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Oct 10, 2004


NRVNQSR posted:

If that's not adjusted for inflation it's the equivalent of almost $900 today, which seems like a pretty substantial price.

For that amount of marble, sure, but for pulling up 2200 headstones, slicing them in half, and then reinstalling them?

edit: oh, new page. Okay - I'd been planning to, when I finished with my little archive of Keeping Up With the Joneses, to post the rest of those Inside Woody Allen strips. I might also - or instead - do Tad Dorgan's Judge Rummy, about an alcoholic philandering dog who is a municipal court judge.


Drimble Wedge
Mar 10, 2008


Scary Gary

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

Know what, gently caress it, I'll give 'em this one. If the comic was more like this and less about spite and bullshit, it might deserve some of those awards it won.

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
Mark Trail '46 12/16–18

Mark Trail '94 4/21–23

May 1, 2008


Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
July 4th & 5th, 1981

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
Catchup post. I'll do Sunday strips in a separate post later.

The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Spac Guy

On The Fastrack

Safe Havens

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
2017 Spiderman

1978 Comics

Dick Tracy

Locher Tracy

Well I'm glad this story's here as we trudge through another Minit Mystery in modern Tracy.

Origins of the Sunday Comics

Footrot Flats

Mar 8, 2006

I've got my father's great big six-shooter with me 'n' if anybody in this woods wants to start somethin' just let 'em--but they DASSN'T.
Sally Forth

Skippy (November 9-11, 1932)

Peanuts (April 11-14 and 22, 1973)

Funky Winkerbean

Of course that's the reason, and not the whole "my deceased husband's best friend made a play for me while the body's still fresh in the ground" thing.


9 "Thinking About Our Infant Children Makes Me Excruciatingly Horny (So Excuse The Reader While He Throws Up After Typing That Last Phrase)" Lane

I don't usually do this, but let's follow a Twitter trail for just a sec:

Rip Haywire

Thimble Theater (November 7, 9-11, 1936)

Vox Valentine
May 30, 2013

Solving all of life's problems through enhanced casting of Occam's Razor. Reward yourself with an imaginary chalice.

Well. I was right about Funky Winkerbean but I will admit that took a turn I liked more.

Also big oof that 9CL creator nickname.

Zanzibar Ham
Mar 17, 2009

You giving me the cold shoulder? How cruel.

Grimey Drawer
I still remember spotting a 9CL fan in a boardgaming website. They had an avatar of the cat, and IIRC their profile blurb specifically referred to the great comic it came from.

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

I deeply dislike off-model modern Dick Tracy.

Also Holbrook’s strangulation trap continues to be really stupid.

Green Intern fucked around with this message at 02:58 on Apr 13, 2020

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
King Aroo 11/22/53

They'll Do It Every Time 11/14/46

Mopsy 11/24/42

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

I can't believe the Catpocalypse came back.

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Hostile V posted:

Also big oof that 9CL creator nickname.

That isn’t even the biggest oof because it’s missing a word. His fans used to refer to him as Honourable Master, or HM for short.

edit: the Commonwealth spelling is present in the original, for maximum pretension. Brooke is American and I assume all of his merry band of fellow jackoffs are too.

csammis fucked around with this message at 03:18 on Apr 13, 2020

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
Sunday update

The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

No Safe Havens on Sundays!

Stone Soup

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Sep 5, 2009

It's not like the noose is tied tight around her neck, could just slip out of it by ducking slightly.

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!
anyone got a link to the nazi grandpa storyline from 9CL?

Nov 24, 2006

Grimey Drawer
Nice try, Holbrook, but your dumb plotlines can't outstupid McEldowny's horniness!

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

FrumpleOrz posted:

On The Fastrack

Absolutely not, Bill.

Dec 1, 2005


"Husband, stop thinking about my mother loving someone."

Ban this sick filth or whatever the kids are saying these days. God drat.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

In today's Corto Maltese: Venexiana takes maternity advise from the Boss, or Rasputin and Marianne fail the Bechdel test, or Marianne and Raspa sittin' in a tree; K-I-S-S-I-... well, actually, coming as close to kissing as I think Raspa is emotional/physically possible to

Jul 8, 2003

FrumpleOrz posted:

Kevin & Kell

The cable system, at a summer camp, for kids, where the bins or whatever they are are low enough to hit people standing on the ground in the head, moves fast enough to snap somebody's neck.

this camp is a loving deathtrap even ignoring that this is Murder Hell World.

