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Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Manuel Calavera posted:

I've got a treat for you today then!

One B

Finally, an actually good One Big Happy!


Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
2017 Spiderman

1978 Comics

Dick Tracy

Locher Tracy

Origins of the Sunday Comics

Footrot Flats

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.


Jun 14, 2005

F Minus

Mark Trail

Mary Worth

"Oh, Mary! Does that mean we can finally..."

The Phantom

Phantom continues his bad-assery.

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD

What do you think they'll call it? GoKickMe? FundStarter?


Powered Descent posted:

A surprising amount of the time, Andertoons somehow manages to be low-key excellent.
Andertoons is consistently great--like way better than 50-50 for me, which is probably where F Minus is--and I think today's is a great example of what you are talking about.

One-panel gag strips are probably my favorite kind, now that I think about it.

Julet Esqu posted:

Junk Drawer
For example, I think all of these are funny and I'm really enjoying Junk Drawer now that it's posted here.

Thread be warned: There are bad ones too. I know of some and I can get them at any time.

Flash Gordon

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

Haifisch posted:

1978 Comics

Jesus Christ, things really don't ever change, do they?

Jul 14, 2002

I first saw Repo Man back in High School when it came out on HBO. My friends and I loved it so much we were always quoting lines from it, one of my friends memorized the whole "everyone should have 100 chest x-rays a year!" soliloquy and would go off on that rant at parties at perplexingly fitting times.

One of my favorite bits of the movie was all of the generic food - for decades I thought it was just another gag but an article came out about five years ago explaining why that and the little hanging car tree fresheners were everywhere; they were one of the only financial sponsors! So all of the stores in the movie and all product placement were Ralphs foods and every car had one or more tree air fresheners in it.

B Kliban

Here's J Frank Parnell explaining why radiation is totally safe.

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?
Conan the Barbarian Oct. 23rd, 1978- Oct. 29th, 1978, featuring a special guest star!

Ah, Red Sonja! She-Devil with a Sword! Possibly the originator of the chainmail bikini? Red Sonja has become a staple of the Hyborian Age, but she is not a Howard original. Kinda. See, RE Howard wrote a lot of historical fiction (which I'm not really familiar with, something I should remedy), it was one of his favourite genres though he found it difficult to make money with them; the amount of research he spent on them meant he couldn't just churn one out for money like he could with Conan. In the Conan boom of the '60s and '70s, a lot of non-Conan stories got rewritten into Conan pastiches by other authors, a trend that Marvel continued when they started their comic. Red Sonja is based on a character named "Red Sonya," from the story The Shadow of the Vulture, set in 16th century while the Ottoman Empire is attacking into Europe. When Marvel adapted that story into the Conan comics in "Conan the Barbarian #23", they redesigned and slightly changed the name of the historical fiction character and accidentally created a sensation. There was a Red Sonja movie in 1985 with Brigitte Nielsen and Arnold Schwarzenegger, oddly enough not playing Conan (supposedly he was intended to, but there were some weird rights issues involved), and there have been attempts to make a new one for years now. She also appeared in an episode of Conan the Adventurer, the live-action TV show that I remember being enjoyable but also from the era of Hercules and Xena, so if you can't stand that style of fantasy TV I'd probably skip it.

Apparently in 2006 there was a lawsuit between two companies, because one claimed to have the rights to Red Sonja as designed by Roy Thomas for the Marvel comics, and the other to Red Sonya as seen in The Shadow of the Vulture. It was apparently settled with each company paying $1 to the other to license the other version. It feels like it should be a joke in a '70s Mad Magazine.

Discendo Vox
Mar 21, 2013

The classical Freudian anal sadistic character in its purest form.
Nice one.

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

This took me a second, but man, A+J knows how to portray a healthy romantic/sexual relationship.

Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.
The Far Side
“Eat my apple, will you? LEAVE MY GARDEN! BEGONE! … And take all the mole traps with you!”

“Well, we’ve tried every device and you still won’t talk—every device, that is, except this little baby we simply call ‘Mr. Thingy.’”



