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Jul 24, 2007


EIDE Van Hagar posted:

if you get caffeine pills you can still only drink water

makes u think

Pretty sure I'd die, no thanks.


Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this


didnt drink on NYE, but chugging water all day, peeing like crazy.

feels good man

butt chug water in, piss goes out, you can't explain that

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat
had to interrupt my workout midway to pee due to watuary

mod saas
May 4, 2004

Grimey Drawer
watuary told me to look under my seat and there they were, the keys to my new car

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
day two has been another success. watuary going well.

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

i signed up to this last year thinking it would be easy. it wasn't.

this year i knew it would be hard, but the first two days have been pretty good

Jul 24, 2007


Day 2 headaches continue, caffeine detox sucks. Thankful Watuary started on the weekend! Gotta stick to it, I know I'll feel great in a couple more days.

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
a few weeks ago i ramped down from loads of coffee to one or two cups of tea daily. glad of it.

Jun 15, 2008

I had some coke zero and one small scotch today. Feels good. Everything in moderation.

Silver Alicorn
Mar 30, 2008


alcohol is poison

Silver Alicorn
Mar 30, 2008



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Feb 26, 2012

professor lumpy balls, they call me

on the contrary! whenever i fix my landlord's bluetooth or jump-start his car or whatever he says "will you drink vodka?" and pours me like 6 ounces in a water glass and then asks "will you eat garlic?" and pulls out a jar of raw peeled garlic cloves from the fridge and we drink vodka and eat garlic together.

even gave me a bottle of the stuff he likes

Sagebrush fucked around with this message at 00:56 on Jan 3, 2021

Jun 15, 2008

Lol @ all these countries claiming to be the birthplace of vodka

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

Sweevo posted:

i signed up to this last year thinking it would be easy. it wasn't.

this year i knew it would be hard, but the first two days have been pretty good

pleased to hear it

today i got my first “drat i could go a coffee” but it wasn’t really that hard to just not

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
i was very tempted by an orphaned can of coke zero i saw on the counter.

not today though, beverage satan!

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

good job for those of u doing a watuary

Dec 10, 2003

Nap Ghost
Okay I'm in. I've gotten myself up to like two cherry sodas a week and need to cut back.

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

Captain Foo posted:

good job for those of u doing a watuary


Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

tk posted:

Okay I'm in. I've gotten myself up to like two cherry sodas a week and need to cut back.

glad to have you

it’s never too late

unless of course it’s february

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
i'm sticking to my morning coffee, afternoon tea routine, it's been working well. had a kombucha on a whim yesterday, rip

mod saas
May 4, 2004

Grimey Drawer
are you the same guy who went into the gws vegan thread and posted the grasshopper nachos?

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
watuary for mindfulness, not zealotry, imho.

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat

mod saas posted:

are you the same guy who went into the gws vegan thread and posted the grasshopper nachos?

whats wrong with that

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
like nachos with real cricket protein? i'd try it once probably

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
if anyone feels like being generous, if you’d be willing to take a pic of your water bottle in your hand or something and a basic add quote like “i like drink water” and a name you’re comfortable with me quoting you from (i don’t care if it’s real) coz i wanna put up some social media posts

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
“drinking water to raise awareness for covid 19”

Jul 24, 2007


Day 5, first day without headaches. Woke up an hour earlier (5:30!) without the cat's help and was _awake_. One does not a sample size make so let's see if the trend continues. Watuary was a great idea, thanks Echi!

Too shy for social media pics though, there's too much face-scraping AI bs nowadays.

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
oh poo poo no sorry I dont want faces

just like, your hand holding a bottle or whatever

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

FalseNegative posted:

Day 5, first day without headaches. Woke up an hour earlier (5:30!) without the cat's help and was _awake_. One does not a sample size make so let's see if the trend continues. Watuary was a great idea, thanks Echi!

Too shy for social media pics though, there's too much face-scraping AI bs nowadays.

thats excellent man. extra water or lack of something else?

Jul 24, 2007


Ditched the caffeine :) I'll see what I can do on the water front once we get some sunlight going.

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
i reckon water intake naturally increases once you get over that "oh no juice/coffee/etc? guess ill drink nothing" stage

Jul 24, 2007


Oh yea consumption has gone waaaaay up as well, no doubt about that.

EIDE Van Hagar
Dec 8, 2000

Beep Boop
i have had cricket satay on a stick and chocolate dipped crickets and they’re both fine tasting but the texture would put most people off, getting little legs stuck in your teeth, etc.

Silver Alicorn
Mar 30, 2008


I couldn’t upload to Imgur so here’s a Twitter

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)

hell yeah, goon

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
*young anakin skywalker voice* IT'S WORKING!!!

Nov 12, 2016


hydration check

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat
hell yeah dude


President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
YOSPOS loves to drink (water)

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