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Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe
Old School Peanuts (Sept 20, 1951)

Calvin and Hobbes (Jul 4-5, 1987)

Robbie and Bobby (Nov 16-18, 2015)


Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!

Darthemed posted:

I thought this was set in the '80s.

My Lovely Horse posted:

I've been watching like a hawk for it to slip up.

I could be wrong, but I don't think Tauhid ever gave a specific timeframe, just said it was "sorta based on his childhood" and goons just kinda extrapolated from there. I don't even think he's that old.





This... this is a perfect strip.


Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009


Vargo posted:

I could be wrong, but I don't think Tauhid ever gave a specific timeframe, just said it was "sorta based on his childhood" and goons just kinda extrapolated from there. I don't even think he's that old.

The undershirt as a shirt and his brother's mullet and heavy metal t shirts definitely have an "internet k hole" vibe to them.

Jul 14, 2009

Taste the High Country

Vargo posted:

I could be wrong, but I don't think Tauhid ever gave a specific timeframe, just said it was "sorta based on his childhood" and goons just kinda extrapolated from there. I don't even think he's that old.

I clocked it at the mid to late 90s, in that sweet spot between hair metal and grunge.

Jul 14, 2002

B Kliban

Aug 25, 2017

Savidudeosoo posted:

Is On the Fastrack getting MORE abusive lately, or is it just me?

I noticed it too. The way Holbrook combines the topic of COVID-19 and working from home with his usual lovely fare makes everything so much worse, especially since Holbrook seems to just see the topic as another source of (badly conveyed) jokes.

Vargo posted:

This... this is a perfect strip.

Spud's usually a big bundle of nerves or a huge nerd, so it's funny to see him so worked up here.

Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I can't believe they killed Spud.

Family Circus

Rose is Rose

One Big Happy




Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.
The Far Side
While vacationing in Africa, Pinocchio had his longtime wish to be a real boy suddenly and unexpectedly granted.

“Sure, I like her … but she doesn’t even know I exist.”


“Who are we kidding, Luke? We know this is going to be just another standoff.”

“Now, moving on from the so-called funny bone, we come to this little guy—and you tickle him at your own peril.”



Somebody fucked around with this message at 03:51 on Jul 25, 2022

Feb 16, 2011


Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

amigolupus posted:

I noticed it too. The way Holbrook combines the topic of COVID-19 and working from home with his usual lovely fare makes everything so much worse, especially since Holbrook seems to just see the topic as another source of (badly conveyed) jokes.
It's like old Dilbert written by someone who's never actually had a job of any kind. I still don't understand why they're working at their boss's house! They're administration! They can work from their own homes!

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice






Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.

Sailor Cat posted:

The Mystery Teens aren't going to attend their school after this year, because the tunnel's opening has changed, among other things, the two school districts and which students will go where. Thus the school won't have enough students in the higher grades to justify having those classes. The kids are going to be split up thanks to Mildred's meddling.

You know what, she's still my favorite.

Some Guy TT posted:

I understand this reasoning in the abstract but in practice I can't quite figure out why opening the tunnel would change any of this when presumably there are the exact same number of students living in the same place they were before the tunnel was opened. Like, do British schools have some kind of weird formula that takes travel routing into account when assigning children to districts?

Spoilers, people - there was literally only one day left!

Scary Go Round: The Great Unboxing

-- fin --

NOW you can argue about the British public (or is it private?) school system.

Modesty Blaise

His Divine Shadow
Aug 7, 2000

I'm not a fascist. I'm a priest. Fascists dress up in black and tell people what to do.

gleebster posted:

Murder will out, also illicit berry-picking.

It's actually completely legal to pick berries in someone elses lands in Finland, the stuff that grows wild in forests is public property so to speak. Part of the righ to roam freedoms.

Sailor Cat
Aug 28, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Some Guy TT posted:

I understand this reasoning in the abstract but in practice I can't quite figure out why opening the tunnel would change any of this when presumably there are the exact same number of students living in the same place they were before the tunnel was opened. Like, do British schools have some kind of weird formula that takes travel routing into account when assigning children to districts?

If Tackleford and Wendlefield are small and remote enough, it would possibly be more practical to combine them into one school district now that the tunnel is opened. Several towns forming one school district isn't unheard-of, especially in rural areas. Remember that people live on/near borders; there are bound to be Tackleford kids who live closer to Wendlefield than Griswald's, and vice-versa. Only in this case there wasn't enough of the vice-versa to justify keeping the two highest grades at the school.

Residency is the biggest consideration when it comes to school districts, but it's not the only one. I know a couple people who attended school in different districts for that exact reason: they lived like two miles from the next town's high school and thirty miles from theirs. (That school district covers over 80 square miles, and it starts about two miles from one of the high schools in my hometown.) Plus districts retool themselves all the time; I went to a different high school than my older brothers, even though we didn't move, because the school board did some voodoo and recalculating. Plus stuff like switching districts to avail of special education programs.

Tl; dr: school districting is a land of contrasts

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

gleebster posted:

Murder will out, also illicit berry-picking.

