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Feb 12, 2016

Pelican, a Bag Man
Ope forgot to post yesterday. Decided to throw in an additional look at Yesteryear's comics as an apology, you can thank me later!

Classic Chickweed

This wasn't as bad as I expected. When does he have his stroke again?

Jane's World


Classic Luan

Half the punchlines are like, Token Character is hip or Luan is a Smoothbrained Troglodyte.

thesonofmothman fucked around with this message at 22:31 on May 5, 2020


Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks

Kennel posted:

Classic cop response.

Vox Valentine
May 30, 2013

Solving all of life's problems through enhanced casting of Occam's Razor. Reward yourself with an imaginary chalice.

:stare: Holy poo poo old Chickweed is in a weird blank void but it's actually...decent?

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

Hostile V posted:

:stare: Holy poo poo old Chickweed is in a weird blank void but it's actually...decent?

I agree. It has jokes and everything. I wouldn't call it *good,* but I can see how that got into papers.

Mar 24, 2019

Hostile V posted:

:stare: Holy poo poo old Chickweed is in a weird blank void but it's actually...decent?
I really enjoyed Chickweed for its first decade or so. It centered on strong female characters with personalities and nuance, an interesting drawing style once it got going, and a little surrealism with cats and Thorax to keep some variety. Eventually it followed the path of many legacy strips - McEldowney ran low on good jokes and new plots, and it got uninteresting and trite. He then rebooted the strip into Edda and Amos at Julliard, which was a lot less interesting because Juliette Burber (Edda's mom) became a minor character, and I'd always thought she was the most interesting character in the strip, and there was a lot less variety of characters - the important ones were all young people getting started in the arts. It became a "will they or won't they" romance strip for Amos and Edda, and that got REAALLY tiresome after a few years. Eventually he made them a couple and then it really went to hell, with Chedda and Nazi romance flashbacks and absurdly oversexed characters and thinly disguised wish fulfillment May-December romances and all the other stuff we hate it for now.

An extreme example of why a strip shouldn't go on too long.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
I used to work primarily with Julliard students c. 2011-2013 and I now completely understand why everyone in 9CL is the way they are.

Jul 20, 2017

👁️🔥👁️👁️👁️BE NOT👄AFRAID👁️👁️👁️🔥👁️

How Wonderful! posted:

I used to work primarily with Julliard students c. 2011-2013 and I now completely understand why everyone in 9CL is the way they are.
I also imagine things went downhill once the dude got sexually attracted to Edda, because boy is everything in Modern Chickweed flashing back to kid!Edda uncomfortable.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me


Bogor 1976

Nov 3, 2012

I caught up a lot and forgot to bookmark the ending to The Great Unboxing but:
- Thank you for sharing it! It'd been a while since I read it and the whole being removed from every where thing was a bummer
- I think it was still pretty good right up until the rushed ending. The tweens are great, the old guard had fun moments. The Linton dropping out so quickly thing was a little lame though
- The joke of all the excitement with the unboxing happening off screen worked for me idk. Even if this was a more standard storyline I could see the same joke happening; though maybe if he ever remade it we'd see the part where they make out and everyone makes "oooooooooooo" reactions when is Rebuild of Bad Machinery: You Are (Un)boxed
-The actualy ending was fine but the speed with which we went from the unbox to the end did feel like it needed one more victory lap since it was meant as the end. It would have been nice to have one final send off for the tweens especially

Dec 26, 2012

I'm a colossal idiot and thought you'd spoiled the 'whip mace' postage stamp on that last strip.
That's probably what it says on his badge, honestly.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set proposes death of the author.

Working Daze fart.

Super-Fun-Pak Comxi good joke. Everybody Laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

Cul De Sac tries to grow the brand.

Mar 8, 2006

I've got my father's great big six-shooter with me 'n' if anybody in this woods wants to start somethin' just let 'em--but they DASSN'T.
Sally Forth

Skippy (December 1, 1932)

Peanuts (May 8, 1973)

Funky WInkerbean


9 "Now I Feel Genuinely Betrayed That I Got Stuck With The Brainworms Version Of This Strip" Lane

Rip Haywire calls for reinforcements.

