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Feb 16, 2011

Kennel posted:


If Mandrake one day faced criminals that weren't idiots he would be hosed.


Jul 14, 2009

Taste the High Country

Cowslips Warren posted:

I like Zelda. Please keep posting it!

It's getting better. "lovely person realizes they're lovely and tries to be better" is a storyline that doesn't get enough mileage.

May 16, 2007

Nap Ghost


Phantom had a joke at Trump's expense a few months back, didn't it?

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

I'll say this for Zelda- it's a much better fit here than it was in the politoon thread. Still not sure why whoever was posting it there tried to do it that direction first. I'm still waiting to get to a part I don't remember. I think the last thing I remember seeing was maybe uh...the one where the cute guy mansplains mario kart?

Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe
Old School Peanuts (Sept 16, 1951)

Calvin and Hobbes (Jun 28-29, 1987)

Robbie and Bobby (Nov 6-9, 2015)

Oct 10, 2004


Angular Cyrus posted:

They'll Do It Every Time 12/5/46

Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!



I kinda wonder if Dana's setting us up for a story where Phoebe gets an ADHD diagnosis?



Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Doll House Ghost posted:

And everyone in this comic is permanently horny, I don't understand why Edda feels the need to sex herself up. She could be a sentient sack of potatoes in a dark room and Amos would probably try to get it on.
The thing that always gets me is that it's this...weirdly "chase" horniness. Like, yeah the whole idea is that everyone is horny 24/7 (I remember one strip where two guys got "I can't sit up"-level raging boners at the suggestion that a woman had a tattoo on her butt), but at the same time they couch it all in this weird world of ~art~ and pretentious word piles so it's not that everyone wants to gently caress, they're appreciating beauty or some poo poo. It's the whole "music = sex" thing.

I mean, one couple got together because they wanted to gently caress, but stopped themselves because they weren't married and it wouldn't be ~proper~. So the solution was to immediately get married even though they'd only known each other like a week.

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

Angular Cyrus posted:

Mopsy 12/15/42

I know she means the fighter plane, but it's still funny (in different ways) if you assume she means the pistol or the can opener.

Oct 9, 2012

readingatwork posted:

Robbie and Bobby (Nov 6-9, 2015)

Is ... is this an Atari 2600 Adventure joke?

(For those of you who never played: one of the items you could find was a magnet that would attract keys and other items to it. There was also a bat in the game who would fly around randomly picking up unattended objects. If the bat got the magnet it could be a real pain because it could drag things where you couldn't get them.)

Rhymes with Orange

Get Fuzzy 4/29-30/00

And since Terry and the Pirates didn't work out, how about another long-running strip, although a soap rather than adventure: Brenda Starr, Reporter.

Brenda was originally exiled to the Sunday comics supplement of the Chicago Tribune, with two installments each Sunday, because the syndicate owner didn't think much of "women cartoonists." She didn't get a daily strip for several years. Admittedly the early strips are ... pretty rough, but let's see how it develops.

Brenda Starr 6/30/40

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

It's 2020, most software doesn't crash without a reason.

- Make sure the software is up to date
- Run a virus check
- Make sure your computer has enough space on it so things can run
- Run CCleaner
- If the software continues to crash, note what you're doing when it crashes, or if there's a regular time.
- Submit a crash report to the company

Like come on, you don't have to put up with bad software anymore, there are steps you can take to help the problem. Certainly more productive than whining about it.

Now of course the writer is from 1995 where Windows itself just loved to crash whenever you looked at it funny so that makes more sense, I've been there, it's annoying and there's no fix.

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice
Ed becomes a Linux man: A month-long storyline.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

Arlo and Janis

Tina's Groove Classic (September 22, 2008)

Arlo and Janis Classic (September 22, 1998)

Garfield Classic (September 22, 1988)

Feb 16, 2011

Pastry of the Year posted:

Garfield Classic (September 22, 1988)

Hyenas are actually closer related to cats than to dogs.

Jul 14, 2002

What utter bullshit.

B Kliban

The Bloop
Jul 5, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Those sure are some breasts

Aug 21, 2007

Live, laugh, kupo!

howe_sam posted:

Jesus Christ. I mean, that's an amazing joke, but holy poo poo. :stare:

Yeah, I totally didn't catch that as a kid.

