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Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.
I absolutely saw the Chidi book gag coming a mile away and still chortled.


Comrade Fakename
Feb 13, 2012

Obviously he’s extremely awful, but it’s kind of weird that they keep judging Brent for just asking for stuff. They literally told him he’s in heaven and that he can just call a magic lady who will deliver anything he wants. If I was in that situation, you’re drat right I’m ordering some Perrier and a car.

Oct 23, 2006


Arist posted:

I thought they had absolutely replaced Michael, but this episode totally cured me of that. It makes no emotional sense for that speech to have been fake.

It wasn't fake, Vicky totally empathizes with Eleanor because everyone doubted she could run the neighborhood as well. :v:

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

Neon Noodle posted:

The Christian theological parallels are pretty abundant in this show, though I don’t think they’re necessarily intentional. Just stuff about philosophy that results from the historical and philosophical legacy of Christianity and Christian Neoplatonism.

The idea of salvation through grace, for example, as being necessary because following all the commandments is not possible, is right out of Paul. Also the themes of incarnation and powerful beings limiting themselves to reach our cosmos. The amoral demiurge vs. the human-identified savior figure.

This season so far they can’t help but make Eleanor into a Christ figure because of her dual nature, fully human but also with foreknowledge of others and command of godlike powers. But the subjects have to repent freely.

The framework is more Christian than anything else, to me, because of the lack of earthly reincarnation as central to moral development; the use of heaven/hell as have been passed down from Christian culture as opposed to other religions’ afterlife constructs.

I really want to read a thorough theological analysis of this show, or alternatively try and write one.

Just what we need, comparing more things to jesus.

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Sloth Life posted:

They are really leaning into Dumb Useless Jason more than ever. He thought putting Chidi and Simone together was a good idea! He stands by the bro code even when his world has fallen apart and does NOT leave Eleanor hanging. Show my dude some respect 😠

Jason is going to remember all 800+ resets somehow, become the Kwisatz Haderach, and throw the perfect molotov, saving humanity

The Jaguars will still lose

Dec 19, 2012

Comrade Fakename posted:

Obviously he’s extremely awful, but it’s kind of weird that they keep judging Brent for just asking for stuff. They literally told him he’s in heaven and that he can just call a magic lady who will deliver anything he wants. If I was in that situation, you’re drat right I’m ordering some Perrier and a car.

Just drink water like a normal person. Perrier is some bougie poo poo that gets you bumped up in line for the guillotine

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Xelkelvos posted:

Just drink water like a normal person. Perrier is some bougie poo poo that gets you bumped up in line for the guillotine

They'd already be dead what's that going to do

Dec 8, 2007

GreyjoyBastard posted:

I absolutely saw the Chidi book gag coming a mile away
yeah, we all watched the scene :confused:

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I kind of feel like they don't really know what to do with Tahani right now. She's just been kind of in the background after her whole confrontation with her sister.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
It feels like we are focusing on Brent for now, and Tahani may get her arc with the gossip columnist a bit later like maybe after the experiment falls apart.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
The descriptions for the next two episodes are:

Episode 3: Michael and Eleanor discover something troubling and turn to an unusual source for help; Tahani lends her expertise to assist with one of the new residents.

Episode 4: Uncertainty abounds when an unexpected visitor arrives.

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
I could watch a whole season of Derek's various martinis

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Mordiceius posted:

The descriptions for the next two episodes are:

Episode 3: Michael and Eleanor discover something troubling and turn to an unusual source for help; Tahani lends her expertise to assist with one of the new residents.

Episode 4: Uncertainty abounds when an unexpected visitor arrives.

That's really vague.

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
I'm curious about the first sentence in Episode 3

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

BioEnchanted posted:

I'm curious about the first sentence in Episode 3

endless torture.

Mar 5, 2004

BioEnchanted posted:

I'm curious about the first sentence in Episode 3
They find evidence that Simone started a cult based around a weird book she discovered that describes, in detail, exactly how the afterlife works, from the point of view of a demon architect and Not A Robot

May 8, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Whalley posted:

They find evidence that Simone started a cult based around a weird book she discovered that describes, in detail, exactly how the afterlife works, from the point of view of a demon architect and Not A Robot

I'm not even sure if Janet would be capable of blushing, but if she could, then she'd be doing it right now.

Baller Ina
Oct 21, 2010

So on the "micheal got swapped" theory I didn't see anyone mention this but when Michael admits he faked his breakdown Eleanor says to him "you tricky devil!" and they cut to Michael kinda frowning. It's probably an over-analyzation (and I'm not some big proponent of either side of the theory) but it caught my eye.

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:

Baller Ina posted:

So on the "micheal got swapped" theory I didn't see anyone mention this but when Michael admits he faked his breakdown Eleanor says to him "you tricky devil!" and they cut to Michael kinda frowning. It's probably an over-analyzation (and I'm not some big proponent of either side of the theory) but it caught my eye.
I’m telling you, there are reaction shots of Michael that do not make sense if he is Michael.

The only hitch is how could they switch if he went on the train with Janet? But I’m positive that can be answered.

