BigBallChunkyTime posted:After how good this show has been, I think one or more of the characters walking through the suicide door would put a huge damper on the finale for me. I want happy endings. I could see Janet or Chidi doing it. We've seen several times that Janet absolutely hates it when she doesn't know or can't do things, and that's one thing she can never know. I could absolutely see her going through that door for one brief moment where she knows literally everything. Chidi could go for similar reasons. That curiosity would gnaw on him for millennia. Or hell, even Gen. That would be a fun ending for her.
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 01:34 |
Wait a sec, Big Ben isn't a clock! ![]()
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CPColin posted:Wait a sec, Big Ben isn't a clock! Yeah, Big Ben was the doctor!
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I’m assuming if Team Cockroach had all gone to their own separate, perfectly tailored, eternally orgasmic parties, they would have lost each other forever. By linking arms and tailoring the party to all four of them, it was made incongruous enough to help them keep a hold on their essential souls. The grit in the clam. This does seem to point to a finale arc that examines the show’s ultimate focus on human relationships, now that the problem of infinity has been resolved and the importance of endings reinforced (in only 22 minutes). I’m going to miss this.
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Suicide door in heaven is nothing I could have ever guessed. So that's on brand. It's perfect, and because of the title of the finale I think we're in for a heartbreaking ending. I don't know how they got this through the network. So many great jokes that really hit me. The bedpan! The Matrix! I would hang out with these writers. This episode was so good and weird and shocking I don't even have the time to give all my thoughts. I'ver never seen a show that raises so many philosophical questions, had great jokes, and peaks at the end. Michael Schur is a loving genius.
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BigBallChunkyTime posted:After how good this show has been, I think one or more of the characters walking through the suicide door would put a huge damper on the finale for me. I want happy endings. I think we're in for a bad time. My vibe was Tahani was leaving. Cattail Prophet posted:Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the suicide door almost never actually gets used. Just the psychological effect of knowing it exists seemed to do a pretty good job of getting the good place residents out of their funk. Which would be a Matrix joke. As long as you know you can leave, you won't. 1glitch0 fucked around with this message at 19:30 on Jan 24, 2020 |
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I'm just as impressed with Michael's story twist - a reason for why the Good Place people have been so ridiculously agreeable, it gets them out of the picture before that behaviour gets grating, and Michael gets his ultimate dream job, in the best/worst possible way. As in, he's now the boss of the Good Place without really earning it, which is fun drama, but it also means he has a real goal that isn't going to end. Everyone's talking about the suicide door as the ending but somehow all the GP architects have vanished. Maybe he needs a few more...? Edit: Not that it means anything, they could just make up any old number, but I hope we see how many points Eleanor has now. She's got to be literally #1 at this point. uvar fucked around with this message at 21:33 on Jan 24, 2020 |
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Taear posted:Their system feels like it's saying yes everyone born since 1500 is bad and needs help though. this can't be repeated enough
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I feel like the suicide door has to reincarnate you. Partly because I never bought into "life only has meaning because it ends" but also because an afterlife that gives you a well earned rest before returning you to your earthly struggles as you ascend to sainthood sounds pretty awesome.
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Ishamael posted:But isn't that kind of what they have been saying all along? There is no such thing as a happy ending, and trying to delay the ending to make it "happy" just creates eternal misery, one way or another. The only reason life has value is because it ends. that's a stupid thing people say to rationalize and cope with a horrible fact - not a truth in and of itself even look at it from a rational extreme: no one who has ever said this has not had to face the fact of their eventual death. its the ultimate bias the only way to even begin to consider that this may be a valid point would be to speak to an immortal being.
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Ha I just rewatched the funeral episode and when Michael makes the argument about the Friends characters the only one he says should be in the good place is Phoebe.
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SunshineDanceParty posted:Ha I just rewatched the funeral episode and when Michael makes the argument about the Friends characters the only one he says should be in the good place is Phoebe. I was gonna point out that they pretty much wrote Patty as like season 1 Phoebe, or a nicer Ursula. Also I'm gonna miss this show for letting me laugh my rear end off at beloved sitcom icons saying the dumbest poo poo. Ted Danson going "The committee! It me!" and Kudrow's "Is it an S or is it a math?" nearly broke me.