Thimble Theater (December 4, 1936)

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
Weird seeing 9CL that isn't 110% horny. It's strangely competent!

The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

Safe Havens

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible This loving rules

Sherman's Lagoon

Feb 16, 2011


Feb 5, 2007

EasyEW posted:

9 "Now I Feel Genuinely Betrayed That I Got Stuck With The Brainworms Version Of This Strip" Lane

What in the actual gently caress was the point of having them have kids? Has it made any actual noticeable difference to this dross at all? I've written lazy erotica that was less thirsty than this stupid poo poo. The ONLY good thing I can say about it, is that he's clearly never had children which is only a relief given he seems like a pervert.

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
King Aroo 12/15/53

They'll Do It Every Time 12/11/46

Mopsy 12/21/42

Aug 28, 2009

Dexter didn't much care for the party.
Daddy Daze

Take It From the Tinkersons

Dark Side of the Horse

Fort Knox

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

These two are pretty good, and the rest are decent. I'm as surprised as the rest of you.



:eng101: Having a water fight on Easter Monday is a tradition in Poland and other Eastern European countries! This guy's not just being an rear end in a top hat for the hell of it.

Oct 22, 2009

My Lovely Horse posted:

:eng101: Having a water fight on Easter Monday is a tradition in Poland and other Eastern European countries! This guy's not just being an rear end in a top hat for the hell of it.

I refuse to believe this. Jucika's hard nipples tell me that this is just a Hungarian mating ritual where the female makes a display of her ample eggs and then a male shows his virility by wetting the female and her eggs. Afterward they climb up to a birch tree and copulate for six hours after which the female stays in the tree and the male brings her bell peppers to eat until the end of pregnancy.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

I have to admit, Nemi can very often be like a ...toothless Zelda. And that's tragic.

Anyway, on the topic of tragedies, an unfortunately shortened Corto Maltese: Corto enjoys a nightcap after an exuberant evening of multi-murder, or More like Judas Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, or Forget it Corto, it's Chinatown Buenos Aires

And so ends what I would consider to be the most cynical and sad adventure of Corto Maltese. But his stories have not concluded just yet! Join us next time, won't you? For possibly the most surreal adventures our hero experiences in The Secret Rose

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Dykes to Watch Out For #49 (1989)
This is a bit weird. You may notice that this strip is unnumbered-- well, that's a product of the Essential, which generally does not do this. In New, Improved! Dykes to Watch Out For, the Firebrand collection that includes this strip, "49" is in a bubble near the title panel as always. At this point I've filled out a lot of the gaps in my collection and am basically just waiting on the material from 1996-1999 and then the last little bit of post-2001 stuff that's not entirely collected in the Essential. I work in academia so I'm spoiled and (used to be!) accustomed to having really nice scanners at my beck and call on campus, so I need to take the beginning of summer break to get reacquainted with my crummy little home scanner and finish filling in some of the publishing gaps. The gap between #46 and here is particularly strange-- it covers Mo coming out to her parents, and while Mo's family is never a super prominent part of the strip, I think this sequence was really rich and some of her later interactions with her mom and dad feel somewhat strange without the context. Even more peculiar, we'll meet her brother later, a character who is to my recollection almost entirely excised from the Essential. Anyway:

The Coming Out Stories have already been mentioned. Surpassing the Love of Men was a 1981 survey by Lillian Faderman covering homosexual and homosocial intimacy between women from the Renaissance through to the 80s-- a broad remit but one that was still largely a blank slate, sadly, at the time. I have to admit I've never read it. As for Lesbian Sex, well, there are times in everyone's life where google just can't help you in the way you want it to. St. Jerome was a 5th century saint known for his extensive record of scholarly and sacral writings, and is probably best known for producing the Vulgate translation of the Bible into Latin, a version which remained one of the, if not the standard Catholic editions for centuries. This is probably overthinking a dumb joke but there might be a little extra crunch there about this conversation being wrapped up in scholarship and bookstore chat-- a guy whose influence on Jezanna is intellectual versus Lois' somatic physical lust for his wife. Who knows-- much later Bechdel will bust out some pretty sick jokes about the Shakers.

