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Jul 28, 2008

A little EQ, a touch of reverb, slap on some compression and there. That'll get your dickbutt jiggling.

Chidi and Simone have better chemistry than Chidi and Eleanor, which always kind of undercuts some things. The writers maybe noticed this though while drafting up this season, so maybe things will get interesting in that regard.


Sub Rosa
Jun 9, 2010

The question I'm pondering is how many episodes is this season going to stay in the experiment? This is the final season, after all. I just remember how pretty much every episode of this show ended with a last second interesting cliffhanger and this season hasn't so far, but I still expect that we should have two or three twists that escalate what is happening on the way to the end. But I'm guessing four episodes before the whole thing blows up into something new or different? At least has some twist like in Season 1 where Eleanor reveals she is the problem, or season 2 where Vicki takes over and the Soul Squad are in on things?

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I'm not really looking forward to them trying to rehabilitate the Two Pieces of Normal Trash. They're not just Averagely Bad, they're pretty scummy all around.

And I know Tahani was kind of in that boat too in her original life, but she was much more instinctive in actually doing good.

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:

Koalas March posted:

Wild rear end guess: If it is Vicki, she is totally method and ends up understanding Michael while trying to inhabit her character and becomes the second demon they manage to change and then even if the overall experiment technically fails, it succeeded because it made a another demon become a better "person"
That’s a good theory. Shows also don’t like making likable women the heavy, so it would make sense for Vicki to be redeemed

Another point is the number of times we see a reaction shot of Michael. I almost feel like the writers want us all to figure out “the twist,” only to have the rug pulled out by revealing that yes it’s Vicki but she’s come over to The Good Side. I love theorycrafting! (-2,108 points)

thanks alot assbag
Feb 18, 2005

That's a fun theory, really. It's like if she Faked It Til She Maked It. She could still have that pep talk with Eleanor and mean it, while also be acting.

Sep 11, 2001

At the end of everything, hold onto anything

Fun Shoe

boo_radley posted:

Vicki is the one in the Simone suit, right?

Oh god, what if they're ALL demons except for Chidi?

Edit: \/ I meant the candidates, not literally everyone

Mokinokaro fucked around with this message at 13:04 on Oct 5, 2019

Feb 26, 2016


Mokinokaro posted:

Oh god, what if they're ALL demons except for Chidi?
"Oh snap, dog, I've been a demon all this time? What a crazy twist!"

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

The final twist is they're in the bad good place and need to go to the good good place

Heaven is relative

Mar 18, 2006


RBA Starblade posted:

The final twist is they're in the bad good place and need to go to the good good place

Heaven is relative

The best place, weren't you listening to that ash-hole

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
One of them is actually Mindy St. Claire in disguise.

Jan 28, 2007

You know, the medium place kinda makes even less sense now that we know no one has made it into the good place in five hundred years. I don't care how good her charity idea was, Mindy had a higher point total than Doug?

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Snorting coke: +10000000000 points

silvergoose posted:

The best place, weren't you listening to that ash-hole

He'll be right all along, but he needs to go to the best best place

Sep 11, 2001

At the end of everything, hold onto anything

Fun Shoe

Bobulus posted:

You know, the medium place kinda makes even less sense now that we know no one has made it into the good place in five hundred years. I don't care how good her charity idea was, Mindy had a higher point total than Doug?

The whole point of Doug is that he made minimal impact on the world due to his lifestyle. He didn't sin, but he also didn't help anyone else. Mindy did.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

Doug's actions had no impact. If Mindy had an idea for a charity that saves children from war torn countries by establishing world peace through ending famine, then she basically invested in a points mutual fund and will rake in compounding points over time.

Feb 26, 2016


Also the Good and Bad Places couldn't decide if she got the points for her charity thing.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Bobulus posted:

You know, the medium place kinda makes even less sense now that we know no one has made it into the good place in five hundred years. I don't care how good her charity idea was, Mindy had a higher point total than Doug?

