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Sep 23, 2012

Does this look like the face of mercy, kupo?

Ishamael posted:

reminded me of the Rural Juror song that closed out the finale of 30 Rock: Very moving, and very, very dumb.

god, I almost cried just reading this, what the hell


Rabbi Raccoon
Mar 31, 2009

I stabbed you dude!

curiousCat posted:

god, I almost cried just reading this, what the hell

I've seen the Scrubs finale at least a dozen times and I sob like a 6 foot 3 baby every single time. Last time I did my roommate thought someone died

Feb 18, 2004

You don't have to love me, but you will respect me.

curiousCat posted:

god, I almost cried just reading this, what the hell

It's all down to Jane Krakowski's performance, she manages to sing that stupid, stupid song with tears in her eyes and it is just a great performance.

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know
Speaking of 30 Rock they said in TGP Podcast that it was a true single camera show, like it was literally shot on one camera with film. That is shocking to me.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

Rabbi Raccoon posted:

I've seen the Scrubs finale at least a dozen times and I sob like a 6 foot 3 baby every single time. Last time I did my roommate thought someone died

I have to assume you mean the first finale.

May 22, 2005
Can't post for 8 years!

Ishamael posted:

So those are my nitpicks, and they are definitely nitpicks.

My nitpick is that the ending should have had them be married for either like 45 bermies or else like 45,000 bermies. Like it being some unimaginable fantasy unit of time it should have been either like they were married a normal number of years, but like, fantasy years that are trillions of years long, or some number that is so extremely huge on top of the unit being huge that it sounds like forever. Like I hated it being like 340 bearmies before they started to leave because it was just a unrelatable number and made it feel like it had only been a week.

That was the only thing I didn't like about the last episode (and it's extremely nitpicky, since we know a bermie is already unfathomably long)

Dec 20, 2003

Owlofcreamcheese posted:

My nitpick is that the ending should have had them be married for either like 45 bermies or else like 45,000 bermies. Like it being some unimaginable fantasy unit of time it should have been either like they were married a normal number of years, but like, fantasy years that are trillions of years long, or some number that is so extremely huge on top of the unit being huge that it sounds like forever. Like I hated it being like 340 bearmies before they started to leave because it was just a unrelatable number and made it feel like it had only been a week.

That was the only thing I didn't like about the last episode (and it's extremely nitpicky, since we know a bermie is already unfathomably long)

It was an unknown number of bearemies (but it seemed like they'd all been there a while) before the opening scenes of the episode, then 2200 more before jason left, then 320 more before Tahani was going to leave. Then 660 more until Chidi moved on.

Rabbi Raccoon
Mar 31, 2009

I stabbed you dude!

Mr. Powers posted:

I have to assume you mean the first finale.

The only finale. There is no final season that takes place in a medical school that's only redeemed by Eliza Coupe and shirtless Michael Mosley

May 22, 2005
Can't post for 8 years!

MikeJF posted:

It was an unknown number of bearemies (but it seemed like they'd all been there a while) before the opening scenes of the episode, then 2200 more before jason left, then 320 more before Tahani was going to leave. Then 660 more until Chidi moved on.

Yeah, I really am nitpicking. I just never liked it being like vaguely in the middle numbers, it made it hard to connect with them mentally on what the numbers represented reletive to each other. A bigger or smaller number make it feel more definitive. Like either "life is ~80 years on earth and ~80 beramies in heaven" or "they were around for 8 billion beramies and then left" like a beramie is already a joke silly fantasy unit that is already possibly infinitely long, so it doesn't really matter, but story telling wise it was the one part about the ending I wanted to be diffrent.

Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."

The Good Place - a show about 4 people who complained to management because they felt they were being treated unfairly by the staff.

Mar 18, 2006


The_Doctor posted:

The Good Place - a show about 4 people who complained to management because they felt they were being treated unfairly by the staff.

