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Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
King Aroo 12/17/53

They'll Do It Every Time 12/13/46

Mopsy 12/23/42


Feb 22, 2011

His Divine Shadow posted:

OK so I was right. I was starting to think I was wrong :downs:

But, you are confusing me now too when you say:
"Old man is Erkki Syrjänen, the father, and the woman is his wife, Laina Syrjänen. Pekka and Atte are their sons."

Only old man I see looks to be the grandfather and grandmother and Pekka is sitting next to his mother, father is nowhere to be seen. I mean if we're talking about this strip that's how I interpreted it:

I have to say I can't remember seeing the father. I assumed she was a single mother.

There is no grandfather. Erkki is the father, I referred to him as old man. Next up strippers, JFK and Stalin.

Aug 25, 2017

LazyQ posted:

What others posted is correct. Old man is Erkki Syrjänen, the father, and the woman is his wife, Laina Syrjänen. Pekka and Atte are their sons. Pekka is secretly seeing Eeva Lehtonen, daughter of Eino and Lempi Lehtonen. It was in a recent strip at the dances we saw them get together, with help from little Rauno Santanen who is the son of the bank manager Ensio Santanen.

Keeping track of everyone is bit of a problem in early Mämmilä, Tarmo Koivisto is clearly still figuring out his characters and we tend to jump between them from strip to strip. Other factor is the art, it will slowly change into a more caricaturized style and recognizing characters becomes easier.

Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me. :shobon:

LazyQ posted:

Next up strippers, JFK and Stalin.

Okay, that's a hell of a combination. Mämmilä knows how to get your attention, huh.

His Divine Shadow
Aug 7, 2000

I'm not a fascist. I'm a priest. Fascists dress up in black and tell people what to do.

LazyQ posted:

There is no grandfather. Erkki is the father, I referred to him as old man. Next up strippers, JFK and Stalin.

It's the art style. He looks hella old to me. I interpreted the art as two grandparents to the left.

Dec 16, 2006

Only a howler

LazyQ posted:

There is no grandfather. Erkki is the father, I referred to him as old man. Next up strippers, JFK and Stalin.

So who's the fifth person in that strip? Harry Lime?

Anyway, in Juliet Jones, J Jonah Jackson is at least a competent pilot.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

Arlo and Janis

Tina's Groove Classic (September 29, 2008)

Arlo and Janis Classic (September 29, 1998)

Garfield Classic (September 29, 1988)

Oct 23, 2007

Your life and your quest end here.

Evil Mastermind posted:

Super-Fun-Pak Comix is...uh...what?

No pizza rules. :colbert:

May 20, 2005

pizza is a sandwich

Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.
The Far Side
“Hot oil! We need hot oil! … Forget the water balloons!”

Someone for everyone

For the most part, the meeting was quite successful. Only a slight tension filled the air, stemming from the unforeseen faux pas of everyone showing up in the same dress.


Houdini’s final undoing



Somebody fucked around with this message at 04:07 on Jul 25, 2022

Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe
Old School Peanuts (Sept 25, 1951)

Calvin and Hobbes (Jul 12-13, 1987)

Robbie and Bobby (Nov 27-30, 2015)

Feb 22, 2011


Jalmari Lepola and his wife Siiri are people we are going to see from time to time. Jalmari has lived through some interesting times.

If this upcoming batch of strips seems familiar, that's because Nenonen posted them way back in 2012. I did my own translating on these though, for consistency's sake.

Feb 15, 2005


Thank you, this comic is what's needed now. And thank you to everyone else who takes the time to post.

May 1, 2008

Surgeon's Tales
Book 2, Part 3, Chapter 7 - Reduction:

At the beginning of this chapter Bertelsköld recaps the earlier events: how his father had a ring, that allegedly had magic powers, and then lost it. How his great grandfather hated nobility so much that he cursed his family line and made his friend Larsson's son his heir and asked him and his children to keep on fighting against aristocracy (one of the Larssons is now a bourgeois faction leader, while another is a peasant faction leader).

I've linked this couple of times already, but at this point the book gives a detailed explanation of Great Reduction.

I'm not a historian, so my understanding of this topic is based on this book and some googling, so there might be some errors. Even the narrator points out that count Bertelsköld's explanation is biased and gives us some objective remarks.

