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Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Cheer Up Boss Dharma


El Spamo
Aug 21, 2003

Fuss and misery

I have seen more subtle hardcore porn

May 1, 2008


Some Guy TT posted:

On one end a six pack of bottled beer is one of the more impractical things a person can shoplift so I can't help but feel like this is supposed to be some kind of moral statement.

On the other end that cigarette smoking rat is avatar worthy.

At least around here grabbing a case of beer and running seems to be one of the most common (* shoplifting methods. Those don't have alarms though.

*) or just the most visible, because they don't even try to hide it.

Kennel fucked around with this message at 17:39 on Apr 19, 2020

Oct 10, 2004


Some Guy TT posted:

On one hand a six pack of bottled beer is one of the more impractical things a person can shoplift so I can't help but feel like this is supposed to be some kind of moral statement.

Ruthie's acting like an actual child her age, though. That's remarkable for OBH.

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

I'd say I can't get over how deliberately the shoplifter is visually coded - like, this can't be a generic character just having something under his jacket, he's got to be UNSHAVEN and wearing a HOODIE and specifically stealing BEER so no one can say he might just be hungry - but mostly what I can't get over, generally, is how badly OBH is drawn.

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!




Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer

Johnny Walker posted:

Mary Worth

"OK...Oh! What do you think of this? It's called the Washington Square Arch!"
"I think that it is no Arc de Triomphe! That is in Paris, you know! Paris, France!"

Okay so the Moulin Rouge is a cabaret show, so what he's saying is he expected more live animals, topless dancers, and ventriloquists.

Jun 14, 2005

Angular Cyrus posted:

King Aroo 11/28/53

Ah, yes. The Condovirus.

F Minus

Mark Trail

Mark's skin coloring has been shifting the last few Sundays, I notice. Edit: Also three styles. Hmmm.

Mary Worth

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe


Rex Morgan MD


It took me a minute to figure this one out, but when I did I thought it was real clever. The y axis is on the right.

Flash Gordon

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

Johnny Walker posted:

Rex Morgan MD


Oct 22, 2009

Johnny Walker posted:

Ah, yes. The Condovirus.


I was also going to ask WTF is up with Odie's mouth, we need one of those cartoon x-ray diagrams.

Jul 14, 2002

B Kliban

In retrospective Kliban sure was fond of Dad jokes

Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!





Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

Junk Drawer was good this week

I laughed

A little controversy on this last one:

The featured comment is accusing this of stealing from Overboard. I don't read Overboard so you guys who do can tell us if you think Featured Comment has a point.

Vox Valentine
May 30, 2013

Solving all of life's problems through enhanced casting of Occam's Razor. Reward yourself with an imaginary chalice.

No, Junk Drawer has managed to draw animals in a weird enough way than Overboard draws them for it to be outright theft.

May 20, 2005

it's not stealing from Overboard but it is stealing from Warren Zevon

Mister Kingdom
Dec 14, 2005

And the tears that fall
On the city wall
Will fade away
With the rays of morning light

Kennel posted:

At least around here grabbing a case of beer and running seems to be one of the most common (* shoplifting methods. Those don't have alarms though.*) or just the most visible, because they don't even try to hide it.

I worked in a convenience store in the mid-80s and during an especially busy night, a guy walked in and grabbed a 12-pack and walked right out. My co-worker and I looked at each other and just smiled and went on checking out customers.

Mister Kingdom
Dec 14, 2005

And the tears that fall
On the city wall
Will fade away
With the rays of morning light

Sep 2, 2011

Julet Esqu posted:

The featured comment is accusing this of stealing from Overboard. I don't read Overboard so you guys who do can tell us if you think Featured Comment has a point.

I dunno, I think cyclopian wolves are pretty unique.

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Overboard has featured wolf concerts for years. Yes, it's ripping it off.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

Green Intern posted:

I'm confused about what a regional doctor is supposed to do in a home visit for what is almost assuredly full-body third-degree burns.
someone has to deliver the opium.