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!




Jun 14, 2005

I have a similar theory about vacuum stores, although I suspect they are just money laundering operations.

F Minus

Mark Trail

Mary Worth

The Phantom

davidspackage posted:


Phantom had a joke at Trump's expense a few months back, didn't it?
I can't remember what or when it was but I definitely remember Beatty made clear where his politics lie right now.

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD


Apartment 3-G

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

Cool, a Heathcliff crossover!

Gatto Grigio
Feb 9, 2020

Alhazred posted:

If Mandrake one day faced criminals that weren't idiots he would be hosed.

Mandrake is one of those Comics Code Authority-era heroes where by editorial mandate they have to completely outclass their opposition in every way.

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.

"Well, let's go have a farewell slam. Somehow that won't be cheating."

Gatto Grigio
Feb 9, 2020

Johnny Walker posted:

Rex Morgan MD

Dry cough... up to two week incubation period... does Rex just not watch the news?

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

Gatto Grigio posted:

Dry cough... up to two week incubation period... does Rex just not watch the news?

"June, you'll never guess what I saw on the way home today: people wearing surgical masks! People just out on the sidewalk! I guess there must be a new theme holiday, like that pirate-talking one you told me about, but for doctors. Crazy, eh? Well, I'm off to the driveway to tinker with my free boat."

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

Brooke has always been horny, but it seems to me like his stroke broke his brain and turned the horny dial all the way up to eleven and now the only storylines are about loving. (We used to get storylines about dancing, and the mom being a really mean biology professor, and cats, and Edda interacting with her gay roommate, and awkward flirting with Amos, and also loving.)

Johnny Walker posted:

Rex Morgan MD

Is COVID just a bad case of pneumonia, Rex Morgan MD?

Johnny Walker posted:

Apartment 3-G

Margo is great.

I think that Cayenne's gone off.

Zanzibar Ham
Mar 17, 2009

You giving me the cold shoulder? How cruel.

Grimey Drawer

Johnny Walker posted:

I can't remember what or when it was but I definitely remember Beatty made clear where his politics lie right now.

IIRC during the Great Beating of The Nomad at the hands of Heloise Walker there was a strip where The Nomad thinks about how he spent so much time trying to destroy the US only for it to destroy itself, with the timing making it apparent it refers to Trump's election.

Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
August 11th (edited and unedited) & 12th, 1981

The Bloop
Jul 5, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

Julet Esqu posted:

I think that Cayenne's gone off.

either the colorist doesn't know the difference and thought all pepper was black, or the colorist is mocking Luann lmao

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
I'm not going to use Comixology today in some miniscule show of solidarity with striking Amazon workers, so no DtWOF. I'll do a double Sam's Strip to make up for it since I already had these ready to go.

Sam's Strip (2/3/1962)

This is actually a little germane to May Day. "Pie in the sky" was a coin phrased by the great Wobbly song-writer and poet Joe Hill, in the 1911 song "The Preacher and the Slave." The lyric goes:

Joe Hill posted:

You will eat [You will eat] bye and bye [bye and bye]
In that glorious land above the sky [Way up high]
Work and pray [Work and pray] live on hay [live on hay]
You'll get pie in the sky when you die [That's a lie!]

The idea is that while workers suffer for nothing in the material world, they're kept complacent with promises of far-fetched luxury and rewards in the afterlife. While Hill was writing from the position of a dedicated IWW activist in opposition to the exploitation of workers, in the US in the 60s "pie in the sky" was more often applied, ironically, to the utopian aspirations of the USSR as a way of dismissing the idea of an alternative to capitalism. This usage remained prevalent throughout the Cold War, spiking (it looks like, at least!) in the 80s.

Sam's Strip (2/5/1962)

I would guess this is in reference to the "Kennedy Slide" of 1962, a drastic decline in the stock market from late 1961 through 1962 following a bunch of years of a steadily expanding economy. Many of Kennedy's closest advisors urged him to intervene directly, which he finally did, offering large tax cuts to large companies in order to stimulate the markets back to life. I'm not sure though-- I'm definitely not an economist.

fun hater
May 24, 2009

its a neat trick, but you can only do it once

Chef Bourgeoisie posted:

Bloom County
August 11th (edited and unedited) & 12th, 1981

thank you so much for posting these with the unedited book versions side by side now, which i know is an extra weird step but i am absolutely fascinated by the editing choices being made here.