Somebody fucked around with this message at 16:51 on Jul 25, 2022

Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
September 12th & 13th, 1981

May 1, 2008



Kennel fucked around with this message at 21:23 on May 17, 2020

Oct 9, 2012

Rhymes with Orange

Get Fuzzy 5/16/00

Brenda Starr 10/20/40

I love the narration here. "God, Brenda, what a total fuckup you were."

Smokey Stover 5/26/35

It's a small thing, but I really like the panels of Smokey running up the ladder -- there's a great cartoony dynamism there.

Bonus ad! How badly do you think Robert Arthur, 10, of Brooklyn got the poo poo beaten out of him on the playground after this ran?

Tastyeast was apparently a mix of yeast and chocolate, which sounds horrible.

Aug 21, 2007

Live, laugh, kupo!

Julet Esqu posted:

Jesus Christ, things really don't ever change, do they?

Nope, they don't.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

catlord posted:

There was a Red Sonja movie in 1985 with Brigitte Nielsen and Arnold Schwarzenegger, oddly enough not playing Conan (supposedly he was intended to, but there were some weird rights issues involved), and there have been attempts to make a new one for years now. She also appeared in an episode of Conan the Adventurer, the live-action TV show that I remember being enjoyable but also from the era of Hercules and Xena, so if you can't stand that style of fantasy TV I'd probably skip it.
Oh I can fill this one out. Arnold was head-hunted by the producers for Conan The Barbarian and had signed a contract with them rather than with the production studio for six Conan movies. As Conan the Destroyer rolled out Arnold saw that the 'swords & sandals' genre was quickly burning out in America and wanted to get out before his career died alongside the budgets - similarly, the production studio also saw the writing on the wall and didn't want to bankroll a third Conan movie, and incidentally they were also the ones who owned the rights to Conan in the first place. So the producers want four more Conan movies but no longer have the rights, and Arnold doesn't want to do even one more Conan movie, but they manage to scrap together the rights to Red Sonja and convinced Arnold to cameo in it on the cheap as a way to amicably end his contract with them.
Now, if you've seen the movie you might be like "why are you saying 'cameo', he's one of the main characters" - reportedly he arrived on location for like a one week filming and the producers essentially kidnapped him through structuring rewrites and reshoots into requiring him being there for a month and playing a much larger role than was initially pitched to him.


Bogor 1976

Feb 15, 2005

Samovar posted:


Hah, that's clever. Mirrored ceiling?

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

Ghostlight posted:

Oh I can fill this one out. Arnold was head-hunted by the producers for Conan The Barbarian and had signed a contract with them rather than with the production studio for six Conan movies. As Conan the Destroyer rolled out Arnold saw that the 'swords & sandals' genre was quickly burning out in America and wanted to get out before his career died alongside the budgets - similarly, the production studio also saw the writing on the wall and didn't want to bankroll a third Conan movie, and incidentally they were also the ones who owned the rights to Conan in the first place. So the producers want four more Conan movies but no longer have the rights, and Arnold doesn't want to do even one more Conan movie, but they manage to scrap together the rights to Red Sonja and convinced Arnold to cameo in it on the cheap as a way to amicably end his contract with them.
Now, if you've seen the movie you might be like "why are you saying 'cameo', he's one of the main characters" - reportedly he arrived on location for like a one week filming and the producers essentially kidnapped him through structuring rewrites and reshoots into requiring him being there for a month and playing a much larger role than was initially pitched to him.

Ah, thanks! That does explain a lot and man, Hollywood fuckery is often just bizarre. I've actually managed to miss the Red Sonja movie, considering he's on the poster and everything I guess they really got their money's worth from those extra three weeks.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
On the off-chance that anybody is both enjoying DtWOF and following along in the Love & Rockets thread, I got The Art of Jaime Hernandez today and was surprised to find that Alison Bechdel wrote the intro. I've been thinking about the similarities between DtWOF and L+R, especially Jaime's Locas stories, a lot this week, as two enduring, long-form narratives circling around lesbian desire and adjacent to 80s counterculture, in which characters age in more-or-less real time. It's a pretty interesting little essay so I thought I'd throw it in here.

Everett False
Sep 28, 2006

Mopsy, I'm starting to question your medical credentials.

How Wonderful! posted:

This is a really, really crummy scan, I'm trying to figure out a phone-scanning thing that I don't need to pay for.

