And now Sex Crimes is quite a swerve by NBC
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 22:17 |
PostNouveau posted:No one can follow Kristen Bell's toast. It was like she had that in the chamber already. I had to turn it off there. No way the rest of those toasts aren’t awkward as hell.
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Oh god I just realized that tomorrow's podcast is going to be just as rough
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Klungar posted:I had to turn it off there. No way the rest of those toasts aren’t awkward as hell. they were actually really sweet
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Klungar posted:I had to turn it off there. No way the rest of those toasts aren’t awkward as hell. The rest were generic "I love you it was great working with you"
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Well overall I still feel like the last episode was a better endpoint but I see why people would want more closure and I'm glad they got it here.
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WJH's toast to Manny was at least as good as Kirsten's but the rest were kind of whatever.
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I liked the ending. My wife didn't, she is one for the fairy tale endings. Did they say how long a Bearimie was in years?
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joebuddah posted:I liked the ending. My wife didn't, she is one for the fairy tale endings. Did they say how long a Bearimie was in years? I believe 1 Bearimy is equal to all of time
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"Take it sleazy" is almost as good a final line as Justified's.
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I actually knew that the ending was the characters slowly going through the door... but the execution definitely shook me. Michael and Tahani's endings really took me by surprise, and Chidi leaving earlier than I assumed really hit me. Chidi not having to wait on the bench is when the tears started. Evil Mastermind posted:But we do know. They become the little voice in your head that tells you to do good things
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That was a great ending, and it came at the right time. A season earlier would have felt rushed, a season later and it would have been stuck spinning its wheels for so long that it wore out its welcome.
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Despite my defense of the concept of the "everyone walks through the door" ending earlier this week, I admit I was a little worried early in the episode, around the time Jason was describing his sense of quietude, that the deaths would be too tied to the baggage of suicide. However, I think they walked a really fine line and made it work, especially with Chidi. It would be so easy to show it in a way that glorifies the decision, when it's actually painfully mundane and boring, because that's the whole problem, after all. You're still leaving people behind, of course. I suffer from depression, and while I don't really experience much in the way of suicidal ideation, that sickness still informs pretty much every moment of my life. The thing William Jackson Harper really captured in there is the crippling anhedonia, the "what now?", the feeling like you're just trapped in your own self with no recourse. It was intensely painful for me to watch Eleanor try to keep Chidi there because I've felt what he felt. And that really sells, for me, the pure, existential terror of eternity. When days already feel endless, how can the infinite be anything but a nightmare? On that note, I think Tahani deciding to become an architect (and to a lesser extent, Eleanor convincing Mindy of the power of human connection) was actually incredibly necessary to make this work at all, because it shows that there are, in fact, other options, still ways to find purpose and joy. It's your decision to create your own world (one might even say that the world ends with you), to decide for yourself how to live. Ultimately, the metaphor works, one not of suicide being painless and easy (as the goodbyes show, there's always a victim), but of dying with dignity, of allowing those whose quality of life will only deteriorate to go out in a way and at a time they choose. I've seen some people saying this show kind of lost the plot a bit this season, but I couldn't disagree more. I feel like, in the last two seasons, what this show is actually about has really crystallized. It's about inhuman systems, and how they turn into prisons that only harm those they're intended to serve. At first it was literal prison systems, now it's a system actually designed to reward that's turned into an oblique punishment. The Good Place architects weren't human, so they didn't understand human needs. And one human need is for an ending. I'm really glad they didn't do a "reincarnation" thing on the other side of the door, either, because that would feel weird. These characters have explicitly had everything they could ever have wanted, and then some. What experience is left for them? Let them rest. These characters already metaphorically die when the show ends, this is just literalizing that. This episode was all about letting go of the hardest thing there is to let go of, yourself. They die, and maybe I feel a little better about the fact that someday, I will too. This has been a beautiful show. Thank you, everyone. Arist fucked around with this message at 03:31 on Jan 31, 2020 |
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Also, this show is like, number one with a bullet in terms of humanist media for me
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I'm not crying, you're crying! ![]()
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edit: /\/\/\ lol ![]() I'M NOT UGLY CRYING YOU'RE UGLY CRYING like for real that poo poo was really hard for people grieving from a loss my god
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TwoPair posted:Well overall I still feel like the last episode was a better endpoint but I see why people would want more closure and I'm glad they got it here. ![]() Finale was alright.
