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Jul 14, 2009

Taste the High Country

Darthemed posted:

Feels like someone’s gonna just go through all the comics available, looking for button-pushers like The Duplex and The Flying McCoys.

Have we forgotten Oh Baby! already?


Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set doesn't get its money worth.

Working Daze is...I honestly have no idea.

Super-Fun-Pak Comix changes gears.

Cul De Sac learns a fundamental truth.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

BigDave posted:

Have we forgotten Oh Baby! already?

please post Oh Baby!, we need something for Working Daze to look down upon

Apr 12, 2007


Archyduchess posted:

9 CWL is made by a deranged pervert and Dustin is made by the most unbearable boomer imaginable and Kevin and Kell is only imaginable in the absence of a benign god but Dilbert is made by a bigot who makes his money preying on gullible and scared people, and if we're ok with a blanket ban on, say, Gilchrist poo poo-- which we should be-- then I'm going to put my foot down on Dilbert too.

Post Pros and Cons if you absolutely must for now-- I don't like it and won't be looking at it unless directed to via report or whatever-- but Scott Adams is a bad and harmful person who makes a comic that is bad and boring when it isn't bad and harmful, and there's no place for him here. No more Dilbert and please don't make me type "posted Dilbert" into the little probation reason box.

I am not okay with a ban on anything. The answer to terrible things is more things. I am with Transmodiar.

I don’t think it is a good enough reason, “because the author is a shithead.” This thread was originally to mock and enjoy comics. If this how you want to moderate it, you have the hat and I dont. I understand and I am going to comply. I get the idea you want to hear other POV before the rule.

I get it is awful for trans folks, and I get that things are presented that offend sensibilities, play on prejudice, and are terrible subjects. Saying that, a character who is offensively paradoying a drag queen should get booted just like racist 1920s depictions of a black person, we don't need that here. I am saying the bar should be high because this is a criticism of the comic world. We are looking at a car crash and cant turn our eyes away.

The comic world, except for a few cracks of bright light, are a morass of dying newspapers and zombie strips where the original write died and a corporation took over the characters hollowing them out to be a shill in a desperate attempt for readership. New work is going away and only a few writers have much new. Ces being one, who does some great work that NEVER sees a newspaper. I think social media will soon be the only outlet for real original work, and its a little sad.

Dilbert WAY back in the day was a comic in a electronics trade mag written by a professional in the field, it got popular and went mainstream. It then went batshit crazy. Soon the men with money will notice the money drying up, and it will go poof.

The Residents espoused a theory of obscurity, bands did their best work before they became famous and starting playing for a paycheck. I think it applies for comics too.

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

Evil Mastermind posted:

Cul De Sac learns a fundamental truth.

Comic Strip Thread 2020: There is no dignity in snow pants.

Oct 9, 2012

Darthemed posted:

Feels like someone’s gonna just go through all the comics available, looking for button-pushers like The Duplex and The Flying McCoys.

Hey, Mike Du Jour is still out there too.

Me, I enjoy In Security because it's interestingly bad.


Rhymes with Orange


Get Fuzzy 1/5/00

And a friend of Jam's has finally posted on Gocomics that he hasn't been updating Edge of Adventure because he's too busy. So Sam may yet escape that collapsing temple!

Mr. Maltose
Feb 16, 2011

The Guffless Girlverine
It’s extremely cool how multiple trans posters in this thread, including the forum mod, have repeatedly stated that Dilbert makes them feel bad in a way distinct from the lovely strips that get posted here only to get repeatedly talked over by people who can’t just go to Comics Kingdom to look at garbage. No one makes Dilbert edits, there is no good discussion to be had from it, what do y’all even want it for beyond the joy of punching down some more?

Apr 19, 2004

Darthemed posted:

Feels like someone’s gonna just go through all the comics available, looking for button-pushers like The Duplex and The Flying McCoys.

Just wait until we try to really grapple with the Wash Funk conundrum.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

TampaTango posted:

I am not okay with a ban on anything. The answer to terrible things is more things. I am with Transmodiar.

