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Nov 18, 2005


StrixNebulosa posted:

And here's the second half of "wally steps on a landmine". I hope you're ready to be mad.

the end! two notes: love to punch out the man who just saved my life! also, :ughh:

:allears: Yeah, that's exactly what has stuck with me all those years. Khan has saved his life twice now, but better punch him out because U-S-A! U-S-A!


Safety Dance
Sep 10, 2007

Five degrees to starboard!

Critically, this is also not how landmines work. They explode when stepped on; they don't wait patiently while someone tries to defuse them.

Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.
The Far Side
“What have I told you about eating in bed?”

“Carl, maybe you should just leave your flashlight off. We’re trying to scare these kids, not crack ’em up.”

Now that desk looks better. Everything’s squared away, yessir, squaaaaaared away.”

Although an unexplained phenomenon, there is a place on the outskirts of Mayfield, Nebraska, where the sun does not shine.

“Well, well, King … looks like the new neighbors have brought a friend for you, too.”



Somebody fucked around with this message at 16:23 on Jul 25, 2022

Mar 3, 2007

We were somewhere around Manila when the drugs began to take hold

Safety Dance posted:

Critically, this is also not how landmines work. They explode when stepped on; they don't wait patiently while someone tries to defuse them.

it’s a product of German s-mines in ww2. the fuse had a 3 second delay after being triggered to allow the mine to be launched upwards and increase the spread of shrapnel. US literature on the mine during the war often mistook this for the mine not exploding until after you stepped off the trigger

Oct 10, 2004


Haifisch posted:

Bonus WTF Wizard of Id:

"A political prisoner tries to gently caress a spider" ?

Ghostlight posted:

Weird name for a doctor.

Dr. Caduceus is a snake, so it's kind of fitting.

Why do I know this.

Zanzibar Ham
Mar 17, 2009

You giving me the cold shoulder? How cruel.

Grimey Drawer

Safety Dance posted:

Critically, this is also not how landmines work. They explode when stepped on; they don't wait patiently while someone tries to defuse them.

Maybe whoever set down that mine got it from Jigsaw's Surplus.

Apr 19, 2004

Zereth posted:

I would've sworn there's a male disabled vet character :psyduck:
There is, isn't there? The sad sack with the service dog.

Safety Dance
Sep 10, 2007

Five degrees to starboard!

Weembles posted:

There is, isn't there? The sad sack with the service dog.

That's the same guy, Wally. He has a traumatic brain injury.

May 1, 2008


"...Preparations are almost done..."
"We need more decorative branches!"

Koriste = Decoration
Oksa = Branch
Koristeoksa = Decorative branch

Koris = (nickname for) Basketball
Teos = Artwork
Koristeos = Basketball art

And the plural partitive case is identical (koristeoksia) for them both because Finnish language is a practical joke.

Feb 22, 2011


So there's Mämmilä. Center of it, at least. Savikko house, if you can't tell, is the green building at the bottom. Ajan Asu is a clothing and fabric store in the big yellow building at the tip of the "triangle".

Other points of interest, there's Crywood factory in the upper right and to the left of it Eino's house, uncolored. I think Syrjänen family's house is next to the road in the center, across from those two bigger, light-brown houses. Big building bottom left is the general store Oma Rove, next to it out of frame is a book store and next to that is Toivo Rönkä's property, he tried to get a well in his yard a while back and ended with a flag pole. Across the road from Rönkä is Hilkka's bar, favored haunt of Rikhard, Viljami and Sulo. Further to the south at the edge of town is the church and graveyard, and I think Ylä- and Ala-Mämmilä farms are even further to the south.

Tarmo Koivisto based Mämmilä on his hometown of Orivesi, easy to see if you check it out in Google Maps.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

Arlo and Janis

Tina's Groove Classic (October 4, 2008)

Arlo and Janis Classic (October 4, 1998)

Garfield Classic (October 4, 1988)

Mar 9, 2012

Safety Dance posted:

Critically, this is also not how landmines work. They explode when stepped on; they don't wait patiently while someone tries to defuse them.

This, at least, is covered in the text, you just have to turn your head sideways to get it. The landmine not going off immediately was a fluke.

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

LazyQ posted:


So there's Mämmilä. Center of it, at least. Savikko house, if you can't tell, is the green building at the bottom. Ajan Asu is a clothing and fabric store in the big yellow building at the tip of the "triangle".

