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Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.
The Far Side
“Oh no! An albatross! … Well, there goes our luck.”

Omens and their meanings

Unlucky fishing holes

“With a little luck, they may revere us as gods.”

“Bummer, Rusty. … Seven years bad luck—of course, in your case, that works out to be 49 years.”



Somebody fucked around with this message at 00:17 on Jul 25, 2022


Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

god drat how is far side so good?

Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.
Modesty Blaise

Jul 14, 2013

Grimey Drawer
The sea of seagulls in this thread is beautiful :allears:.

I know I'm late to this but i only just noticed the art in Mark Trail. Always glossed over so i know it hasn't always been this unique. What happened?

Jul 31, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

How Wonderful! posted:

These are actually pretty nice realistic ways to help out a friend with a new baby coming, every new parent I know is super grateful whenever they can get an hour break even though they do of course love their new kid immensely. "Sanity savers" is kind of a goofy way of putting it but having even just an hour of space while your kid is taken care of by someone you trust is a huge boon to new parents. She could even cash it in a bunch at once and go out on a date! I think it's a rad gift.

Ditto covering meals for somebody going through something demanding and intense and time-consuming is a classic neighbor move-- I grew up in the burbs and definitely remembering neighbors coming over with lasagnas, pies, casseroles, etc., generally good left-overs food, whenever there was a death in the family or a long-term illness.

Even now if I have a friend who has lost a pet, had a new baby, is ill, etc., I usually find it a nice gesture to get them a pizza delivered or run over a plate of cookies or something.

Sorta related but I just checked the Facebook of the collective of four apartment buildings i belong to. The nice old lesbian couple in the next door hallway are offering to cook for anyone who gets hit by the Cornholio virus. They're not exactly spring chickens so I told them I could carry over any meals for them. There's also a lady willing to do laundry.
Turns out this shitshow is actually bringing out the best in us. This is Norway mind you, we all have the communal spirit ingrained deep down.

Johnny Joestar
Oct 21, 2010

Don't shoot him?


i don't know if tags are still being given out but i would like one if possible. i usually catch up on the thread at work and have been cooped up a few days so i'm behind

Aug 25, 2017

Parahexavoctal posted:

We were told that it was a complicated high-risk pregnancy -- there was something about the fetuses sharing an amniotic sac, I think. And Edda was sent to a perinatologist, not just an obstetrician. And then she spent the past several weeks on bed rest. There's a certain amount of detail beyond which it's not really fair to expect Brooke to go in a daily comic strip.

Honestly, for all the many, many faults in strips like 9CL and Luann, sometimes we're a little overharsh on them.

Huh, so it was explained, thanks for that! :v:

For me, I think 9CL is a gross comic that's just asking us to be harsh on it. We've had to sit through weeks, if not months, of Amos writing to his kids what a good lay their mom is, or multiple flashbacks to 6-year-old Edda being completely fascinated by all the mechanics of sex, and all of this is because of Brooke's thinly-veiled fetish of pregnant women.

How Wonderful! posted:

These are actually pretty nice realistic ways to help out a friend with a new baby coming, every new parent I know is super grateful whenever they can get an hour break even though they do of course love their new kid immensely. "Sanity savers" is kind of a goofy way of putting it but having even just an hour of space while your kid is taken care of by someone you trust is a huge boon to new parents. She could even cash it in a bunch at once and go out on a date! I think it's a rad gift.

Ditto covering meals for somebody going through something demanding and intense and time-consuming is a classic neighbor move-- I grew up in the burbs and definitely remembering neighbors coming over with lasagnas, pies, casseroles, etc., generally good left-overs food, whenever there was a death in the family or a long-term illness.

Even now if I have a friend who has lost a pet, had a new baby, is ill, etc., I usually find it a nice gesture to get them a pizza delivered or run over a plate of cookies or something.

That's a fair point, and I'll admit I was overthinking it. I just thought that while the gift was nice, calling the gift Sanity Savers reminded me that this is still a comic written by someone who hates her kids and being a mom. It tends to color my perception of the jokes in the comic.

