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Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?
Conan the Barbarian and his Amazing Friends Oct. 30th, 1978- Nov. 5th, 1978


Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set gets some fresh air.

Working Daze is thoughtless.

Super-Fun-Pak Comix teeters close to "smug atheism".

Cul De Sac is a contest.

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!
Anything anyone wanna see over Monty?

I'm considering only posting it if Fleshy's in it.

Mar 14, 2009

I don't like it when you're watching me eat.

riderchop posted:

Anything anyone wanna see over Monty?

I'm considering only posting it if Fleshy's in it.

Monty's really hit or miss, and I know he's supposed to be insufferable, but little lord Fauntleroy is not a fun character

I seem to remember Pearls Before Swine being pretty good, and I even like the drawn out Sunday length Pun comics.

Hell, he even got Bill freaking Waterson to do guest strips for him. How cool is that?

Nov 4, 2009

Pearls Before Swine is good.

Sep 23, 2009

It blows my mind that people don't like Monty, it's consistently one of the best comics in this thread.

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!
i just hate losing entire weeks to the little rich kid

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
The art and lettering in monty makes my eyes instinctively slide off it.

The Bloop
Jul 5, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

riderchop posted:

i just hate losing entire weeks to the little rich kid

Yeah the rest of hit or miss, that kid is consistent miss

Jun 28, 2008

Didn't you mean to ask about flowers?
Monty is a consistent 7/10 except for the rich kid, post reruns if it's a rich kid storyline imo.

Mar 3, 2007

We were somewhere around Manila when the drugs began to take hold

and nothing was learned

DC Money
Feb 24, 2007
I'm a fancy lad.

Some Guy TT posted:

Cheer Up Boss Dharma

Strictly speaking the joke is a play on a term that roughly means catch and release. But once I realized the English name of the fish Dharma references I couldn't help myself.

that's a case of a joke taking on a better meaning but similar meaning with translation!
Also, the common names of fish are one of the most difficult to translate, as they differ even in different regions of the same country, I've had many conversations with european fishermen where it took us a while of describing back and forth to figure out what fish we were referring to. of course, the internet ruined that - now you can just...GOOGLE IT

Oct 9, 2012


Rhymes with Orange

Get Fuzzy 5/17/00

Brenda Starr 10/27/40

... potatoes?

Smokey Stover 6/2/35

Nov 4, 2009

riderchop posted:

i just hate losing entire weeks to the little rich kid

I still can't figure out why the author thinks this character was a good idea.

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?
I don't mind a couple rich kid comics, but having them go on for a week or two... eh.

Jun 14, 2005

PBS was great ~10 years ago but I think it's run out of steam.

I like Monty though, and don't mind the rich kid although his stories are rarely good.

Jan 18, 2003

Vintage Valiant (Apr. 16, 1939)

Everett False
Sep 28, 2006

Mopsy, I'm starting to question your medical credentials.

Mister Kingdom
Dec 14, 2005

And the tears that fall
On the city wall
Will fade away
With the rays of morning light

Okay, somebody has to build this.

May 1, 2008


Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set are monsters.

Working Daze is out there.

Super-Fun-Pak Comix already did this.

Cul De Sac knows meaning is where you find it.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me


Bogor 1976

Oct 5, 2010

kidcoelacanth posted:

It blows my mind that people don't like Monty, it's consistently one of the best comics in this thread.

Speaking of which, are the complete archives available anywhere? I'd kind of like to see it from the beginning back when the strip was called Robotman.

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer

EasyEW posted:

Les Moore: Professional Third Wheel

Far behind and catching up, but that casting director line.


Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
September 14th & 15th, 1981

Jun 9, 2011

                  tell me...
I remember reading a robotman collection when i was a kid, he was living with a family and it felt like a completely different strip. I still can't believe robotman was created by the syndicate as a brand mascot to get licensing deals and their first choice of artist was noted merchandising lover bill watterson. (to be fair it was before calvin and hobbes was a thing and he was still trying to get a comic deal)

anyway, i'm trying to find a strip that was posted in a previous iteration of this thread - i remember it being a very "indie" sort of strip, started mid-late 80s, was in a lot of college newspapers maybe? it didn't really have jokes, just observations. basically every strip looked like this:

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice
Jim’s Journal.