I don’t think it is a good enough reason, “because the author is a shithead.” This thread was originally to mock and enjoy comics. If this how you want to moderate it, you have the hat and I dont. I understand and I am going to comply. I get the idea you want to hear other POV before the rule.

I get it is awful for trans folks, and I get that things are presented that offend sensibilities, play on prejudice, and are terrible subjects. Saying that, a character who is offensively paradoying a drag queen should get booted just like racist 1920s depictions of a black person, we don't need that here. I am saying the bar should be high because this is a criticism of the comic world. We are looking at a car crash and cant turn our eyes away.

The comic world, except for a few cracks of bright light, are a morass of dying newspapers and zombie strips where the original write died and a corporation took over the characters hollowing them out to be a shill in a desperate attempt for readership. New work is going away and only a few writers have much new. Ces being one, who does some great work that NEVER sees a newspaper. I think social media will soon be the only outlet for real original work, and its a little sad.

Dilbert WAY back in the day was a comic in a electronics trade mag written by a professional in the field, it got popular and went mainstream. It then went batshit crazy. Soon the men with money will notice the money drying up, and it will go poof.

The Residents espoused a theory of obscurity, bands did their best work before they became famous and starting playing for a paycheck. I think it applies for comics too.

I like your post, generally, and I resonate with it. I'm a big Residents fan.

That said, banning Dilbert from this thread doesn't prevent anyone who wants to read it from reading it. What it does is this:

(1) the people that Scott Adams hates don't have to be reminded of it every time they refresh this thread, which is and has been one of the best on SA

(2) it draws a line between general shittiness and specific shittiness. Scott Adams is a cruel, petty man, and the only reason Dilbert runs today is because it ran 10 years ago and that's because it ran 20 years ago, etc. One of the wonderful things about this thread is that a lot of us are seriously interested in comic strip history and yeah, Dilbert isn't what it used to be, nor is its author.

There's no reason to go to bat for Dilbert, here. It's neither obscure nor good nor doing anything ground-breaking. It's inertia at its worst.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
I also want to stress, the decision is made. I'm not interested in being persuaded that Dilbert is odious in an amusing way.

I love this thread a ton, I definitely skim or scroll past a lot of stuff, but enough people have articulated a serious discomfort with Dilbert that I'm going to be firm about its time here being over. We've lived without Mike du Jour, we've lived without Brother Rock, and we'll be totally fine without Dilbert, which is unlike the dated and shocking material in older comics (even something as comparatively "more contemporary" like FOOB) because it's being made in 2020 by a man from 2020.

How Wonderful! fucked around with this message at 02:50 on Jan 7, 2020

Apr 12, 2007


Archyduchess posted:

I also want to stress, the decision is made. I'm not interested in being persuaded that Dilbert is odious in an amusing way.

I love this thread a ton, I definitely skim or scroll past a lot of stuff, but enough people have articulated a serious discomfort with Dilbert that I'm going to be firm about it's time here being over. We've lived without Mike du Jour, we've lived without Brother Rock, and we'll be totally fine without Dilbert, which is unlike the dated and shocking material in older comics (even something as comparatively "more contemporary" like FOOB) because it's being made in 2020 by a man from 2020.

Nope, not going to bat. If Dilbert is the exception to the rule of a broad spread posted here of the good, the bad, and the ugly, this is fine.

I have been here since we were in GBS, and I hate posting words and not comics.

So to atone with CHARLES Addams May 16, 1953 New Yorker:

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Have another Garfield. From Jul 7, 2002, this one is notable to me because the coloring is kind of gross and because uh, that is some horrifying cartoon anatomy.

Mar 8, 2006

I've got my father's great big six-shooter with me 'n' if anybody in this woods wants to start somethin' just let 'em--but they DASSN'T.

Transmodiar posted:

I'm sorry if I've bothered you, but the general sentiment in this thread when people complain that a strip offends them is to get bent. I was told to suck it up when Funky Winkerbean went into its 10-week long circle jerk about Bull's CTE, so I know how it feels. Still, if you don't like the content someone shares, ignore is the best solution. Hell, feel free to put me on ignore, if you like.