The earlier Swedish rulers were quite charitable with their wealth and gave or sold a large part of the crown lands to noblemen. This made the nobility very powerful political faction and they even tried to turn Sweden into a full oligarchy where a handful of people owned all of the lands while the peasants would be basically slaves.

There was however internal conflicts inside nobility (mainly between the old families and upstarts) and the bourgeoisie and the peasants weren't entirely powerless either. When Karl XI reached the adulthood, he realized that the crown was lacking funds and started Reduction with the help of the factions that wanted to restrain the strongest noble houses.

Many of the granted lands were returned to the crown by the principle that the former rulers had no right to give them away forever and whoever owned it had already profited enough of them. The byrocracy behind the system appears to be quite arbitrary and corrupt and the people who were in charge of the process were able to cause great losses to their rivals. Before long the crown started hogging lands even from those who had supported the Reduction.

Bertelsköld himself gets quite worked up when he describes how the lower classes are just making everyone slaves for the king. It's basically what you'd expect to hear if the modern billionaires had to give almost all of their wealth to the government. The narrator remarks that in the end the Reduction was probably a good thing even if some individuals had to face unfair decisions.




Man in Black

This will probably confuse someone, so here's my interpretation: In comics things get usually abstracted, so "a coat hanger" and "a coat hanger with clothes" have different physical properties.

Kennel fucked around with this message at 15:37 on May 8, 2020

Oct 22, 2009

Kennel posted:

This will probably confuse someone, so here's my interpretation: In comics things get usually abstracted, so "a coat hanger" and "a coat hanger with clothes" have different physical properties.

I took it as "he's got no shoulders to speak of, so he also uses a coat hanger that fits his body shape".

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

LazyQ posted:


Jalmari Lepola and his wife Siiri are people we are going to see from time to time. Jalmari has lived through some interesting times.

If this upcoming batch of strips seems familiar, that's because Nenonen posted them way back in 2012. I did my own translating on these though, for consistency's sake.

This is so heartwarming!

Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I don't like the path Nekonaughey is taking, I'm worried :<

Family Circus

Rose is Rose

One Big Happy




Mar 24, 2019

PetraCore posted:

LMAO there are definitely two people tangoing here.

We know Lois doesn't approve of out-and-out cheating, so I'm wondering if the implication is that her lust is overwhelming that or if she doesn't consider it cheating if she's a lesbian still married to a man or what?
We'll shortly see that Emma would not be "cheating" on her husband, although it's a fair point that at this point Lois wouldn't know that. Through the strip Lois is pretty consistent in her "ethical nonmonogamy", as we'd call it today, and on multiple occasions accepts she has to give up a partner to their primary relationship with no more than some grousing. At the time of publication I interpreted the situation as Emma "coming out" as lesbian and probably breaking off the relationship with her husband which was soon revealed to be the case. At the time bisexuality was less accepted - more precisely less believed - than now, and it was a general assumption that most people strongly preferred relationships with only one gender.

This was the period where it was becoming possible to live a life as a semi-open homosexual without losing your career and friends. As a result, a fair number of lesbians and gays in long term married relationships were coming out, leaving their spouses, and looking for same-sex relationships. Of course it still happens today, but it's less common, because same-sex relationships have been a much more available option for, well, decades. At the time it was almost a trope - someone of Emma's implied age (early 40's or so) - would have met and married her husband before same-sex relationships were an option outside of a very limited subculture, and so even people with overwhelming preferences for same-sex relationships usually ended up married in a heterosexual (hetero-asexual?) couple.

So although Lois' thought processes (beyond "Emma is :heysexy:") were never revealed, I kind of figured she was thinking like I and most readers were, that even if Emma was formally married, she was in the process of leaving and so ethically available.

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

TJ, she is co-owner of this establishment. That is how she got this job for which she is entirely unqualified. She might be kind of sort of working under you as a bartender (bartenders wait tables now?) in your restaraunt, but she also has a lot of power to decide if your restaraunt is even a thing that is operating in her building. So maybe back up a sec.

Also you're an rear end in a top hat.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
TJ is the worst.