It's all because of the timing of her death. Had she died a little later the huge boost from her good deed would've catapulted her into the good place. Had she died later still, the natural whittling away of points that afflicts everyone would've gotten her back down into bad place territory.

The actual issue with the medium place is that it implies that not a single other person in 500 years managed a good deed big enough to temporary put their points in the good place range and then died before they went down again.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

Existing as a human: -10,000 pts/day

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Regy Rusty posted:

It's all because of the timing of her death. Had she died a little later the huge boost from her good deed would've catapulted her into the good place. Had she died later still, the natural whittling away of points that afflicts everyone would've gotten her back down into bad place territory.

The actual issue with the medium place is that it implies that not a single other person in 500 years managed a good deed big enough to temporary put their points in the good place range and then died before they went down again.

In addition, since she died while the idea was conceptual, it wasn't subject to all the complications and ramifications that every other good deed has due to their ripple effect that would have dragged down the points.

It would be like devising a plan to end world hunger, but to do so would mean destroying a whole bunch of forests to make space to grow all the food.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!
I will say that it's weird that when Mindy had the whole medium place thing you'd think the Good Place would be suspicious that nobody at all had been through to them for ages.
I know Jeremy Bearimy but still.

Sep 29, 2005

I represent the Philippines
Much like real life, when you've invested yourself in the idea that the system works, you can easily be blinded to the real injustices it perpetuates.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

It's also possible that the Good Place sours people and they wanted to exclude. Maybe we become the best version of ourselves in a medium place.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Taear posted:

I will say that it's weird that when Mindy had the whole medium place thing you'd think the Good Place would be suspicious that nobody at all had been through to them for ages.
I know Jeremy Bearimy but still.

As we've seen the good place are useless bureaucrats

Sep 29, 2005

I represent the Philippines
I'm thinking that with the show's emphasis on contractualism, it's going to end with literally "the real Good Place was the friends we made along the way".

Nov 7, 2012

Argue posted:

I'm thinking that with the show's emphasis on contractualism, it's going to end with literally "the real Good Place was the friends we made along the way".

What about the line Michael said in Season 2 Episode 10
"In a way, the Good Place was inside the Bad Place all along?"

Cemetry Gator
Apr 3, 2007

Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?

Taear posted:

I will say that it's weird that when Mindy had the whole medium place thing you'd think the Good Place would be suspicious that nobody at all had been through to them for ages.
I know Jeremy Bearimy but still.

Well, given that the whole theory behind the new experiment is that the system that judges people is fundamentally flawed and is too harsh and holds people accountable to an absurd degree, it makes sense given that it wasn't until Michael saw how these four terrible humans became good people that anyone saw a problem with the system.

Sloth Life
Nov 15, 2014

Built for comfort and speed!
Fallen Rib

Koalas March posted:

Wild rear end guess: If it is Vicki, she is totally method and ends up understanding Michael while trying to inhabit her character and becomes the second demon they manage to change and then even if the overall experiment technically fails, it succeeded because it made a another demon become a better "person"

Love this, it's basically what they are explicitly doing with Brent- making him "act good" with bad motivation, which earns no points but does hopefully become a habit. I would enjoy it if the group fail on improving the test subjects but end up improving the bad guys instead through the antagonist role.

Bobbin Threadbare
Jan 2, 2009

I'm looking for a flock of urbanmechs.

I doubt the fake Michael gave that speech, or if it was then the actor was way too in-character. Otherwise he could have supported her without bolstering her self-confidence so effectively.

I wonder if they'll use the fake Michael to discuss the Philosophical Zombie? Then again, I suppose that's what Janet and Derek are.

Sep 21, 2002

Are... are you quite sure you really want to say that?
Taco Defender
Also, of course, the problem is that both Michael and Janet went onto the train together, which means that they would both need to be replaced at the same time, Janet is needed to run the neighborhood, a bad Janet can't do the job, and a new stolen good Janet would not be capable of pretending to be the same old Janet.