I've had good luck with OneDrive's document scan feature, but idk if you need to have an Office 365 subscription to use it.

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Cheer Up Boss Dharma

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

No Safe Havens on Sundays!

Stone SOup

Kevin & Kell

Mother GOose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Ella Cinders

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

Sometimes the Lockhorns just kinda comes directly at you, huh?

Oct 9, 2012

FrumpleOrz posted:

The Lockhorns

Now come on, a Long Islander rooting for the Knicks?

(In the NYC area, you either root for the Yankees/Knicks/Rangers/Giants, or the Mets/Nets/Islanders/Jets. Although that may have changed since the Nets moved to Brooklyn?)

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice

FrumpleOrz posted:

Mother GOose & Grimm

Too soon.

Feb 16, 2011


Mister Olympus
Oct 31, 2011

Buzzard, Who Steals From Dead Bodies
Zelda is dating itself here because this is definitely the sort of thing that would go to kickstarter nowadays before trusting any game company with the idea

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

So was this written after Trump's inject yourself with UV speech? It has to be right?

Aug 28, 2009

Dexter didn't much care for the party.
Daddy Daze

Take It From the Tinkersons

Dark Side of the Horse

Fort Knox

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

howe_sam posted:

So was this written after Trump's inject yourself with UV speech? It has to be right?

I would guess before. Sunlight has long been known to be a natural disinfectant. Although it would seem pretty close to the lead time.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

EBB posted:

Hah, that's clever. Mirrored ceiling?

That's certainly how I read it.

Anyway, from those two nymphos to today's less horny, self-castrating Corto Maltese!: Why is this gorilla crying?!, or Corto Maltese and Klingsor in: Tales of Redundancy!, or I have no idea who or what Fantolin Cagao is, but I sincerely hope that Fantolin Cagao comes from a story much less racist than Tarzan (not the most racist novel I've read, but then again, I've read some James Bond novels, Gone with the Wind and some Sax Rohmer stuff (of Fu Manchu infamy)

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

Arlo and Janis

Tina's Groove Classic (October 7, 2008)

Arlo and Janis Classic (October 7, 1998)

Garfield Classic (October 7, 1988)

Mar 1, 2009

Mister Olympus posted:

Zelda is dating itself here because this is definitely the sort of thing that would go to kickstarter nowadays before trusting any game company with the idea

It's not something that ever happened; games aren't made like movies, having random people come in and pitch a game the company should develop just isn't a thing and never has been. Of course if someone doesn't work in the industry and doesn't know anyone who does then it'd be hard for them to know that, so I'm willing to give Zelda's author more of a break on it than Batiuk gets on movies.

May 1, 2008

Surgeon's Tales




Man in Black

Those are personal ads and I had forgotten that they had those in non-tabloids. I checked that weekend's (May 1989) paper and it had about 50 of them. Mostly awkward lonely middle-aged people, few that are probably prostitutes, also a group of witches looking for recruits.

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

I just want to say, Man in Black is currently my favorite comic being posted here. It's just so clever and good.

May 20, 2005

gonna need a Punainen ja Mönkijä on this one :saddowns:

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

Pastry of the Year posted:

Arlo and Janis Classic (October 7, 1998)


Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

NRVNQSR posted:

It's not something that ever happened; games aren't made like movies, having random people come in and pitch a game the company should develop just isn't a thing and never has been. Of course if someone doesn't work in the industry and doesn't know anyone who does then it'd be hard for them to know that, so I'm willing to give Zelda's author more of a break on it than Batiuk gets on movies.

What makes Batuik's ignorance so magical is that he gets such elementary details wrong it's hard to guess where his misinformation even comes from. Imagine knowing what a wide receiver is but not knowing that football teams typically have more than one. Or knowing what robot battles are but having no concept of weight restrictions.

Some Guy TT fucked around with this message at 11:58 on May 18, 2020

Dec 16, 2006

Only a howler
Today in Juliet Jones, Kiwi just isn't a dancer, I guess.

May 1, 2008


Hwurmp posted:

gonna need a Punainen ja Mönkijä on this one :saddowns:

I think it's "big headphones look a bit like mushroom caps"

e. he did another mushroom gag before

Kennel fucked around with this message at 11:40 on May 18, 2020


Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!
Heart of the City






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