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Dec 30, 2011


Jun 25, 2000

The soda water ban in the op is for "money reasons" but I take all my seltzer from the free fridge at work so idk about that

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
well it’s a non issue regardless if you ain’t gonna commit

Mar 8, 2009

рукописи не горят

i haven’t forgotten this but have not committed either way

Resting Lich Face
Feb 21, 2019

This case of an intraperitoneal zucchini is unusual, and does raise questions as to how hard one has to push a blunt vegetable to perforate the rectum.
Vodka is 60% water. 60% = 0.6. If we round to a whole number using standard rounding rules vodka is mathematically equal to water.

Resting Lich Face fucked around with this message at 04:13 on Dec 22, 2019

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

I'm going hard on the forbidden fluids until 00:00:01 on 01/01/2020 (that's 01/01/2020 for you backwards Americans)

Dec 30, 2011

im almost an american

Mar 8, 2009

рукописи не горят

theadder posted:

im almost an american

it’s only very recently that trump vodka could be considered better than bojo’s sparkling juice (sold exclusively at eton pubs)

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

as a lapsed waterian I typically only observe the holidays op

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

that said, I'm going to try to cut back on some of these. soda is already a once a month at most thing now. a coffee shifts tough so ill ease into a decaf lifestyle of self delusion

3D Megadoodoo
Nov 25, 2010

theadder posted:

im almost an american

im fat too

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

Agile Vector posted:

that said, I'm going to try to cut back on some of these. soda is already a once a month at most thing now. a coffee shifts tough so ill ease into a decaf lifestyle of self delusion

positive decisions itt

Resting Lich Face
Feb 21, 2019

This case of an intraperitoneal zucchini is unusual, and does raise questions as to how hard one has to push a blunt vegetable to perforate the rectum.
I only drink unsweetened tea and water.

Oh and booze.

I could think about nixing the booze though.

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
less than one week mother fuckers! best drown as much non water fluid as you can now while you still can

Jul 20, 2004

you should make a sick gang tag in blender with rippling water and gratuitous light refraction and caustics and poo poo

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
yes yes

also @watuary (twitter and insta) are already mine and they need horrendous renders with live love laugh text over the top posted daily

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

my mother gave me 24 cans of cola drink for Xmas. I have a bit of work to do.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

echinopsis posted:

also @watuary (twitter and insta) are already mine and they need horrendous renders with live love laugh text over the top posted daily

aren't you literally the #1 candidate for that work tho

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

idk someone here could easily become daw4terz0ne of watuary

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
6 hours and 18
minutes until

I am committed

Dec 22, 2004

i wish you well friend

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

echinopsis posted:

6 hours and 18
minutes until

I am committed


Dec 30, 2011


Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
won’t lie, i’ve never understood that emoji

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.


Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

is it in that sa encyclopaedia page that I never read?

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

anyway. here’s me:

name: King Cow

wife reckons: probably about 10,000 grams overweight

Age: rotor level

average weekly V consumption: 2500mls

average weekly Coca-Cola consumption: 3905mls

average weekly water consumption: 5250mls

average weekly occurrences where I swear at the horses: 15

average weekly alcohol consumption: gently caress all.

current status: New Year’s Eve and at my father in laws. I’m loving drinking piss.

Dec 30, 2011

its the best one

Dec 30, 2011

eating pasta which contains a modicum of the juice of a tomato op

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

Displeased Moo Cow posted:

anyway. here’s me:

name: King Cow

wife reckons: probably about 10,000 grams overweight

Age: rotor level

average weekly V consumption: 2500mls

average weekly Coca-Cola consumption: 3905mls

average weekly water consumption: 5250mls

average weekly occurrences where I swear at the horses: 15

average weekly alcohol consumption: gently caress all.

current status: New Year’s Eve and at my father in laws. I’m loving drinking piss.

oh geeze um

until day of course rough consumptions of fluids for shame

per day :

one cup of reconstituted from
oxo cube vegetable stock

about 1-3 litres of red bull

about 2-3 litres of beer

but now it’s water
or cold water

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
cool and fast fact :

water and ice coexist in equilibrium at 0 degrees until either all the ice has melted and only then will it get hotter. in this way ice acts as a buffer maintaining cool temerpatures

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

have to say

feeling like poo poo

gently caress you.

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
lol what’s wrong with you how can water make you feel bad

I’m so hydrated it’s not even funny

Mar 8, 2009

рукописи не горят

im not off to a good start for waturary mainly because off run over from boozember

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

don’t get me wrong, I’m loving hydrated.

doesn’t mean I’m loving happy about it.

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

hung over and got half way through making my morning coffee before i remembered this was today.

but i'm committed to this so its gonna be all water, all the time

Feb 26, 2012

echinopsis posted:

cool and fast fact :

water and ice coexist in equilibrium at 0 degrees until either all the ice has melted and only then will it get hotter. in this way ice acts as a buffer maintaining cool temerpatures

Of course this is only true if the volume is small enough that the entire thing can maintain total diffusion and there is limited heat transfer to the outside environment. Otherwise you'll have hot and cold spots.

A park ranger in Yellowstone once told me, while pointing at a frozen lake, that there were volcanic spots on the bottom constantly emitting boiling water but the lake was deep and large enough that it could still be frozen at the top.

Apr 7, 2007

doing great so far, op

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Sagebrush posted:

Of course this is only true if the volume is small enough that the entire thing can maintain total diffusion and there is limited heat transfer to the outside environment. Otherwise you'll have hot and cold spots.

A park ranger in Yellowstone once told me, while pointing at a frozen lake, that there were volcanic spots on the bottom constantly emitting boiling water but the lake was deep and large enough that it could still be frozen at the top.



Dec 30, 2011


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