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Strom Cuzewon posted:I feel like the suicide door has to reincarnate you. Partly because I never bought into "life only has meaning because it ends" but also because an afterlife that gives you a well earned rest before returning you to your earthly struggles as you ascend to sainthood sounds pretty awesome. "There is a door, and if you enter it you cease to exist." "There is a door, and if you enter it your consciousness is erased and you are given an entirely new physical being, located in a different place with no continuity with your past incarnation." Seems like splitting hairs really.
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The problem with the good place is simple - what gives something value? For example, if I like writing music, and in the good place, every song I write is a banger, and it comes easily, then what's the point? Why write music? What gives us true happiness? A milkshake, or the friends we made along the way? What will you remember? The good place is all about physical happiness, but it can't give you true happiness. Only milkshakes.
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In the end, for having fixed both The Bad Place, and The Good Place, and the afterlife in general, the gang gets to go to the Best Place. Brent is already there too
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I dunno if this is going to be an immediate thing though, I have to imagine most people are going to want to stay and soak up the Good Place for decades, probably until all their living relatives have passed on at least. I would bet on flash-forwards to a hundred years later when Chidi and Eleanor smile at eachother and have a sappy moment about "what comes next?" as they walk through the door together.
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That was a really uncomfortable episode, because it felt like everything was a trap. AND THEN EVERYTHING WAS A TRAP
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Cemetry Gator posted:The problem with the good place is simple - what gives something value? For example, if I like writing music, and in the good place, every song I write is a banger, and it comes easily, then what's the point? Why write music? But if the Good Place gives you what you want, couldn't you want coming up with new music to be a challenge? To be difficult?
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I don't find meaning in death so this is falling a bit flat for me.
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The series is going to end up with the gang walking through the door, then waking up and seeing a huge sign that says "Welcome! Everything is fine."
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Accretionist posted:I don't find meaning in death so this is falling a bit flat for me. It's not that death has a meaning in and of itself, it's that humans generally can't appreciate something that never changes. Death is the ultimate ending, the ultimate transition, but there are others.
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uvar posted:I was half expecting Chidi to announce the new plan, available now, and the entire audience vanishing a fraction of a second later Timothy Olyphant was just a few weeks ago~
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So the only difference between suicide on Earth versus living a good life to its fullest, helping everyone around you and eventually dying naturally is getting an Unlimited Pass to the Best VR Experience Ever, followed by inevitable suicide. That's your eternal reward for not screwing over everyone around you. And also since the show isn't going to commit to full blown Catholic Church philosophy and declare that people who commit suicide on Earth are barred from Eternal Peace, that means the only punishment for living a horrific life on Earth for their own selfish purposes is the exact same True Death of Eternal Braindead Peace (minus the couple century pass at Heaven's VR Fucktopia). 100%, if you wanted to min-max this philosophy, you should Boomer your loving balls off and abuse everything around you to your own benefit, because ultimately nothing matters and eventually you'll either wind up stuck in the backwash of reincarnation for eternity or you'll eventually finally be given the Gift of Perfect Suicide. gently caress me.
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Pinterest Mom posted:Timothy Olyphant was just a few weeks ago~ True! Technically a Janet simulation, he wasn't real in-universe, but close enough for me. What an unusual duo. Oh duh, I forgot Larry Hemsworth's cameo
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It's certainly a weird, kind of mixed message. Absolutely a weird note to end on. That said, there are technically two episodes left (call it one large episode if you like, it would still be split into two for syndication.) So I'm not ready to declare that it left a bad taste in my mouth just yet. And the title could mean anything, really. If the show continues to live up to its knack for being unpredictable but still fulfilling, then, as they say, everything will be fine.
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You guys are being super blasé about the prospect of being able to have all your wishes fulfilled. Like, okay, it eventually gets old because there's no challenge but like... how long do you envision it taking before you get bored of it? I have to imagine I'd be happy to live in the magical lap of luxury for at least as long as my lifetime on earth. If they can rig up a way for me to shitpost on the internet and play online video games I might never leave. The people in the Good Place have been there for a minimum of five hundred years -- the guy with the DDR jacket said he's from 2500 BC. It's gonna take a while before your brain turns to mush. Eternal pleasure until I've experienced everything I've ever wanted to and my brain turns to mush seems like a pretty good reward for being good on earth.