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Arist posted:Also, this show is like, number one with a bullet in terms of humanist media for me yikes bro
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PostNouveau posted:The rest were generic "I love you it was great working with you" That is exactly what I expected and why I did not bother to watch
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Rewatching before I get around the past few eps and I wanted to post that Jason having a tan line midway up his biceps when he rips the sleeves off his tux during his wedding to Janet was DEEPLY immersion breaking
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Lutha Mahtin posted:yikes bro ![]()
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When I first started this show with my girlfriend, I'd heard good things but I'd only really seen Ted Danson's stuff. I was getting frustrated with the show because it seemed like it was taking the premise and doing not much with it outside of some sitcom tropes, just ~in the afterlife~. I told her a few times to go on watching it without me, but she wouldn't. Then when I saw the look on Michael's face in that last episode of the first season... I was hooked. All those lovely tropes made sense now! If I hadn't stuck with it, I would have been so mad. Not a single wasted episode in the entire series. (Maybe the "clip show" memory episode.) I think I'm going to go read some philosophy books!
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joebuddah posted:I liked the ending. My wife didn't, she is one for the fairy tale endings. Did they say how long a Bearimie was in years?
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I'll rephrase that: recent humanist media.
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Was there at least a background shot of Simone?
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BigBallChunkyTime posted:Was there at least a background shot of Simone? She was in the scene with Eleanor's Arizona friends and Chidi's old best friend in the restaurant.
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Arist posted:She was in the scene with Eleanor's Arizona friends and Chidi's old best friend in the restaurant. Ah ok, I didn't notice her.
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Podcast is up. It's 99 minutes long.
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Maybe I'm dumb but why does Michael becoming human guarantee that no human will ever complain to the judge ever again? I thought the setup there was leading to Michael becoming the new judge or something. Don't get me wrong, this is a better option in all ways, but that line tripped me up. Propaniac posted:That is exactly what I expected and why I did not bother to watch I recommend watching WJH's toast for Manny's reaction. Individual toasts should be graded on their effect on the person being toasted and he was so clearly moved. flashy_mcflash fucked around with this message at 04:20 on Jan 31, 2020 |
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So the real good place was the island tolkien's elves sailed to all along?
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I just spent over an hour sobbing uncontrollably. I know this is just a weird internet "ha ha, somebody cared about a TV" thing, but I had all my cries beaten out of me as a kid and when they come, I am thankful and feel like maybe I actually am human. I miss the people I've loved who are gone now. Schur knows how to make me cry. Edit: that's not even what caused the tears, but I don't have it in me to talk about that at the moment. Show ruled. Finale ruled.
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It is within the realm of possibility that there was a slow trickle of tears from the moment Jason knew until Eleanor walked through. That was really good.
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flashy_mcflash posted:Maybe I'm dumb but why does Michael becoming human guarantee that no human will ever complain to the judge ever again? Michael got to transfer from lava demon to human because he saved every soul in existence. Anyone who wants to petition the judge for an exception would need to enact an equally insurmountable good deed.
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So, since we're all giving our opinions: My initial impression is very positive, and I think that was a lot better than I expected from the last episode. What seemed really jarring and fast last week felt like it had more time to breathe here, and 'the door' became more of a metaphor for death in the real world than it did for suicide. It helps that they really hammered home that going through the door was NOT about boredom, but about a sense of completeness. And they did lean on the "what we owe to each other" angle, and successfully turned it around by asking when we are being selfish with our needs. That's a neat trick. Also, it's pretty cool that they got NBC to spend the money to send them to Greece and Paris. All in all, it ended about as well as it could have, which makes me happy, sad, and warm inside all at once. That's good TV. Well, they're all dead now. What's the next TV thing?
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boo_radley posted:Podcast is up. It's 99 minutes long. And it's part one
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BioThermo posted:Michael got to transfer from lava demon to human because he saved every soul in existence. Anyone who wants to petition the judge for an exception would need to enact an equally insurmountable good deed. Hey, show the fire squid some respect.
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WSAENOTSOCK posted:I just spent over an hour sobbing uncontrollably. I know this is just a weird internet "ha ha, somebody cared about a TV" thing, but I had all my cries beaten out of me as a kid and when they come, I am thankful and feel like maybe I actually am human. it's ok, that was really hard for me to watch too, and I was seriously sobbing ![]() I think anyone who has experienced loss and especially spousal loss is having a really bad night (regardless of that being a good episode)
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 22:17 |
ashpanash posted:What seemed really jarring and fast last week felt like it had more time to breathe here, and 'the door' became more of a metaphor for death in the real world than it did for suicide. Yeah I think the start through Chidi leaving was a real artistic achievement. I do not love the suicide door or the insipid insistence that death gives life meaning, but I can see why they used these devices to set up what they wanted to say in the first half.
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