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May 20, 2005

Johnny Walker posted:

What kind of name jokes are there for "Bough"? I am thinking it's pronounced like the bow of a ship.

In this instance "Bough" rhymes with cough, so...


Dec 16, 2006

Only a howler

BigDave posted:

How the hell do you get captured twice?

Wally joined up, went to Afghanistan and got captured after the helicopter he was on was brought down, as we have seen. On that occasion, Khan* helped his get out.

Later, Wally was called up again and sent back to Afghanistan. He was promptly captured again, prompting me to think he's not very good at soldiering. Anyway, the second time took place over a time jump, making Wally a prisoner of many years' standing. So many that he was declared dead, despite the Pentagon's extreme reluctance to do that without remains (another poorly-researched subject for Batiuk). So Becky, for reasons that have never been adequately explained, married John Howard, the comic book store owner with the bad haircut.

*Khan later, with Wally's help, came to America. He worked at Montoni's for years before disappearing to open his own coffee shop, Citizen Kahn's. I guess we have to assume that in the paperwork coming here he made the change in the spelling of his name. He was unseen in the comic for a couple of years before one day, when shoveling snow from in front of the pizza joint, Funky and Wally saw a sign in the window saying that Kahn was going out of business and, as it turns out, going back to Afghanistan. He was next door for years, and Batiuk couldn't even have him show up in the occasional strip.

Jun 28, 2008

Didn't you mean to ask about flowers?
"I'd like to sue this restaurant, their service was horrible."

"Alright, what are the charges we're lining up?"

"The owner asked me to leave!"

If this actually is the upcoming plot then I must assume the author has a long standing aversion to any satisfaction in story telling, considering this started as a Luann's Mom story and took a step to the side to include another beat from Tiffany. It's like a mediocre trainwreck.

I love that The Phantom is so earnest about being The Phantom. Can't disappoint all the old jungle sayings.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas

StrixNebulosa posted:

To be clear, I'm having a lot of fun posting Funky Winkerbean and Lisa's Story. But I just don't feel like a week at a time wall of comics would be right for this thread outside of this, y'know? And I refuse to do it a strip at a time, because his pacing is excruciating, as the one-liner/smirks have time to ferment into something even worse.

If someone else wants to do it, sure. Or if you want me to find a specific storyline, sure. But this isn't my cross - my cross is cancerwife, and I will be free soon.

Oh for sure, I wasn't trying to pressure you into maintaining extra work, even though I do really really appreciate your having posted the Lisa stuff so far. I just meant to say it's given me an appreciation for Batiuk's potential that isn't really as evident in the more recent strips.

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

Frankly I'm shocked that the Evanses remembered that Mom DeGroot owned the restaurant.

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

Doomykins posted:

If this actually is the upcoming plot then I must assume the author has a long standing aversion to any satisfaction in story telling
Well, it's certainly a modest assumption in light of the accumulated evidence.

Jun 28, 2008

Didn't you mean to ask about flowers?
Hahaha, true enough. The only reason Luann isn't in my auto-skip thread scrolling with trash like Fort Knox or 9CL is that the story of an abusive step parent resonated with me, a guy who had a scumbag step parent. Then Bets joined and hey, somebody assertive and not boring in a sea of half-eyelid half-wits, and she's Tiffany's pal. Now I just want to see Ann get thrown out on the street and get some storyline closure but Luann does not do closure, ever. Everyone in the strip will be in their 50s and still living in a state of permanent indecision, judging critically anyone who has a firm grasp on anything in life they want to achieve or even enjoy doing. It's like a beige Hell.

Also I'm an idiot with poor pattern recognition.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Doomykins posted:

If this actually is the upcoming plot then I must assume the author has a long standing aversion to any satisfaction in story telling, considering this started as a Luann's Mom story and took a step to the side to include another beat from Tiffany. It's like a mediocre trainwreck.
When was the last time a Luann "storyline" actually ended with some form of resolution instead of just stopping and slamming into the next "story"? I'm honestly curious.

Oct 10, 2004


Johnny Walker posted:

Someone was posting John Darling way back and I remember it being mostly caricatures of 70s celebrities and not much in the way of story.

That was me - I fell behind in the thread halfway through the scans of my sole compilation, and it took me until last month to catch up (this fucker moves fast).

It definitely wasn't story-oriented - not at the time of the strips in the compilation, anyway. I remember a few short arcs - the one where he goes to NY and gets mugged, and the Miss Piggy strips that treated her as if she was a real person, and then in the last strip he's holding her severed head.

I'll repost them soon.

Jul 14, 2002

B Kliban

Barely visible titty

Is there some kind of joke I"m not understanding about how the people singing the music are dressed/presented and the music they're appreciating?

