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Jul 15, 2006

I hate this show I’m bawling


Feb 12, 2008

Klungo make bessst ever video game, 'Hero Klungo Sssavesss Teh World.'

flashy_mcflash posted:

Maybe I'm dumb but why does Michael becoming human guarantee that no human will ever complain to the judge ever again? I thought the setup there was leading to Michael becoming the new judge or something.

I think the implication was that Team Cockroach would leave the Judge alone forever, not all of humanity.

Sub Rosa
Jun 9, 2010

The thing that hit me hardest in the feels was Tahani's parents being loving. That feeling of apprehension that turns out to not have been needed. To have two loving parents for the first time in your (after)life.

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
I lowkey want a copy of that Jeremy Bearimy calender. Did anyone else see that picture of Chidi dressed up as a pro wrestler?

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing

Vietnamwees posted:

I lowkey want a copy of that Jeremy Bearimy calender. Did anyone else see that picture of Chidi dressed up as a pro wrestler?

Stone Cold Steve Austin, right?

Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe
A fitting end. My wife was crying for about 77% of the episode, and I had to laugh at her very rudely to keep from choking up myself.

They ended it at the right time.

I almost didn't start watching this show. The advertisements looked, to me, like a giant, glowing sign that read "Hot Hot HOT GARBAGE!", but my wife had the remote, and there wasn't anything better on. I was not expecting that first twist, and I was hooked.


Mar 28, 2010

Pandamn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta
Grimey Drawer

boo_radley posted:

Stone Cold Steve Austin, right?

poo poo, I just realized Stone Cold wasn't in the finale. 0/10, trash show.

Apr 5, 2007
Man. The first time I watched this show, halfway through I was like "lemme guess, they're in hell all along" and then that was the twist and I don't know, I wrote the show off thinking like it was just a really saccharine family network comedy that wasn't for me, I had to have been doing something else at the same time. I even told a few of my friends to not watch it, argued about it a few times online. I'm full of dumb and bad opinions but that's the wrongest I've ever been about a piece of media. I'm glad I actually sat down and re-watched it, it quickly became one of my favourite shows that just always stayed good and I made penance by recommending it to everybody in general.

I've never cried so hard or so much at a show. I think this just hit me in a lot of ways I was unprepared for, even though I was suspecting it given last episodes introduction of the non-existence option. There was normal sadness from saying goodbye to characters and stuff, but just more personally it's a strange thing to examine from that angle. It hits hard seeing someone become complete, fulfilling something, being a person made of holes - it's seeing a thing I work so hard to even avoid conceptualizing the possibility for myself. Then when Chidi was staying around because of Eleanor, I mean, I would unequivocally state that the only reason I allow my continued existence is because I know my willful absence would hurt the people who love me. I'm still struggling to name the emotion, I know it was manifest mostly through tears.

This finale made me feel a lot of different some type of ways, but just in-universe, this was as happy and perfect an ending as I could imagine for everyone. Kind of the sweetest and most logical conclusion of "living happily ever after," except, you know, being undead transitioning to true oblivion ever after infinite self-actualization instead.

Mokinokaro posted:

Tahani was kind of a twist.

I'm guessing we'll not find out what's through the door and that's part of the point.

What's to find out? We do know what's behind the door -- nothing. Literally, nothing. Isn't that the whole point? There's nothing to show, it would be physically impossible for them to even depict true "nothing." Even a blank black or white screen would still be "something." I think trying to depict "nothingness" would be self-defeating, any depiction they chose would kind of open up questions and muddy the concept.

Khanstant fucked around with this message at 07:35 on Jan 31, 2020

Rabid Snake
Aug 6, 2004

I'm so glad they had a Gardner Minshew mention in the finale.

Rabid Snake
Aug 6, 2004

Getting near the end. Seems like the good place felt more like a purgatory until you feel more satisfied about your life and leave to nothing

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Oh wow, I only just realized that Chidi had no hesitation about going through. Eleanor waffled for a million Bearimys.