And then management tried to punt it off over and over and then eventually quit and made someone else do all the work.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

Rabbi Raccoon posted:

The only finale. There is no final season that takes place in a medical school that's only redeemed by Eliza Coupe and shirtless Michael Mosley

Then we are in agreement that Eliza Coupe is wonderful and it only ever took place in a teaching hospital.

Apr 5, 2007

Owlofcreamcheese posted:

My nitpick is that the ending should have had them be married for either like 45 bermies or else like 45,000 bermies. Like it being some unimaginable fantasy unit of time it should have been either like they were married a normal number of years, but like, fantasy years that are trillions of years long, or some number that is so extremely huge on top of the unit being huge that it sounds like forever. Like I hated it being like 340 bearmies before they started to leave because it was just a unrelatable number and made it feel like it had only been a week.

That was the only thing I didn't like about the last episode (and it's extremely nitpicky, since we know a bermie is already unfathomably long)

What? I thought the idea of a Bearimy was that one of it was a fantasy quadfinity krajillion "years" of length. Living one bearimy is already unfathomably long, 2 or more are overkill already.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
I know the scientific length of the unit.

One bearimy = a really long time.

Anyone trying to be more specific than that is a fraudster.

Jun 28, 2005

white and gold.

A Bearimy is also over in an instant. it's all in your frame of reference.

May 22, 2005
Can't post for 8 years!

Khanstant posted:

What? I thought the idea of a Bearimy was that one of it was a fantasy quadfinity krajillion "years" of length. Living one bearimy is already unfathomably long, 2 or more are overkill already.

Yeah, like I said, minor personal nitpick. I just kinda didn't like the "medium" size of the numbers they picked. It made it feel harder to connect to it story telling wise.

Like jason being in the woods for "like a thousand bearimys" worked, because you know a thousand is an impossibly big number to stand in the woods no matter what the unit, but then a lot of the other time periods felt like numbers that were just all over the place, and harder to react to.

Feb 25, 2006

I believe in a universe that doesn't care, and people that do.

silvergoose posted:

Just got to chidis choice on the rewatch.

"It's my three favorite yogurts" I think will remain my favorite line from the show.

My favorite joke is definitely Chidi saying he has to go to the bathroom "forever" after his peeps and chili gorge.

Ishamael posted:

Looking at S4 as a whole, it is really obvious that the Test took up too much time. Brent, Simone and the rest were never as compelling as the main cast, and we wasted too much time on them. I wanted more time in the Good Place instead, figuring out that paradise wasn't so great and making the tough decision to create a new after-afterlife that allows people to dissolve into nothing and return to the universe.

See, I have the complete opposite issue, I thought having the Good Place also have some problem that the main characters have to solve was eye-rolling. They already redesigned the entire system of morality underpinning the universe, now they have to fix heaven too because they're just that goddamn special. I was relieved that they breezed past that part. It kinda reminds me of how I feel it was a bit of a cop-out for the answer to "how do we flawed people get in the good place" to be "No one gets in the good place because the system is broken, and the main characters have to fix it!"

I know the show never really set out to answer the question of what being morally good truly is, but I thought the show was at its strongest when it was about characters trying to become better people, not when they were fixing universal bureaucracy with the souls of humanity at stake.

Also how come people still have to sleep in the afterlife.

Lurdiak fucked around with this message at 06:27 on Feb 15, 2020

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed

Lurdiak posted:

Also how come people still have to sleep in the afterlife.

They probably don’t, but most people find sleeping pleasant. Also, If you have infinite amount of time to do what you want, then there doesn’t seem to be much point in trying to change the human brain and societal norms.

the holy poopacy
May 16, 2009

hey! check this out
Fun Shoe

Oasx posted:

They probably don’t, but most people find sleeping pleasant. Also, If you have infinite amount of time to do what you want, then there doesn’t seem to be much point in trying to change the human brain and societal norms.

