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Sep 25, 2009

I honestly I have no idea who cannibal[SIC] is and I do not know why I should know.

syq dude, just syq!

Weembles posted:

it's amazing how old fashioned Luann comes off even compared to the early 20th century comics that get posted.

If Bernice were an actual RA acting this way, she'd have a shopping bag full of poo poo tied to her dorm room door


Feb 24, 2009

:roboluv: oh yes oh god yes form the head FORM THE HEAD unghhhh...:fap:

Julet Esqu posted:

She's so disproportionately uncomfortable with their mild PDA that I was wondering whether she's never seen an affectionate couple before and then I remembered that this is Luann and of course she hasn't.

I have this rising urge to draw Gunther and Bets walking over to the table, Gunther says "thanks Bernice!" and then Gunther and Bets start making out on top of the table right in front of her.

And then Bernice, horrified at this act of carnal indulgence, spontaneously bursts into flame and dies.

Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

ikanreed posted:

If Bernice were an actual RA acting this way, she'd have a shopping bag full of poo poo tied to her dorm room door

In her car you mean?
On a hot day?

Family Circus

Rose is Rose

One Big Happy




Feb 2, 2017

Shut the gently caress up.

Both this and the recent "DVR is haaard" Funky are strong competitors for Dustin's top spot as most Boomer-y strip

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!

not an edit :eyepop:

May 1, 2008

Outside the pointless "you're a millennial" jab that's actually pretty good joke.

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

Why does he even talk to him instead of locking the kids inside and going on Nextdoor to post that someone really should call the police.

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.
Y'know what I loved about learning cursive writing as a kid? Being told I wasn't doing it right/holding my pencil correctly and belittled because I didn't make my lovely handwriting look exactly like the lovely worksheet.

it's definitely a skill that has served me well in my job working on a computer 9 hours a day

Sep 5, 2009

While making a strip about people who get tattoos of symbols and words in other languages they don't know or care to learn can be funny. Completely voids all possibilities with MILLENIALS.

Still laugh thinking about Ariana Grande's "Japanese Barbecue Finger" tattoo.

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

ikanreed posted:

I know. I get the joke. But imagine your own kid doing that and what your response would be.

Annoyance, although I'd do my best to hide it. Considering Calvin's response he doesn't seem to get that his dad was annoyed either.

Feb 15, 2005

Millennial jokes get more and more dumb as I approach middle age.

Aug 25, 2017

JethroMcB posted:

Y'know what I loved about learning cursive writing as a kid? Being told I wasn't doing it right/holding my pencil correctly and belittled because I didn't make my lovely handwriting look exactly like the lovely worksheet.

it's definitely a skill that has served me well in my job working on a computer 9 hours a day

That sucks, and I'm sorry to hear that someone gave you a hard time for that. I hope it wasn't a teacher, because that'd be pretty lovely.

Even Hallmark would think this poo poo is too saccharine.

Considering Lynn Johnston's hatred of career women, how does she justify her self-insert having a work-at-home job? You'd think she'd make her self-insert give up her job so she can act even more of a martyr than ever.

The Bloop
Jul 5, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Lmao that every skill learned as a child should be applicable to your everyday life as an adult, as though learning practice and patience aren't themselves important.

Took me years to learn to tie my shoes but all I wear now are Crocs and Velcro sneakers, what a waste of time -goons, constantly

Jun 14, 2005

~Coxy posted:

Rhymes With Orange

F Minus

Mark Trail

Why did Mark finish his sentence? "Get them involved" in what?

Mary Worth

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD


Apartment 3-G

Jul 11, 2005

Come on Ilhan, lets go bag us a shitpost

At least the person is depicted as the right age to be called a millennial and it isn't some zoomer instead.

Nov 27, 2008

Modesty Papa

Jan 28, 2007

Mooninmama is completely unflappable, and it's great.