Nyeehg posted:

The sea of seagulls in this thread is beautiful :allears:.

I know I'm late to this but i only just noticed the art in Mark Trail. Always glossed over so i know it hasn't always been this unique. What happened?

TL;DR: Vargo made fun of Jams on Twitter for using clipart to make his comic. Jams was a big baby about it and vowed to show Vargo how wrong he was, and this is the result.


If you want a longer explanation, Tiggum documented the whole thing here.

amigolupus fucked around with this message at 17:47 on Mar 13, 2020

Jun 14, 2005

Kennel posted:

kind of hard to believe American military would care about a prisoner being assaulted though
OK well that I can't argue with.
:lol: Good one

9CL chat: I don't see a young couple who literally just had their first birth suddenly discussing vasectomies, especially if they hadn't before.

F Minus

Mark Trail

He seems to have retained Mark's look. Also, I thought they split up into groups.

Mary Worth

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD

Thanks for that image.


Apartment 3-G

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

B: Tiffany? Where's Tiffany? Is she here??
G: No, she said to tell you she can't make it. Something else came up.
B: Something else? What is that? What could be more important than listening to me lecture couples about leaving room for the Holy Ghost all evening? I am nosy and must get into her business!
G: You'll have to ask her yourself next time you see her. I am not nosy and did not get into her business! Let's study!

So very easy, plausible, and not even lying.

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

I have no idea how a party of this apparent size is completely unknown to the RA. College dorm walls aren't exactly soundproof.

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.

Green Intern posted:

I have no idea how a party of this apparent size is completely unknown to the RA. College dorm walls aren't exactly soundproof.

Remember, they are next to the ELEVATOR! Which is famously noisy! Noisy enough to drown out an absolute rager while the only other thing happening on the floor the control freak RA herding everybody into a room and playing classical music a little louder than a whisper!

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!

I think about this calvin amphibian drawing all the time

Sep 19, 2012

goatface posted:

This is annoying me every time the page loads. They have 6 limbs.

Imagine I've edited the c&h panel to have the class shouting "Pteranodons aren't bugs!"

I had the same thought.

They're also bald. They should have four limbs and hair. Well, pycnofibers, but that's basically hair-analogous. They're not dinosaurs.

Drimble Wedge
Mar 10, 2008


Ol' Greg is somehow conflating minor authority figure (RA who just wants to organize events for people) with Grim, Adult Fun Police Following Saudi-Approved Morality Guidelines. It's weird as hell.

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
Yes, MW writer, it is in fact possible for men and women to be platonic friends, and I'm going to be super annoyed when you veer this into "oh we're dating now". :mad:

Jan 11, 2012

"Clevuh gurrrl..."

How Wonderful and Bird, is it too late to request a seagull gang tag? I don’t post often but this is one of my favorite threads and I always seem to just miss out on tags. :ohdear:

Jun 28, 2008

Didn't you mean to ask about flowers?
I'm not the only one confused by situations in Luann that can be resolved by telling Bernice things like:

"You have no authority over me."
"I'm not obligated to spend time with you."
"I do not enjoy your company."

Is there some sort of long term implied friendship(because Bernice is rude to everyone she interacts with) or outside power here?

Feb 22, 2003

Pigs are smarter than Bears, but they can't ride motorcycles
Hair Elf

Drimble Wedge posted:

Ol' Greg is somehow conflating minor authority figure (RA who just wants to organize events for people) with Grim, Adult Fun Police Following Saudi-Approved Morality Guidelines. It's weird as hell.

In all fairness, I knew quite a few RAs in college that were exactly like this, even though their authority most certainly did not extend to policing PDA; give these people a little bit of authority and they will use it to impose their morality on others to the fullest extent possible.

Oct 10, 2012

Everything is Sinister

I have returned from my sojourn overseas. Thanks for covering for me, The_Other. Sorry for not specifying the date of my return.