I kinda wish we saw more of Simone reacting to thing, but the finale did feel overly long and short at the same time.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!
I think if Stone Cold was going to be in it he'd have been in last week's episode.
Them seeing his thing (was it a chair, I forget) was, to me, an admission that they weren't getting him.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Oh hey the finale is out let me just load up Netflix and see how it wa...


Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I'm trying to think of anyone we might have missed in the last episode and the only one that comes to mind is Chidi's friend with the cowboy boots? Unless he was somewhere and I missed it.

Dec 20, 2003

The one thing I was kinda expecting that they didn't do was that when chidi was ready to go, I was kinda expecting him to leave but then instead of going through to door, ask Janet to just pause him until Elanor was ready too.

I watch internationally on Netflix, I can't see the aftershow, can I.

Also i notice that Glenn's Good Architect partner was the one on the Medium Place video with Trevor way back in season 1!

MikeJF fucked around with this message at 10:00 on Jan 31, 2020

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Out of all the beautiful things about this episode I think the best is Jason spending his final thousand Bearimys in meditative contemplation bringing him all the way back to when we met Jianyu in episode 1 :cry:

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
I liked Shawn during the meeting trying to make out as if he wasn't enjoying the new system but being unable to keep a wry little smile from betraying his true feelings. Also "I'm sure she'll be certified ~Very Soon~... Did that sound evil? Sorry, I was trying to be sincere..."

Jul 23, 2007
As somebody who's lost friends and family to suicide, the ending was complete garbage.

Having the majority of the cast basically commit suicide one after the other was a terrible way for things to go especially when there was a non door alternative like Tahani.

You might feel that you've accomplished all you've set out to do in life but I can tell you for a fact that the hole you leave in your absence will never, ever be filled. Eleanor should have looked at that calender and then broken down forever because hey, that's what happens in real life.

It is incredibly selfish to just up and go and not think about the people you leave behind.

The last two episodes basically ruined the whole show.

Why bother trying to do good and helping other people because of what you owe to them if the ultimate outcome is that you say gently caress you to all your loved ones and just leave.

Feb 15, 2008

Kegslayer posted:

As somebody who's lost friends and family to suicide, the ending was complete garbage.

Having the majority of the cast basically commit suicide one after the other was a terrible way for things to go especially when there was a non door alternative like Tahani.

You might feel that you've accomplished all you've set out to do in life but I can tell you for a fact that the hole you leave in your absence will never, ever be filled. Eleanor should have looked at that calender and then broken down forever because hey, that's what happens in real life.

It is incredibly selfish to just up and go and not think about the people you leave behind.

The last two episodes basically ruined the whole show.

Why bother trying to do good and helping other people because of what you owe to them if the ultimate outcome is that you say gently caress you to all your loved ones and just leave.

Because eternity turns your brain into soup. The door is an analogy for peaceful death after a (supernaturally) long and fulfilling life, not the tragedy and abruptness of suicide.

Jul 25, 2011

Avoid breathing
radioactive dust.
College Slice
Beyond "I am satisfied" I don't think paragraphs of my half-thought opinions and highlights will add anything to the thread, except

"Shakespeare went through the door... everyone's talking about it" was my favourite individual line of this episode. Not the funniest, not the most important, but I like it and it says a lot about the world. Everyone is there (eventually). The ultimate door doesn't have or need a special name. It's being used. And even in paradise, people still like to gossip.

FWIW, I don't see the door as a metaphor for suicide at all. Don't really feel capable of arguing that position but I have no problems with it as a concept in the show.

Oh, and I'm assuming it was in this thread, thanks to whoever mentioned 'A Brief History of the Dead'. I haven't got very far into it yet but it's promising, even though I spoiled myself via Wikipedia on some of the plot points.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
I liked John's anecdote with Alexander the Great... I mean, Alexander the fine

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
The extent they went to for deep cut cameos was real impressive.

Apr 25, 2002

My takeaway from this show is "it shouldn't take an eternity for you to be your best self. Why are you loving around?"