Yeah, it makes a lot of sense in the context of infinite time. Seems like it may be a holdover from the "eternity without end" version of heaven--when you have a literally infinite amount of time to kill, why not just sleep between milkshake binging sessions?

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen

silvergoose posted:

And then management tried to punt it off over and over and then eventually quit and made someone else do all the work.

I wonder where the Good Place counsel ever escaped to

Mar 18, 2006


BigBallChunkyTime posted:

I wonder where the Good Place counsel ever escaped to

We all do.

Mar 18, 2006


Honestly Vicki might be our favorite character of the not main 6; she's just so earnest in her acting.

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

Lurdiak posted:

My favorite joke is definitely Chidi saying he has to go to the bathroom "forever" after his peeps and chili gorge.

See, I have the complete opposite issue, I thought having the Good Place also have some problem that the main characters have to solve was eye-rolling. They already redesigned the entire system of morality underpinning the universe, now they have to fix heaven too because they're just that goddamn special. I was relieved that they breezed past that part. It kinda reminds me of how I feel it was a bit of a cop-out for the answer to "how do we flawed people get in the good place" to be "No one gets in the good place because the system is broken, and the main characters have to fix it!"

I know the show never really set out to answer the question of what being morally good truly is, but I thought the show was at its strongest when it was about characters trying to become better people, not when they were fixing universal bureaucracy with the souls of humanity at stake.

Also how come people still have to sleep in the afterlife.
I feel like while the show for sure didn't need an additional 5th season to tell the story they had left for s4, they should have either budgeted their time a bit better early season or preferably have had an ~20 episode run this season to have the second half breathe a bit more. Esp w.r.t. fixing TGP.

Dec 20, 2003

Yeah it felt really ridiculous to me that they fixed the good place after literally two minutes of brainstorming.

May 22, 2005
Can't post for 8 years!

MikeJF posted:

Yeah it felt really ridiculous to me that they fixed the good place after literally two minutes of brainstorming.

It feels like if the solution had been different it would have made sense. Like the series went on and on about a specific form of morality, and fixing heaven as the final step would have made sense for them to instantly see a solution if their solution was more of a capstone.

like the show was so much about how you don't have to be good, but that you just need to be working to get better and supporting each other and that is good. They get to heaven and there is no hardship so everyone degenerates. The problem they are presented with fits the narrative thread, but I guess the writers couldn't think of a philosophy concept to put there so they kinda just put a pretty good answer, but not one that flowed from anything previous.

like if they had instantly identified that heaven needed hardship and a way to constantly improve and introduced limitations or something, that would have made sense as a solution for those specific people to instantly see. The door is a fine answer, but no real connection to anything else so it felt weird they instantly thought of it.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

BigBallChunkyTime posted:

I wonder where the Good Place counsel ever escaped to

Yea it implies there's a lot in the afterlife doesn't it? Other places to go and other things to see.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo
Given that doors to nowhere are something any Janet can whip up without a moment's thought they could have just hosed off entirely.

Or considering that anyone can just go behind the green door to make all their fantasies come true they could just be in the party room forever

Sudden Loud Noise
Feb 18, 2007

Azhais posted:

Or considering that anyone can just go behind the green door to make all their fantasies come true they could just be in the party room forever

Did you watch the last episode on mute?

Dec 20, 2003

I assume they could only create the door to nowhere because Michael had been given admin rights.

Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."

I’m getting near the end of the podcast, and I absolutely adore all these people, but if I never hear Josh Siegal say ‘you know’ ever again it’ll be too soon.

May 22, 2005
Can't post for 8 years!
I feel like the good place council was sort of an abbreviated plot line. They kinda never did a whole lot and mostly had one joke and didn’t matter a ton.

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing

Owlofcreamcheese posted:

I feel like the good place council was sort of an abbreviated plot line. They kinda never did a whole lot and mostly had one joke and didn’t matter a ton.

Yes we all get it, they're stand-ins for Democrats.