Would it be possible for me to get in on the gang tag action?

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender

Doomykins posted:

I'm not the only one confused by situations in Luann that can be resolved by telling Bernice things like:

"You have no authority over me."
"I'm not obligated to spend time with you."
"I do not enjoy your company."

Is there some sort of long term implied friendship(because Bernice is rude to everyone she interacts with) or outside power here?
Team Evans has no idea how college works and probably thinks the RA has way more authority than they actually do.

Jul 14, 2013

Grimey Drawer
I should ignore Luanne but seriously gently caress Gunther. His go to reply when asked if he was talking to Tiffany was to start a false fire alarm in a college dorm!? I'd expect that from a poorly written 8 year old. How old is Gunther supposed to be?

The sad thing is I really sympathise with Tiffany. Just knowing that she'll never stop having the world poo poo on her because the Evanses hate her is such a downer.

amigolupus posted:

TL;DR: Vargo made fun of Jams on Twitter for using clipart to make his comic. Jams was a big baby about it and vowed to show Vargo how wrong he was, and this is the result.


If you want a longer explanation, Tiggum documented the whole thing here.

Oh Christ. I was vaguely aware he didn't like Vargo's criticism but I had no idea it had escalated this badly. Thanks for the blog post.

Looks like I'm gonna be following Mark Trail for the foreseeable future :v:

Aug 25, 2017

Julet Esqu posted:

B: Tiffany? Where's Tiffany? Is she here??
G: No, she said to tell you she can't make it. Something else came up.
B: Something else? What is that? What could be more important than listening to me lecture couples about leaving room for the Holy Ghost all evening? I am nosy and must get into her business!
G: You'll have to ask her yourself next time you see her. I am not nosy and did not get into her business! Let's study!

So very easy, plausible, and not even lying.

I can't help but note that it's Bets who almost spilled the beans to Bernice. The usual suspects in the comments section must have loved that.

Doomykins posted:

I'm not the only one confused by situations in Luann that can be resolved by telling Bernice things like:

"You have no authority over me."
"I'm not obligated to spend time with you."
"I do not enjoy your company."

Is there some sort of long term implied friendship(because Bernice is rude to everyone she interacts with) or outside power here?

IIRC, Tiffany was a popular cheerleader in high school and wasn't friends with Bernice. It's only recently that she started to consider Bernice a friend because she was sympathetic about Tiffany's abusive stepmom (I think?). Note that Bernice's way of being Tiff's friend is by treating her as a test subject for her psychology classes.

Nyeehg posted:

Oh Christ. I was vaguely aware he didn't like Vargo's criticism but I had no idea it had escalated this badly. Thanks for the blog post.

Looks like I'm gonna be following Mark Trail for the foreseeable future :v:

You should check out the recent arc. Jams prety much wrote Vargo in the story as Dr. Camel and it shows. :allears:

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

amigolupus posted:

IIRC, Tiffany was a popular cheerleader in high school and wasn't friends with Bernice. It's only recently that she started to consider Bernice a friend because she was sympathetic about Tiffany's abusive stepmom (I think?). Note that Bernice's way of being Tiff's friend is by treating her as a test subject for her psychology classes.

More like Tiff was lonely and depressed (as a direct result of her dad's girlfriend's abuse) and Bernice horned in and gave her a bunch of brochures about being fat and how to not. It was very much a matter of catching somebody at their weakest moment. As much as I hate him, through that whole arc it was only Gunther who behaved like a friend. And Les too, actually, though the Evanses wanted us to think that his treatment of her was bad and wrong. (He continued to flirt with her even after she got fat! Oh my!)

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

Yvonmukluk posted:

I have returned from my sojourn overseas.

Feb 27, 2007

Black Bean has a tendency to stare and likes to hide.

amigolupus posted:

IIRC, Tiffany was a popular cheerleader in high school and wasn't friends with Bernice. It's only recently that she started to consider Bernice a friend because she was sympathetic about Tiffany's abusive stepmom (I think?). Note that Bernice's way of being Tiff's friend is by treating her as a test subject for her.