Other points of interest, there's Crywood factory in the upper right and to the left of it Eino's house, uncolored. I think Syrjänen family's house is next to the road in the center, across from those two bigger, light-brown houses. Big building bottom left is the general store Oma Rove, next to it out of frame is a book store and next to that is Toivo Rönkä's property, he tried to get a well in his yard a while back and ended with a flag pole. Across the road from Rönkä is Hilkka's bar, favored haunt of Rikhard, Viljami and Sulo. Further to the south at the edge of town is the church and graveyard, and I think Ylä- and Ala-Mämmilä farms are even further to the south.

Tarmo Koivisto based Mämmilä on his hometown of Orivesi, easy to see if you check it out in Google Maps.

Having grown up in a medium-sized suburban town off a couple of major highways and regional roads, this kind of thing strikes a chord in me when I think about the construction that came before me.

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

LazyQ posted:


drat, I want a textless version of that main panel for a poster. I love good landscapes.

Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe

Support Tauhid's Patreon here.

Old School Peanuts (Oct 2, 1951)

Calvin and Hobbes (Jul 24-25, 1987)


Robbie and Bobby (Dec 15-16, 2015)

Mar 24, 2019

StrixNebulosa posted:

oh god i provoked a thread title change - to anyone who doesn't like the funky winkerapocalypse, I promise that it'll be over soon. I just counted and we have about 8-10 weeks of cancer left. I tend to do 1-2 weeks per update, twice daily, so that's about 5-6 days left of funky, give or take the rest of wally stepping on a landmine.
C'mon, go for the gold! FW has been going for almost 50 years (yes, really, started March 1972) so that's over 15,000 strips. You could post a Monday-to-Sunday Funkstravaganza every day into 2027!

I know you want to

Oct 22, 2009

Tendales posted:

This, at least, is covered in the text, you just have to turn your head sideways to get it. The landmine not going off immediately was a fluke.

It still doesn't make sense. It's a time fuse, it doesn't care if you lift your foot or not. If the fuse didn't activate yet then it's either dud or could fire any second, in either case the only thing you can do is run to cover and hope it was a dud.

To actually hit it hard is the dumbest course of action though.

Oct 10, 2012

Grimey Drawer

readingatwork posted:

Calvin and Hobbes (Jul 24-25, 1987)

We took our 2nd kid out of preschool this month for good since we're all home now and she starts Kindergarten in the fall (we hope). To celebrate we split a bottle of wine then did "the math" on our total childcare costs on two healthy kids between 3 months old and school starting.


Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice






Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Professor Wayne posted:

Although an unexplained phenomenon, there is a place on the outskirts of Mayfield, Nebraska, where the sun does not shine.
Huh, weird. I thought this place was hubwards of Slice?

May 20, 2005

This one's named after that one. Kind of like Paris, Texas.

Dec 2, 2014

Doll House Ghost posted:

drat, they look really blasé about that girl's family being killed right next to them.

Well you see it turns out that dead Afghani means win for Americans! Is all good!

Also, punching the guy after he saved your life? And claiming that he somehow had a hand in the death of your friends? What the actual loving gently caress is wrong with you you loving Fucky Fuckerbean.

I joined SA originally so I could read the old CAD mock threads so I'm all about hate-reading comics. Please continue!

BigglesSWE fucked around with this message at 15:12 on May 14, 2020

Lowen SoDium
Jun 5, 2003

Highen Fiber
Clapping Larry
All these cancer comics are depressing. Lets see if we can make them more cheerful

Shake 'em baby!

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

curtadams posted:

C'mon, go for the gold! FW has been going for almost 50 years (yes, really, started March 1972) so that's over 15,000 strips. You could post a Monday-to-Sunday Funkstravaganza every day into 2027!

I know you want to

I actually like this thread and look forward to seeing new comics in here daily, so no, I do not want to do that.

Aug 21, 2007

Live, laugh, kupo!

Kennel posted:

Man in Black

I really like the use of space in this one. For a single-panel comic there's still pacing for the punchline.

Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Family Circus

Rose is Rose

One Big Happy




Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.
Modesty Blaise

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

curtadams posted:

C'mon, go for the gold! FW has been going for almost 50 years (yes, really, started March 1972)
loving hell I'm a month older than this comic strip :smithicide:

Oct 10, 2012

Grimey Drawer

Aug 7, 2006

Evil Mastermind posted:

loving hell I'm a month older than this comic strip :smithicide:

Ok boomer

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

How dare you.

I'll have you know I'm GenX.