Anyway, in Juliet Jones, J Jonah Jackson lands a job, and produces Eve from under his client's floorboards or something.

This guy sucks so incredibly much.

Jun 14, 2005

Vargo posted:


I thought Spud only had the top hair.

F Minus

Mark Trail

Mary Worth

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD


Apartment 3-G

Rand Brittain
Mar 24, 2013

"Go on until you're stopped."

Evil Mastermind posted:

It's like old Dilbert written by someone who's never actually had a job of any kind. I still don't understand why they're working at their boss's house! They're administration! They can work from their own homes!

It's pretty explicit that they're doing it because the boss enjoys having them under her thumb and for no other reason.

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

“Haha bosses sure are overbearing haha!” Is the joke. That’s as far as Holbrook thought about it. Let alone that he also has Dethany telling people that multiple check-ins every day is correct and healthy for a work at home situation (those YouTube videos are abysmal).

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

The Murders in the Rue Morgue was a C. Auguste Dupin story, not a Sherlock Holmes story! :argh:

(Also Baskerville was a family name, not a town, but that battle was lost long ago.)

Mar 1, 2009

Transmodiar posted:

NOW you can argue about the British public (or is it private?) school system.

In Britain public schools are private schools. It is a bit confusing.

The implication seems to be that Griswalds is a state-funded school, as presumably is Wendlefield's college, but that St. Ginnifer's is a public school -- that is to say, a private school.

Honestly I kind of like this ending. Unlike the Case of the Severed Alliance it does provide some neat closure to the series, but it's so ludicrously rushed; even just a half dozen more strips could have made it really poignant. I do wonder what made him turn around and pack the series in so suddenly and thoroughly, but I guess we'll never know.

The Bloop
Jul 5, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Comic Strip Thread: Heh heh. Peckers.

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

Does she even know how to mix normal drinks that she didn't make up? Who knows!

Dec 16, 2006

Only a howler

His Divine Shadow posted:

It's actually completely legal to pick berries in someone elses lands in Finland, the stuff that grows wild in forests is public property so to speak. Part of the righ to roam freedoms.

So she just doesn't want the neighbor to know about these particularly tasty berries? Makes it more of an earned comeuppance, if you ask me.

Oct 10, 2004


and this is why the words "tall" and "high" don't mean the same thing. :colbert:

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Transmodiar posted:

Scary Go Round: The Great Unboxing

-- fin --
I just wanted to say "thanks!" again for posting Scary Go Round. I never would have read it if you didn't.

Green Intern posted:

“Haha bosses sure are overbearing haha!” Is the joke. That’s as far as Holbrook thought about it. Let alone that he also has Dethany telling people that multiple check-ins every day is correct and healthy for a work at home situation (those YouTube videos are abysmal).
I wonder if Holbrook thinks actual office workers watch those videos and take advice from them.

Johnny Aztec
Jan 29, 2005

by Hand Knit

Vargo posted:

I could be wrong, but I don't think Tauhid ever gave a specific timeframe, just said it was "sorta based on his childhood" and goons just kinda extrapolated from there. I don't even think he's that old.

Stultus Maximus posted:

The undershirt as a shirt and his brother's mullet and heavy metal t shirts definitely have an "internet k hole" vibe to them.

Plus, you gotta factor in how , in rural areas, they are behind like a decade in terms of culture trends.

Sailor Cat posted:

If Tackleford and Wendlefield are small and remote enough, it would possibly be more practical to combine them into one school district now that the tunnel is opened. Several towns forming one school district isn't unheard-of, especially in rural areas. Remember that people live on/near borders; there are bound to be Tackleford kids who live closer to Wendlefield than Griswald's, and vice-versa. Only in this case there wasn't enough of the vice-versa to justify keeping the two highest grades at the school.

Residency is the biggest consideration when it comes to school districts, but it's not the only one. I know a couple people who attended school in different districts for that exact reason: they lived like two miles from the next town's high school and thirty miles from theirs. (That school district covers over 80 square miles, and it starts about two miles from one of the high schools in my hometown.) Plus districts retool themselves all the time; I went to a different high school than my older brothers, even though we didn't move, because the school board did some voodoo and recalculating. Plus stuff like switching districts to avail of special education programs.

Tl; dr: school districting is a land of contrasts

Yes, there were two small towns , separated by a short distance, that were one school district.
Both towns had their own elementary, but only one had a Jr. High, and only one had a High school.

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!


oh yeah its star wars day



Aleph Null
Jun 10, 2008

You look very stressed
Tortured By Flan

Transmodiar posted:

Scary Go Round: The Great Unboxing

-- fin --

NOW you can argue about the British public (or is it private?) school system.

quoting Plan 9.

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

Julet Esqu posted:

Does she even know how to mix normal drinks that she didn't make up? Who knows!
We all know there's no alcohol in it, right? Just checking. Carry on.

just bob
Sep 6, 2017

by Reene
Curtis has a new hat.