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

Darthemed posted:

Jim's Journal.

Jim's Journal was great and I would love to see it again.

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.

Ghostlight posted:


Legit breathed a sigh of relief to see the Cat I know and love back

Maxwell Lord posted:

Far behind and catching up, but that casting director line.



Mar 8, 2006

I've got my father's great big six-shooter with me 'n' if anybody in this woods wants to start somethin' just let 'em--but they DASSN'T.
Sally Forth

Skippy (December 12, 1932)

Peanuts (May 20-21, 1973)

Funky Winkerbean


9 Chickweed Lane

Rip Haywire

Thimble Theater (December 17, 1936)

Out Our Way (July 5-7, 1934)

Life (With Skippy) (May 15, 1924)

Elsewhere In The Issue:

(Don Herold)

(Fred G. Cooper, who is not only a cartoonist, but now a font face.)

Nov 24, 2006

Grimey Drawer
Brooke has a daughter, he should know that new parents don't have the same active, social, sex filled lives in the month after birth.

For fucks sake, the only consequence of a woman giving birth isn't bigger tits and an unplanned nap once a month!

Aug 29, 2000

Yep, good old anal conception.

Also, when it comes to Monty, the good to flat ratio is very much so on the good side.

Vox Valentine
May 30, 2013

Solving all of life's problems through enhanced casting of Occam's Razor. Reward yourself with an imaginary chalice.

EasyEW posted:

9 Chickweed Lane

You forgot the music meant to play in the background.

(I won't lie, this one made me chuckle but also because of, like, the music)

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

EasyEW posted:

Out Our Way (July 5-7, 1934)

I'm gonna need a Red and Rover on that first one. The second one though, when were riding mowers invented? That might inadvertently be a "Born Thirty Years Too Soon."

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set gets an education.

Working Daze also wants to know WHERE IS MY COFFEE MRS BRANT.

Super-Fun-Pak Comix is a free for all.

Cul De Sac glimpses a higher truth.

Oct 9, 2012

EasyEW posted:

Out Our Way (July 5-7, 1934)

I was a bit puzzled by this, but it turns out barbers used to keep a rack of personalized shaving mugs for their regular customers (and naturally, you wanted a spiffy-looking mug so everyone else who dropped by the shop could see you were a Person of Importance). The barber here is trying to upsell the kid on a fancy mug.

(edited to add this, from a 1931 article about a local barber shop getting rid of its stock of mugs):

Selachian fucked around with this message at 01:48 on May 19, 2020

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Selachian posted:

I was a bit puzzled by this, but it turns out barbers used to keep a rack of personalized shaving mugs for their regular customers (and naturally, you wanted a spiffy-looking mug so everyone else who dropped by the shop could see you were a Person of Importance). The barber here is trying to upsell the kid on a fancy mug.

(edited to add this, from a 1931 article about a local barber shop getting rid of its stock of mugs):

That's...actually pretty cool.

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

DC Money posted:

that's a case of a joke taking on a better meaning but similar meaning with translation!
Also, the common names of fish are one of the most difficult to translate, as they differ even in different regions of the same country, I've had many conversations with european fishermen where it took us a while of describing back and forth to figure out what fish we were referring to. of course, the internet ruined that - now you can just...GOOGLE IT

Maxwell Lord posted:

Far behind and catching up, but that casting director line.


In between these posts and the title change based on a Dharma that wasn't even the most recent one I posted, I get the impression a lot of us are lurking. Even those who post comics! Speaking of which-

Cheer Up Boss Dharma

I don't really get this. Must be some kind of online gaming culture thing. I translated it as literally as I could.

Some Guy TT fucked around with this message at 02:10 on May 19, 2020

Nov 18, 2005


EasyEW posted:

Sally Forth

:actually: Hiding out in Australia is also Ted's strategy in Risk as well.

...oh my God, why do I remember this tidbit.

Probably because that was also my tried and true Risk strategy


Safety Dance
Sep 10, 2007

Five degrees to starboard!

EasyEW posted:


I feel extremely called out by this

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