There's no chance that the Michael in this episode was a fake based on that speech, that Michael was trying to help Eleanor, whereas a fake Michael would try and undermine her while looking like he's being his bumbling self TRYING to help her. No, there is no way that Vicky somehow, offscreen without the audience seeing any of that, went so deep into character that she somehow completely reformed, offscreen into a perfect imitation of a Good Michael.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Y'all gotta step back from being so deep into looking for a twist that you miss what the show is actually saying

Sloth Life
Nov 15, 2014

Built for comfort and speed!
Fallen Rib
They are really leaning into Dumb Useless Jason more than ever. He thought putting Chidi and Simone together was a good idea! He stands by the bro code even when his world has fallen apart and does NOT leave Eleanor hanging. Show my dude some respect 😠

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

I thought they had absolutely replaced Michael, but this episode totally cured me of that. It makes no emotional sense for that speech to have been fake.

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
I forgot to finish the last season i just found 5 janets in the void world. Best episode ever.

Feb 11, 2015

by Cyrano4747
I don't think Michael got replaced, but two Michaels seems plausible. The conversation with Jason seemed a little OOC for Michael; the advice was good, but Michael usually kind of treats Jason like a little kid instead of being hammer blunt with him.

e: comedy option, there's two Michaels and it's loving Shawn in the fake suit rather than Vicki like we've been figuring.

e2: double comedy option, the above is true and pretending to be Michael makes Shawn start involuntarily turning good.

Mar 5, 2004

Honestly the idea that Schur made an entire rear end TV show to criticize the prison industrial complex and the practice of punitive instead of rehabilitative justice is amazing.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
Given the Demon's love of everything awful it would be hilarious to have a Demon pretending to be a good guy being exposed to Good media and realising they actually enjoy it because it's not poo poo.

Jan 15, 2019

Blind Idiot Dog
I think Mindy is just supposed to be a glitch in the system due to the circumstances of her life that nobody bothered to properly fix, not the best person to come out of the last centuries.

Neon Noodle
Nov 11, 2016

there's nothing wrong here in montana
The Christian theological parallels are pretty abundant in this show, though I don’t think they’re necessarily intentional. Just stuff about philosophy that results from the historical and philosophical legacy of Christianity and Christian Neoplatonism.

The idea of salvation through grace, for example, as being necessary because following all the commandments is not possible, is right out of Paul. Also the themes of incarnation and powerful beings limiting themselves to reach our cosmos. The amoral demiurge vs. the human-identified savior figure.

This season so far they can’t help but make Eleanor into a Christ figure because of her dual nature, fully human but also with foreknowledge of others and command of godlike powers. But the subjects have to repent freely.

The framework is more Christian than anything else, to me, because of the lack of earthly reincarnation as central to moral development; the use of heaven/hell as have been passed down from Christian culture as opposed to other religions’ afterlife constructs.

I really want to read a thorough theological analysis of this show, or alternatively try and write one.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Neon Noodle posted:

The Christian theological parallels are pretty abundant in this show, though I don’t think they’re necessarily intentional. Just stuff about philosophy that results from the historical and philosophical legacy of Christianity and Christian Neoplatonism.

The idea of salvation through grace, for example, as being necessary because following all the commandments is not possible, is right out of Paul. Also the themes of incarnation and powerful beings limiting themselves to reach our cosmos. The amoral demiurge vs. the human-identified savior figure.

This season so far they can’t help but make Eleanor into a Christ figure because of her dual nature, fully human but also with foreknowledge of others and command of godlike powers. But the subjects have to repent freely.

The framework is more Christian than anything else, to me, because of the lack of earthly reincarnation as central to moral development; the use of heaven/hell as have been passed down from Christian culture as opposed to other religions’ afterlife constructs.

I really want to read a thorough theological analysis of this show, or alternatively try and write one.

This is why everyone hates moral philosophy professors

Mar 18, 2006


Rarity posted:

This is why everyone hates moral philosophy professors


Sep 11, 2001

Jet Jaguar posted:

I had to watch the high-five between Jason and Elanor again because I was laughing so hard. "You're right. It is the code."

That line and "We know, that's how you died." did it for me.

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