!)

Apr 9, 2008

I can see when you are lying.

"I finally get to see grandma again!"

"Sorry kid, grandma decided she was sick of existing."

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen

Arist posted:

That would make it meaningless. It's bleak, yes, but hopeful at the same time, the idea of ending your infinity, your reality on your own terms. I love it if it's really where we're going with this.

It's not meaningless if their memories are erased when they're reborn on Earth.

Crusty Nutsack
Apr 21, 2005


that was good but man that ending about having time with each other is difficult to watch when you're recently widowed :smith:

glad that there's a happy ending now but makes me wonder what the heck is going to happen in an hour next week! there's gotta be one more weird twist or something I would think

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
I love that at least one of the writers is an Attitude Era wrestling fan.

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.

ashpanash posted:

"I finally get to see grandma again!"

"Sorry kid, grandma decided she was sick of existing."

Presumably the platonic ideal of the interaction you seek is beyond the Green Door.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

Always have faith in this show. I learned my lesson multiple times over.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
But really, y'all, if you've never seen it, go watch Hirokazu Kore-eda's 1998 film After Life.

Oct 2, 2013

ashpanash posted:

Maybe. Honestly, I don't see what was so wrong with the memory erasure idea. If it's done at the person's request, it no longer is a means of torture. And just because something was used for torture doesn't mean it's always wrong. Cutting people is used as torture but it also is used in surgery.

I agree, to me it felt that the response Chidi gave was very hand-wavey. If the problem is that people's existence in the paradise that lasts forever is that the eternal part makes it all meaningless, what does it matter if you wipe away memories from ten or a hundred absolutely meaningless years of existence in paradise? I guess there would be a problem with synchronizing it, what with new-comers all the time, but Jeremy Bearimy my friends?

e: Obviously they did this to present whatever their actual idea was, assuming they'll do something great with the finale hour, and I'm pretty confident they will!

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Wow, the way the good place committee just dropped the architect job on Michael & then GTFO was pretty scummy.

And the way Lisa Kudrow's mind just turned into mush in the good place was just terrible.

Bobbin Threadbare
Jan 2, 2009

I'm looking for a flock of urbanmechs.

Vietnamwees posted:

Wow, the way the good place committee just dropped the architect job on Michael & then GTFO was pretty scummy.

And the way Lisa Kudrow's mind just turned into mush in the good place was just terrible.

It certainly explains why the Good Place Committee was willing to go along with whatever anybody said. It's not because that's how the Good Place works (although it is), it's because they were absolutely desperate for something, anything about the afterlife to change because they were completely out of ideas.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

I dunno. I for one would like giant mini donut music I can eat.

Jet Jaguar
Feb 12, 2006

Don't touch my bags if you please, Mr Customs Man.

Tahani trying to make small talk with somebody who died of a cut finger was torture for her.

Didn't get the best look at the picture booth as they were walking in—but I could go for handfuls of the candy that gives you The Energy You Had When You Were Twelve.

Apr 9, 2008

I can see when you are lying.

I just listened to the podcast, and at the end, they talk a little bit around it, but they pretty heavily imply that there's more to the final episode than just 'everyone is happy and then kills themselves.'

Sub Rosa
Jun 9, 2010

I think it has to be that the suicide door becomes a reincarnation door, and our cast will walk through it together.

Jul 19, 2013

I am the sexiest poster in the world!
I can see suicide door being a sensible immediate solution, and after so long just getting everything they could ever want it may be just what's right for some Good Placers now, but yeah reincarnation door or something seems like a better long-term idea. Kudos to this show though for setting up a scenario where suicide can be presented as a morally justified and "right" choice, that's definitely a hell of a bold move that I didn't see coming at all.

Whether they change what that door does or not, or add in a few more major doors, I have to imagine we're seeing them walking through some doors to end the show. I kind of want them to explore the comic potential of them all linking arms again and then Jason dipping at the last minute and staying behind and the rest just kind of awkwardly stumbling into the doorway.

Bobbin Threadbare
Jan 2, 2009

I'm looking for a flock of urbanmechs.

NowonSA posted:

I can see suicide door being a sensible immediate solution, and after so long just getting everything they could ever want it may be just what's right for some Good Placers now, but yeah reincarnation door or something seems like a better long-term idea. Kudos to this show though for setting up a scenario where suicide can be presented as a morally justified and "right" choice, that's definitely a hell of a bold move that I didn't see coming at all.