Bogor 1976

Jul 20, 2017

👁️🔥👁️👁️👁️BE NOT👄AFRAID👁️👁️👁️🔥👁️

StrixNebulosa posted:

Overboard has featured wolf concerts for years. Yes, it's ripping it off.
See, I'm unsure if it's ripping it off or two people having the same idea. Overboard is way more established on the gag, though, for sure.

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
I can promise you no one is consciously trying to rip off Overboard.

King Aroo 11/29/53

They'll Do It Every Time 11/22/46

Mopsy 12/2/42

Oct 10, 2004


This installment of Keeping Up With the Joneses is interesting not for the fairly standard "I load your arms full of packages then criticize you for not using your hands for something else" gag, but for the explicit anticommunist message in the last panel. How many modern cartoonists (non-editorial) would be quite that blatant?

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Angular Cyrus posted:

I can promise you no one is consciously trying to rip off Overboard.

Well why not? It's a really charming and fun strip!

computer angel
Sep 8, 2008

Make it a double.

StrixNebulosa posted:

Well why not? It's a really charming and fun strip!

I will say that the overboard guy who has clearly never seen or touched an animal is able to do better animal bits than the dedicated animal strips.

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

No Safe Havens on Sundays!

Stone Soup

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
I find Overboard clumsy and painfully earnest, like a retired dentist's painting of wild horses at a garage sale. It mostly elicits a "hmm, I see" reaction, such as a Zippy the Pinhead might.

Angular Cyrus fucked around with this message at 03:14 on Apr 20, 2020

The Bloop
Jul 5, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

Angular Cyrus posted:

I find Overboard clumsy and painfully earnest, like a retired dentist's painting of wild horses at a garage sale. It mostly elicits a "hmm, I see" reaction, such as a Zippy the Pinhead might.

I agree about overboard.

I think zippy is pretentious horseshit, though

Drimble Wedge
Mar 10, 2008


I think Josh nailed Zippy pretty well:

Comics Curmudgeon posted:

This dripping, self-indulgent bolus of hipper-than-thou omphaloskepsis no longer stains even the benighted San Francisco Chronicle. Voted off in a reader poll. Deluded fans howled: such sweet, sweet music!

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Dykes to Watch Out For #30 (1988)

I would like you to know that this is still a harrowing-rear end subject!

Sep 5, 2009

The BAD guys are making it harder for us to kill people. Harumph!

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

In today's Corto Maltese: Fosforito gives Corto a warning, or Vasco gives the lowdown on vice in Argentina, or Oh, you think YOU had a bad day, Corto? I can think of one person who's day has gone MUCH worse

Discendo Vox
Mar 21, 2013

The classical Freudian anal sadistic character in its purest form.
I still think Zippy's great. I can't imagine being upset at a hand-drawn absurdist comic with deliberately obscure references to old cultural ephemera in the era of Luann, Garf and Drinky Duck.

Feb 16, 2011


Dec 1, 2005
God, I hate Zelda so much. (Not saying don't post it, just that it's your fault if I have a rage-induced aneurysm.)

Aug 28, 2009

Dexter didn't much care for the party.
Daddy Daze

Take It From the Tinkersons

Dark Side of the Horse

Fort Knox

Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
July 20th & 21st, 1981

Oct 23, 2007

Your life and your quest end here.

Feb 12, 2016

Pelican, a Bag Man

Discendo Vox posted:

I still think Zippy's great. I can't imagine being upset at a hand-drawn absurdist comic with deliberately obscure references to old cultural ephemera in the era of Luann, Garf and Drinky Duck.

Yeah no I really enjoy Zippy. But I also like Zelda. And post Classic Luan.

Maybe I just have bad taste?


May 1, 2008

Surgeon's Tales




I might drop Redneck/Punaniska. Went trough several weeks of archive and there wasn't a single strip I liked enough to translate (I've already been skipping a lot). The art is fine, but the jokes are just too bland.

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