Jan 15, 2019

Blind Idiot Dog

Baller Ina posted:

So on the "micheal got swapped" theory I didn't see anyone mention this but when Michael admits he faked his breakdown Eleanor says to him "you tricky devil!" and they cut to Michael kinda frowning. It's probably an over-analyzation (and I'm not some big proponent of either side of the theory) but it caught my eye.

Turns out he's literally Satan and has been all along.

Dec 8, 2007

Michael frowns because he didn’t fake his breakdown. The Michael suit’s appearance in the preview was to remind us of the circumstances of that breakdown after almost a year off the air (and to remind us the demons can make skin suits, so Linda's reveal isn't confusing). Part 2 knocks down the theory really early, so if you're still looking for clues during Eleanor and Michael’s conversation, that's time which could be better spent crying instead :colbert:

Feb 11, 2015

by Cyrano4747
I do feel like the idea of two Michaels is still plausible.

Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."

This is going to be like that season of Doctor Who where there's two 11th Doctors running around.

May 17, 2019

"I'm seeing double here! Four Michaels!"

Apr 29, 2003

Go, man, go!
I think I got it. It’s not about what the Bad Place did on the train, but what Michael and Janet did. I bet they turned Chris or swapped him with a Janet-Baby for reasons.

General Dog
Apr 26, 2008

Everybody's working for the weekend
I hope Jason gets to see Gardner Minshew, the Jaguars’ prince who was promised, in action some day

Jul 23, 2007


I do feel like the idea of two Michaels is still plausible.

I love how every crazy theory could be plausible simply because the show is that well written.

Feb 11, 2015

by Cyrano4747

Kegslayer posted:

I love how every crazy theory could be plausible simply because the show is that well written.

The thing is, I'm not just throwing it out as a crazy theory.

Look at (and more importantly, listen to) him in that scene where he's talking to Jason. He doesn't sound right for Michael's usual interactions with Jason; usually, he either softballs any criticism directed Jason's way or speaks frankly but under the assumption Jason won't understand him. In that scene, he's just being hammer-blunt about how badly Jason's been loving up with Janet, in a way that really reminds me more of how Shawn's dialogue is written.

My suspicion is that Shawn's been continuing to put his finger on the scale by donning the Michael suit and going out into the neighborhood to gently caress with our protagonists whenever they're not with Real Michael, and that this'll be caught when Jason brings up that conversation to Real Michael and Real Michael goes "wait what."

Oct 12, 2012


The thing is, I'm not just throwing it out as a crazy theory.

Look at (and more importantly, listen to) him in that scene where he's talking to Jason. He doesn't sound right for Michael's usual interactions with Jason; usually, he either softballs any criticism directed Jason's way or speaks frankly but under the assumption Jason won't understand him. In that scene, he's just being hammer-blunt about how badly Jason's been loving up with Janet, in a way that really reminds me more of how Shawn's dialogue is written.

My suspicion is that Shawn's been continuing to put his finger on the scale by donning the Michael suit and going out into the neighborhood to gently caress with our protagonists whenever they're not with Real Michael, and that this'll be caught when Jason brings up that conversation to Real Michael and Real Michael goes "wait what."

Doesn't Michael give Jason actual good advice during that scene? What would Shawn's motivation be for giving Jason good advice? Shawn is cartoonishly evil. That's his whole character. Have we ever seen him do anything (after the reveal at the end of Season 1) without explicit knowledge of his intentions? The demon-in-a-suit trick might have been the longest his actions were disguised from the audience, and that lasted one episode.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

Michael being replaced by someone in a micheal suit isn't happening, for these reasons:

it's clumsily telegraphed/foreshadowed.
it robs the character michael of stuff to do in the early season
it doesn't lead to anywhere interesting
a body-swap/infiltrator story is somewhat cliché
we haven't dealt with anything old michael wouldn't do.

In short, it's not happening because it is the expected thing to happen.

Now you want a twist? Here's a twist. Team cockroach is going to fail. They will not rehabilitate the human test subjects to the point where they make up the point loss of their current lovely selves. BUT. Almost all the important discussion has occurred around the Accountant's Obelisk. The same accountant who was previously miserable annotating Weird Sex Things. Who will go back to Weird Sex Things if this experiment fails. Who may or may not be able to hear the moral debates of Team Cockroach, and be influenced by the implications.

Or who can be blackmailed to give positive points because otherwise it's back to Weird Sex Things for him. And as the show has repeatedly debated, doing a good thing for corrupt reasons is still doing good.

Dec 19, 2012
Oh Tahani, this plan is gonna backfire spectacularly.

Edit: Oh snap, it's this thing all over again.

Xelkelvos fucked around with this message at 01:08 on Oct 11, 2019

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Nice to see Jason playing to his strengths.

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
So which 8 characters?

Also, Shel Turtlestein

Apr 22, 2008

here come the planes
everything is going very badly but i don't really know where this episode is going

Feb 18, 2014

Somehow, Eleanor now becoming a torturer feels like she's falling into the plans of the bad place.

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen
A sexually explicit motorcycle!

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
Good ants.

Jan 28, 2007

Okay, maybe the "second Michael" idea is right. Maybe he asked Jason to open that jar.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Thanks, ants.



Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Bobulus posted:

Okay, maybe the "second Michael" idea is right. Maybe he asked Jason to open that jar.

Yeah, this was my first thought.

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