Aug 23, 2009

Tambaloneus posted:

What in the actual gently caress was the point of having them have kids? Has it made any actual noticeable difference to this dross at all? I've written lazy erotica that was less thirsty than this stupid poo poo. The ONLY good thing I can say about it, is that he's clearly never had children which is only a relief given he seems like a pervert.

IIRC he has a daughter.

Aug 21, 2007

Live, laugh, kupo!

Angular Cyrus posted:

King Aroo 12/15/53

That comic consistently has the worst(best) puns with the best delivery.

Bruceski fucked around with this message at 07:19 on May 6, 2020

Feb 12, 2016

Pelican, a Bag Man

EasyEW posted:

9 "Now I Feel Genuinely Betrayed That I Got Stuck With The Brainworms Version Of This Strip" Lane

If you want, I'll gladly take your burden upon myself like a Sin-Eater of old.

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Cheer Up Boss Dharma

Some Guy TT fucked around with this message at 09:52 on May 6, 2020

May 1, 2008

Surgeon's Tales

At this point the comic changes the pace dramatically. So far it has followed the book very closely, maybe dropping a few scenes and some long descriptive paragraphs. But here the comic cuts off the end of this chapter and the next two chapters entirely. A bit later there will be even more big cuts.

To give you some perspective: This year I've posted 244 strips and the novel used 186 pages to describe those events. Meanwhile the rest of this second book, 128 pages, will be told within about 60 comic strips.

Some of the cuts are justifiable. There's lots of recapping and history book style description of the events. However the pacing becomes really fast and some important character events, like Bertelsköld's conversation with his wife and the first confrontation with the house-master are left out. I will give a some short of summary of those.

On a positive side, this means that the comic will probably finish the whole story. We are about to reach the halfway of the comic, while only handled 1/3 of the book, so I was a bit worried that it might end abruptly, but with this new pace that's probably not the case.




Man in Black

(it's a drill for ice fishing)

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

now buffstin i can get into.

Dec 16, 2006

Only a howler
In Juliet Jones, Pop and Julie seem to have noticed that Eve's hands slip between her thighs when she mentions J Jonah Jackson.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

Arlo and Janis

Tina's Groove Classic (September 27, 2008)

Arlo and Janis Classic (September 27, 1998)

Garfield Classic (September 27, 1988)

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

EasyEW posted:

9 "Now I Feel Genuinely Betrayed That I Got Stuck With The Brainworms Version Of This Strip" Lane

That is the worst baby carriage I have ever seen.

Dec 5, 2007

I had a video of that when I was about 6.

I remember it being shit.

Grimey Drawer
The wheel isn't anywhere near the floor. A floating pram is pretty fancy.

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
2017 Spiderman

1978 Comics

Ah Christ

Locher Tracy

Origins of the Sunday Comics

Footrot Flats

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

Needless to say that he looks nothing like the real Dennis DeYoung.

The Bloop
Jul 5, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

goatface posted:

The wheel isn't anywhere near the floor. A floating pram is pretty fancy.

That's just a decorative wheel

It's a steampunk stroller

Feb 22, 2011


His Divine Shadow
Aug 7, 2000

I'm not a fascist. I'm a priest. Fascists dress up in black and tell people what to do.
Hell, Mämillä got asphalt before we did (don't got none were I live)

Pigsfeet on Rye
Oct 22, 2008

No thanks to Lizzo..

LazyQ posted:


This is part of the Mayor's plan to drive a road right through the center of Mammila?

Feb 22, 2011

Pigsfeet on Rye posted:

This is part of the Mayor's plan to drive a road right through the center of Mammila?

Yes, though the plan is actually Isopaljo's handiwork. In a week we'll get a strip with a good aerial view of the town center and a look at the plan itself.

Discendo Vox
Mar 21, 2013

The classical Freudian anal sadistic character in its purest form.

Frigging gorgeous. I continue to be impressed by how much they do with the limitations of the modern medium.


Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.
The Far Side

Early chemists describe the first dirt molecule.

Custer’s first stand

“Go ahead, Vera … treat me like dirt.”

“Well, it came from your division, Sanders, and as you can see, it’s covered with honey and molasses! … You know what that makes this, Sanders?”



Somebody fucked around with this message at 03:59 on Jul 25, 2022

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