I did my best to come up with a compromise between the post/ignore divide in that case so that the worst of it was strictly opt-in, and seeing as how TomBat did his damnedest to live down to our worst expectations on that arc (especially when he threw a comedy relief week right immediately after the funeral), that sinking feeling in your stomach at least had a little basis in the results. It was lovely storytelling, yes, but that's something we've proven we can deal with together if we try. But I'm not going to tell you that your gut feeling was wrong, because come on, we all saw what we saw.

This is where I would've transitioned into something about Dilbert, except I haven't got the faintest bit of interest because HEY LOOK, I'M POSTING COMICS OVER HERE!

Sally Forth

Skippy (August 23, 1932)

Peanuts (January 8, 1973)

Oh gently caress Me, It's Time To Go Back To "Saint Lisa of Cancerwife Revisited"


9 Chickweed Lane

Rip Haywire

Thimble Theater (August 6, 1936)

Out Our Way (December 4-6, 1933)

Toonerville Folks (June 17-19, 1916)

Dok's "Decline and Fall of Customer Service in the United States" Duck (January 9, 1913)

Last year around this time we tried a few fresh things from the newspaper morgue on for size, so how about we take a look at Rube Goldberg for a few days? Reuben Garrett Lucius Goldberg, whose name became a synonym for a certain type of ridiculously improbable contraption, had a restless imagination, and as a creator his rap sheet is profound. At this point in his career, it would appear his syndicate temporarily gave up on pinning him to one property and just gave him a space where he could go wherever the hell he wanted to. Let's see what that gives us. (December 31, 1923 -January 2, 1924)

EasyEW fucked around with this message at 00:14 on Jan 7, 2020

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

If anyone takes Dok's Duck away from me I will beat them to death with an eBay-sourced copy of the Essential Howard the Duck phone book

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!
Ahhhh, the healing salve of Out Our Way and Dok's Duck :yaycloud:

Aug 25, 2017

Other posters have already chimed in on why Dilbert and Pros and Cons should be kept off the thread, so I just wanted to say that both strips are made by lovely people with the aim to be as offensive as they can get away with. It's impossible for me to just hate-read their works when I know that they openly spew hate.

9CL's another one I'd rather be booted off the thread since it's just basically Brooke's fetish journal wrapped up in the most pretentious presentation possible. It's really gross, especially the ones where 6-year old Edda obsesses over every small detail about sex. Funky Winkerbean is also really gross in its own way since it's obvious that Batiuk's just fishing for awards at this point. The way he handled the Bull suicide story was just awful and it feels like he doesn't really give a poo poo about the topics he writes, except for Les and Cancerwife.

Be strong, Nekonaughey. :ohdear:

StrixNebulosa posted:

Have another Garfield. From Jul 7, 2002, this one is notable to me because the coloring is kind of gross and because uh, that is some horrifying cartoon anatomy.

The stretched-out proportions are gross but at least it's being used as the basis of the joke. It's not like the awful cat in Rose is Rose which stretches out for no good reason.

EasyEW posted:

Oh gently caress Me, It's Time To Go Back To "Saint Lisa of Cancerwife Revisited"

One, why can't they just talk over the phone like anyone would. And two, only a douchebag like Les would see it as a huge problem when a friend(?) pays for your plane tickets and expenses just to see you again.

Jul 20, 2017

👁️🔥👁️👁️👁️BE NOT👄AFRAID👁️👁️👁️🔥👁️

In my head the powerful Katrinka is paid like twice the norm for her job because she can just lift heavy things easily whenever the family needs it.

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

This is easily one of my favourite Charles Addams cartoons.

EasyEW posted:

Last year around this time we tried a few fresh things from the newspaper morgue on for size, so how about we take a look at Rube Goldberg for a few days?

Sounds good to me!