FrumpleOrz posted:

Kevin & Kell

"The rest of you are harmless herbivores, because I am blind and rely entirely on my sense of smell, and don't find anything suspicious about a rabbit that also smells like a wolf or whatever the gently caress that person over there really is, because they didn't clean themselves off before applying rabbit pheromones."

Feb 16, 2011


Angry Salami
Jul 27, 2013

Don't trust the skull.

Is this meant to be a child, or a very short balding middle-aged man?

Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.
Scary Go Round: Parents

Modesty Blaise

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
Zebus's dad is such a good dad.

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Cheer Up Boss Dharma

Mar 17, 2007

FrumpleOrz posted:

On The Fastrack
I don't care enough to spend any brainpower on this, but Dethany is a can with something "sweetened" and right next is a bull's butt which implies she is actually full of...

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Transmodiar posted:

Modesty Blaise

The woman there being insulted really caught me off guard. We've seen Willy pick up chicks before and he's always pretty transparently honest about not being the commitment-prone type and that he sees sex as purely recreational. My guess is that since this is an adaptation of the first story that characterization hadn't actually been established yet. Presumably O' Donnell added it in later stories because he realized not doing so kind of made Willy look like a dick.

Nov 8, 2009

Vote shit sandwich or the shit sandwich gets it!

Zerilan posted:

Zebus's dad is such a good dad.

He is. And somehow I'd missed that Sunita was Romesh's sister. Huh.

Oct 23, 2007

Your life and your quest end here.


Haifisch posted:

Dick Tracy
Do I just need more sleep or is this completely incpmprehensible?

Some Guy TT posted:

The woman there being insulted really caught me off guard. We've seen Willy pick up chicks before and he's always pretty transparently honest about not being the commitment-prone type and that he sees sex as purely recreational. My guess is that since this is an adaptation of the first story that characterization hadn't actually been established yet. Presumably O' Donnell added it in later stories because he realized not doing so kind of made Willy look like a dick.
I think it's more that "passing the time" is an extremely dismissive thing to say, like as though he may as well be playing patience or watching TV, and even if it's a casual, one-off thing you'd still like to think you made a bit more impact than that.

Jul 31, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

Fun fact about prison life: the notches on the wall are pretty common, I and others did them when I served time back in 07. But we had cork-boards in the room so you jotted on a paper stuck on there. I framed mine with a bunch of doodles and my roomie saw that and wanted one. After that people payed me a cigarette to make one.
Closest I've been to being a cartoonist. A whole load of hidden Transformers and Ninja Turtles. Also the bots from MST3K.

Somebody fucked around with this message at 01:05 on Jul 25, 2022

Mar 1, 2009

Tiggum posted:

Do I just need more sleep or is this completely incpmprehensible?

You need to know that Mysta Chimera was previously a criminal named Mindy Ermine and that she has no memory of that life, but otherwise I think it's pretty straightforward? Mysta has been kidnapped by someone who has some kind of grudge against her from her former life.

I'm pretty sure the culprit in this Minit Mystery is Dick Tracy; we can see him eating the jelly doughnut in panel three.

Oct 22, 2009

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Tiggum posted:

Do I just need more sleep or is this completely incpmprehensible

I get the same feeling every time I try to read modern Dick Tracy. Weirdly enough, even if I've skipped a week or two, I never have any trouble figuring out what's going on in either of the classic Dick Tracies.

Tiggum posted:

I think it's more that "passing the time" is an extremely dismissive thing to say, like as though he may as well be playing patience or watching TV, and even if it's a casual, one-off thing you'd still like to think you made a bit more impact than that.

Funny thing is, when you phrase it like that, I can see a man being offended. A woman? Not so much. Which seems like a very sexist assumption on my part although I can't quite pinpoint why or in which direction.

Some Guy TT fucked around with this message at 10:33 on Apr 13, 2020

Feb 16, 2011


Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Lodin posted:

Fun fact about prison life: the notches on the wall are pretty common, I and others did them when I served time back in 07. But we had cork-boards in the room so you jotted on a paper stuck on there. I framed mine with a bunch of doodles and my roomie saw that and wanted one. After that people payed me a cigarette to make one.
Closest I've been to being a cartoonist. A whole load of hidden Transformers and Ninja Turtles. Also the bots from MST3K.

I can't give you a cigarette through the internet, but I can ask for a doodle. Do you have any?

May 20, 2005

how is the Fit Mum chosen when every mum is fit


Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

EasyEW posted:

Funky Winkerbean

Stealing IP from their friends, smdh.

What a good dad!

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