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

I am on the edge of my seat at the thought of Troubled Kids in Mark Trail. How racist/classist can we get? How completely detached from reality will this be? We’ll soon find out!

Aug 25, 2017

Johnny Walker posted:

Why did Mark finish his sentence? "Get them involved" in what?

I'm pretty sure the other guy's supposed to be saying the last line, Jams is just terrible at composition. I remember one of the things Vargo made fun of Jams for was this panel where the scruffy villain said something but Jams drew it in a way that made it look like Cherry was saying the line instead.

I asked someone I knew if the gifs from the Moomin show that had the family make fun of cops or always be ready to throw down was part of their character. They said it was just an exaggeration, but no, the Moomins really are that hardcore and firmly believe in ACAB. :allears:

Green Intern posted:

I am on the edge of my seat at the thought of Troubled Kids in Mark Trail. How racist/classist can we get? How completely detached from reality will this be? We’ll soon find out!

Okay, hear me out.

What if these Troubled Kids are all hooked on their phones and looking cook on social media? :v:

Johnny Joestar
Oct 21, 2010

Don't shoot him?


The Bloop posted:

Lmao that every skill learned as a child should be applicable to your everyday life as an adult, as though learning practice and patience aren't themselves important.

Took me years to learn to tie my shoes but all I wear now are Crocs and Velcro sneakers, what a waste of time -goons, constantly

cursive does not serve a purpose that is remotely worth stressing out elementary school kids with by telling them that they're going to have to learn to write that way because it's all that's used in high school and college to the point where the kids with dyslexia and other poo poo basically have anxiety-related breakdowns because they're afraid they'll never be able to get anywhere without it

but sure yeah it's entirely like tying shoelaces

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Having the ability to write nice cursive is good for somebody like me who takes a lot of notes in meetings and just out and about, and who likes to write and get letters. My hand-writing is just serviceable but I have some friends with beautiful penmanship and getting a letter from them feels super luxurious and nice.

I do agree that it shouldn't be, like, a graded task in elementary school though. I grew up during the tail-end, I hope, of early elementary school being truly rough for lefties (I remember big gross smears of graphite all over the side of my hand after doing handwriting homework) and it was one of those things where if you didn't have the motor skills down to a tee you could really be made to feel stupid.

How Wonderful! fucked around with this message at 18:45 on Mar 4, 2020

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

ask me about being a left-handed elementary student who had to learn cursive

the good news is that it was after they stopped forcing lefties to swap

the bad news is that I got so much pencil dust on my hands because you're basically dragging your hand over it as you write it

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas

StrixNebulosa posted:

ask me about being a left-handed elementary student who had to learn cursive

the good news is that it was after they stopped forcing lefties to swap

the bad news is that I got so much pencil dust on my hands because you're basically dragging your hand over it as you write it

I remember using right-handed safety scissors being impossible and learning to just rip paper very very precisely when I needed to cut out a shape rather than use them.

Dec 26, 2012

amigolupus posted:

I asked someone I knew if the gifs from the Moomin show that had the family make fun of cops or always be ready to throw down was part of their character. They said it was just an exaggeration, but no, the Moomins really are that hardcore and firmly believe in ACAB. :allears:
I seem to recall from one of the books that Snufkin's greatest enemy - the one person in the world he actually didn't like - was a park warden, because he forced people to obey various obtuse rules written on signs.
...which is a little funnier in retrospect now that I know about the freeman-on-the-land movement. But then again, Snufkin was never that gullible.

Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.
Modesty Blaise

The Bloop
Jul 5, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
I wasn't advocating for draconic or otherwise bad teaching practices and its weird that some people can't separate their experience of how they were instructed in something from the thing itself

Jul 14, 2009

Taste the High Country

Johnny Walker posted:

Mark Trail

Why did Mark finish his sentence? "Get them involved" in what?

...why is troubled kids in quotes? And why does that make me uncomfortable?

Endless Mike
Aug 13, 2003

BigDave posted:

...why is troubled kids in quotes? And why does that make me uncomfortable?

