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May 20, 2005

can we make this the thread title somehow


Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

Mikl posted:



(gently caress gender reveals. There are very few situations where they're actually good.)

I've been to one gender reveal party and the highlight was watching the mom and dad to be smash pink-and-blue-dyed eggs on each other's heads until they got to the hard boiled egg which marked whether the kid had a penis or not. It was wild.

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!



well that answers that


Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe

Hwurmp posted:

can we make this the thread title somehow

Tile it and make it our background.

Aug 25, 2017

I'm pretty sure this thing about Reagan was already in another Rip, so repeating this is completely unwelcome. Hell, I'm pretty sure we all reacted with the same contempt as last time.

If only someone told Batiuk he's a no-talent hack and he should just quit.

Feb 16, 2011


Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Kavak posted:

Gender reveal parties are one of the times I think people who talk about "The Straights" have a point.

It's The Cis, that's the issue. Genital reveal parties are weirdl Gender reveals only matter when it's someone coming out as not cis. If they're in a place that they can and all.

Family Circus

Rose is Rose

One Big Happy




May 1, 2008


Feb 22, 2011

Pigsfeet on Rye posted:

I think that this is growing on me, please keep posting it. It kind of reminds me of the subtle small-town humor in Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon Days.

Glad you like it. These early strips are more slice-of-life vignettes, but we'll start seeing seeds for longer story arcs that make up most of the series.

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
Mark Trail '46 12/2–4

Mark Trail '94 4/7–9

Jun 14, 2005

Haifisch posted:

Footrot Flats

Oh no! 30–50 feral hogs!

Kennel posted:


"It's the absence of light, Lothar. Duh."

F Minus

Mark Trail

Who the hell was that?

Mary Worth

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD


Apartment 3-G

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Dykes to Watch Out For (1987)
(spoilered for nudity)

Not a lot of topical stuff here and I am incapable of explaining torts or wanting to explain torts. I was curious about when the formulation "<x> of color" came into broad circulation since I personally didn't encounter it until college in the late aughts. It's apparently older than I thought, with a stray citation in 1796 and then MLK Jr.'s "citizens of color" before really entering the mainstream in the 80s and 90s. "Women of color" as a term for a specific political and activist bloc was introduced in 1977 at the National Women's Conference. Here's the great Loretta Ross on its origins:

Loretta Ross posted:

Y’all know where the term “women of color” came from? Who can say that? See, we’re bad at transmitting history. In 1977, a group of Black women from Washington, DC, went to the National Women’s Conference, that [former President] Jimmy Carter gave $5million to have as part of the World Decade for Women. There was a conference in Houston, TX. This group of Black women carried into that conference something called “The Black Women’s Agenda” because the organizers of the conference—Bella Abzug, Ellie Smeal, and what have you—had put together a three-page “Minority Women’s Plank” in a 200-page document that these Black women thought was somewhat inadequate. (Giggles in background) So they actually formed a group called Black Women’s Agenda to come [sic] to Houston with a Black women’s plan of action that they wanted the delegates to vote to substitute for the “Minority Women’s Plank that was in the proposed plan of action. Well, a funny thing happened in Houston: when they took the Black Women’s Agenda to Houston, then all the rest of the “minority” women of color wanted to be included in the “Black Women’s Agenda.” Okay? Well, [the Black women] agreed…but you could no longer call it the “Black Women’s Agenda.” And it was in those negotiations in Houston [that] the term “women of color” was created. Okay? And they didn’t see it as a biological designation—you’re born Asian, you’re born Black, you’re born African American, whatever—but it is a solidarity definition, a commitment to work in collaboration with other oppressed women of color who have been “minoritized.”

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

Truly, she meant a lot to them all

Nov 8, 2009

Vote shit sandwich or the shit sandwich gets it!
:10bux: says Tiff moves into that room.

Dec 19, 2007

Mikl posted:

:10bux: says Tiff moves into that room.

and all the DeGroots will dunk on her non-stop, Dustin-style

May 18, 2012


Julet Esqu posted:

Truly, she meant a lot to them all

This is astonishingly poor

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender

Manuel Calavera posted:

It's The Cis, that's the issue. Genital reveal parties are weirdl Gender reveals only matter when it's someone coming out as not cis. If they're in a place that they can and all.
Also, even the woman who invented them has gone on record as saying they're pretty loving dumb.

Jun 14, 2005

VR room?

Endless Mike
Aug 13, 2003

A room to play room scale VR games in.

