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Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!




Wizard of Id



Vargo fucked around with this message at 13:07 on May 20, 2020


Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

This could have been a story about someone being given a second chance at taking responsibility for their own life, being helped out of a depressive/self-destructive cycle, and otherwise turning their life around. Instead we're supposed to cheer because this horrible witch that was introduced to be a horrible witch is gone.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

FrumpleOrz posted:

On The Fastrack

I don't know why the fact that Holbrook still uses the word "cyberspace" in 2020 bothers me so much, but it really does explain a lot about him now that I think about it.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

Arlo and Janis

Tina's Groove Classic (October 9, 2008)

Arlo and Janis Classic (October 9, 1998)

Garfield Classic (October 9, 1988)

Feb 22, 2011


Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

LazyQ posted:


This is really sweet :swoon:

Oct 22, 2009

His Divine Shadow posted:

Ah the good Madsen.

He deffo shouldn't have built that submarine

Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe
Old School Peanuts (Oct 8, 1951)

Calvin and Hobbes (Aug 3-4, 1987)

Robbie and Bobby (Dec 29-30, 2015)

Nov 8, 2009

Vote shit sandwich or the shit sandwich gets it!

LazyQ posted:


Lovely ❤

Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.
The Far Side



Somebody fucked around with this message at 17:04 on Jul 25, 2022

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice






Drimble Wedge
Mar 10, 2008


That Mämmilä is :3:

Scary Gary

Jun 17, 2000

Booska mask replica...

3D Megadoodoo posted:

"I'll be -- women!"

A little cross-post from the Funny Panels thread...

LazyQ posted:


This is charming. :cabot: :love: :catte: Thanks again for posting Mammila

Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.
Modesty Blaise

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!



Monty, 2020

the next day of Monty, 2015 was another rich kid strip so here is something i got from hitting Random on gocomics

Monty, Dec 02 2016

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Dykes to Watch Out For #56

This is kind of an interesting quasi-lead-in to the upcoming story line about Mo and therapy. It's a pretty marked shift from the early days of the strip which treated Sparrow's therapy stuff as a funny character quirk.

Jun 14, 2005

:lol: Boyce is a mad genius.

F Minus

Mark Trail

"And for that you get a hearty Trail handshake!"

Mary Worth

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD


Apartment 3-G

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

Johnny Walker posted:

Rex Morgan MD

But they won't be online.

You're doing okay, Buck and Truck, just... take that last logical step.

Oct 9, 2012


Rhymes with Orange

Get Fuzzy 5/18/00

I missed a strip, so this one should have been up yesterday ...

Brenda Starr 11/10/40

Pretty racy for the comics page in a family newspaper, Ms. Messick.

Smokey Stover 6/13/35

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Normally I'd say something about how you upgraded Get Fuzzy but I don't like that Rhymes with Orange joke, so please replace it with the world's worst cat

May 18, 2012


*with a carefree laugh* There was almost a stake, Mary! Can you believe it?

Feb 16, 2011

:psyduck: The Ghost Who Was Dropped On The Head As A Kid.

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?
Conan the Barbarian vs. Rodents of Unusual Size Nov. 13th, 1978- Nov. 19th, 1978

Posting this has pushed me to finally order the RE Howard collections I was missing. Anyway, now, I'd maybe do a bit more research before cracking open an ancient, magical amphora, but poo poo, what do I know? Crack that fucker open and see what pops out, what can go wrong?

Edit: vv Very much so.

catlord fucked around with this message at 20:33 on May 20, 2020

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

catlord posted:

Conan the Barbarian vs. Rodents of Unusual Size Nov. 13th, 1978- Nov. 19th, 1978

Same energy

Sep 6, 2007


Alhazred posted:

:psyduck: The Ghost Who Was Dropped On The Head As A Kid.

The Phantom of Men meets the Phantom of Lions

Mar 24, 2019

catlord posted:

Conan the Barbarian vs. Rodents of Unusual Size Nov. 13th, 1978- Nov. 19th, 1978

Posting this has pushed me to finally order the RE Howard collections I was missing. Anyway, now, I'd maybe do a bit more research before cracking open an ancient, magical amphora, but poo poo, what do I know? Crack that fucker open and see what pops out, what can go wrong?

Edit: vv Very much so.
The registration on those old color Conans is just unbelievably bad. A one-off is sort of understandable, but this is every week.

Jul 8, 2003

Evil Mastermind posted:

I don't know why the fact that Holbrook still uses the word "cyberspace" in 2020 bothers me so much, but it really does explain a lot about him now that I think about it.
He formed his opinions of how the internet works in like 1998 and never re-examined them.

Mister Kingdom
Dec 14, 2005

And the tears that fall
On the city wall
Will fade away
With the rays of morning light

Selachian posted:

Pretty racy for the comics page in a family newspaper, Ms. Messick.