I have been wondering my entire life "what is that ridiculous hat, and where do I get one."

just bob fucked around with this message at 21:05 on May 4, 2020

Oct 10, 2004


In this installment of Keeping Up With the Joneses, holy poo poo that third panel.

Also, despite this article, the concept of "Meatless Tuesdays" clearly predates the 1940s.

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Endless Mike
Aug 13, 2003

just bob posted:

Curtis has a new hat.


I have been wondering my entire life "what is that ridiculous hat, and where do I get one."

Yeah, Michelle gave it to him for taking a photo that got her a lot of likes on Notstagram. His old one was his dad's hat from his childhood. It was just a green trucker hat.

just bob
Sep 6, 2017

by Reene

Endless Mike posted:

Yeah, Michelle gave it to him for taking a photo that got her a lot of likes on Notstagram. His old one was his dad's hat from his childhood. It was just a green trucker hat.

Thats beautiful Chalez Shultz really did teach a lot. :')

Edit; It's because he wears it backwards all the time so I never considered it netting. :facepalm:

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.

Green Intern posted:

“Haha bosses sure are overbearing haha!” Is the joke. That’s as far as Holbrook thought about it. Let alone that he also has Dethany telling people that multiple check-ins every day is correct and healthy for a work at home situation (those YouTube videos are abysmal).

I actually e-mailed Holbrook about this a week or two ago just curious to see what he'd say (I figured if he puts his e-mail address in every comic, he welcomes communication) and he just brushed it off as "Dethany is learning what not to do when she becomes a boss!" completely ignoring that he's showing this relationship as is in a normal light and how it's something that just happens, instead of realizing how just god drat abusive it is. I really don't think he knows what he's writing and has never dealt with any kind of office situation. I do not think he is a curious man.

The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

Safe Havens

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Vox Valentine
May 30, 2013

Solving all of life's problems through enhanced casting of Occam's Razor. Reward yourself with an imaginary chalice.

FrumpleOrz posted:

"Dethany is learning what not to do when she becomes a boss!"
Mmm. Don't like that.

skeleton warrior
Nov 12, 2016
you're only saying we should stop slaughtering tens of thousands of palestinian children to make me feel bad, admit it

Angular Cyrus posted:

King Aroo 12/12/53

This was an absolutely outstanding punchline and I thank you for bringing it into my life.

I’ve been absolutely charmed by King Aroo and I have no idea why I’d never heard of it before when somehow much more mediocre strips like Blondie and Dennis the Menace were cultural phenomena.

Aug 25, 2017

Transmodiar posted:

Scary Go Round: The Great Unboxing
-- fin --

I think my main criticism with this story is how the Mystery Teens and Mystery Tweens felt a bit underused in how the plot resolves itself. Mildred and Linton bow out of the Wen-Tack Action Group really early, when they could have stayed on as mentor figures for the Tweens. As much as I love all of Mildred's lines, she's really just a bystander in the end so it makes everyone blaming and tossing her in the pool feel a little shallow to me. Linton gets it worse. For the past few stories, he's been nothing more than the "horny one" of the group, so I thought maybe he'd get some character development this story as Grendel's friend, or owning that Wen-Tack unboxing video he did rather than delete his whole account.

The Tweens were wonderful throughout the story, but you could tell Allison was running out of steam in the end since they were spectators rather than helping out with some final hitch in the event. I'm really sad how Grendel got sick and passed out that he missed out on the end. Poor kid was the one who worked so hard and wanted this to happen. :smith:

FrumpleOrz posted:

I actually e-mailed Holbrook about this a week or two ago just curious to see what he'd say (I figured if he puts his e-mail address in every comic, he welcomes communication) and he just brushed it off as "Dethany is learning what not to do when she becomes a boss!" completely ignoring that he's showing this relationship as is in a normal light and how it's something that just happens, instead of realizing how just god drat abusive it is. I really don't think he knows what he's writing and has never dealt with any kind of office situation. I do not think he is a curious man.


One thing I remember from Retail was how Marla worked under Stuart for many years. And despite all the times she recognized Stuart was a lovely boss, there were times Marla also treated the people under her like poo poo. And unlike Marla, Dethany is a complete bootlicker, so I really can't believe that she'd learn not to emulate her abusive boss. Hell, she's already really lovely towards Fi all the time. Not to mention she abused her power as the party planner during the Christmas party to force the people who hate each other to exchange gifts with one another.

That isn't what clickbait means at all. :argh:

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me


Bogor 1976

(the New Zealand Listener began as a radio then tv guide)

Jan 18, 2003
Vintage Valiant (Jan. 22, 1939)

Click here to see that second image unspoilered. I have no idea why Foster decided to be so blunt.


Oct 10, 2004


skeleton warrior posted:

This was an absolutely outstanding punchline and I thank you for bringing it into my life.

I’ve been absolutely charmed by King Aroo and I have no idea why I’d never heard of it before when somehow much more mediocre strips like Blondie and Dennis the Menace were cultural phenomena.

My guess is that Jack Kent decided he couldn't keep going and maintain quality, so he shut it down rather than churn out crap or pass it on to a successor.

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