Also Luann's mom is going to come to the conclusion that if she lets Tiffany rent the room at their place, she can pay less rent than at her dorm and have to pick up less shifts.

Jun 14, 2005

Strontium posted:

Just the worst.
Yeah without even reading I saw 9 identical panels and though "you have to be kidding."

I understand he's not making any money on this so there's a limit to how much time he can dedicate, but if it's not something he's doing as a labor of love and he's just making GBS threads out 3 strips a week just to do it then he's better off moving on to something else.

Sundae posted:

Google says only sixty papers run it, which is a relief though still sixty too many. The comic has been an idiotic horn-fest for as long as I can remember.
That's the syndicate's claim, and who knows how old that is. I bet it's really fewer than that.

F Minus

Mark Trail

Mary Worth

There's a doofus on the wing of the plane!

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe

I found these better when he did them in March.

Rex Morgan MD


Apartment 3-G

Feb 16, 2011


Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

Johnny Walker posted:

Apartment 3-G

Eagerly awaiting this guy righteously punching someone in the face for trying to swindle him.

Also, I'm astonished that the Evanses have really just forgotten that Mrs. Degroot owns that restaurant. What a terrible loving comic.

Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
August 25th & 26th, 1981

Last Tango in Paris, for reference

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
Mark Trail '47 2/6–8

Mark Trail '94 6/13

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Dykes to Watch Out For #52 (1989)

In general I think this strip serves to address some of the questions brought up already about this plot and how it contrasts with the Clarice/Ginger thing. Jerome gets built up quite a bit in these early stages, which is funny because I don't think he ever actually appears. Later on DtWOF will have a small but pretty rich roster of men in the supporting cast but right now Bechdel is still very interested, I think, in keeping the spotlight deliberately and intently focused on women interacting with women. I may be incorrect but on a quick skim through I believe the only men with lines in the serial strip so far have been a guy in one panel of the accessibility panel strip, and Mo's dad in a strip cut from the Essential. An interesting decision and my hunch based on recollection is that Bechdel begins to loosen up on this when she begins to address bisexuality and gender mutability more seriously later on.

"yenta" is a general term for a busy-body lady that originated in Yiddish comic theater. The Jewish-American writer Jacob Adler, who had a healthy amount of crossover appeal with gentile audiences, introduced a character named Yente Telebende in the 20s, leading to the adoption of the term in popular American vernacular. Here's a little snippet of Adler's Yente:


Recently one of my next-door neighbors ran into my drugstore. Her name is Yente. The same Yente that gets written about in the papers, whose husband‘s name is Mendel Telebende and who has a son — Pinye.

“Mister Heifetz, Mister Heifetz!?” she exclaims with all her strength — “Here’s a nickel, now please connect me with my husband with your telephone. Mendel is his name, Mendel Telebende. Huriup, Mister Heifetz!”

“Where is your Mendel’s telephone number?” I ask her.

“How should I know?” she answers. “I think 144 Pitt Street, near Broome in a rear building, on the stoop.”

“I don’t mean the number of the shop where he’s working, but the number of the telephone,” I say.

“What do you need two numbers for?” asks Yente. “One number is not enough?”

The match-maker in the 1964 musical Fiddler on the Roof, named Yenta, was just such a stock busy-body, leading to the slightly inaccurate transmission of the term as generally referring to match-makers and other romantic meddlers.

I can't make out the writing in panel eight but it looks like it's something and not just scribbles.

How Wonderful! fucked around with this message at 20:08 on May 8, 2020

Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!







....What? The problem with microwave leftover pizza isn't that it dries out, it's exactly the opposite, it gets mushy.

Honestly, Billingsley's been making less sense than Charles Boyce lately.

Mar 24, 2019

How Wonderful! posted:

Dykes to Watch Out For #52 (1989)
In general I think this strip serves to address some of the questions brought up already about this plot and how it contrasts with the Clarice/Ginger thing. Jerome gets built up quite a bit in these early stages, which is funny because I don't think he ever actually appears. Later on DtWOF will have a small but pretty rich roster of men in the supporting cast but right now Bechdel is still very interested, I think, in keeping the spotlight deliberately and intently focused on women interacting with women.