They became a little friendly even earlier than that when they got Tiff to give Bernice a “makeover” for her valedictorian speech at their high school graduation. Bernice only likes other people for their usefulness and we’re supposed to think she’s just being practical.

Jan 18, 2003
Vintage Valiant (Mar. 19, 1938)

Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
May 7th & 8th, 1981

May 20, 2004

Uncle Ben: Still Dead.

Medenmath posted:

Vintage Valiant (Mar. 19, 1938)

Question: Is the supernatural ever real in Prince Valiant, or is it always classic Scooby Doo shenanigans?

May 20, 2005

only the geese know for sure

Dec 2, 2014

Julet Esqu posted:

B: Tiffany? Where's Tiffany? Is she here??
G: No, she said to tell you she can't make it. Something else came up.
B: Something else? What is that? What could be more important than listening to me lecture couples about leaving room for the Holy Ghost all evening? I am nosy and must get into her business!
G: You'll have to ask her yourself next time you see her. I am not nosy and did not get into her business! Let's study!

So very easy, plausible, and not even lying.

Imagine not being able to white-lie yourself out of the most dull and non-threatening issue ever. Just imagine.

How can Gunther be a functioning adult? Like, seriously, it's so loving contrived. The fact that they had a week of him and Tiff just going back and forth when all that was needed for actual human beings to "solve" this was:

-Hey I don't feel like coming, and I don't want Bernice to know that. Can you just say I was busy?
-Yeah okay.


Jun 14, 2005

Nyeehg posted:

Oh Christ. I was vaguely aware he didn't like Vargo's criticism but I had no idea it had escalated this badly. Thanks for the blog post.

Looks like I'm gonna be following Mark Trail for the foreseeable future :v:
Cut him some slack. He had juvenile diabetes.

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009


maltesh posted:

Question: Is the supernatural ever real in Prince Valiant, or is it always classic Scooby Doo shenanigans?

Early Prince Valiant had a lot more magic and so on, he eventually dropped it and made it more realistic.

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

Safe Havens

Kevin & Kell Let's hope they don't get renewed

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Sep 19, 2012

FrumpleOrz posted:

Hagar The Horrible


Sep 28, 2006

New World Orderly
Nap Ghost
Very late to the party here, but I would love a tag, if at all possible.

May 1, 2008


Jan 18, 2003

Stultus Maximus posted:

Early Prince Valiant had a lot more magic and so on, he eventually dropped it and made it more realistic.

I was actually going to say the opposite!

maltesh posted:

Question: Is the supernatural ever real in Prince Valiant, or is it always classic Scooby Doo shenanigans?

It is very occasionally real, but even then it usually takes the shape of unusual creatures - in the modern strips we had yeti-like beings a few years ago and I think a huge "dragon" that was basically a giant monitor lizard about a decade ago in real time, and I guess the giant crocodile we saw a while ago in the vintage strips, while not impossible, wasn't very real-world-likely. Spells tend to be this kind of thing with drugs and the power of suggestion rather than truly impossible reality-bending powers, but once in a while the strips do have something happen that isn't explainable that way, especially in the modern stuff. The yeti strips I mentioned included some sort of magic nuke, for example, but it was swapped with a fake so there was no confirmation that the "real" magic would have worked. I can't profess to be familiar with the strip's entire eighty year history, but I don't think you'll find much D&D style fireball tossing in there.

But, at least once in a while...

Prince Valiant (Dec. 4, 2016)


Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA


May 1, 2008


Medenmath posted:

Prince Valiant (Dec. 4, 2016)

I guess I have to post this as well (by me from 2016)


Johnny Aztec
Jan 29, 2005

by Hand Knit
Prince Valiant probably operates on a similar magic level of Conan.

As in, Magic exists, but it's mostly real subtle stuff, and the occasional horrifying summoned monster.

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