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?
This thread title change is incredibly cursed.

Anyway, Conan the Barbarian Oct. 2nd, 1978-Oct. 8th, 1978

A carnivorous ape! Exceptionally Howardian. I seem to remember hearing that he fought enough that when Marvel was adapting the stories, they started redesigning them as weird monsters because "oh, gee, another carnivorous ape."

Dec 5, 2007

I had a video of that when I was about 6.

I remember it being shit.

Grimey Drawer

fondue posted:

Is there some kind of joke I"m not understanding about how the people singing the music are dressed/presented and the music they're appreciating?

Mozart is high art for the refined elite, sipping their coffee and having a coissant at an outdoor cafe. Bach is tunes for the common man.

Feb 12, 2016

Pelican, a Bag Man
Woof, rough week. Sorry about the delay, I know how much some of you love these comics!

Classic Chickweed

Jane's World

Jucika (NSFW)

Classic Luan

And, as an apology for my lateness, have some select choices from the Top 11 Puddles Appearances article I found! :D

thesonofmothman fucked around with this message at 20:27 on May 14, 2020

Sep 6, 2007


Holy poo poo I actually laughed at a joke Brooke McEldowney wrote

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Savidudeosoo posted:

Woof, rough week. Sorry about the delay, I know how much some of you love these comics!

Classic Chickweed

holy poo poo is that her future husband?

e: luann is the most insufferable person to exist, jesus christ

May 1, 2008


StrixNebulosa posted:

holy poo poo is that her future husband?

Old school Chickweed had ok (sometimes even good) art, but Amos was just hideous.

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

Savidudeosoo posted:

Jucika (NSFW)

Attention Brooke McEldowney: Here is an example of ribald humor that successfully stays lighthearted and charming.

Oct 9, 2012

StrixNebulosa posted:

holy poo poo is that her future husband?

See, if Brooke was to write this gag today, Amos would immediately be driven to an incoherent, nose-bleeding faint by being forced to contemplate Edda's hips.

Nov 18, 2005



Oct 9, 2012

Rhymes with Orange

Get Fuzzy 5/13/00

Brenda Starr 9/29/40

Things the Baron is not good at:

1. Kidnapping
2. Poetry

Smokey Stover 5/5/35

Mar 24, 2019

Shugojin posted:

Funky wouldn't really be that bad if it weren't for TomBat's love of ending something on a tepid 1-liner and smug face
Kind of how I feel. Lots of people needle the "Grim Funkyverse" but it's not all that grim compared to real life. Most people Les Moore's age have had to deal with a couple of tragic deaths, and there's a lot of regular life and whimsical stuff in the strip too. I like that Batuik is doing something different with the comic medium.

The weakness of FW is its execution. The tepid final panel jokes, yes; also the meandering plotting, deus ex machina endings, the audience fake-outs, and, actually, a *lack* of the very grimness it gets criticized for having. The cancerwife saga did a reasonable job of conveying the tragedy of cancer (I've had a family member die of cancer) but the CTE saga just totally wiffed. I've had a family member die with dementia and that delivers some brutal gut-punches. I never got anything of that from the FW CTE storyline - there was just none of the emotional impact of somebody you love disintegrating. And then this ending to the landmine story - the girl's parents just got blown to smithereens, but hey it's OK because Wally wants to adopt her so we can all smile now? NO. Just NO.

Jan 18, 2003

Just Dan Again posted:

I'm so glad to see vintage Valiant posted here. A little while ago I broke down and picked up the first three volumes of the collection and there's nothing quite like having those strips in a huge, beautiful format. I always skipped Val in the Sunday funnies as a kid since I never knew what was going on, but these classic strips are exactly the kind of silly adventure stories I was looking for.

Fighting Trousers posted:

The Fantagraphics reprints are gorgeous. They're really the format the art deserves.

I'm also really glad to see the classic Valiant again - it was being posted in one of the previous threads, years ago, and left off right before Val met Aleta. I hope the thread gets to see that this time, because it's a great story arc.

The Fantagraphics collections are excellent, absolutely everything a vintage comic collection should be, so anyone with the inclination and cash should consider buying some. As for future storylines, I can only say I'll try to keep going as long as I can. I'm glad people are enjoying the strip (but not terribly surprised, because it rules). I, too, avoided the strip as a kid. I always felt bad about it, because it seemed like the kind of thing I would like, but there was a bunch of backstory I wasn't familiar with, and seemed so wordy for a comic strip! I'm glad to have gotten into it, because as it turns out, I love it so.

Vintage Valiant (Mar. 26, 1939)

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Part eight. Yep, we're back to cancerwife.

Funky Winkerbean - August 27 - September 9th. I thought about skipping the second week and going straight back to cancer, but no. You need to experience this arc in its full glory. I'm not skipping any strips until the end.

Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
September 6th & 7th, 1981

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

Selachian posted:

Smokey Stover 5/5/35

I'm really enjoying Smokey Stover. Just some good goofy gags.

Medenmath posted:

Vintage Valiant (Mar. 26, 1939)

And then Val killed Alfred as the owner of the castle, like he promised to do.

Oct 9, 2012

Johnny Walker posted:

What kind of name jokes are there for "Bough"? I am thinking it's pronounced like the bow of a ship.

"Bough" also means a tree branch (as in: "When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall"), so you could probably get a few tree-related jokes out of it.

Mar 24, 2019

StrixNebulosa posted:

Part eight. Yep, we're back to cancerwife.

Funky Winkerbean - August 27 - September 9th. I thought about skipping the second week and going straight back to cancer, but no. You need to experience this arc in its full glory. I'm not skipping any strips until the end.

The only thing funny in the sequence that came from was the realization that Batuik apparently didn't know the slang and IME most common meaning of "going commando". There's got to be a funny edit in there when they are climbing over the fence.

Aug 7, 2006
Remember how in Crankshaft a character gets diagnosed with cancer and the next strip immediately is their funeral

Feb 11, 2014

Come, all you fair and tender maids
Who flourish in your pri-ime
Beware, take care, keep your garden fair
Let Gnoman steal your thy-y-me
Le-et Gnoman steal your thyme

This sums up the problem of Funky Winkerbean completely. We go from a genuinely touching strip about a dying mother, to a pretty decent "look on the bright side of life" moment... to a stupid and wacky storyline about somebody stealing a stupid memento from his old high school.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set is a friend to nature.

Working Daze COFFEE JOEK!

Super-Fun-Pak Comix is just making up science.

Cul De Sac fades into the mists of history.

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Is this thread running weirdly slow for anyone else right now? My scroll bar keeps getting stuck here. Normally I'd blame my garbage computer except the rest of the forums are fine.

Cheer Up Boss Dharma

Masks in South Korea are on a quota system. You can only buy a single pack a day and this is enforced by checking your relevant ID against the national database. This was a big deal when COVID-19 was at maximum hype, with long lines at pharmacies whenever their announced daily shipment came in. Since then the situation has mellowed out quite a bit and you can just get them from subway pop-up shops too if you need them.

Locally people thought this quota system was proof the government was doing things wrong. No doubt decades of propaganda about how evil the North Koreans are for regularly using quota systems had something to do with this. It took time for it to sink into people that quota systems aren't about government control but about preventing scalpers from hoarding limited resources. And mainly just because it became really obvious really fast that countries like the United States that weren't bothering to monitor supplies simply ended up not having any at all for the general population.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me


Bogor 1976

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

Safe Havens

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Ella Cinders

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

FrumpleOrz posted:

Mother Goose & Grimm

well uh, I mean I've been posting Arlo and Janis for years so I'm not surprised, but

I also hope Nekonaughey gets better :(

e: Ella Cinders is really good! and thank y'all for not sleeping on Thimble Theater during its renaissance

Feb 16, 2011


Aug 25, 2017

"Our old vice principal was a real hardass, huh?"
"Teehee, but at least they're not as terrible as Fi, the person I'm supposed to treat as a friend."

We've been swamped by so much awfulness from Cancermageddon and 9PostPartumFuckinLane that Holbrook doing a pregnancy storyline during the quarantine almost doesn't feel as stupid as it is.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

In today's Corto Maltese: Looks like the writings on the wall for you, Corto! (and yes, I know it's not actually מְנֵא מְנֵא תְּקֵל וּפַרְסִי, silence, you), or Klingsor, that helmet would be TERRIBLE for wind drag when you're on your horse, you know?, or Yes Klingsor, we're all very impressed with you addressing the 4th wall like that, now get on with the story!

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
I ran into some scanner issues so I totally missed DtWOF yesterday. To make up for it here are two separate early comic strips in which the entire punchline is children getting harmed by bees:
First, Inez Townsend's Gretchen Gratz from 1904

Second, Margaret G. Hays' Jennie and Jack, from 1908.

Frankly I think the little dog in that one is extremely cute, and I think it loving sucks that he got stung by bees.

(if the children in the Hays look familiar, it is probably because her sister, the more famous cartoonist Grace Drayton, designed the Campbell Soup mascot-kid and as frequent collaborators Hays understandably had a lot stylistically in common with Drayton)

Bonus edit: and some early work by Gladys Parker of Mopsy fame (1934):

How Wonderful! fucked around with this message at 06:22 on May 15, 2020

Aug 23, 2009

Alexander Nevsky lookin' motherfucker


Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Family Circus

Rose is Rose

One Big Happy




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