"yenta" is a general term for a busy-body lady that originated in Yiddish comic theater. The Jewish-American writer Jacob Adler, who had a healthy amount of crossover appeal with gentile audiences, introduced a character named Yente Telebende in the 20s, leading to the adoption of the term in popular American vernacular. Here's a little snippet of Adler's Yente:

The match-maker in the 1964 musical Fiddler on the Roof, named Yenta, was just such a stock busy-body, leading to the slightly inaccurate transmission of the term as generally referring to match-makers and other romantic meddlers.

I can't make out the writing in panel eight but it looks like it's something and not just scribbles.
Your commentary is like an (interesting) class in 20th century American subcultures. Wish my teachers had been so evocative.

I think I saw Jerome in one strip, one with a family dinner of Emma's. Can't find it in my Firebrands, so it's probably in DTWOF: The Sequel, which I am missing. Hopefully he's actually there (as opposed to just referred to) and not just a false memory of my faltering mind. He doesn't say much IIRC.

Edit: And I just found my copy of DTWOF: The Sequel (yay!), and Jerome is in there, but he doesn't have any lines. I guess that strip was dropped from Essential. I can sort of see why Bechdel wanted it because it looks like it's building up to a big plot event or joke and then...bupkis. (Although I'm still on team "Collections should collect, so put it in").

curtadams fucked around with this message at 20:44 on May 8, 2020

Oct 9, 2012

Rhymes with Orange

Get Fuzzy 5/7/00

The problems of syndicated comics: this Sunday strip interrupts the "Rob goes bald" storyline.

Brenda Starr 4/18/40

The problems of running only on Sundays: Pesky has to spend half the installment recapping the plot for dumb ol' Tom Taylor.

Smokey Stover 3/24/35

A cautionary tale for all of us who wanted a fireman's pole in our house when we were kids.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas

curtadams posted:

Edit: And I just found my copy of DTWOF: The Sequel (yay!), and Jerome is in there, but he doesn't have any lines. I guess that strip was dropped from Essential. I can sort of see why Bechdel wanted it because it looks like it's building up to a big plot event or joke and then...bupkis. (Although I'm still on team "Collections should collect, so put it in").

Yeah, I don't mind the idea of an accessible, portable one-volume abridgement but I think Bechdel is an artist of enough historical and cultural significance that over 25% of her longest and (imo) most complex work being functionally OOP is bewildering. The first big chunk of my dissertation research was trawling through hundreds of newspapers from the 1860s and 1870s looking for the kinds of anonymous poems that were just shoehorned into unclaimed or oddly-sized column space so I'm super sympathetic to the plight of every scholar who needs a text to be accessible and available when it just isn't.

Oct 10, 2012

Everything is Sinister

Bad Machinery

Dec 16, 2006

Only a howler

How Wonderful! posted:

Yeah, I don't mind the idea of an accessible, portable one-volume abridgement but I think Bechdel is an artist of enough historical and cultural significance that over 25% of her longest and (imo) most complex work being functionally OOP is bewildering. The first big chunk of my dissertation research was trawling through hundreds of newspapers from the 1860s and 1870s looking for the kinds of anonymous poems that were just shoehorned into unclaimed or oddly-sized column space so I'm super sympathetic to the plight of every scholar who needs a text to be accessible and available when it just isn't.

If they had been available, wouldn't they have been used already by lesser scholars?

Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.
Modesty Blaise

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas

gleebster posted:

If they had been available, wouldn't they have been used already by lesser scholars?

I am about as lesser a scholar as they come, but in general I think the more stuff is available and well-edited, the more breadth and interconnectivity there's going to be in scholarship, which is to everybody's benefit.

May 1, 2008


Pigsfeet on Rye
Oct 22, 2008

No thanks to Lizzo..


Jan 18, 2003
Vintage Valiant (Feb. 19, 1939)

Cowslips Warren
Oct 29, 2005

What use had they for tricks and cunning, living in the enemy's warren and paying his price?

Grimey Drawer
Called it!

As said by many others, conquering is fun. Ruling is boring and hard.

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
King Aroo 12/18/53

They'll Do It Every Time 12/14/46

Mopsy 12/24/42

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Cheer Up Boss Dharma


Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice
Where is R Ubbish in these trying times?







These are really getting unbearable.

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