Because that's what their label says. It's probably technically correct.

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
2017 Spiderman

1978 Comics, including the missing Mary Worth from two days ago:

Dick Tracy

Major Crime Squad

Locher Tracy

Origins of the Sunday Comics

Footrot Flats

Jun 14, 2005

I only remember that the letters Q and Z were awful in cursive.

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

Dang those are some balls on those rams

May 1, 2008

Surgeon's Tales




Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender

Weembles posted:

it's amazing how old fashioned Luann comes off even compared to the early 20th century comics that get posted.
Hell, the 70s paper I get my old comics from has a Dear Abby column I read, and even with the hand-wringing over premarital sex that's still there, 70s Abby would defniitely tell Bernice to get a grip.

(70s dear abby is also surprisingly accepting of LGBT people, abortion rights, and birth control, which makes the hand-wringing over premarital sex even weirder)

The Bloop posted:

I wasn't advocating for draconic or otherwise bad teaching practices and its weird that some people can't separate their experience of how they were instructed in something from the thing itself
Cursive is a poo poo writing system that serves no purpose now that people don't have to handwrite things all the time(so writing speed isn't really a factor). It's straight-up worse than print if other people being able to read what you write is the goal. People who make sloppy print are completely loving illegible if they write in cursive. And there's an extra gently caress you if you have any sort of disability that makes it hard to hold a pen 'correctly'. Even when I was still in K12 schooling and handwriting notes, I didn't bother with cursive because I had both problems and print was just easier.

Aleph Null
Jun 10, 2008

You look very stressed
Tortured By Flan

Haifisch posted:

Cursive is a poo poo writing system that serves no purpose now that people don't have to handwrite things all the time(so writing speed isn't really a factor). It's straight-up worse than print if other people being able to read what you write is the goal. People who make sloppy print are completely loving illegible if they write in cursive. And there's an extra gently caress you if you have any sort of disability that makes it hard to hold a pen 'correctly'. Even when I was still in K12 schooling and handwriting notes, I didn't bother with cursive because I had both problems and print was just easier.

The guy with the best penmanship in my high school class wrote in all caps, block letters. I never had any trouble reading his notes. You could OCR his notes they were so clean.

My cursive on the other hand was trash.

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

Haifisch posted:

Cursive is a poo poo writing system that serves no purpose now that people don't have to handwrite things all the time(so writing speed isn't really a factor). It's straight-up worse than print if other people being able to read what you write is the goal.

My mother has the worst cursive ever, it is ridiculously difficult to read and more than once I've had to call her to ask just what this note she left actually says. I meanwhile only bothered to learn how to sign my name and I've never had an issue (though my signature has slowly devolved into squiggles that just kinda look like cursive). I don't remember me being left-handed causing me any more issues than normal, but my memories of school are a little fuzzy anyway. God, I remember looking at the side of my hand after class and it just being shiny with graphite.

Dec 7, 2003

Come, let us make a flower of despair bloom together.
About the only thing I found cursive good for was a speedwriting class I took in high school, allowing me to take notes in much less time than it would when using print or 'normal' cursive. Granted, it rendered my notes unreadable to anyone else unless they had also taken a similar class, but there weren't that many people who wanted to look at my notes anyhow since I was a 1.5 - 2.0 GPA student until my senior year.

Oct 10, 2012

Grimey Drawer
People are defensive about kids learning cursive because curriculums dropping it now implies they all wasted their time learning it back in the day.

Sep 25, 2009

I honestly I have no idea who cannibal[SIC] is and I do not know why I should know.

syq dude, just syq!

Huxley posted:

People are defensive about kids learning cursive because curriculums dropping it now implies they all wasted their time learning it back in the day.

I'm not sure if this is an American specific behavior, but goddamn is the sunk cost fallacy deep in our dumb brains

May 20, 2005

call it cursive because it makes me swear


May 20, 2005


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