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Sure, I get that, but as I've said before, the major thesis of the show has always been "what we owe to each other" not "what's best for you." So for them to get to their destination and on a dime switch to "now that you're here, do what's best for you" is a jarring tonal shift that feels rushed and incomplete.
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ashpanash posted:Sure, I get that, but as I've said before, the major thesis of the show has always been "what we owe to each other" not "what's best for you." So for them to get to their destination and on a dime switch to "now that you're here, do what's best for you" is a jarring tonal shift that feels rushed and incomplete. OK do what's best for others in this place where no one needs anything.
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ashpanash posted:Sure, I get that, but as I've said before, the major thesis of the show has always been "what we owe to each other" not "what's best for you." So for them to get to their destination and on a dime switch to "now that you're here, do what's best for you" is a jarring tonal shift that feels rushed and incomplete. The ending really highlights that the entire journey of our main characters has been mostly self-focused (which is completely understandable given they're writing a network sitcom), but as some point the writers' ideal of "Heaven" should at least mention the role of extended family in Heaven. ... And to go completely Chidi, ON THE OTHER HAND, we shouldn't expect this show to come up with a perfect version of The Good Place. Humanity as a whole has spent millenia trying to figure it out, and no matter how amazing this show is, it doesn't have to have the perfect ending to be capital G Good. By just trying to say something important, it has elevated itself and is worthy of the title as one of the best episodic comedies of all time. Taken as a whole, the one message of everything we've seen is Go Do Something Good. I'm ok with that.
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It's consistent for the show to have not used the word Nirvana, but a bit stranger that this discussion hasn't. Nirvana door, not suicide door. There probably should also be a reincarnation door beside it though.
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I think we’ll get a final range of scenes with characters coming to The Good Place. Chidi’s friend with the boots, Simone, Eleanor’s mum, Tahani’s sister & Parents & Pillboi. The last we’ll see is Brent and Mindy St Clare. Eventually the crew will decide to get reincarnated to help improve earth but say goodbye to Michael and Janet with a ‘See you soon’
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They'll kill themselves and end up in the exact same cycle, learning more and more every time.
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Consummate Professional posted:They'll kill themselves and end up in the exact same cycle, learning more and more every time. Just like Janet!
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The last person to arrive in the Good Place will be Vincent from Lost.
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The Good Place should be all about contemplative traditions. The Hedonic Treadmill is out. The 'Unattainable Ideal' Treadmill is in. Buddhism and Nirvana. Stoicism and Sagehood.
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"Death makes life meaningful" is a dumb platitude.
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I think people have made a lot of assumptions about the door. The gang specifically said they don't really know what's on the other side / what happens. I think that's foreshadowing that the door doesn't just blink you out of existence. I also agree with posters that a suicide door would be an off-brand solution for the show to end with.
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If all the good place architects bailed, who's working with the bad place architects to continue to design the new afterlife scenarios? Wasn't that what was presented to us as the plan?
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Mr. Powers posted:I think people have made a lot of assumptions about the door. The gang specifically said they don't really know what's on the other side / what happens. I think that's foreshadowing that the door doesn't just blink you out of existence. I also agree with posters that a suicide door would be an off-brand solution for the show to end with. Yeah I think I agree with this. I think this show is smart enough to know that the people who have watched and enjoyed thus far won't enjoy an hour long tug at the heartstrings, showing the journey of everyone enjoying their afterlife, followed by them joining hands and walking through the final door and then credits. Nah, they'll probably walk through it in about 20 minutes. After that? Something wacky, weird, heartfelt, and real. It'll also be moderately preachy edutainment, but that's still on-brand for the show.
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 01:34 |
Mr. Powers posted:I think people have made a lot of assumptions about the door. The gang specifically said they don't really know what's on the other side / what happens. I think that's foreshadowing that the door doesn't just blink you out of existence. I also agree with posters that a suicide door would be an off-brand solution for the show to end with. What, didn't they say it gives you the "ultimate end"? I hate the idea that death is the only thing that makes life meaningful and I really didn't like this episode. The beats of it were fine, just not the overall message. Also I'm curious to know where the good place guys actually....went to. Where is there?
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