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

If it wasn't for everything around it, this would be a nice little conclusion. They realise that it's hard to keep a spark alive over long distances, but they still like each other and are willing to just... be friends. I feel like that doesn't happen enough. Shame about all the cheating.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas

catlord posted:

If it wasn't for everything around it, this would be a nice little conclusion. They realise that it's hard to keep a spark alive over long distances, but they still like each other and are willing to just... be friends. I feel like that doesn't happen enough. Shame about all the cheating.

I agree. Dawn has been a gormless dipshit throughout this story but it's a really common thing for college-age kids, and one I definitely have experience with, where things are going good with someone so you try to make it work long-distance, and find it difficult to just come out and say it's untenable. I like this ending even if I don't really love how we got here.

Aug 25, 2017

The Bloop posted:

either the colorist doesn't know the difference and thought all pepper was black, or the colorist is mocking Luann lmao

I think it's the former and the colorist is just a gently caress-up. Remember that time when they made Bets slowly paler and paler?

catlord posted:

If it wasn't for everything around it, this would be a nice little conclusion. They realise that it's hard to keep a spark alive over long distances, but they still like each other and are willing to just... be friends. I feel like that doesn't happen enough. Shame about all the cheating.

It felt like it wanted to go somewhere with Mary asking Dawn if she only liked Jared because he was a more convenient option, and then exploring what that really means for Dawn. But no, it's just cheating all the way through.

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

The Bloop posted:

either the colorist doesn't know the difference and thought all pepper was black, or the colorist is mocking Luann lmao

Are weekday strips still colored as an afterthought by the papers themselves, with no consultation with the actual artist? I remember from the comics threads of years ago that a strip would be colored differently if you got it from, say, the Seattle PI vs. some other source, neither of which would match the Sunday strips (which are actually colored by the artists themselves.).

If that's still the case, the artists may still see the weekdays as black-and-white line art, and ink things as they see fit. It's why you'd sometimes end up with black apples -- it's already inked in, nothing the colorist can do.

I suspect this may also be the cause of the "what's wrong with your faaaaaace :gonk:" for the Family Circus mom the other day. The drawing never had a line there, so the colorist just kind of stopped the flesh tone at what seemed like about the right spot.

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender

Pastry of the Year posted:

Arlo and Janis Classic (September 22, 1998)

Even Classic A&J is getting too real. :(

2017 Spiderman

1978 Comics

Dick Tracy

Locher Tracy

Origins of the Sunday Comics

Footrot Flats

Sweaty IT Nerd
Jul 13, 2007

If Luann tastes that she is going to turn in to a biker chick.

Pigsfeet on Rye
Oct 22, 2008

No thanks to Lizzo..

Haifisch posted:

Footrot Flats

Now all he needs is some pig-eating salties, and some hunters to kill the salties, and he's golden.

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice
Docks (September 20-21, 2000)




I guess we've hit the point at which Ripley's is just going to illustrate definitions.



Homora Gaykemi
Apr 30, 2020

by Fluffdaddy

noice :vince:

Ah, so this is the rubberband girl Kate Bush sang about :v:


Gatto Grigio
Feb 9, 2020

Julet Esqu posted:

Is COVID just a bad case of pneumonia, Rex Morgan MD?

I found this post that Beatty made on his CK blog a month ago and it explains things a bit.

1. The “Truck Tyler pneumonia story” was finished and sent to papers months before COVID became public knowledge, so a lot of this is just unfortunate coincidence.

2. He knows about the COVID and wants to touch upon it in RMMD, but ultimately wants to maintain the comic as escapist entertainment and doesn’t want the virus to cast a shadow over everything.

I ragged a lot about the seeming ignorance of the storyline and now feel kinda sheepish. I’m not sure I entirely agree with Beatty’s approach, but I can understand his reasoning.

Gatto Grigio fucked around with this message at 23:04 on May 1, 2020

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