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

It's possible Greg thinks VR is like a holodeck

May 18, 2012


Julet Esqu posted:

It's possible Greg thinks VR is like a holodeck

even if he doens't, luann definitely does

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer

Am I the only one finding this a bit... Bill Maheresque? Like there's satirizing religion and this is "every Christian is an uptight puritan fool".

The Bloop
Jul 5, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

Maxwell Lord posted:

Am I the only one finding this a bit... Bill Maheresque? Like there's satirizing religion and this is "every Christian is an uptight puritan fool".

M is often good and funny but it is also incredibly up it's own rear end, yes

Vox Valentine
May 30, 2013

Solving all of life's problems through enhanced casting of Occam's Razor. Reward yourself with an imaginary chalice.

Julet Esqu posted:

Truly, she meant a lot to them all



"Taken from us too soon, slipped loose the surly bonds of drama and petty dickery to pursue that demon narcotic, affection and queer matrimony. Her weird-shaped eyes will watch over us from upper New York State. We hold her memory in the place where all good characters go, setting a place for her in the vaunted halls of eternity next to Aaron Hill and Liberal Lady of Color."

Oct 10, 2004


I'll admit to being surprised that Larson expected his readers to be aware of the 1979 essay collection Broca's Brain, by Carl Sagan, which includes Sagan reminiscing about the time he found Paul Broca's preserved brain in a jar.

Somebody fucked around with this message at 00:59 on Jul 25, 2022

Sep 5, 2009


Maxwell Lord posted:

Am I the only one finding this a bit... Bill Maheresque? Like there's satirizing religion and this is "every Christian is an uptight puritan fool".

Like who would say no to a waffle AND a shot of whisky?

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

Parahexavoctal posted:

I'll admit to being surprised that Larson expected his readers to be aware of the 1979 essay collection Broca's Brain, by Carl Sagan, which includes Sagan reminiscing about the time he found Paul Broca's preserved brain in a jar.

Larson was not afraid of getting extremely niche with his humor, but I guarantee you some professor cut that strip out and thumbtacked it to the cork board on her office door. I'm pretty sure my parents had a couple Far Side strips on their office doors, but after all this time I couldn't tell you which ones.

Oct 10, 2004


Nothing that particularly needs explaining in this installment of Keeping Up with the Joneses, except that a $50 loan then would be upwards of $600 today.

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Jan 18, 2003
Vintage Valiant (Aug. 21, 1938)

Discendo Vox
Mar 21, 2013

The classical Freudian anal sadistic character in its purest form.
Not depicted: Val and Arn murdering everyone they interrogate.

On the gender reveal strip, I'm inclined to read it charitably as also criticizing the practice.

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.

Maxwell Lord posted:

Am I the only one finding this a bit... Bill Maheresque? Like there's satirizing religion and this is "every Christian is an uptight puritan fool".

I've really disliked it too. It's so condescending without having any sort of substance. Are these strips recent or are they from the height of Dawkins and the like?

The Lockhrosn

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

Safe Havens

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar THe Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

Classic Cat 17-8-2

Bogor 1975

Dec 2, 2014

The Bloop posted:

M is often good and funny but it is also incredibly up it's own rear end, yes

Norweigan comics tend to be quite up their backsides. See also: Pondus, Nemi, and Zelda.

Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
June 24th & 25th, 1981

Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.
Scary Go Round: WEN-TACK/Parents

Modesty Blaise

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

FrumpleOrz posted:

The Lockhrosn

This is the only Lockhorns I can recall that has one of them even halfway acknowledging that they kind of still love the other, despite everything.

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.

FrumpleOrz posted:

The Lockhrosn

I have to say it every now and then: I legitimately love The Lockhorns. Despite the fact that the thrust of the strip is two people constantly sniping at each other, it never comes across as mean-spirited; It's two cranks who got together and appreciate what they have.

Vox Valentine
May 30, 2013

Solving all of life's problems through enhanced casting of Occam's Razor. Reward yourself with an imaginary chalice.

FrumpleOrz posted:

On The Fastrack

Safety Dance
Sep 10, 2007

Five degrees to starboard!

Does SA still have a rule about hotlinking images?

e. god, the the 14-year-old forum rules are really showing their age.

Safety Dance fucked around with this message at 02:14 on Apr 8, 2020


Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Transmodiar posted:

Scary Go Round: WEN-TACK/Parents

The fact that Linton got over 100k views on him unpacking a fricking USB adapter makes me happier than it probably should.

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