Aug 25, 2017

Nenonen posted:

It still doesn't make sense. It's a time fuse, it doesn't care if you lift your foot or not. If the fuse didn't activate yet then it's either dud or could fire any second, in either case the only thing you can do is run to cover and hope it was a dud.

To actually hit it hard is the dumbest course of action though.

What makes the entire thing so nonsensical is that Batiuk tries going for a sense of realism by explaining how he thinks mines work and showing Wally's fear of getting blown up, but then he resolves it in a cartoonish way by having Kahn bat it away. It's complete tonal dissonance.

It's like that time Batiuk did a story about a guy who Hollywood falsely accused of murdering his girlfriend, except it turns out the real murderer was the guy's pet talking chimp who drinks and smokes.

Parahexavoctal posted:

Dr. Caduceus is a snake, so it's kind of fitting.

Why do I know this.

You probably remember that time Kell got a check-up from her snake doctor, who was busy digesting someone still alive.

Drimble Wedge
Mar 10, 2008


Scary Gary

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!




How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
I think Funky Winkerbean is actually far from the worst comic in this thread and I actually kind of like a fair amount of the old ones Strix has been posting. I like the idea of the timeskips and frankly I like the weird, clumsy tension between Batiuk's desire to write a soapy drama and his felt obligation to end each strip with a winking punchline. The end is weird, and it might not be the most accurate thing on earth, but I think the landmine stuff is actually a pretty tense and well-paced sequence as comic strip action sequences go. If anything it makes me want to check out John Darling.

Anyway, apropos of nothing, when the landmine strips were coming out I was a freshman in college and I'd just broken up with someone named Becky, and I was really maudlin about it. During that time I'd occasionally drive home for part of the weekend, since my dad had just been in a car-accident and lost the use of his legs and he and my mom both wound up needing an extra set of hands around the house while they adjusted. I happened to pick up the paper on the day of the weeping "Tell Becky my last thought was of her..." panel and was like "gently caress this," and just moped around the rest of the day.

Sep 6, 2007


Funky wouldn't really be that bad if it weren't for TomBat's love of ending something on a tepid 1-liner and smug face

May 20, 2005

Evil Mastermind posted:

How dare you.

I'll have you know I'm GenX.

ok xoomer

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

To be clear, I'm having a lot of fun posting Funky Winkerbean and Lisa's Story. But I just don't feel like a week at a time wall of comics would be right for this thread outside of this, y'know? And I refuse to do it a strip at a time, because his pacing is excruciating, as the one-liner/smirks have time to ferment into something even worse.

If someone else wants to do it, sure. Or if you want me to find a specific storyline, sure. But this isn't my cross - my cross is cancerwife, and I will be free soon.

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

Safety Dance posted:

That's the same guy, Wally. He has a traumatic brain injury.

The injury gave him Prosopagnosia, a condition where you can't recognize people's faces. Except Becky. Because of his extreme love for Becky he remembers her face, and it is the only one he can recognize or accurately process.

He was a POW for so long that he was presumed dead and so Becky moved on and remarried while he was away!

It's possible Batiuk has forgotten that Wally has this condition since it never seems to come up anymore, but it happened.

You ran a counterfeit merchandise scam out of this very building. Pru booked it (and waived the usual event fee!); Luann was taken in by it. If Mrs. DeGroot doesn't know it happened, then what the hell, Pru and Luann?


Jun 14, 2005

Yvonmukluk posted:

Bad Machinery

What kind of name jokes are there for "Bough"? I am thinking it's pronounced like the bow of a ship.
I've always liked Scary Gary. I don't know why the gimmick never seems to wear thin for me.

How Wonderful! posted:

I think Funky Winkerbean is actually far from the worst comic in this thread and I actually kind of like a fair amount of the old ones Strix has been posting. I like the idea of the timeskips and frankly I like the weird, clumsy tension between Batiuk's desire to write a soapy drama and his felt obligation to end each strip with a winking punchline. The end is weird, and it might not be the most accurate thing on earth, but I think the landmine stuff is actually a pretty tense and well-paced sequence as comic strip action sequences go. If anything it makes me want to check out John Darling.
Someone was posting John Darling way back and I remember it being mostly caricatures of 70s celebrities and not much in the way of story.

F Minus

Mark Trail

Mary Worth

I hate these two. I hope they get back to Charterstone and Dawn suddenly falls for Tommy.

The Phantom

Geez, Phantom. :stare:

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD

"It just so happens I make my living leeching off the life's works of old men!"


Apartment 3-G

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