Timeless Appeal
May 28, 2006
I get why people don't like that the Good Place can feel abbreviated at times, but so many shows either spin their wheels or have big reveals that eventually get walked back. Like that ended up being part of the point of Mad Men, that things were cyclical, but it ended up becoming the standard and it's something that tanks shows with good starts like Handmaid's Tale or Maisel. Nothing feels like its progressing in a meaningful place.

The Good Place is ironically one of the most alive TV shows. poo poo just changes and it's rare that they can take poo poo back.

May 22, 2005
Can't post for 8 years!
I feel like good place did 99% of what it set out to do perfectly but if it had one sin it's that the writers didn't always know what to do with characters, so you have a lot of stuff like tahani and jason sort of getting put on the back burner for a lot of the last season and simone's solipsism sort of fizzling out into a time jump and the council being pretty one note and just going away.

(I think the opposite is true and the writers also seemed to write characters more into the story when there was a good reaction, derek's original episode seemed like it took him out of the story way more definitively and they sort of ignored how reduced he was at the end of the first appearances in later episodes. I think even janet feels like she was planned to be a major character, but ended up even more major because of how much her fantastic acting stole the scenes)

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Sudden Loud Noise posted:

Did you watch the last episode on mute?

Michael was in charge, we don't know what happens to unemployed scrub angels

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Timeless Appeal posted:

I get why people don't like that the Good Place can feel abbreviated at times, but so many shows either spin their wheels or have big reveals that eventually get walked back. Like that ended up being part of the point of Mad Men, that things were cyclical, but it ended up becoming the standard and it's something that tanks shows with good starts like Handmaid's Tale or Maisel. Nothing feels like its progressing in a meaningful place.

The Good Place is ironically one of the most alive TV shows. poo poo just changes and it's rare that they can take poo poo back.

I mean, Babylon 5, Deep Space 9, Steven Universe - loads of shows change.
It's rarer in comedy but it still happens.

I think stuff spinning its wheels is more a symptom of US TV just dragging shows on until they stop being profitable. Doesn't matter if they're good or not.

Mar 23, 2010

Goons are changing the way children get an education in Haiti.

Edit - Oops, no they aren't. They donated to doobie instead.
The last episode and much of end was no longer about philosophical decisions but about writing decisions. Philosophy couldn’t help them with what happens in Heaven or Hell. The door wasn’t philosophical. The door was a character development tool. The most important thing about the door was displaying that Chidi could make decisive impactful choices. The door set up the scenario for Jason to actually live as a monk. The door let Eleanor end as a cosmic good instead of the bad person she lived her life as. Tahani ended the show helping others altruistically instead of helping others for selfish reasons. I think wrapping this show and giving 3 out 4 of them permanent endings caused my angst because it gave us an ending that I didn’t feel fit with the rest of the show.

Dec 20, 2003

Honestly, I feel like it would've been better if Jason ultimately decided to just go back to his life of meditation instead of going through the door. Just a happy eternity of infinite contemplation slash mental blank. It wouldn't invalidate the door, just emphasise the lesson from Tahani that there are different people with different needs and different options.

the holy poopacy
May 16, 2009

hey! check this out
Fun Shoe

MikeJF posted:

Honestly, I feel like it would've been better if Jason ultimately decided to just go back to his life of meditation instead of going through the door. Just a happy eternity of infinite contemplation slash mental blank. It wouldn't invalidate the door, just emphasise the lesson from Tahani that there are different people with different needs and different options.

Yeah, that would have really underscored the point about character development. Make it about who Jason has become instead of just whoops lol Jason accidentally did this wacky thing ok bye forever

From a character development standpoint the door definitely makes more sense as an end for Chidi and Eleanor.


May 22, 2005
Can't post for 8 years!
Did Jason really ever do ANYTHING after the first season? He made good comedy relief and this is a comedy show so it's fine, but it feels like he rapidly became totally irrelevant to any of the plot.

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