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable


Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

EasyEW posted:

Last year around this time we tried a few fresh things from the newspaper morgue on for size, so how about we take a look at Rube Goldberg for a few days?
Yes please! I know he did regular gag strips and an ongoing story strip, but I've never had the chance to actually read them.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
I would love some Goldberg!

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
Piping in as your local transman thread OP to say that seriously, please do not post transphobic comics by transphobic people. There's nothing even interesting about how bad it is, it's just a hateful slug spewing the same poo poo we have to deal with everywhere else. It's extra bad timing considering the, well, (gestures to the forums shitstorm happening over the past month and a half).

I hate Pros and Cons for similar reasons, even though it's managed to edge away from saying the quiet part loud yet. Dustin also sucks but it provides enough edit fodder that I'm okay with it.

2017 Spiderman

1978 Comics

Dick Tracy

Locher Tracy

Origins of the Sunday Comics

Footrot Flats

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Footrot Flats: oh my goodness that's a perfect portrait of my dog whenever my dad gets home.

Now it'd be a portrait of me and my mom as well but we're suckers who bend down and greet the good boy back :kimchi:

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
King Aroo 8/17/53

They'll Do It Every Time 7/24/46

Mopsy 8/3/42

fisting by many
Dec 25, 2009

Folks in this thread might enjoy this Twitter account that has been reposting Jucika strips.

Jucika is a mostly wordless Hungarian newspaper strip from the 50s and 60s about the titular single woman. There are strong Mopsy vibes, except Jucika is probably less likely to kill someone, and rather than soldiers the men in her world are harmless simps. There is occasional cartoon nudity but the strip is still a wholesome one.

If I had the source I'd post it -- but I don't, and reposting someone else's Twitter feed seems silly, so I'll just leave some samples.

Endless Mike
Aug 13, 2003

Star Wars is some wack-rear end XX-Wing

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!
Star Wars is so cool in black and white

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Jucika is also super good and I've been enjoying following it on twitter. It's a really good addition to the thread and for sure a nice companion piece to Mopsy.

Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!




Think this is a permanent character redesign?

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice
I hope so. Make Curtis 30 years out of date, instead of 40.

First of the catch-up posts.

A 2008 rerun, for some reason.

A 2011 rerun, for some reason.

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice
Catch-up continues.


Jan 18, 2003
Vintage Valiant (Feb. 27, 1937)

Following recent advice and not thumbnailing.

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice


Not gonna mention that Bikini Atoll, the site of some nuclear testing, is where the bikini got its name?

Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Mr. Maltose posted:

Its extremely cool how multiple trans posters in this thread, including the forum mod, have repeatedly stated that Dilbert makes them feel bad in a way distinct from the lovely strips that get posted here only to get repeatedly talked over by people who cant just go to Comics Kingdom to look at garbage. No one makes Dilbert edits, there is no good discussion to be had from it, what do yall even want it for beyond the joy of punching down some more?

Don't forget the poo poo originally started because a trans poster didn't even bother to actually read the comics she was posting. Because I probably did it a day I was working early. And thus didn't even notice the "holy poo poo WHAT THE gently caress IS WRONG WITH YOU" of the strip in question. And I'd been posting Dilbert for years.

But yes, I love to be told "just suck it up and skip the posts" as well. :v:

Frog and Toad
Jul 31, 2008

i'm so happy about vintage PV!

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set feels a breeze.

Working Daze gets its first kill of the new year.

Super-Fun-Pak Comix is #mood.

Cul De Sac doesn't want to rush into things.

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice

Jun 6, 2014

A true renaissance man

In place of this post imagine an awesome edit where Popeye beats up Scott Adams - like a really good edit.

Jul 20, 2017

👁️🔥👁️👁️👁️BE NOT👄AFRAID👁️👁️👁️🔥👁️

I would love if Jucika regularly got posted here because I don't have a twitter so I'll forget to check, but also understand why it feels weird to do that.


Jun 28, 2008

Didn't you mean to ask about flowers?
Post Jucika regularly because anyone new to the thread may not think to start from the beginning and would miss the link and the excellent comic.

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