Shaman Tank Spec
Dec 26, 2003


howe_sam posted:

Same energy

And they're calling him a cuck too. Shameful, squirrels. Shameful. I did not expect you to go alt-right :catbert:

Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.

Zereth posted:

He formed his opinions of how the internet works in like 1998 and never re-examined them.

That comic also implies that being on the internet is like hanging out in a special club, and tons of people are being introduced to it for the first time in the year 2020. It's kind of adorable.

Oct 9, 2012

Professor Wayne posted:

That comic also implies that being on the internet is like hanging out in a special club, and tons of people are being introduced to it for the first time in the year 2020. It's kind of adorable.

And, as we saw a few days ago in K&K, Kevin is still running an ISP out of his house with a staff of two.

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

curtadams posted:

The registration on those old color Conans is just unbelievably bad. A one-off is sort of understandable, but this is every week.

That's not fair. It's only like, 3/4 of them!

But yeah, it is really bad. Looking ahead, through to the end of 1978, they are a bit better (well, not next week's, that one's real bad too), you can see some but it's not as blindingly obvious as these past few, and beyond that it seems, barring a few exceptions here and there, it's generally decent. Like I said, I've not read these before, I'm basically discovering them alongside everyone else.. I'm not really familiar with how they'd have handled colouring back in 1978, but considering how poorly it sometimes gets handled now, I'm not too surprised it gets so sloppy.

Bingo Bango
Jan 7, 2020

Samovar posted:

Not that I'm complaining, but what's up with those ink effects? It looks almost like water damage, yet deliberate. It's pretty cool.

I'm pretty sure it's something funky going on with the scanner, but I'm also not complaining.

Jan 18, 2003

Vargo posted:


The stakes here seem way higher than usual in Wallace :ohdear:

catlord posted:

Posting this has pushed me to finally order the RE Howard collections I was missing. Anyway, now, I'd maybe do a bit more research before cracking open an ancient, magical amphora, but poo poo, what do I know? Crack that fucker open and see what pops out, what can go wrong?

Activating some magic item without even knowing what it does would be a dumb enough thing to do in, like, Harry Potter or whatever, but in the Conan universe it's basically suicidal. Possibly worse.

Vintage Valiant (Apr. 30, 1939)

El Spamo
Aug 21, 2003

Fuss and misery
Horse, no!

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

Medenmath posted:

Activating some magic item without even knowing what it does would be a dumb enough thing to do in, like, Harry Potter or whatever, but in the Conan universe it's basically suicidal. Possibly worse.

Almost certainly worse! Remember, Conan and Cthulhu? Same universe. The rules of the universe might be different, you might be able to actually fight them, but they're still gonna mess you up. Also, one of the early Conan stories, The God in the Bowl, is basically all about not busting open strange, ancient artefacts without knowing what they are. It's never gems, guys! Except when it is, but those ones will probably gently caress you up too.

Anyway, I love this Valiant. I like it when people wrestle with the physical manifestations of abstract concepts or other things you probably shouldn't wrestle with.

Pigsfeet on Rye
Oct 22, 2008

No thanks to Lizzo..

Alhazred posted:

:psyduck: The Ghost Who Was Dropped On The Head As A Kid.

The Ghost Who Licks Toads

Mar 24, 2019

catlord posted:

Almost certainly worse! Remember, Conan and Cthulhu? Same universe. The rules of the universe might be different, you might be able to actually fight them, but they're still gonna mess you up. Also, one of the early Conan stories, The God in the Bowl, is basically all about not busting open strange, ancient artefacts without knowing what they are. It's never gems, guys! Except when it is, but those ones will probably gently caress you up too.

Anyway, I love this Valiant. I like it when people wrestle with the physical manifestations of abstract concepts or other things you probably shouldn't wrestle with.
Although RE Howard wrote some Cthulhu mythos stories as well as the initial Conan stories, and there are certainly shared themes of "evil things outside the world trying to get back in" and "mysteries man was not meant to know", they aren't *technically* the same universe.

Too bad for Val he didn't wrestle with his conscience; he'd have wiped the floor with that weakling! Although if that witch can just restore his youth with a potion, I'm thinking he wasn't *really* wrestling Time; maybe some illusion of the witch.

I'm impressed by the art - that sequence of aging Valiants is quite realistic and all recognizably him. And all that stuff in the background! Not something you see on the comics pages these days. Nowadays you get Stephen Pastis whining about drawing very simplified cars.


How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas

Medenmath posted:

The stakes here seem way higher than usual in Wallace :ohdear:

Activating some magic item without even knowing what it does would be a dumb enough thing to do in, like, Harry Potter or whatever, but in the Conan universe it's basically suicidal. Possibly worse.

Vintage Valiant (Apr. 30, 1939)

Whoa, the second and third to last panels are astonishing. I keep being just completely stunned by Hal Foster, I wish I hadn't slept on him for so long and I'm seriously considering splurging on the big reprint books.

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