I wish I had a few million bearimy's to spend meaningful time with my partner and kids and enjoy a long contemplative/meditative practice and maintain strong friendships and develop some hobbies and watch every drat tv show and movie in existence and read every sci-fi book anybody has ever written and travel the world and perfect the art of treating other people in a respectful and loving way but time marches forward too bloody quick, life doesn't seem that long from here at 35. you have to be so selective about what you do.
But then.. even with that knowledge I still make bad lifetime management decisions.

For me, this would be the perfect afterlife. The architects of the show did a great job.

Jul 25, 2011

Avoid breathing
radioactive dust.
College Slice
I'm now watching "What Dreams May Come " because I crave more fictional heavens and sadness. Thanks, Netflix!

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
There is not nearly enough love in this thread for Tahani turning it back around on Eleanor :allears:

Dec 20, 2003

From an interview, one thing they wanted to do but they just couldn't fit in:


I thought it would be fun to go to see another neighborhood filled with, I dunno, ninth-century Vikings and just see them living it up in there in their personal paradise.”

Pity. That would've been awesome.

Feb 27, 2001

Dang so this is like looking over his shoulder in real-time
Grimey Drawer

MikeJF posted:

From an interview, one thing they wanted to do but they just couldn't fit in:

Pity. That would've been awesome.

I'm almost shocked we didn't see some other famous dead people from history. Though it could've been easy to get carried away and it would have taken away from the main characters' story.

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed
A great ending to a great show.

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen

Rarity posted:

There is not nearly enough love in this thread for Tahani turning it back around on Eleanor :allears:

"Problematically Objectify Eleanor"

Jul 4, 2004

British dentistry is
not on trial here!

Rarity posted:

The extent they went to for deep cut cameos was real impressive.

I would have wished - as dumb and wrong it would have been - they had Larry David walk briefly in the background when Michael appeared on Earth.

I thought he was one of the new year's eve party guests for a second, but it wasn't him.

Kristen Bell has old woman hands.

Feb 12, 2008

Klungo make bessst ever video game, 'Hero Klungo Sssavesss Teh World.'

mcbexx posted:

I would have wished - as dumb and wrong it would have been - they had Larry David walk briefly in the background when Michael appeared on Earth.

Sepinwall made a similar comment about using de-aging tech to turn him into Sam Malone.

Oct 28, 2006

Help! A guinea pig tricked me.
So Janet just had to watch most of her friends and her boyfriend leave, and goes back to being a servant?

Son of a Vondruke!
Aug 3, 2012

More than Star Citizen will ever be.

mcbexx posted:

Kristen Bell has old woman hands.

Maybe that's why she wears gloves in the pool.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.

Turra posted:

So Janet just had to watch most of her friends and her boyfriend leave, and goes back to being a servant?

Janet will always be more than just another Janet, she'll probably make new friends. Also given her non-linear perception of time it's not like she's ever going to be alone as far as she's concerned.

Jan 16, 2008
Before she mends must sicken worse
Gen the Judge wearing an East Dillon Lions (and NOT a Dillon Panthers) shirt might might be my favorite little sight gag in the whole show

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen

BlueBayou posted:

Gen the Judge wearing an East Dillon Lions (and NOT a Dillon Panthers) shirt might might be my favorite little sight gag in the whole show

That one needs to be explained to me.

Eat This Glob
Jan 14, 2008

God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. Who will wipe this blood off us? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we need to invent?

BioEnchanted posted:

Janet will always be more than just another Janet, she'll probably make new friends. Also given her non-linear perception of time it's not like she's ever going to be alone as far as she's concerned.

Yeah, my takeaway was she's experiencing existence like the aliens in Spaughterhouse 5.

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know
Janet is a Prophet wormhole alien.

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
I think Janet will be fine. :unsmith:

I like that they explained what happened when you go through the door. Becoming part of someone else's conscience isn't something I was expecting. Pity the poor soul who will now have stomachache whenever faced with an ethical decision.

Also, what becomes of all the poor spiders without buttholes to infest?


Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe
Janet isn't going on without her friends. She straight-up told Jason that she's basically Dr. Manhattan when it comes to... experiencing... time....

... hey, anyone want to start a thread fight with the Watchmen bunch over which show did non-linear time, or Dr. Manhattan specifically, better?

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