Whether they change what that door does or not, or add in a few more major doors, I have to imagine we're seeing them walking through some doors to end the show. I kind of want them to explore the comic potential of them all linking arms again and then Jason dipping at the last minute and staying behind and the rest just kind of awkwardly stumbling into the doorway.

There's been no indication so far that full reincarnation in this system is even possible.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
Lol we are getting the What Dreams May Come ending.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
They are going to wake up tomorrow and the entire good place is empty because everyone peaced out.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Man imagine Eleanor waking up being perfectly content in their relationship and finding out, 'yeah, your boyfriend got bored, he's dead now.'

Also huh, can you have babies in The Good Place? Do you get to 'enjoy' the full nine months of pregnancy or nah, here's your instant baby.

I guess that's the problem, when gratification is instant, you lose the fun of working for it.

Mar 23, 2005

Duckling, darling.
I wasn't a fan of the entire episode, but I LOVED the good place committee bait and switch. I was expecting him to sign it and then get vapourised or something, and him just running around looking for people calling 'Dave' to explain was perfect.

Thought Lisa Kudrow was a good choice too, great ep. Also not ready for it to be over.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
That coulda been the finale and I'd think it was a very satisfactory ending. No idea what they could do with next week's ep but very excited to see it.

Jul 25, 2011

Avoid breathing
radioactive dust.
College Slice

ded posted:

They are going to wake up tomorrow and the entire good place is empty because everyone peaced out.

I was half expecting Chidi to announce the new plan, available now, and the entire audience vanishing a fraction of a second later

Was Hypatia the first real person who's shown up, and not just been referenced?

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.
Pillboy of Jacksonville

Sep 3, 2011

VY till I die
Grimey Drawer
This show gonna end on a pro-suicide note with all the main characters committing suicide?

Feb 18, 2004

You don't have to love me, but you will respect me.

PostNouveau posted:

This show gonna end on a pro-suicide note with all the main characters committing suicide?

Well it is not suicide, since they are all already dead.

I found their solution to be really affecting, the idea of the afterlife as a pit stop on the way to your true ending was a beautiful one, to me.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Really the only issue I have with the solution is one of interpersonal relationships. Different people who care for each other having different ideas of when it's time seems like an enormous problem.

Apr 22, 2008

here come the planes
if it can give you everything then you should be able to get more time with people if you need it, though

no I don't know how that gels with everything else

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
After how good this show has been, I think one or more of the characters walking through the suicide door would put a huge damper on the finale for me. I want happy endings.

Sep 3, 2011

VY till I die
Grimey Drawer

BigBallChunkyTime posted:

After how good this show has been, I think one or more of the characters walking through the suicide door would put a huge damper on the finale for me. I want happy endings.

Yeah it's a bold strategy let's see how it works out for them everyone will hate it if this show ends with all the major characters killing themselves

Apr 22, 2008

here come the planes
I'm not expecting anything but a time jump and their goodbyes honestly

this ep, if a little weak, was a good capper and happy ending -- but there's still an epilogue

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

It'd be amazing if the very last scene is ten billion years later and the afterlife is empty.

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.
Open on a party for the last human on Earth who dies and ends up in the good place.

Feb 18, 2004

You don't have to love me, but you will respect me.

BigBallChunkyTime posted:

After how good this show has been, I think one or more of the characters walking through the suicide door would put a huge damper on the finale for me. I want happy endings.

But isn't that kind of what they have been saying all along? There is no such thing as a happy ending, and trying to delay the ending to make it "happy" just creates eternal misery, one way or another. The only reason life has value is because it ends.

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know
I would think an influx of new people on its own would be enough to change and make the Good Place more engaging. Like, I can see how it got that way with no new entries in centuries, but new people should bring change and excitement.

Apr 29, 2003

Go, man, go!
Was the joke that Michael's neighborhood already had a flying dog?

Being kicked into the sun counts as flying, right?


Cattail Prophet
Apr 12, 2014

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the suicide door almost never actually gets used. Just the psychological effect of knowing it exists seemed to do a pretty good job of getting the good place residents out of their funk.

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